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   "When you get that funny
feeling way down low.
Just stop what you're doing
and go, go, go."

   Brina's eyes slowly opened, her gaze slightly blurry at first. The last thing she remembered was hearing the door open to her little room, but then it was black. She scowled when she realized they must have used their magic powers to make her sleep like they did when she was first caught.

   However, Brina soon felt that her pelvis area was no longer wet, and the room around her no longer smelled like food.

   Not to mention, all that Brina could hear was the quiet chatter of the scientists and some sort of human song. Brina could not decipher what the words of the song meant, but the toon was slow and childlike. Turning her head to the right, Brina was met with the sight of some sort of magic box with images flashing across the screen.

   The images were animated with bubbly bouncy characters. It was bright and happy, something which immediately caught Brina's attention.

   The sheets ruffled as Brina sat up in her bed, watching the television. Her eyes were wide with wonder, flickering over the screen. She had never seen anything like this, were those people trapped in the little image box?

   Standing from the bed, Brina took notice that her attire was now different from before she woke up. She still wore sweats, but the color scheme of them had simply changed.

   Bending down, Brina grasped the television, running her hands over the screen. She studied the odd device for a few moments, deciding that the people on the screen could not see her as she could see them. With this conclusion, Brina once again stood up, backing away toward her bed.

   Crawling back onto the comfy piece of furniture, Brina crossed her legs, involuntarily beginning to play with her toes as she watched the television.

   On the screen was a children's nursery show, meant to aid kids in potty-training. Because it was meant for kids, you did not necessarily need to know what any of the words they sang meant as long as you understood the motions of what the animated characters on screen were doing.

   Tilting her head, Brina watched as the characters danced around a toilet pointing to it. She recognized the toilet as the odd seat she had seen in the smaller room connected to the one she was currently residing it. Not only was there the odd chair in there, but there was also a weird bed-like looking contraption along with another tall counter thing. Of course, these two things were only a bathtub and sink, but Brina had no clue to that.

   It took only seconds for it to click in Brina's mind that this show was trying to teach her how to use the weird-looking chair. Eager to know more about this human technology, Brina sat ideally, listening and absorbing the information by watching the motions of the character.

   "I went to the potty,
and washed my hands too.
I went to the potty like
the big kids do!"

   'Potty?' Brina thought to herself, finding the name of the contraption rather strange.

   Not only had the characters released themselves into the 'potty', as Brina now knew it as, but they had also washed there hands in the counter-thing afterward.

   Was this what they wanted her to do? Brina suddenly thought back to when she released herself, realizing that happened just minutes before she was sedated. She figured that must have been the reason they sedated her, to clean her up.

   The thing about sirens was that they were incredibly clever creatures. Alike to humans, sirens learned at a fast pace. It would not take long for Brina to truly pick up on the ways of humans and their cultures. After all, she had already deciphered that the scientists currently standing outside of the glass watching her, played this show to explain that they wanted her to use the toilet from now on.

   Brina would comply, finding that relieving herself on land was much different than in the ocean. In the ocean, it floated away while here it stuck, and Brina was not too fond of the feeling of having the sticky mess on her. So yes, Brina would make an attempt at relieving herself in the toilet from now on.

   However, Brina also found the video quite helpful in learning about human cultures, and she suspected watching more of these would eventually help her understand what the ones watching her were actually trying to say. If she learned how to speak human, then she could ask them why it was that they took her here.

   And so, Brina remained glued to her spot on the bed, mind eagerly drinking in the information the show provided.

   "Doctor Skirth, you truly are a genius, how did you come up with this?" Doctor Callahan questioned as him, Doctor Dora Skirth, and Carlton Drake watched the siren along with the four other scientists in the lab.

   "I have two kids." Dora easily answered, having figured after her first two kids, the best way to get through to children. She suspected that educational videos meant for toddlers would help Brina, as technically speaking, Brina's knowledge of the human world was no more than a two-year-old.

   "This is incredible, she is actually learning from this! If we keep playing videos like this for her, it should not be long until she is able to talk to us." Carlton was smiling so wide, Quinton thought his face might split in half.

   "Sir," Carlton turned his gaze away from the siren reluctantly, his gaze clashing with Linkin. The sporty red-haired scientist was the newest recruit on the team, and so far, she had held her place well. "Our scans from the room are showing her overall intelligence is through the roof, possibly even more so than a human. It is as if her mind is constantly shifting to adapt to her surroundings, and as she is here in the lab, we suspect that her brain is quite literally adapting to survive a human-based environment." She was looking at him eagerly, Carlton's eyes widening in shock along with Callahan's and Skirth's.

