Chapter Twelve: Anatomy Of a Murder Part 2

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I open the door to see Jughead and Archie there, about to knock. My hair was braided and I'm wearing a pair of low-rise jeans, sneakers and a thick black sweater dress with my parka over it. And I also had minimal makeup.

"Hey." I greet, raising my brows, turning and adjusting my jacket.

"You gotta come to Pop's with us," Archie tells me and I look between them.


"Archie asked me to look into your uncle's case."
I sat beside Mrs. Andrews, across from Archie, who complimented me on my outfit, hair and makeup by saying that I looked beautiful even though I didn't need it. And I blushed through my makeup and my hands were shaking and Archie placed them over his to keep me from getting nervous.

"I went down to the station and passed myself off as his attorney to try and get as much information as I could."

"How's it looking, mom?" Archie asks and she sighs.

"Well, unfortunately, between FP's list of priors, the anonymous tip, and the possession of the murder weapon—"

"Don't forget that pesky confession," Jughead interjects.

"Jug," I warn, frowning.

"Things look pretty bad. I was with him all night, and he never once budged from his story." Mrs. Andrews admits.

"Well, if nothing else... At least he's an honest murderer." Jughead jokes.

"Jughead." I hiss.

"Oh, also, who is Joaquin DeSantos?" I freeze, looking over.

"Joaquin? W-Why are you asking about him? I demand.


"He was FP's one phone call." She admits and I cover my mouth, shutting my eyes.
"Jughead, Carmen," I open my eyes and look back at her, setting my hands in my lap.

"My advice to you is, go and see your uncle and father. Both of you. Tell him everything you wanna say. Once he's arraigned, things tend to move pretty quickly, and there won't be anything left to do.
So this might be your last chance." She explains and I look at Jughead.



"When Archie told me about his little plan to help you, get on your feet, and working with Fred, deep down, I knew this was a mistake." I admit, standing outside my uncle's cell in the Sheriff's department.

"You should've listened to your gut." He responds.

"You really had me." I mutter, my voice cracking as my eyes burned with tears.
"Cleaning the trailer. Convincing me that you had quit drinking. I was so happy for the first time in so long. You paid attention to me. Let's be honest.
The only reason you even read my manuscript about Jason's murder was to make sure I wasn't on to you.
And you didn't want to take me to Toledo to get the family back together. You wanted to getaway. You wanted to run away."

"I did what I had to do! What I always do!"

He barks and I stand, walking towards the bars closest to him.

"Are you even sorry?!" I demand and he rises, walking towards me.

"Sorry I got caught. We done?" He demands and I scoff, turning away.

"Look at me, Jughead!" I turn. "Never come back here! Understand?" I stare into his eyes for a moment. He's lying about something.

"Got it," I mutter before moving to the door. I stop, not looking back.
"I'd hold back the yelling when she comes in."
I don't give him time to question before walking out.

I rub my eyes, Carmen standing by the door.

"Have fun with tío. I'll be outside." She looks ready to say something but decides against it, heading inside.



I shove the door open to the cells in the back of the Sheriff's office, facing FP. He meets my eyes and frowns.

"You knew, didn't you?" I ask, quietly.

"About?" He answers, leaning against the cells.

"Please don't lie to me," I respond, shoving my hands into my pockets. He looks at me.

"Your mom tell you?" He asks and I nod silently.

"Carmen, look at me." I do and he points at me.
"You keep Jughead away from this, you keep your cousin away from me and you stay away too."

"What are you hiding... tío?" I ask, furrowing my brows. "You didn't do this, I know it."

"I confessed, that's what matters." He retorts and I shake my head.

"No, it's not. And I'm gonna prove it." I argue before walking away from him and the cell.


"We know FP used his call from jail to get in touch with you. What did he say?" Archie asks, Joaquin sitting in the seat across from us.

"It was basically just a warning. Said to lay low." Joaquin answers.

"No one uses their one call to say lay low," Veronica argues.

"Joaquin, do you know something?" Kevin demands, stepping forward. "I'm not talking to you as your boyfriend. I'm talking to you as the Sheriff's son.
Did FP kill Jason?"

"Yeah. I mean, I... I asume." Joaquin admits and I frown, why does everyone assume that?

"Oh my god." Kevin sighs, turning away.

"Did you see him pull the trigger fool?" I demand.

"No, La Muerte, no, no. God no." Joaquin answers.
La Muerte, the origin of the nickname the Cartel called me because of my father being the ringleader when he wasn't in charge of his music producing.

"Then why do you think he did it?" Archie responds and Joaquin sighs.

"On July 11th, I got a phone call in the middle of the night from FP. Said he needed help with some clean up job at the Whyte Wyrm." He admits.

