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"TAKE me" I mumble under my breath "Make love with me, please Natsu"

My voice sounds like I was begging for him to do it with me or maybe I sound like a drunk lady who can't even hold her own drink. Natsu look at me tenderly as he shook his head - I frowned "Why?"

"Vanilla you are drunk" he said as he carefully guide me to sit on the chair

"You don't want me?" I asks disbelief is visible on my voice as I stare on his face "I'm not drunk, Natsu. I know what I'm doing and talking"

"I can't see it that way" he hissed "You have to sleep. You are drunk"

I took a step towards him "Why you keep on pushing me away?"

He open his mouth to say something but his phone suddenly ring - he took it off on his pocket and I saw on his phone screen 'Honey'. I immediately grabbed the cell phone in his hand and answer the call.

"Natsu! I know that you love me that is why you came to this party. I was so happy to see you and honestly... I-I love you so much. Please! Please come back" Lisanna's voice sound weak and those words barely escape on her lips.

My jaw tightened as I clench my fist. I can stop the emotions that rushing thru my body as I imagine them being together. My mouth parted as I'm starting having hard time to breathe because of the pain I felt in my heart. Is this what they called, jealousy?

"Honey? Natsu... please" Lisanna beg.

I scowl as I smirked "Honey? Please?"

"Who are you? Where's my boyfriend?" her voice sound annoyed.

I look at the man besides me and I gave him a disbelief look as I answer Lisanna's question "Your boyfriend is currently standing in front of me." I chuckle darkly "I forgot. Natsu is not your boyfriend because as far as I remember you cheated on him"


"Stay. Away!" I shout - I can feel my body trembling because of my anger and without a warning I threw the Natsu's cell phone into the pool. My head snapped to turn towards Natsu who still look like as if I shock the living daylights out of him. Good. "How dare you! You said that your father asked you to go back on Magnolia! But it turns out you went to that bitch!"


"Stop with the Vanilla!" I growl.


I took a step towards him "This is your reason why you keep on pushing me, don't you? How dare you kissed me after that you are going to left me hanging. You said that you don't want to go but when you did you instantly met your ex - girlfriend. Oh! She is not your ex because according to her. She was your girlfriend"

"Lucy you don't understand. This is just a misunderstanding."

"Yeah" I shout "Everything is fucking a misunderstanding! I misunderstood your actions, I misunderstood how you treat me! I misunderstood everything." I pushed on his chest again only to stumble backwards. He was about to hold me but I instantly step backward. I know I saw an emotion flashes on his eyes when I did.

"You have no rights to treat me as if I'm your playthings" I can feel my tears started to build up but I tried to hard not to cry in front of him. "You don't have the rights to treat me as if I was special to you. You have no rights to kissed me and then run to another set of lips! You certainly have no right to be done with me when I am not done with you. Do you understand?"

"Lucy, you're drunk. Let's talk tomorrow when you are sober"

"I am not drunk but I know what I'm talking about. God, I hope I don't. I hope I'm drunk enough to forget that you went to another woman when I was waiting for you to come to me"

"Lucy-" he brush his fingers through his hair before he grab my hand as we walk inside the house. I tried to remove his hand on my arms but he's too strong for me "You need to drink this water and we will talk tomorrow. You will never understand everything on your state" he handed me the glass of water.

I laugh sarcastically before I get the glass and throw it on my left. Natsu cursed under his breath. He took a step forward to me but I just step back away from him and I saw torment crossed his eyes. But I ignore that and instead I put my hand to reach for the button of my clothes. I remove it one by one as I look at his eyes.

"What are you doing?" he whispered in a pained voice.

"Showing you that I can do better than that woman"

When I finally take off my clothes - I was about to reached for my bra when Natsu suddenly hold my hand and without a warning he carried me and went directly to my room. He instantly put me on the top of my bed as he stood in front of me


"I will when we are done!" I reached for my bra once again and remove it.

I heard him curse and I just reached for my under wear and remove it too. I heard his intake of breath and I can feel his stare, giving me no choice but to meet his eyes again. It was as if the time suddenly stop at that moment. That one single moment that I stood sit there locked in his eyes. My skin bared for him to see while my heart was safely tucked away.

"Lucy-" when I heard him say my name it feels like the time finally start on moving. I felt his hand touches my bare shoulder - I close my eyes and waited for him to do next but instead I heard a rustling of the sheets.

I open my eyes and I saw him covered my whole body when the blanket. I open my mouth to say something but I stop when I saw Natsu peeling off his clothes. He threw his shirt somewhere then he unbuckled his belt. At the next second, I saw all of him stripped down to his boxers. He didn't remove it and instead he lay down on my bed as he get the other blanket and cover his body too.

"What are you doing, Natsu?"



I couldn't finished my own words when he suddenly pulled me until my face was rested on his chest. I feel his arms wrapped around me so tight that I can't even move a single inch "Tomorrow we'll talk."

"You can't sleep!"

"I can."

