Chapter 27

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I have to tell Arnesto. Right? He should know. He needs to know. I mean it is his son. But what if he gets angry? He could leave and if be alone with the baby. That's ridiculous. He'd never leave me. He loves me. Always has, always will. If anything. He'll be excited about the baby. So that's what I should be. Excited.

Maybe he's the wrong person to tell first. Maybe I should tell someone else. Like like a friend. I could tell Aria- oh wait. She's made me. Guess that out of the question.

I could tell my parents. Ha. That had bad idea written all over it. Dad would go kill Arnesto. Probably literally. And my mother already told me I wouldn't be living here if I was pregnant. Telling her would just raise soooooo many many issues.

I guess no one is really the best person to tell. But I can't just kept it to myself. Someone else has got to know. I need someone to be there for me.

I think that person should be Arnesto. He's the most amazing person in my life. I love him. It's settled. I'm going to tell Arnesto tomorrow. He deserves the truth. Besides. What could go wrong?


The next morning, before school, I went to my locker to get my books. I notice all the decorations people have put up for tomorrow. There are literally hearts everywhere.

I'm off deep in thought inside my locker when Arnesto walks up.

"Hey," he says. He leans up against Arianna's locker.

"Hey yourself," I say. I rearrange some stuff the. I pop my head out to smile at him. " I got something to talk to you about." I notice he looks a little nervous. I wonder.

"I've got something to talk to you about too." He responds to me. I'm completely overflowing in joy. Can he already tell I'm pregnant? Is it that obvious? I've got to know.

"Well then you can go first sweetie." I tell him in my little flirty voice. I lean in to kiss him, but he stops me. I straighten out. I start to wonder what that's all about. It's probably because I'm sick. That's all.

He stands up and looks at me, avoiding my eyes. He starts to speak. "Ok. I need you to listen to me. No interruptions. Ok?"

He looks at me and I nod at him. I suddenly become very concerned.

He starts to speak. "Well these last few months have been great and all, but I don't think this is working out. You never have time to enjoy the ,um, finer things with me. You only care about yourself. And yea I know tomorrow is valentines day and all, but let's be honest, I never really planned on buying you anything anyways."

He reaches out and puts a hand on my shoulder. "You understand where I'm going right?" I just stare at him in shock. " I think we should break up. I mean it's obvious we were just using each other for pleasure. And now that you've stopped seeking pleasure, it's time that I should move on to make someone else happy."

I just stand there staring with a straight line face. I can't believe this is happening. How could he do this.

"Are we cool Lilly? I mean. It's not like this relationship was serious or anything. I mean. We're just teenagers having fun. No feelings attached. Just sex. "

He picks up my chin to look him in the eyes. "This shouldn't hurt you too much. I mean I honestly never loved you anyways. You probably did the same. We can still be friends. Maybe with benefits If you want," he says with a wink.

I closed my locker and looked at him in disbelief. I can't believe he just even said that. Like. Holy crap! That little shit!

Before I could even stop myself, my instincts kicked in. Before I knew it, I had punched Arnesto as hard as I freaking could. His nose cracked so loud, everyone in the hallway stopped to stare. I walked away with my pride as I left him standing there, clutching his bleeding nose.

Ha. That's what you get, douche. Be thankful I'd didn't just castrate you, you little horny bastard.

"I'll take that as a no?" I hear behind me. I don't even turn to acknowledge him.

I walk away with my head held high. As I strut down the hall, I hear from somewhere to my right "you go girl!"

Trust me. I'm going going gone.

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