"What job?" Kevin asks.

"The basement of the Whyte Wyrm is off limits to everyone, but that's where I met FP, and that's where I saw... He'd been shot. I never asked FP if he did it, I just... I mean, I was terrified. I... I just assumed. We stashed the body in the freezer, cleaned up the mess, got rid of any evidence..." Joaquin explains and my eyes widen.

"You are a criminal." Kevin decides and I frown.

"Kev, basta," I whisper in Spanish and he looks at me, notices my murderous glare, and turns away from his boyfriend.

"Joaquin, FP has done jobs for my dad, Hiram Lodge, in the past. Do you think killing Jason was one of them?" Veronica asks and he shrugs.

"There was one time I overheard a conversation between FP and Mustang." Joaquin begins before Archie cuts him off.

"Who's Mustang?" He asks.

"Another Serpent." I answer, crossing my arms.

"The only other guy who knew about the clean-up.
The guy you got into a fight with at the Wyrm. I heard him tell FP something about some rich guy.
I don't know who." Joaquin admits.

"Where is Mustang?" Veronica demands.

"No, no, no, no. You do not want to go see him." Joaquin admits, shaking his head.

"Yes, I do." Veronica argues. "And you're gonna take us or..."

"Or I'm gonna tell my dad about your little clean up job." Kevin threatens before I step in front of him.

"Basta, all of you. Joaquin doesn't have to take you.
But I will." I assure them.

"You know where he lives, Carmencita?" Veronica asks, raising her brows.

"You kidding? Carmen is as Serpent Cartel as they get." Joaquin admits and my friends, looking at me with varying looks of confusion.


I lead them through the crappy apartments surrounding Mustang's, my hands shoved in my parka pockets and my thigh high boots, which displayed my incredible long legs.
We head up a flight of stairs before we reach Mustang's door.

"Here's the old ass's apartment." I sigh, Joaquin stepping forward and knocking.

"Mustang? You here?" He calls out opening the door and walking in, all of us following. The room was torn apart, alcohol and cigarette boxes tossed around.

"Oh my god." Archie gasps and we all rush over, our eyes widening when we see Mustang's corpse in the tub, a needle in his arm.

"I can't... I can't be here." Joaquin admits.

"Vámonos." I grab him and Kevin, dragging them away.

"Call my dad," Kevin yells over his shoulder.


"You gotta tell your friends to stop before they get hurt," Joaquin admits at the bus.

"You really don't know us at all, do you fool?" I joke and he smiles.

"Just like I don't know you." Kevin mumbles and Joaquin looks at him sadly. He looks back at me, pulling something out of his bag and handing it to me. His serpents jacket.
I look up, furrowing my brows.

"No one more Serpent Cartel than you, Muerte." He admits and I smile, pulling him close into an embrace.

"You are safe, Joaquin." I whisper.

"No promises." He replies and I chuckle before pulling away, stepping back as he walked around Kevin to the bus.

"Joaquin?" Kevin asks.

"Yeah?" He responds and Kevin turns him, kissing him and I smile at the sight. Love like that only happens once... Too bad it has to be torn apart.

"I'm gonna miss you, Preppy." He admits before boarding the bus. He stops, walking back.
"Look, I didn't want to say this in front of your friends, but there's something else." Joaquin admits, handing a paper to me.


I run into the Blue and Gold, slipping slightly but gripping the door. I see Betty with Jughead, Mrs. Cooper behind them. I don't take the time to be confused by why they look pissed.

"You guys really need to come with me." I admit, looking at Jughead and Betty.

"I, uh, Manuel wanted help with photos for the paper."

"We told him he could use whatever he wanted," Betty admits, furrowing her brows.

"No, he's really confused." I lie, raising my brows and she gets the hint.

"God, I forgot some of his photos can be too grim.
Come on, Jug, let's go check them out.
We'll be back mom." Betty assures her and the three of us quickly rush out.


"Whatever it is we're looking for, Joaquin didn't know if it would help your dad, or make things worse," Kevin admits, the four of us walking through the forest.

"Guess we're gonna find out," I admit, waving my flashlight across the field.

"And why did he wait so long to tell us?" Betty asks.

"FP called him from jail. Told him to forget about their plan, some contingency plan. He said it was too dangerous." Kevin explains.

"Deja vu." Jughead mutters as we approach a billboard, the maple billboard Polly and Jason's car had been stashed by. Jughead kneels in the snow.
"Hey, right here." He pulls out a bag, opening it to reveal Jason's letterman jacket.


"This is meant to help FP?" Archie asks. He, Betty, Jughead, Kevin and I all stood in Archie's garage, surrounding Jason's jacket.