"You need to sleep with me!" I clarified.

"I am."

I tried to remove his arms around me but he just tighten his grip. I felt his lips gently planted a soft kiss on the top of my head "This is not what I meant!" I hissed.

"Tomorrow we will."

"Natsu!" I scowl.

Instead of listening to me, I heard him started humming a familiar tune. My body was forced to relax even though my brain wanted to continue what I came here for. I'm blaming the alcohol. Specially, when I started to drift off. That's why I wasn't sure if I heard him right... when he whispered part of the song he was humming.

"You're still the one I love. I love you, Vanilla"

I LET out a soft groan before I open my eyes, the dark will color the sky as the sun slowly set. An end for some, another day passing. While when the sun finally rise it is like there's someone to look forward to again. One will show the end while the other will let you hope.

Throwing the blankets to the side, I placed my feet on the floor and yawned, picking the t - shirt on the floor before putting it to myself. I stood and shuffled towards the bathroom, still stewing over having to wake up. I closed both doors softly and turned to my reflection. My face is little bit pale - my hair is disheveled.

I took off his shirt that I was wearing before I settled into the shower area - let the water flow to my naked body. As the thoughts of what I did last night flashes before my eyes. I can feel the shame starting to enter my system but I ignore it. I don't want to forget what I did yesterday because why would I be ashamed when I'm right here exactly where I want to be?

"Good morning"

I didn't bother to look at him as I continue washing my body - I felt his arm wrapped around me - his skin touches my skin but then I still ignore him. I close my eyes for a moment when I felt the weight of his head on my shoulder and his breath hot on my neck.

I'm not mad at him anymore but still the pain of knowing that he went to that woman is still hurt me. As if sensing my thoughts, I felt Natsu's lips on my neck "I'm sorry"

"You lied to me, Natsu" I mumble.

"I didn't" he says "I was just shocked like you last night. My family went to that girl birthday party because according to my father we are invited. But I assure you that nothing really happened. I did told her that I have you as my girlfriend and after that I left the party"

"Are you just trying to make her jealous using me?"

"Of course not," he said "Why would I do that? The moment you become my girlfriend - she never crossed in my mind. It was you who I was thinking"

"But why it feels like I wasn't enough."

"You are more than enough, Vanilla" I didn't answer him instead I remain myself mute "I shouldn't do this." He whisper in a voice that was slow I'm not even sure if he meant it for me to hear.

I opened my mouth to ask but no words came out when I felt his lips on mine. It wasn't soft. It's not rough either. It was everything. It's like venturing into an exploration, or like a whisper asking for something, or it's a soft plea, yet it's also like surrendering.

I felt his hand roaming around my body as I throw my arms around his shoulder - letting him do whatever he wants to do. Unlike last night, his movement there's no claim of suppression. It was as if this moment, he finally let go the things that he was trying to shield away from me. That finally, we are free to whatever we wanted to do.

I felt his lips went down on my neck - my back automatically arced when I felt his tongue dipped and taste the dent of my collarbone. I raised my hand and tangled my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to me as if we're not close enough.

I felt like he had turned off the shower before he picked me up - my legs automatically wrapped around his waist as I felt his hard member poking into my entrance, my lips parted with the flare of heat that surged through me as he rolled one peak between his fingertips "Natsu"

"Say it."

I gave him a confused look as my mouth parted when he keeps on rolling my peak between his fingertips "W-What?"

"What you say last night, say it"

Another kind of warmth clasp itself on me, fully understanding what he meant. I lean on his shoulder as I lick myself way to his neck, gliding my tongue and tasting his skin "Natsu... take me"

I whimper in surprise when he suddenly walk around and the next thing I knew - he gently lay me down on the bed - without breaking our eye contact, he parted my legs and touched me there. His fingers worked me with feather touch, sliding on my wet and sensitive core. I gasped his name in delight when he took one breast in his mouth and suck... hard.

He continue worshiping my body with each flick of his tongue and graze of fingers. I grasp on the sheet with both of my hand, my body having a mind of its own is moving with his hand continue to send an intense wave of electricity all over me.

He let go of my peak and traced his tongue up to the side of my neck to the sensitive spot of my ear. My body gave a surprise jolt when I felt something warm and hard nudge at my entrance "Tell me to stop and I will," he whispered, his voice rough and pure need. "Tell me, Vanilla"


I arched my back from the bed and hold on his shoulder tight when I felt him eased inside me, his tip entering me with gentle movement. And I know... I know it's not enough. I need it deeper.

"Harder... Natsu" I whispered.

He held on my hip while his other hand is on my leg, then he moved. Deeper... and harder, but slowly, inside of me. I felt a sharp pain tore me but it was nothing compared to the pleasure that followed. I feel so full of him. Full of beauty.

"Are you alright, Vanilla?" he asked me worriedly.

With my clouded eyes, I smile at him and raised my hand, gently stroking his cheeks "I'm all yours."

"I'm all yours too"

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