Shot- 2b( Last part)

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Hey everyone, thanks for ur love and support for this story too. So this is the last part of the story. Let's continue..

To be continued...
Swara was in her room when she heard car horn.. she look out of window and sees sanskar standing there showing time. She make puppy face and say " two minutes"

After exactly two minutes.. sanskar again start blowing horns..
Swara: commiinnggggg!!!..
She hurriedly put on her heals and run out.. saying bye to shomi and shekhar.
She go out and sanskar was still blowing horns.. she go to car and sat inside.
Swara: sorry sorry sorry... I m really sorry, I was reading book but don't know when I sleep.. pls.
Sanskar: if u r done then shall we go? Or if I start arguing we will reach when movie will end..

Swara: yeah sure..
Sanskar start driving.. swara look at him who was looking straight. She start talking but he wasn't listening anything.
Swara: sanskar are u listening or I m talking to myself.
Sanskar didn't answer.
Swara: ok, if u don't want to talk then I should talk to Rohit?
Sanskar:( suspicious) who's that Rohit?
Swara: Mr. Sharma's son, remember the one who came to see me. I took his no. ( She take her phone and about to dial.. but sanskar snatched her phone and keep it with him)
Sanskar:( glared at her) no need to talk to any monkey, understand?
Swara pressed her lips to control her smile.
Swara: then whom should I talk? U r not interested so should I blabber to myself?
Sanskar look at her and sigh: fine, say..
Swara smiled and started talking. Sanskar also talk to her. Then only sanskar phone rings..
He ignored and then start talking. It rings again, he look disturb but reject the call. Once again it rings, sanskar put phone on silent..
Swara: sanskar, take the call na. It must be important.
Sanskar:( fake smile) nothing, leave it. Come we have reached.
They reached city mall and go to watch movie. They were enjoying movie. it was comedy movie . They were watching it when sanskar phone start to vibrate. He ignore the call.. but it was happening again and again so he switched off his phone and enjoy the movie. Swara already saw it but didn't say anything.

After movie, they were sitting in cafe.
sanskar switched on his phone and was doing something. Swara was choosing what to eat. Then his phone again ring. He swipe to ignore.. then again. He get pissed off and put the phone aside ignoring it.
Swara sees it.
Swara: sanskar why r u not taking the call? It may be important.
Sanskar: it's nothing like that swara.. leave it na.
Swara: sanskar, I m watching u since long time. Who is it? Why r u ignoring?
Sanskar was about to avoid but ..
Swara: I want truth.
Sanskar close his eyes and take a sigh: she is Niharika.
Swara felt a sudden tug in her heart but didn't show that she was affected.
Swara: so? Why r u not taking her calls?
Sanskar: why means? Swara u know everything right? And what does she want now after five months?

Swara: sanskar.. may be
Sanskar: may be realize her mistake or whatever she do. I don't give a dam to it. I don't want to talk to her. And can we stop talking about her. I m hungry. I will bring something for us to eat.
Swara nods. As he go, his phone again ring. Swara sees the calller I'd " Niharika".
She sees him busy so she take his phone and take the call..

Swara: hello..
O.s: who's this? I guess it's sanskar phone?
Swara: yeah ,u r right. You're Niharika ..
O.s: yeah but who are u? And why is sanskar phone is with u?
Swara: I m sanskar...
Then someone snatched phone from her hand. She look at him scared as he was glaring at her angrily. Sanskar was ordering but he turn around to ask swara, what she want to eat. But he get shocked to see her talking on his phone. He come to her instantly.

" Hello, hello.. " they heard Niharika voice as phone accidentally put on speaker.
Sanskar:( still looking at swara angrily) hello..
O.s: oh sanskar, is that u? Thank God .. u took the call.. but sanskar who was that girl? Is she ur girlfriend? How can u do this to me sanskar?how can u betray me?( She sounds sad but later ask angrily)
Sanskar: shut up!!! Don't u dare to utter a word. Understood Ms. Niharika. about that girl ,yes she is my girlfriend, u should not have any problem with that and About u, I don't want to think about it because it's over. It was u who leave me so technically u betrayed me. I m warning u never call again or u will face hell.

He cut the call.
Swara: sanskar, I m sorry . I should not have..
Sanskar: if u know u should not have done this then why have u done it swara?
Swara: I m really sorry please Sanskar. sanskar please don't get angry on me.. I should not have touched your phone. I m really very sorry.. please.. I promise, I won't repeat the same.. please.... I thought..

Sanskar: ( shout)what u thought swara...? Actually what were u trying to do?
Swara look around as everyone were watching them.. sanskar sees her and Stopped.
Swara: we are sorry..( said to everyone) and settled on chair.. ( to sanskar) sanskar please..
Sanskar take a deep breath to control his anger..and sit down.
Sanskar: look swara,.. I ..m sorry I should not have shout but please don't do that again. U already know everything and it's not easy for me.
Swara nods understanding.

Swara: I promise, I won't.
Sanskar nods and look away.

