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A/n: Time for other ship to shine, lol! I'll update the next chapter next week ❤️❤️❤️


"I HAVE a media cafe latte, no sugar, no whipped cream, extra dry, with hair skim, half full milk. No, I don't want semi – skimmed milk, just a mixture of the both. And raspberry syrup, mixed with the milk, then put the coffee" the lady in front of me said – she was chewing a gum loudly.

Even though I heard it correctly, I calmly looked at her face and said "I'm sorry ma'am but can you repeat it again" I said trying my best to calm my nerves because this lady is really irritating the hell out of me. Should I chop her head?

No! No! No! That's not a good thought. I might end up being in jail and her being the cause is not really worth it!

She was chewing her gum so loudly and for sure everyone in the premises could hear her. I reckon all of the Magnolia could hear her. She looked at me again before rolling her eyes. Damn! I want to remove her eyeballs. How dare this bitch!

"I said, a medium café – hell, let's make that Massimo cafe latte, shall we? No sugar, no whipped cream, extra dry, with half skim, half full milk. Don't add any semi skimmed milk; I want a damned mixture of both. And raspberry syrup, mixed with the milk and then added to the coffee. "

I put in her order while cursing myself for not taking the job at the zoo instead of this. At least at zoos, there are cute little animals but here, there are people that I really want to murder. I really don't like arrogant customers like this girl in front of me.

"That'll be 35 dollars," I told her, waiting for the money. She handed me the money and I got out her receipt, giving it to her as I tried my hardest to keep my fake smile plastered on my face, "Thank you for coming to Magnolia coffee, please come again" I grumbled. I hope to not see you again, bitch!

I heard a familiar fake cough on my back and when I slightly turned my head to see her – She was frowning but I could see amusement written all over her face. Well, for sure what happened a few seconds ago really amuse her – imagine, the great Titania Erza can hold her irritation.

"Just do her café latte, Cana" I mumble under my breath.

She chuckled, "Want me to take revenge?" she said I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything in return "I can easily or should I say mistakenly spill on her drink"

"That's too childish" I mumble.

She laughs which makes some of our customers look in our direction. I glare Cana for causing a scene – she lick her lower lips before she tilt her head innocently "Well, this childish person beat you on a bet"

"And it won't happen again" I say as I glared at her.

I really don't understand why I agreed on her or maybe I wasn't in the right mind three days ago or rather Cana scammed me that's why she won. The bet was all about Natsu's confession to her girlfriend Lucy. I really don't know why I say to Cana that Lucy will reject Natsu – when in fact that love for each other is really visible. Right, three days ago, I wasn't in the right mind. I was heartbroken that time.

And because of that, I was in this situation where I couldn't leave even though I wanted too.

"Let's finish up this shift without any incidents so that we can leave this godforsaken place already," I said with a shrugged.

"Where's my damn Café latte? Hurry up!" the rude girl yells which makes me frown. I saw the girl raise her brow as if she was waiting for my rude comment. But I won't go down on her level. I am a queen and she's a beggar.

I turned from this person whose order I was taking and looked over at Cana, who was shooting daggers at the girl. I so wish Cana had spit in her drink, but it is too against my morals for me to say that aloud. Cana popped on the cap as she walked pass me, to the counter. Cana handed her the drink and the girl scowled, still complaining about the slow service as she left the coffee shop.

I looked over to Cana and she gave me a sly smile, walking back to me "I spit in the drink"

I smiled at her "I love you so much" She didn't say anything but she just smirked on me as she walked back.

I WAS getting ready to go home when I heard a knock coming from the door and there – I saw Cana leaning against the door as if she was waiting for me. I raised my brow and gave her a quizzical look. She sigh and then scratch the back of her cheeks  "Well, Erza"

"Yes?" I say as I tossed my apron inside my locker and then removing my work – uniform, "Go ahead, I'm listening"

"Did you talk with him?" she said which makes me stop from whatever I'm doing.

I look at her and ask, "Did you meet him?" I mumble enough for her to be heard.

"I did," she said truthfully "Erza—"

"I don't want to see him, Cana" I said as I struggle to put my jeans back "I'm not sure if I want to see him after our last encounter" I said truthfully.

