Chapter Four: The Last Picture Show Part 2

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We wait for Archie outside his house and when he approaches, he slows his steps.

"Oh god." He grumbles, walking up to us. "Please tell me you're not still on this crazy witch hunt."

"It's not a witch hunt and it's not crazy." Betty replies while Veronica and I raise our eyebrows.

"We were just in Grundy's car—"

"What? You were in her car?" Archie demands.

"Yeah, and thank god we were. We found a gun." Veronica admits.

"What?" Archie mutters, his brows furrowing.

"And a Driver's license with the name Jennifer Gibson." I add, Archie looking even more puzzled.

"This is proof Ms. Grundy is not who she says she is." Betty decides.

"Then who is she?" Archie responds.

"Obviously some sketch-queen named Jennifer Gibson." Veronica answers.

"Archie, what if she had something to do with Jason's murder?" Betty suggests, Archie looking very ready to argue.

"She taught him, she made you lie about him. We know she was at the river, she has a gun."

"So does Dilton Doiley, but you never thought he killed Jason." Archie reminds us.

"Open your eyes, Archie! Jason was her student last year. Everything about Grundy is a gigantic question mark, fool." I remind him but he shakes his head.

"Okay, whatever her name is, she's not a killer." Archie tells us.

"You didn't ask her, did you? About her name? About why there's no record of her before last year?" Betty asks and Archie sighs in defeat. "Why?"
He walks past us, entering his house and leaving us standing there in defeat and a lot of worry for our dear red haired friend.


I sit on my bed, looking through Ms. Grundy's very empty Facebook page when I hear a knock.
I yelp, my laptop hopping on my bed and I stare at my window.
Jughead was kneeling outside it, looking very defeated.
I rush over, stumbling over the carpet since I was wearing my fluffy socks. I pull the window open and he climbs in, shutting the window behind him.

"Everything okay?" I ask, watching him collapse on my bed. He sighs and I sit beside him, the two of us staring at my ceiling. Which was still decorated with glow-in-the-dark stars, ones we applied when I first moved to Riverdale.
They had been a gift from Betty as a warm welcome and Jughead and Manuel had plastered them over my ceiling since I couldn't even reach it, even while standing on my bed.

"I couldn't convince Fred Andrews to give me time to try and save the drive-in. So, the next movie really is the last." He sighs and I frown, sighing as I hug my knees.

"I'm sorry, Juggie." I whisper, sighing. "I know what that place is... for you."

"Guess I'll just have to enjoy it while it lasts." He responds.

"You could stay here for a little bit. You know you're like family." I offer, but he shakes his head.

"No, I don't want to add any more pressure to you.
I'll... think of something. I always do." He mutters, shutting his eyes. I stare at him and consider telling him about the Serpent I had seen in the photo with Hermione Lodge but think against it, knowing it's not what he needs to hear.



I walk into Dad's office and stare at the wall which was covered in photos and red string. I stand there for a minute before looking at him.

"Nice murder wall, True Detective." I joke.
He looks up at me before looking at the wall.

"Here's your high point, dad." I place the mug in front of him.

"Thanks, bud. You need something?" He asks while I remain standing there.

"Can I borrow the truck for the drive-in?" I ask.

"You got a date?" He asks.

"No, I'm going with Carmen and Veronica." I admit.
He sighs.

"Oh, okay. I mean, is there not a nice gay kid at your school?" He asks.

"Yeah. There is. Me." I joke and he chuckles.

"All right. No cruising guys tonight. Okay?" We both know what goes on in those woods." He reminds me, pulling out his car keys.

"Oh my god, dad." I reply.

"I'm dead serious. All right, we've got a murderer on the loose and a lot of unsavory characters in that part of town. So, if you go, you stay in the truck."

He commands, patting my shoulder.

"Alright." I respond, giving a mock salute and he hands over the keys.



I leaned against Kevin's shoulder, the two of us and Veronica and Manuel (who did the same thing as Kevin) sitting in the bed of the truck. Rebel Without a Cause was playing, which meant Jughead had taken Betty's suggestion.
I shove a handful of Sour Patch Kids into my mouth, adjusting the blanket resting on our laps.

Veronica sat on the other side of Kevin and we all just watch the movie, silent and enjoying this last trip to the Drive-In. But then Cheryl's car pulls up in front of us and she climbs out.