   "That's amazing, nothing like that has ever occurred from any life on Earth." Skirth breathed Carlton, swallowing while clasping his hands.

   Carlton's mind spun wildly, new hypothesis taking form as he thought about how fast this siren truly was learning. "So, it's almost like she's..." Carlton paused, the word stuck at the edge of his tongue. "Evolving."

   "Exactly," Doctor Linkin pointed her pen at him, bouncing on her toes. "Except, while it is slow for practically all life forms on Earth, normally taking thousands and thousands of years, for her, it seems that her brain is evolving to become what she needs in this environment in a matter of minutes!" She exclaimed, all four of them standing in a circle, Carlton's eyes lighting up as he thought of something.

   "Do you think, that perhaps her body could physically adapt as well? I mean, in a way, it already has, she now has legs to walk on land." Carlton was thinking hard on all the possibilities.

   "Yes, but we still don't know if this is a normal thing for her species." Callahan pointed out, Carlton groaning in frustration, wishing he could just ask her.

   "All the more reason why we need her to communicate with us, therefore, I want these sort of education children channels playing nonstop," Carlton ordered, all the scientists around him quickly shaking their heads.

   "Sit on the potty,
sit and wait. Sit on
the potty, it will be

   'How complex,' Brina thought, narrowing her eyes as she considered how exactly it was the humans did this.

   'So, I just sit on the toilet and wait?' Brina paused, studying the video.

   Glancing to the glass, she once again saw all the people watching her, some of them writing down certain things. Turning away from them, facing the television, she watched the remainder of the video.

   The second it ended, Brina looked down to her toes before glancing at the door leading to the small restroom. Breathing in deeply, still finding the air odd, Brina decided that she would test her theory. She would go use the restroom and see if it made the humans happy.

   "Hey, she's moving!" Emerson called, Carlton Drake and the others quickly stopping their conversation, eyes landing on Brina.

   "She's actually doing it..." Callahan breathed with disbelief, seeing Brina walking into the restroom.

   Brina did not bother to close the door; however, the bathroom was situated in a way that even with the door wide open, the prying eyes of Carlton Drake and his team were still unable to see inside, no matter where they were standing.

   "I think this has to be the weirdest but coolest thing that has ever happened to me," Quinton said, the entire group watching the opening to the restroom, avidly waiting for the siren to come back out.

   "What? You don't normally potty-train a siren?" Carlton joked his mood through the roof with everything that was happening.

   After using the restroom, Brina took approximately five minutes building up the courage to flush it. Of course, once she did, she examined the entire thing, finding the process fascinating. It was because of this that she flushed the toilet five more times, simply watching the water circle down in shock.

   Shaking herself out of it, Brina did not allow herself to flush it for a sixth time, walking over to the sink.

   'Now, how does this thing work?' She questioned herself, her eyes lighting as she remembered how the magic box said to turn on the sink.

   Reaching forward, Brina clutched the knob, pulling it toward her. A bright smile lit up her face as water flowed freely from the valve, Brina wasting no time in holding her hands under the warm water. She shivered at the warmth of the water, having grown so used to the chilly Pacific that she had nearly forgotten how warm water felt.

   Sure, Brina had visited the Atlantic once or twice, but she had not stayed long enough to truly bask in the warmth of the ocean. However, the chilly temperatures of the Pacific were no match for the downright freezing waters of the Arctic ocean.

   In Brina's opinion, it wasn't just the water that was cold in the Arctic, the sirens who resided there were quite cold and shallow in personality. Not to mention pale as ever, with hair that was a color equivalent to snow.

   That was how it worked in the oceans, the sirens appearance tended to mirror the atmosphere of the ocean they were born in. Because Brina was born in the Pacific, she alike to others born in the Pacific sported dark locks with creamy skin. Her sister; however, was born in the Atlantic, giving her an appearance consisting of chocolate curls and sun-kissed skin.

   Yes, despite the fact that Brina and Nadia were sisters because they happened to be born in different oceans, they looked nothing alike. The two looked nothing like their parents either.

   From what Brina could remember of her mother, she was of the western Indian ocean. This meant that her mother naturally had coconut colored skin, with equally as deep brown hair. Her father, if Brina remembered correctly, was from the Northern part of the Indian Ocean. Therefore, he was, as humans would associate him, a man of Asian descent.

   All in all, Brina's family of four looked nothing alike, and most humans, if they ever were to see them together, would not believe they were a blood-related family based on the fact that none of them looked even close to the related.

   Brina could not even remember the last time she had seen her mother, Marcela. Nor could she recall when she had last spoken with her father, Arkyn.

