Bẹp's Test for DSL

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It started with the teaser
Title:  It started with the teaser
Author:  applesncrack  
Pairing:  Doojoon/Yoseob
Rating: PG
Summary: Yoseob went to the Cube's training room in the middle of the night hoping to clear his mind but met the very people who are the cause of his headache.
Author's Notes: First fic, wrote it because of the now very infamous teaser.

"Hey, I saw your message, thanks for the support," the pretty girl smiled as she walked out of the training room, almost colliding with Yoseob.

The brown haired boy was a little stunned to see Gina at this hour; he thought everybody had left for the day. Guess she's training hard for her upcoming debut stage. He had snuck out of the dorm when everybody was sleeping to have some time alone, why did he have to meet the person who was part of why he has been feeling down the past week.

"You're welcome, the reactions to the teaser were great," Yoseob said.

"Ah... I wouldn't call getting death threats from fans before debuting exactly 'great'," Gina laughed.

"Oh what I meant was it was really well shot to provoke such reactions, you guys were really natural," Yoseob replied, offering a weak smile.

Gina tilted her head slightly and blushed, "You really think so?"

"Yeah...," Yoseob didn't know how much longer he could keep up with this conversation, "It's really late, you shouldn't tire yourself out before your big debut."

"I am going back now, don't stay too late Yoseob, see you around," the pretty girl said as she picked up her bag and made her way down the hallway.

Yoseob watched her leave with a slight tinge of sadness; it’s not like he couldn’t see why the fans would be jealous enough to send death threats when they saw the teaser. Even he felt like making some death threats of his own, though the recipient would be another person.

The person who probably didn’t even notice that he’s gone from his bed 3 am in the morning.

The person who was more concerned with pacifying fans with tweets rather than talking to him the day after the teaser was released.

Yoseob closed the training room door silently behind him and sank onto the floor, feeling quite drained. He had wanted to practice; dancing and singing were usually therapeutic for him. When he gets all sweaty from the dance moves and hoarse from singing, with adrenaline pumping through his body, everything else seems insignificant for that brief moment.

He knew that Gina’s MV was going to be provocative, the company wanted Doojoon and Junhyung to up the level of controversy and garner attention for Gina as she make her debut. Junhyung had hinted at the level of intimacy in the MV at him when they were done with shooting.

“There were some hugging here and there, and a bed sce—,”

“Bed scene?”

“Kind of... you will find out soon enough,” Junhyung had smirked when he said that.

Junhyung didn’t want to reveal more, and Doojoon was even more tight-lipped about the MV.

Yoseob didn’t like this feeling, he’s not needy and clingy, and he doesn’t need Doojoon to reassure him about anything. Sure they are sort of together, but they are also sort of not together. There were no promises between them, just some stolen kisses here and there, some touching when nobody was looking, but it was a pretty open relationship.

It was just a teaser, nothing to be concerned about, but Yoseob just couldn’t shake off the feeling that it wasn’t all acting. He knew that Doojoon dated somebody in the company before they debuted, but he didn’t know who it was. Right now Gina seems like the most likely ex-girlfriend.

The violent reactions to the teaser from the fans were somewhat expected, Gina, Junhyung and Doojoon were prepared for it. Yoseob thought he was prepared too, after all it’s just work, he didn’t expect himself to be so affected emotionally when he saw the smouldering looks that Doojoon gave Gina in the teaser. When was the last time Doojoon had looked at him that way?

Yoseob stood up and looked around the training room. It looked so big when he’s the only person here; he turned around and caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror.




Baby faced.

The brown haired boy sighed inwardly, compared to the leggy beauty that just walked out moments ago; he looked like some underdeveloped 12 year old twit. Why would anybody like him, heck even he doesn’t like himself that much.

“Hard at work 3 am in the morning?”

Yoseob spun around at the voice and saw the recipient of his unsent death threats standing at the door.

“What…what are you doing here?” Yoseob stuttered.

“I was wondering why I felt so cold all of a sudden in the middle of the night. Then I realized my human bed warmer was gone.”

Doojoon walked into training room, stopping inches in front of Yoseob. He looked down at the younger boy with smile playing at the corner of his lips.