"Make some room, outcasts. And Carmen and Manny." She commands, squeezing in beside us.

"That hair." Kevin sighs.

"That face." Veronica responds.

"That jacket." I reply, staring at James Dean with a dreamy stare.

Manuel looked over Veronica to me with his eyebrows raised.

"Really, Carmencita? You're really gonna go there when I'm trying to hook you up with Archie."
He asked quizzically.

"Oh callate, Manuel Javier." I reply sarcastically while I smack him upside his head, careful not to accidentally hit Veronica.

"Jason always adored the drive-in." Cheryl admits and even I can't help but roll my eyes. I hear obnoxious laughter and groan.

The Southside Serpents, of course.

"Southside trash." Kevin groans.

"They've been doing that since the opening credits." I admit, sipping my Pepsi. Kevin leans over me, glancing at them sitting behind us.

"Shh!" He hisses but they all just laugh, throwing soda cans and popcorn at us. He leans back, sighing in defeat and I narrow my eyes, Manuel looking up and noticing my pissed off face.

"Ronnie, hold my Sour Patches, por favor." I command, handing them off.

"Oh shit." Kevin and her gasp. I never put down my Sour Patch Kids. I stood on the bed of the truck.

"Oye! Pendejos!" They all look over at me, still laughing a bit.
"You have any idea what happens to a snake when a Louis Vuitton heel steps on it?! Shut the hell up if you don't want to find out!" I shout and they become silent as they stare at me. People applaud and I do a good imitation of a Veronica Lodge curtsy in which I said Gracias before I quickly sit down.

"I cannot believe you just threatened a gang banger! And you aren't even wearing Louis Vuitton!" He reminds me.

"I was playing to sick Veronica on them. See how those Serpents handle a girl from Guadalajara." I state proudly and Veronica giggles and Manuel whoops and says: "!VIVA GUADALAJARA!"

"Just wait until Archie hears about what you did tonight. He's going to be all over you at school tomorrow." He adds in conclusion, Cheryl not even holding back her own giggles, and I grin before we all look back at the movie.

"How about a refill?" Veronica asks Cheryl, holding out the popcorn bucket.

"Yeah, Kev, how about a refill?" Cheryl agrees, passing it to him. "Cherry Cola as always."
He rolls his eyes but gets up, climbing out of the bed of the truck and we scoot to fill the truck's bed better.



I sit in my bedroom and pull out my phone, texting Jughead quickly.

Come over, please. I don't want you staying alone. I text. I see him responding before he texts me back.

Dude, you're working hard enough. I'm not burdening you. He responds and I groan.

You're not burdening me, Jughead. You're my best friend so for the love of God, Forsythe Pendleton Jones the Third, I command you to get over here.
Don't make me call your dad. I text and wait for a few moments before I get his response.

I refuse to have you take care of me. Just drop it, Carmen. He commands and I sigh before texting him once more.

I love you vato but right now is not the time to be stubborn. I admit. He doesn't respond and I sigh, shaking my head at my best friend.



Dear diary, love makes you do crazy things and maybe some of what I did was wrong, but maybe... Maybe I was right about some things, too. Maybe Ms. Grundy was dangerous in some way. Tomorrow morning, when we wake up, the world will, yet again, be changed.



The movie finally ended and I stared at the machine for a moment. Then I started gathering all my stuff.
An old photo of Jellybean and me. My few belongings. Then I walked out of the booth, a spray can in hand. I tagged the side of the building with
"Jughead Jones Wuz Here" and a crown placed atop it. I threw aside the can before grabbing my bag and turning to face...him.

"They'll tear that booth down, too. Raise the whole place. Send it to the junkyard. And us with it." He stated.

"Yeah. Maybe they'll save it. All the pieces. Store it in the town hall attic and rebuild it in a hundred years. Wonder who the hell we were." I suggest, grinning slightly. He smirked.

"Hm. So where are you gonna live now?" He asks and my smile falls.

"I'll figure it out, dad." I answer, looking away from him. "I always do." I add walking past him, straight out of my home.
And that's going to be it for part 2 of episode four. Only six episodes left until Archie and Carmen are "official". Hope you enjoyed this and please tell me what you think. 🙂🙂🙂

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