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Brina loved playing with Carlton Drake. That was a new past time she soon found.

Of course, as soon as Doctor Skirth and Carlton walked in, Brina chose to stop talking. The siren simply sat back in front of the television, pretending to watch it, but in reality, she was focusing on Carlton Drake trying to get her attention out of the corner of her eye.

He stood just outside the glass, watching her with a scowl, silently cursing her stubborn nature. He did not understand, she had literally just been a chatterbox before he arrived, what the hell had changed?

However, unbeknownst to him, the reason for Brina's behavior was that was simply how female sirens tended to act toward the ones they began growing attracted to. Especially Brina, who found it incredibly amusing to watch Carlton get so desperate for her attention. If Carlton had known this, then he would have done the smart thing, he would have stopped trying to get her attention and ignored her because then Brina would dislike being ignored and in turn do everything in her power to get Carlton back.

But, Carlton did not know this, so he continued tapping on the glass wall, unaware that he was only fueling Brina further. Eventually, Carlton stopped trying to get her attention for a few minutes, taking a break so that he could watch the recently recorded video of her holding a conversation with Quinton and Doctor Catherine Linkin.

He immediately ordered the information to be looked into further, but unfortunately, with Brina refusing to acknowledge their existence, there was only so much they could do.

"Add stubborn and bratty on the personality list," Carlton growled while pinching the bridge of his nose.

He knew what she was doing now, he was not an idiot. His only question was why she found it amusing to ignore him out of everyone here.

Callahan quietly snickered while writing down what Carlton told him to. Dora rolled her eyes, smacking Callahan upside the head. Quinton only laughed harder, having a hard time keeping quiet as he watched his boss start banging on the glass for the umpteenth time.

"Why. Are. You. Ignoring. Me!" Carlton exclaimed.

Quinton was now covering his mouth to keep in the laughs begging to escape. Though Dora also found the situation slightly amusing, she was not so idiotic as to actually laugh out loud.

Hearing Quinton snickering, Carlton narrowed his eyes while whirling around to face his employee.

"Something funny, Callahan?" He said through gritted teeth, his hands fisted in irritation.

"No, no, nothing at all, sir," Callahan's words did not ring true and everyone knew that.

"You know what, why don't you try getting her attention," Carlton threw his hands up while walking toward his employee.

Callahan's amusement soon ran dry, as he frantically shook his head. "Oh no, I don't think that would be the smartest move—"

"Oh no, please, let's give you a chance, trade places with me," Carlton forcefully pulled Callahan out of his chair, pushing him toward the containment cell.

Quinton watched with his mouth agape as Carlton sat where he previously was, grabbing the pen next to his page of notes on Brina, Carlton's eyes quickly flicking over the many words scrolled in Callahan's handwriting.

Carlton furrowed his brows when he read the words "heavy sexual tension between the doctor and subject".

What the fuck?

Slowly, Carlton looked toward Callahan who was already looking at him as if waiting for him to read that. So, that was the reason he did not want to move. Carlton did not have the energy to scold him, so the head doctor only groaned while erasing the words.

"Well," Carlton asked a few minutes later when Callahan was still making no move in trying to communicate with the siren. "I told you to communicate, so I expect you to do it,"

Quinton only sighed, seeing Carlton ready to do what Quinton's previous job had been in writing down everything about the siren.

Turning to face the cell, Quinton made eye contact with Brina simply sitting on her bed watching the television show. Clearing his throat, Quinton awkwardly waved, trying to remember what it was he did last time that caught her attention.

Catherine laughed quietly from where she stood, something which immediately caught everyone's attention as the room was silent. Catherine blushed when everyone's gaze was on her, the sporty redhead not daring to look at her boss.

However, Quinton had other plans as a lightbulb went off in his head. "Oi, Catherine was talking to Brina with me earlier, let's just reenact what we did then and see if she'll acknowledge us!" He suggested, causing Dora to shake her head while Catherine scowled at the laidback scientist.

Carlton flicked his gaze between the two with narrowed eyes, easily able to smell the attraction wafting off of them for miles. How long had this been going on and how big of a distraction was it?

If the attraction between them was too distracting, Carlton would be forced to move one of them to the symbiote science team; most likely Quinton, since he was the only one of the two, qualified to work in space exploration. Catherine only had her marine biology degree.

"That is so idiotic, Quinton—"

Catherine was standing but never got to finish her sentence as Callahan turned back to the cell. He knew what he was doing, riling Catherine up was what had happened last time after all.

The next thing he had done was tell a joke. And so, tell a joke Callahan will.

"Why does a mermaid wear seashells?" This joke even pertained to Brina.


"Because she outgrew her B-shells! Haha!" Doctor Callahan threw his head back, actually finding his own joke hilarious.

The fact that Brina was now staring at him instead of the television was a bonus. No one really knew how to react.

If Carlton was being honest with himself, a large part of him wanted to laugh at the cheesy joke. There was a reason Callahan was one of his favorites, and a lot of it had to do with his sheer personality as well as his brains.

Well, his brains when he chose to act intelligently, that was.

Before he could say anything, Catherine beat him to it, walking up to the scientist hitting his arm while scolding him for his inappropriate behavior. Carlton rose his brows at the exchange.

He was well-aware of Catherine Linkin, she was his newest addition to the place and she had much promise. What he was more concerned about was how he did not notice whatever "this" was going on between her and Callahan.