"At least talk to him, Erza. Jellal doesn't know anything."

"And do you?" I said which makes her stop and stare on my face for a couple of a second.

"I do," she mumbled, which caught me off guard. I opened my mouth to speak but my own words failed me. How come? "Mira and others know about your feelings. We all know that you love Jellal in different way"

"What did you say?" Did I misheard it? Others?

"You heard it correct, Erza" she sighs "But I'm not sure if Jellal knew it too. He is so dense that I wanted to punch him"

I just stare on her face. What? they know?

I felt Cana's hand on my shoulder and give me pat before she smile on me "I think it is time for you to talk"

Talk? Should we? I know for a fact that Jellal won't listen to me. Because if he really does want to hear my side... he should have tried talking to me.

I hurriedly put my clothes on and stared at her – smiling "Maybe this is just the end for me."

"What do you mean? You haven't confess your feelings"

"He rejected me for Lisanna. Unintentionally."

"Are you okay with that? You're going to give up without fighting for your feelings"

"Loving someone doesn't mean you need to fight for it." I mumble – I saw on her eyes that she was against on whatever I planned for my feelings. But I just had enough. Jellal rejected me countless times. I had enough with that. "Sometimes is about loving him from afar and wishing him to be happy without you"

"But it's unfair to you"

"Everything is unfair" I mumble. She presses her lips together probably she's out of words to convince me to confess. But like what I've said, I had enough. I excused myself to her and headed to the nearest supermarket. My mind was occupied by what Cana said. Our friends knew about my feelings for him but Jellal kept a blind eye for my feelings.

Jellal and Erza's love story is not really a love story. But what's our story then?

I WAS ON my way back home when I saw a familiar figure standing outside my apartment. He probably felt my stares because he looked in my direction. He raised his left hand and smiled at me "Hi!"

I smile at him as I shove my free hand on my pocket and get the key. He immediately went to my side and helped me with my paper bags. I thanked him for that - open my apartment and invited him to get inside. He was talking about how he ended up being in front of my apartment. He told me that he was in Lisanna's house but Mira's forced him to leave.

"Maybe Mira wants to take care of her sister personally." I say as I started getting ready for our dinner.

"I know that. But Lisanna needs someone on her side"

"Her family can give her support, Jellal" I pointed it out.

I heard him sigh, "I just want Lisanna to see and feel that I still love her"

I remained myself mute and busied myself unpacking and putting the grocery on their designated places. I don't know what to say to him. Because honestly speaking, I did what he did to Lisanna. I stayed on his side so that he could see and feel that I love him. But... I learned that staying beside him won't make him fall for me.

"Erza?" she called me out.

I look at him at daze "What?" I mumble.

"Are you alright?"

I smile at him "Yeah" I say as I shrugged my shoulder "Are you going to stay for dinner?" I asked changing out topic. I'm getting tired of our conversation. It's always Lisanna like this... Lisanna like that. I'm tired of it.

He shook his head "I'll try to go back in Lisanna's place, later"

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked. I can feel myself feeling bitter about it. My eyes are staring at him looking for different answer that running through my mind.

"I just want someone to talk too"

"And that someone is me?" I ask disbelief is visible on my face. I saw how he frown on my question as if he don't get it what I meant "I'm tired..."

"Do you want to rest? You don't need to cook—"

"That's not what I meant!" I say – I almost shout as I clench my fist trying to control my emotion that trying to surpass me, "I'm tired of you, Jellal" I saw how his eyes grew wider as he look at me "I'm tired of listening to you. I'm tired of hearing about Lisanna like this... Lisanna like that. I'm tired of being someone you can see when everything falls apart."

He open his mouth to say something but I just continue "I'm tired of loving you, Jellal!"

I saw the shock on his eyes but it was only for a moment because the next word that came out of his mouth finally crushed my wounded heart. It was the words that I'm expecting to him to say but hearing that today really hurt like shit.

"I'm sorry, Erza"

I know and it is not your fault why I ended up being like this. 

____________________________ End of Chapter #41

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