Chapter 29

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The next morning, my father insisted that I go talk to coach Brent after practice so I could apologize for taking myself out for the rest of the season.

I agreed to do it because I mean, at least I wouldn't have to see anyone else. I could be in and out before they all left the locker rooms.

As long as no one would would see me, I'd be fine. Just one person could jeopardize my whole plan.


At approximately 645, I show up to the pool. I wait until everyone is down in the locker rooms before I knock on Brent's office door.

"Come in Lilly," he says as I open the door. I come inside and he points to a chair. "Have a seat. I hear you have something you'd like to say.".

I sit down and start to feel feel a little more at ease when I look out his window and see no one is on deck. Good. I turn to look him in the eyes and begin to speak. "I'm sorry that I got myself suspended for the rest of the season. I didn't mean to. It just happened. I also am sorry I also punched that little basta?- I mean Arnesto in the face. Hopefully he can still swim for you." even though he shouldn't get to. He totally deserved that punch.

He looks at me and smiles a bit. "Don't worry about it too much. He really had it coming after what he did. I made him swim an extra 200 fly for showing up late yesterday. You're welcome."

I smile back. "So you know why it happened, I take it?"

He nods his head. "You guys were like a celebrity couple. Everyone knew all your business. And I do mean all," he says, giving me a look suggesting he knows more than I would like him to.

I blush and start to get up "well if that is all, I guess we're good so I'll just-"

He places a hand on me and I sit back down. "Oh no. We're not quite done." He stands up and goes over to the window. Brent pulls the shades down. He then moved to the door and locks it.

"You see," he explains. "Since you can't swim for me anymore this season, you owe me one. And I plan to get what I deserve."

My smile disappears from my face. I instantly feel uncomfortable. He starts pulling things from his desk, and I run to the door. I try to open it, but somehow it's locked from the inside.

"Ha did you really think I'd be that stupid?" he comes over and grabs my shoulder. He pulls me over back to the chair. I notice the items he's pulled back into the desk: duct tape, rope and a knife.

He picks up the knife and plays with it in his hands. "Hmm. I really don't see why Arnesto would let you go. You really are beautiful. Wouldn't it be a shame if something were to happen to you." suddenly he's pointing it at me.

"You will do anything and everything I tell you to do. Am I clear. "

I nod at him terrified, shaking in my chair. " Then get up!" I do as I'm told. He picks up the duct tape and rips off a piece and places it on my mouth. "Now I'll give you the option: you can either take those clothes off yourself, or I'll cut them off. Choose quickly!"

I do as Im told and take off my shirt. And my pants. When I hesitate about the rest, he brings the knife closer to me. "Finish."

Scared for my life, I take the rest off. I stand there before him naked. He walks around me, inspecting my body. "Don't make any sudden movements, if you do, you'll get a nice little reminder not to." I feel him like my back with the knife, telling me it's presence.

I didn't want to be cut, so I let him do as he wants. His hands start touching my body, and I begin to cry. I feel disgusted. I want him to stop but I know if I do anything wrong, he could kill me and no one would ever know.

As his hands begin to grow bored, he speaks to me again. "Get on the desk."

I hesitate. So he reaches in the drawer. "Hm maybe you need better inspiration." In his hand, he now holds a gun. "I said get on the desk!"

I climb on to the desk and lay there as he ties me to it. He stands by my head and rips off the duct tape. The second he does, I start to scream. He slaps my and points the gun to my head. "Be quiet you little whore! the only sounds I want to hear from you better be of enjoyment. "

My eyes grow wide and I start to cry. It's happening. It's really happening. I was being raped by Brent. Again. I had hoped this wouldn't ever happen again. But I was wrong.

He prepared himself and moved closer to me. "Why don't we see if Arnesto has taught you some new tricks, shall we? hopefully you've improved."

I scream again, so he duct tapes my mouth again. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this. He takes the knife and makes a large cut in my stomache. I scream, but the tape muffles it.

He laughs as blood begins to trickle all over me. "Now where were me?" It was like living in a nightmare. For the second time.

If only I couldn't remember what happened next.

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