"I don't know. It looks like more incriminating evidence to me." Kevin admits.

"Yeah, this just confirms that my dad torched Jason's getaway car." Jughead agrees.

"And that his confession was true," Kevin adds, looking at me and Betty.

"Why would FP say Jason's varsity jacket is dangerous? What can that mean?" Betty demands.

"You can ask my father." Veronica answers, entering the garage. "He would know, considering we found concrete proof that he hired the Serpents to kill Jason. This probably means that your dad and uncle pulled the trigger, Jughead, Carmencita. I'm sorry."

"No. No! We are not giving up yet, guys." I pick up the jacket and turn to Archie. "Póntelo, pelirojo."

"What?" He responds.

"Póntelo," I command in Spanish and he does so.

"Wow, he understood you. Maybe you should yell at him in Spanish more." Veronica grins while I roll my eyes and flip my hair while I now wore a sexy red bralette, skinny jeans and heels.

I accidentally brushed against Archie's crotch, which grew and I rubbed it in order for the crotch to go back to normal but failed, seeing as it continued to get bigger.

"Archie, are you getting a boner?" Jughead asks, while Archie attempted to hide his member and blushed.

"Carmen, this is weird," Kevin admits and I walk around Archie, looking over the jacket, my eyes darting quickly. I stand behind him, reaching into one of the pockets, while he glances at my huge breasts hidden under my bralette and gives me a fuck boy smile.

"Hole in the pocket," I mutter.

"Okay, now we're just grasping at straws," Kevin argues.

"Listen, Scooby gang, I don't know about you but if I ever have a hole in my jacket pocket, I constantly lose my bandana," I admit.

"It worries me that you carry it around," Archie admits.

"Or my Montblanc?" Veronica adds, ignoring him.

"There you are, precioso." I peel out a hard drive, stepping forward and leaning against Archie who's enjoying my ass as I hold it up.

"What the hell?" Veronica gasps and Manuel appeared and says: "Yo, Andrews. eyes off my sister, fool."

"Carmen Sandiego strikes." Kevin jokes and I raise my brows."

"As genius as she is, I don't know whether to be offended or very pleased with that," I admit.

"Well, you were named after her," Manuel adds.


Archie places the drive into his laptop, all of us sitting there and watching it.
The video begins and we see Jason Blossom tied to a chair in the Whyte Wyrm, Mustang shoving him around. And then Mr. Blossom walks out, standing before his son, reaching over and taking Polly's engagement ring from his shirt pocket.

"Oh my god." Veronica gasps. We watch in silence as Mr. Blossom pulls out a gun, aiming it at his son's head. I clench my knuckles, tears streaming down my face and Archie notices, even though I was supposed to be tough as nails and he brings me into his warm embrace, holds me tight and Veronica notices and coos as does Betty.

Then Mr. Blossom fired the gun, causing me to scream and jump into Archie's arms.
The others were startled, gasping: "Oh my god."
Mr. Blossom stared at his son's corpse before turning away.
Betty slammed the laptop shut. I quickly pick up my phone, gently removing myself from Archie and walking away.

"Carmen?" Jughead mutters. I click on Cheryl's caller ID.

"Carmen, who are you calling?" Archie asks.
Cheryl picks up on the second ring.

"Hi, Cam—"

"You have to get out of that house. Escúchame, it's not safe, Cereza." I mutter.

"Caramel, you're scaring me." She admits quietly.

"Your dad killed Jason, Cheryl. It was your dad. You need to get out, now." I beg, gripping my arm.
"Me entiendes?"

"I understand. Thank you." She thanks before hanging up.



That night, Sheriff Keller and Mayor McCoy saw what we watched in Archie's garage. Jason, tied to a chair, in the basement of a bar on the Southside of Riverdale, while a Serpent, Mustang, taunted him.
Then, the unthinkable.
Clifford Blossom came in, stole Polly Cooper's engagement ring, before shooting his own son.
Later, we would learn why my father confessed.
Because Clifford Blossom visited him on the night of his arrest, with a threat. That I, Jughead Jones,
would suffer the same fate as Jason Blossom if my father didn't confess.
My dad was protecting me from a monster,
and the nightmare was far from over.
And our families, far from repaired.
And though one question had been answered that night, that it was Clifford Blossom who killed Jason,
a new mystery loomed over Riverdale.
Why had he done it? It was a question only Clifford himself would be able to answer.

A/N: I'm finally done with part 2 of Episode 12.
And the relationship between Archie and Carmen will continue to develop as well as Maronica, which, in my opinion, is better than Varchie.

And Andrez's first time will come. Unless you guys think it's a terrible idea, then I'll think of something steamier for their first time.

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