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A/N: I'm sorry it took me so long to update. I was busy with my life, actually. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. 



I LET out a deep sigh as I survey the entire area. Everyone are looking on me as if they can't believe that I am here on this celebration of founding the Heartfilia Empire. I can't blame them, I never attend this event for the last six years – so they probably think that I'm gone or maybe they're thinking that I'm just an impostor.

I mentally roll my eyes – I look at to him who's currently looking down to me too. He has this sweet and warm smile on his lips and I can't help but smile back.

"I finally see you, Lu – chan" I heard a familiar voice – and when I turned my head to see it – my eyes clouded with my own tears "I miss you" she said.

I instantly wrapped my arms around her "I miss you too, Levy – chan"

She push me a little to check my face – her smile still flustered on her lips "You really change a lot. How are you? Are you okay? I'm sorry I'd never visit you on your apartment when you had a flu," she sincerely said.

"It's okay. Natsu was there for me," I say before I took a glance of him over my shoulder then back to her face "How are you?"

She beam at me then show her engagement ring. My eyes got widen and I look at her amuse "So who's the lucky guy?"

Before she even answer my question. A man with black – long haired wrapped his arm around Levy – chan waist – pulling her closer to his. My mouth parted and I know I blush a little with their unexpected PDA.

"I heard lots of story about you, Mrs. Dragneel," the man said his voice sound rough "Thank you for being a good friend to my fiancée"

I just beam at them – and my attention went back to my husband face when I felt his hand on my waist. I smile on him lovingly, "Excuse us for now. I think I need to properly introduce to everyone my beautiful wife," Natsu said while looking at them "Enjoy the evening" his eyes look at me "Shall we, wife?"

I nodded. Natsu officially introduce me as his wife and as the one and only heir of Heartfilia Empire, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen" I say as I traveled my eyes around "thank you for coming tonight as we celebrate the 30th founding of Heartfilia Empire. It's indeed another year of prosperity and growth for our empire. Again, we are held as the best among the best and it is all because of your collective efforts of bring this company on top. I also thank my husband, Natsu Dragneel for being a good CEO – President during my absence – without his help we can't achieve those goals ahead of time. On behalf of my parents, I thank you for everything. Enjoy the rest of the evening"

The crowd erupted in applause after my speech. When I turned my head to see my husband – he was looking at me with pure amusement on his eyes. I beam at him – and what really shock my entire being is when he crossed the distance between us and without saying anything.

He claim my lips earning another cheer and applause on the crowd. When our lips parted, some investor went to us as they talked about business. I just listen to them but I know better. They just want me to be friend with me to get what they want.

Gosh! Business world is full of fake people.

ON THE following day, my husband and I decided to go in the mall to buy some stuff. His hand was holding mine as he listened to my stories. Sometimes he's also telling me stories that connected to what I'm telling to him.

When we both get tired, we decided to grab our lunches in Mcdonalds' – at first he hate the idea of eating there because for him it was not healthy. But since I'm having a cravings with fries and burger he just let out a deep sigh "I'll go in this kind of place because I love you" he murmurs which instantly makes me blush.

I look at him over my shoulder as we fall in line on the counter "The food here is delicious and it affordable"

"I know, and I'm not saying that there food are not delicious," he sigh "But it's not healthy" he snort.

I chuckle but didn't say anything and proceed on telling my orders, "Do you want anything to add, Natsu?"  I asked him.

He didn't bother looking at me as he continue glaring the guy in front of me. I held his hand which instantly makes him look at my face "Natsu? Are you alright?"

"I'm not fine" he said with a sigh "Are you done ordering our food?"

I shook my head and pouted my lips "I'm asking you if you want anything to add. But you've been spacing out."

My eyes grew wider when all of a sudden he wrapped his left arms around my waist pulling me closer to his – as his right hand was place on the edge of the counter – like supporting our weight.


"I want chicken nuggets" he murmurs before burying his face on my neck – I know my cheeks blushes at the same time people around us looking on us.

I clear my throat and tried my best to calm my nerves as I look at the guy in front of me "And chicken nuggets, please" I says.

The guy in front of me do his job but his eyes never leave my face "Stop staring at my wife, will you?" Natsu growl making me look at his face – he was frowning and I can feel his arms tighten around my waist.

The guy in front of us turned pale as he instantly divert his attention on the monitor. "Dine in or take out?" the guy said without looking at us.

"Take out" I let out a sigh and gave an apologetic smile to the guy "I'm sorry for the behavior of my husband"

"What?" Natsu said exaggeratedly "I'm not sorry—"

He couldn't finished his own words because I instantly glare him making him shut his mouth. I ignored him until we got our order – and since our order is take out. We just went to the food court and ate our order.

"Can you please say something, Vanilla?" he said finally losing his patience "Please talk to me"

"You shouldn't behave like that, Natsu" I say calmly. He frown then pouted his lips "You humiliated the poor guy"

"I'm not" he snort "It was his fault. He openly stare on you as if I wasn't there"

"I love you" I say sincerely to him which instantly makes his eyes grew wider "And I'm yours"

He eyes shine with pure happiness as he bit his lower lips to stop himself from smiling. I gently caressed his cheeks "Don't do that again, okay"

"I won't promise. But I'll try"

I was about to answer him when all of a sudden he pressed his lips to mine making my eyes grew wider. He brush his tongue on my lower lips making me groan and he took that as a chance to plug his tongue inside.

I heard someone clear her throat so I push Natsu away from me – he groans and glare that woman in front of us "What?" he rudely say.

"You can't do that here, Sir" the lady said nervously.

I was about to apologize when Natsu spoke "Her lips is smile. I can kiss her whenever I want!"

My mouth parted and was about to stood up when he pull me once again and kiss my lips. 

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