Chapter 2: Loran Gesso

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- England -

Somewhere deep underground

Royal Auction ...

On the podium was a twelve-year-old kid locked up in a white cage with nothing but white adult shirt down to his feet.

The young man from afar lowered the binoculars, stroked his chin, looked at the log, and then closed it.

Sigh... "May 4, XXXX, 1930, another missing child."

"Damn it! He abducted another child again, not a slave !!!!!"

"Well, let's go back."

"Loran~ !! Why can't we catch that crazy guy?!!!!!!!!!!"

"Nico. Because he's a madman, I remind you, stay away from him!" Tsunayoshi emphasized the last line.

The radio rang at his waist, and Tsuna turned on.

[Alo Alo. This is the No. 6 squad we need help with, somebody broke in and mounted a bomb on a white building. We are about to blockade it.]

Tsuna held up, "This is the 8th team, we're coming. Please wait there!"


"Looks like we need a place, Nico. Find that perverted Jason."

- Italy -

Deep in the woods,

A mansion that looks like a castle castle with a flag on the top, Vongola.

In the office, a bearded old man lifts his chin down to look at a baby wearing a black suit with a fedora hat with a gecko on it.


"Ask you to look after that child ..."

"Of course Nono, I'm an assassin after all."

- Japan -

Namimori town

"Ie-kun, wake up, breakfast is done!"

"Yes mama~!"

Back to England ...

The Sheriff's Office

Tsunayoshi: ... and Den?

Nico: He was given the task of handling the Brat, apparently in his trunk full of opium shipments.

Tsunayoshi: Oh Nico, naturally I have a hunch.


Tsunayoshi: Never mind, let's go to Den together! (He laughed haha ​​hooked he pulled away)

Nico: ... huh? (bewildered before receiving information ...)

On Den's side...

Den was running, blood rushing across his temple, a hot air enveloping his as sweat flowed from every pore of his skin.

He circled around a pair of flat thick, struggling with traction on the smooth floor.

He persevered (defeats lactic acid) his muscular stamina as he ran down the hallway, the lockers flickering on the sides without end in sight.

He could not hold this any longer.

He had succumbed to the effects of adrenaline, which he knew was drawing blood out of his brain and toward muscles, he needed to think.

When he reached the next intersection, he swung left and stopped immediately feeling the muscle begin to cramp.

Grab the lock on one of the lockers and, with a trick the captain taught his, hit the budget lock where it pops out without a code.

Feeling an intense stifling sensation, his overheated body immediately heated up the cramped space like inside the oven.

Try to control your breath with long, shaky breaths, with your mouth wide open to minimize noise. He was fighting every muscle on her body so he wouldn't tremble.

He heard the footsteps of his pursuer running through the crossroads, but then they suddenly stopped.

Den held his breath and heard nothing but the sound of his heart beating fast.

Then he heard sniffling sounds, and quick footsteps approached his.

He was trapped, the walls seemed to be closing on his.

"Is not!"

He thought fear surpassed his brain.

"No! This can't happen, No!"

The locker door was crushed when it was torn from the hinge and pulled his hand out of his ankle, hanging his onto his back.

It was Franci and-

He is laughing.

Den shouted. Just then a man in a gray-and-white suit came up to hug his and whispered, "It's okay, it's all right. Everything's up to me. Wake up Den."

Awake Den.

Wake up.

Wake up..

The provincial...

Den .....

Den ...


Den !!

"Den!!! Are you alright?! Answer me, Den!"  As soon as Nico slapped his cheek, he jumped up and hit his chin.

Nico screams, "Mother f*ck!!! What are you doing?! This crazy man, I have the heart to save you! And you!- ..."

Den was dumbfounded as he didn't hear what Den said and looked straight behind Nico and pursed his lips, "Captain Loran ..." Tsunayoshi waved at his from afar to raise his hand from the bag before Den, smiling.
"Can you stand up?" He was startled awake, flushed and blushed, waving his hands in confusion, "A-Ah ?!" Grabbing, Tsunayoshi pulled up and hugged his waist against his chest to balance, stroking his head, "It's okay ..., you can rest Den."

Thank you, captain.

|Dolore 192 - ♠ ️Electricity♠|

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