Doctor Drake was about to open his mouth, ready to tell both of them off when a light beautiful accented voice spoke.

"The fact that you two are denying the mating process seriously befuddles me," Brina spoke earning everyone's attention as she stood from her spot walking toward the glass.

"Where did you even learn the word, befuddle?" Quinton asked causing Brina shrug.

"As I said before, your language is easy to gain once you pick up on it. Your human behaviors; however, are not so understandable," Brina was looking at them all as if they were a mystery.

Carlton was both entranced by the voice as well as frustrated. Was it really that easy for Callahan to get a reply when he had been trying for the past hour!

The second Carlton stood up, Brina turned her head to face him. She took in his form, from his beautifully tanned skin to his deep brown eyes, everything about the male human seemed to draw the siren in. She wanted him to beg for her attention again.

And so, she did the thing she did best. With one last unwavering glance from her big ocean eyes, Brina turned around facing the bed and television. She eyed the pool for a moment, considering going for a swim, but seeing as she did not feel like dealing with the pain of the transformation, she chose to remain human.

"Brina!" Carlton huffed, making his way back in front of the glass.

Unfortunately, Brina only kept her back to him. Smirking, Brina plopped back down on her bed, choosing to watch the television.



Brina did not speak for the rest of the day. Even after all the other scientists left and went home, Carlton stayed hoping that perhaps without so many people Brina would begin speaking with him.

Alas, that was not the case. Considering it was almost nine o'clock and Carlton had to be here by seven a.m. tomorrow, he figured it was time to leave. Sighing, Carlton ceased in his knocking, allowing his gaze to sweep over the beautiful siren once more.

She did not even glance at him. Or so he thought.

How was he supposed to know she had been watching him out of the corner of her eye this entire time?

When Carlton grabbed his shoulder bag and began turning off the main lights, Brina was taken by surprise. She was expecting Carlton to stay all night. Perhaps she had taken it too far in her little game?

When Carlton was making his way to the door, Brina quickly stood up, panic clear on her face.

Yes, Brina knew it probably was not the smartest that out of all the men for her to grow both attracted and attached to, Carlton was not the best one. However, she could not help it. Everything about him simply drew her in. She wanted him like words could not describe.

She was unsure what to do when he finally reached the door, and it was not until his hand was placed on the doorknob that she let out a wailing cry. Carlton jumped from shock at the loud tone, the screeching effect making his ears hum in pain.

Snapping his body around, Carlton was greeted by the sight of Brina standing by the glass window with a look of discontent melted onto her pretty features. Frowning, Brina simply shook her head.

"Carlton Drake, don't leave," as much as Brina hated the begging lull to her voice, she hated the thought of Carlton leaving her even more.

Just last night she did not care all that much when everyone left, but now the thought of Carlton leaving her hurt her more than she wished.

Gulping down his shock, the CEO slowly made his way back toward the glass, dropping his bag on the way.

"Now you want to talk? When I am about to go home?" He chuckled hoarsely, though he truly did not mind.

Even if it was last minute, he finally got something out of her. And that something was a bigger reaction than he ever expected. Standing in front of the glass, Carlton titled his head.

No words were spoken between the two, Carlton simply gazed at the beautiful creature in front of him.

"Is ignoring me a fun game?" Carlton finally asked earning a nod from Brina who did not look apologetic in the least about it.

"Yes," her answer was short and simple and caused him to laugh.

"You are such a stubborn little thing, ignoring me all day and finally acknowledging me when I get ready to leave," Carlton's words were getting lower and his form had gotten closer to the glass.

He wanted to reach out and feel her soft skin, hold her small body against his own. Look into those wide blue eyes of hers while he was gifting her with kisses upon kisses upon kisses.

Brina had gotten closer to the glass as well, making sure to stay right in front of it so she did not bump into it again. The clearness of it was teasing, and more often than not Brina forgot it was there.

Brina drank in the way his brown hair blended with his dark eyes, realizing he reminded her of the sirens that swam around the Indian oceans.

Standing just a few feet away from Carlton made a familiar feeling rise in the back of Brina's throat. She smiled at the feeling, not pushing it away but rather embracing it alike to an old friend until it finally came forth and left her throat.

Carlton was taken off guard when Brina opened her lips just a bit and suddenly the most angelic sound the man had ever heard played around him.

In an instant, Carlton's thought became jumbled and unorganized as every little problem he had faded away to nothingness. Carlton was engulfed with feelings of peace, serenity, and love as he listened to the beautiful sound that could only be described as a song of the vocals.

It was melodious and all Carlton wanted to do was listen to it forever. The instinct to hold Brina now as she sang was so strong that he almost walked over and opened the door to the containment cell. However, Brina was not pushing him to release her, all her song was is something of love, something that Carlton would be inexplicably drawn to.

The song of the siren was a mysterious power which could be used for many purposes. In this case, Brina was simply singing out of affection.

Carlton felt lighter as he watched the siren, his head swimming with thoughts of pure bliss. He wanted to run and open the door so he could be even closer to her, but his feet were glued to the ground, forcing him to stay still and only watching the siren with something akin to affection.

After a few minutes of pure bliss, Brina finally stopped rendering Carlton once again able to move and think. Carlton blinked, looking at his subject in a new light.

Thousands of questions rang in his mind and yet only one word was able to slip past his lips.


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