The younger boy couldn’t believe that cause of his heartache was right here in front him. Damn, he had made sure that he was completely silent when he snuck out of the dorm, careful not to wake anybody.

“What are you doing here so late?” The older boy asked.

“How do you know I was here?” The younger boy replied.

“Tell me why you snuck out of the dorm first.”

“Did you follow me from the dorm?”

“Are we going to argue like this all night?”

The younger boy was annoyed, he didn’t like how close the older boy was standing, he had never expressed it before but the height difference bothered him. He disliked having to tilt his head backwards to look at Doojoon; it always felt like the older boy has this magical hold over him when he towered over him like that.

And he especially hated the way Doojoon was interrogating him right now. As if he’s a little boy, everyone likes to treat him like a little boy even though he’s already 22.

Yoseob wanted to step backwards but Doojoon grabbed him by the waist before he could make a move.

“Upset about something?” The older boy asked again.

“No, I wanted to practice…… alone,” the younger boy said as he struggled to loosen Doojoon’s iron grip on him. Yoseob added Doojoon’s strength to one of the many things that was annoying about the older boy.

“Really?” Doojoon leaned forward, forehead almost touching Yoseob’s, wrapping his arms even more tightly around the younger boy’s body.

“What are you doing, let me go—,” Yoseob almost wanted to headbutt the older boy, but decided against it. It will be hard to explain why there were blue black marks on both their foreheads to the managers in the morning.

The older boy sighed as he looked down at Yoseob’s scrunched up face, eyes shooting daggers at him. He had watched the brown haired boy closely all week, wanting to see if he was the slightest bit jealous about him being in the teaser. He had even specially instructed Junhyung to leak the juicy bits of the teaser to Yoseob.

Doojoon was almost convinced that Yoseob wasn’t the least bit affected by him being in the MV, not even when he found out that there was a pseudo bed scene.

Until the teaser was actually released.

He knew that the younger boy had been stealing glances at him all day yesterday, he didn’t miss hurt look in his eyes, but he was too busy trying to deal with the greater than expected backlash from fans to say anything to him.

The older boy was sorry, but only a little bit, he never knew exactly how the younger boy felt about him. He could never really tell if they are really together or just having a bit too much fun with the fanservice that it spills over to their private time. He was up all night trying to find a way to talk to Yoseob, but before he could perfect what he wanted to say the younger boy had already jumped down from the bunk bed quietly and crept out of the room.

So here they are right now, in the middle of Cube’s training noon, 3 am in the morning, stuck in a deadlock.

“You are upset about the teaser,” Doojoon said finally.

“I am not,” Yoseob replied a little too quickly.

Doojoon smiled at the giveaway, “Okay, you are not, but I am.”

“Why should you be, must have been fun filming it, you get to—”

“I am upset that you are not upset about it.”


The younger boy had finally stopped struggling and looked at older boy. He wasn’t sure why he lied to Doojoon, of course he was upset, and he was crazy jealous the first time he saw the teaser.

“I am sorry about the teaser; it came out more provocative than what I had expected,” Doojoon said softly as he pressed a kiss gently on the younger boy’s forehead.

“The teaser was really awkward to shoot actually, and all I could think about during that time was how easy it would be if you were the one standing in front of me rather than Gina.” The older boy took Yoseob’s hand and interlocked their fingers together.

“I didn’t want to do the bed scene but the director was adamant that we should go all out for it if we wanted to create a real impact,” Doojoon continued. “And I’m sorry that I didn’t say anything to you all day.”

The older boy tipped the younger boy’s face towards him and to kiss his partially open lips. The younger boy felt his eyes closed as his lips met Doojoon’s, he leaned forward in tiptoes wrapped his arms around the older boy as he felt Doojoon deepening the kiss. The older boy’s lips were warm, very warm.

Doojoon tasted Yoseob tentatively with his tongue, and the younger boy opened his mouth with a low moan. The older boy took the opportunity and slid in his tongue, exploring every tiny bit of his mouth leaving no crevice untouched.

The older boy’s hands slipped his hands under the younger boy’s shirt to run his hands over his bare back. Yoseob trembled slightly at the intrusion and bite Doojoon’s lips gently as his tongue slipped out. Tearing his mouth away from Yoseob’s, the younger boy whined in protest but those turn into moans quickly as Doojoon work his way down licking and sucking his neck.