   Now, Arkyn and Marcela both loved their daughters greatly; however, it was a tradition that when the time came, the parents would leave their children for decades to come. This time came approximately twenty-five years prior for Brina and Nadia.

   At some point, their parents would find them again, but that time was not supposed to happen for another few years at least.

   The thing about sirens was that they lived for extreme lengths of time. The average life span of a siren was an estimated thousand years. In legend, it was said that witches hunted sirens for their flesh, as making a siren-flesh soup would grant witches eternal youth. However, it was rare that any witch was able to catch a siren, even with their magic.

   Luckily, in recent days the siren species did not need to worry about witches hunting them as the witch population died out a hundred years prior.

   No doubt if they were still around, Carlton Drake would be hunting for one of them too.

    Brina was pulled from her thoughts as her eyes caught sight of the bar of soap at the side of the sink. Remembering the video, Brina used the soap to clean her hands thoroughly, finding that because of the water containing no salt, she was able to refrain from transforming.

   "Mr. Drake," Carlton scowled at the voice of Emerson, turning around to face the cowering scientist. "It's seven o'clock."

   Carlton crossed his arms, raising a single brow. "And?" He stressed, looking exasperated at the lack of definition for the random time which was just thrown at his face.

   "Closing time, sir!" Carlton scoffed in annoyance, his gaze resting on Callahan who was quickly packing up his things.

   Doctor Linkin placed her hands on hips looking at him expectantly. "What, do you have a hot date or something?" She asked, the Scottish doctor grinning to himself wildly.

   "More like a hot prostitute waiting for my dick--" Quinton was cut off by Carlton spinning around and throwing a pen at his head. "OW!" He cried dramatically as the small object hit him rather harshly.

   Quinton Callahan was known for his vulgar nature, most blaming it on his Scottishness.

   "This is work, don't talk about your sex life." Carlton chided, but a hint of a smile was planted over his lips.

   It was at that moment, that while everyone was beginning to pack up and power down certain systems, that Brina walked out of the bathroom. With a wide smile, Carlton clapped his hands, finding the situation odd, but knowing that to get Brina to realize using the toilet was what they wanted her to do, he had to praise her in some manner.

   Recognizing the gesture as praise, Brina now knew for certain that using the toilet was what they wanted of her from now on. And Brina herself liked it better than wetting herself.

   "Blue, orange, and pink!
These are the colors
and the names!"

   Brina's attention was ripped away from the scientists, her eyes wandering back to the screen. Waltzing over, Brina laid back down on her bed, her eyes focused on the screen. She recognized all the colors, but now she was learning the names humans referred to them as.

   'Blue?' Brina thought, recognizing the color as the color of the ocean. 'What an odd word to call it.'

   "Okay, I want everyone back here no later than ten o'clock tomorrow morning. We have a lot of work to get done, and so much to learn! Have a good night." Carlton said as his team began filing out, Callahan taking lead, practically sprinting out of the lab.

   Doctor Skirth offered a polite wave, Carlton waving back as she left. Now the only one inside the lab, Carlton spun around, facing Brina who was watching the television intently. Overlooking her room, he made sure she had everything she needed, deciding he would feed her tomorrow morning as she did not seem hungry at the moment.

   He still was not sure how much a siren needs to eat. Was it more than a human? Less? Maybe even the same? He could not be sure until he studied her habits for a longer amount of time.

   "Good night, siren!" Carlton called, referring to the subject as 'siren', not liking how the name C54 slipped off his tongue.

   Brina barely glanced at Carlton, allowing her eyes to slide over his lean body before her attention was again caught by the television. Carlton sighed, truly wishing he knew a better way to get her attention.

   It was obvious speaking to her how he was wasn't working, she had no clue what he was saying. He would need to either wait until she learned some more from the education channels or find another way.

   Taking a deep breath, Carlton shut the lights off to the lab, giving Brina once last lingering glance as he left the room. Perhaps a bath and some wine were in order after this stupendous day of his.

   The second Carlton was gone, Brina frowned, her eyes darting back where the group of humans had been standing the whole time she had been there. Now, it was dark and there was not a single person in sight.

   Had they left her?

   Brina shook the thoughts away, telling herself that they would be back soon enough. Huffing, Brina brought her attention back to the screen, silently mouthing along with the words.

   'Pink. Orange. Blue. Purple.' Her lips moved as the color associated with the name came over the screen.

   It was only a matter of time before Brina would learn to speak. And hopefully, for her sake, it would be soon. She too understood the importance of communicating with the humans as soon as possible. After all, she did want to know why she was her.

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