“Are you still upset about the teaser?” Doojoon whispered softly in Yoseob’s ear as his hands continued to caress his back.

“Maybe…” the younger boy replied, mentally adding another item to the already very long list of annoying things about Doojoon; striking when he’s weak.

The older boy ruffled the younger boy’s hair as he continued to steal kisses while Yoseob sulked.

“Is she your ex-girlfriend?” The younger boy asked suddenly.

Doojoon stopped nibbling on Yoseob’s neck and lifted his head to look at the younger boy.

“What makes you think so?”

“You guys were really natural in the teaser,” Yoseob didn’t like the way he sounded, but he needed to find out, even if he’s coming across like a whiny little girl.

Doojoon chuckled and tried to steal another kiss from Yoseob, but the younger boy jerked his head sideways and Doojoon ended up kissing the air.

“Well, we went on some dates pre-debut, but it was nothing serious.”

“Nothing serious? As serious as we are now?”

“No”, Doojoon said quietly as his eyes met Yoseob’s gaze, “Not even close.”

“Well, guess she’s not the rumoured ex-girlfriend then,” Yoseob couldn’t hide the bitterness in his voice even if he tried. So Doojoon dated Gina casually pre-debut, then there was still this other ex-girlfriend, he sure is popular with girls.

Doojoon didn’t know what to do with the brown haired boy anymore, first he acted like he didn’t care about the teaser, and then now he’s getting jealous over… well, he’s not exactly sure, sounds like a non-existent ex-girlfriend. The older boy sighed and buried his face in the Yoseob’s neck; he could feel the younger boy struggling again.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, but there’s one thing I know for sure,” Doojoon said, “I want our relationship to be more serious, way more serious than it is right now.”

The younger boy felt his heart skipped a beat, “What do you mean by more serious?”

“That means you can only kiss me and me only, think of me when we are not together, only hold my hands, and only let me touch you. It also means that you can’t lie to me about feeling upset, you can’t look at other guys, you can’t run off in the middle of the night without telling me, you are not allowed to hide under your covers and cry alone.”

“Yoon Doojoon, I didn’t know you are unreasonable like that!”

“Yang Yoseob, I am only unreasonable around people I love.”


Yoseob blinked at Doojoon blankly and turned away quickly, he hadn’t expected the older boy to show up right after Gina left. He definitely didn’t expect him to be confessing to him in the middle of night in the training room. He suddenly felt like a fool for moping around for the entire week and sneaking out of the dorm in the middle of the night.

Doojoon cupped his hands around Yoseob’s face, forcing the younger boy to turn and look at him, “I am serious, and I don’t want to be neither here nor there with you anymore. Do you want to be more serious with me?”

“……Of course,” Yoseob finally said, blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall.

“Thank you,” Doojoon whispered as his lips closed on the younger boy’s once more.

The kiss started out tender and slowly become more urgent and frantic as the older boy guided the younger boy with his tongue, probing and playing. This time, it was the younger boy’s turn to slide his hands under the older boy’s shirt as he run his hand slowly over his stomach and towards his chest.

When the two boys finally broke apart, they were both panting slightly. A red flush had crept over the younger boy’s cheeks; his partially opened lips were all swollen and moist, with a slightly dazed look in his watery eyes and brown hair falling over his forehead.

Doojoon smiled and planted a kiss noisily on Yoseob’s nose, it’s not hard to see why everybody loves this brown haired visual maknae, but he felt smug that only he will be able to see this side of him – a just-been-kissed-senseless Yang Yo Seob.

“Promise not to get upset when the full MV comes out?”

The younger boy mumbled a reply and pressed his face against Doojoon’s neck, biting him in annoyance.

Doojoon wasn’t very sure what he said, but it sounded something like, “Don't count on it…”

The End

Thanks for reading.
This is very obviously inspired by Gina's teaser starring Yoon Doojoon. To be honest I wasn't really affected by it, my most violent reactions were just "Oh how can you do this to Yoseob" and "That was some awkward crying Yoon leadah". I am looking forward to the full MV to be released, it should be interesting enough to inspire more fics (I hope), especially since there's likely to be a love triangle involving Junhyung.

First attempt at writing a fic, hope it turns out okay, I welcome feedback!

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