Swara: now can we eat.. already I m hungry and u wasted my time.. oh poor stomach is dying for food.. and someone is busy in his anger.
Sanskar shakes his head unbelievably and his lips formed into smile.
Sanskar: u r no less than a cartoon sometime and sometime u behave as a mature girl.
Swara: I m like that only.
Sanskar: be like this only.. I love you the way u r..
Swara: what?
Sanskar: I.. I mean I love a cartoon girl like you.
Swara: but this cartoon girl change ur mood, u have to admit that.
Sanskar: accepted.. now tell me what u want to eat.
Swara took the menu card and started giving order , actually a long list.
Sanskar: swara.. I won't eat so much.
Swara: who told u it's for you. All are for me.. u order for urself.
Sanskar widen his eyes..: okay..( gulp) I m going to order... But let me record ur order first..may be I will forget.
Swara glare at him.
Swara: u r idiot.. I will do it myself.
She go to order and sanskar follow her. Swara ordered for herself then Sanskar.
After sometime , sanskar order came and swara's two orders also came. They started eating. Then after sometime a waiter come with a bag with pack food.
Waiter: ma'am here is ur ordered food which u told to pack.
Swara:( smiled) thank you so much.
Then waiter give them bill. Sanskar paid it.. but swara paid half share. He was about to deny but she didn't listen.

Swara: now sanskar follow me with this food.( Taking one bag)
Sanskar: where are u taking this food..
Swara: I will eat in my home.. any problem?
Sanskar: what seriously?? I mean no . I do t have any problem..
Swara: then follow me.
She kept the food bags on back seat and sit on passenger seat. Sanskar look at her unbelievably.
He start driving car.
After sometime..
" Take left,take left....." Swara shout..
Sanskar: but swara, ur home is in right.
Swara: I said left means left.. understand.. just do what I said.
Sanskar look at her and she glared at him. He smiled tightly.
Sanskar: yes madam!!
Swara smile...
Sanskar took left.. then he realized they are going to orphanage.
Swara: now stop..
Sanskar: orphanage.. u could have told me.
Swara giggles: surprise..
Sanskar smiled unbelievably.
Swara: come-on help me.
Sanskar nods.
They took out food bags and go inside. As they go in children surrounded them.
Swara smile and she played with them. Then they distribute food into children.
" It's so yummy swara di.. "
" Thank you di, thanks sanskar bhaiyya"..
Swara smiled looking at them so happy. Sanskar look at her who was so happy looking at those small Children. She always find her happiness in other's. He was also feeling very good . He was feeling so light after coming here. She knows very well how to change his mood. Then some children come and tell sanskar to play with them. Sanskar play with them happily.
Swara look at him and smile, watching him running behind a boy then pick him up in his arms.

After sometime:
Swara: okay bachcha party bye.. now go and sleep. good night..
Children were sad. They wanted to play more but it's already night.
Sanskar: I promise we will come to meet u soon.. okay and have lots of masti.. okay..
" Promise?" A child ask.
Sanskar: pakka promise.. now go.. good night.
" Good night swara di and sanskar bhaiyya"

Waving them bye they come out.
Sanskar: thank you..
Swara look at him confused.: Hmm?
Sanskar: I know u did it to change my mood. So thank you..
Swara: ur always welcome..
Sanskar: how u always do this? Sometimes I feel that u know me more than myself.
Swara:(in mind) I know u but still want to know more and more about u. I want to see u Happy always because my heart Happy with it.

Sanskar snapped finger in front of her.
Sanskar: hey swara.. where r u?
Swara: nothing.. now let's go.
Sanskar: hmm.. come.

After sometime:
They reach gadodia house. Swara come out of car. Sanskar also come out.
Swara: ok bye sanskar..
Sanskar nods but he come to her confusing her.
Swara: what?
He hugged her.. she get shocked but she also hugged her back coming out of trance. She closed her eyes because she felt her heart was beating too fast..
Sanskar: once again thank you for everything.( He whispered)
Then he broke the hug. She opened her eyes and then look away..
Sanskar: bye..
Swara:( smiled) good bye..
She turned and walk toward entrance..
Sanskar: swara..
Swara turned around and ask: u want to say something?
Sanskar look at her intensely then nods nothing with smile: bye.. u go.
Swara:( surprised yet confused) okay.. u also go.
She go inside.. sanskar smiled and sit in car then drove away.

After a week:
Swara and sanskar were at cliff sitting on one stone and looking at the beautiful view of city. They were sitting silently.. swara was thinking something deep. In this one week, she was little disturb and the reason was "Niharika". Since the day, she heard her voice. She was sad and may be regretting that's why she was trying so hard to get sanskar forgiveness. Sanskar told he can't forgive her. It didn't stopped that day.. she still call him sometimes when they are together by other phone no. But sanskar never lift her calls. Swara feels bad about Niharika and sometimes it hurts her too.

She comes out of her thought when he snapped finger in front of her eyes.
Sanskar:( raising eyebrow) where?
Swara:( fake smile) nothing.. I was just.. leave it.
Sanskar: are u sure? Ur eyes are betraying u swara. U r lying.
Swara: oh come on why will I lie?
Sanskar: because u don't want to share with me as u don't think me your friend.
Swara: shut up sanskar..
Sanskar: then say..
Swara look at him then say: I m worried about my friend..
Sanskar: which friend?
Swara: umm.. payal.. she used to study with me in college. And she loved a boy sathvik . He also loved her but due to some misunderstanding they broke up.. and.. he left her. She waited for him.. but he didn't came.. in college, we tried a lot to cheer her up, she looks happy, may be moved on but sometimes I feel she didn't.. it's been six months already but..
Sanskar: u want her to move on?
Swara: I just want her to do what she wants to do ,not do what she is forced to.

Sanskar: it's not easy for her swara. He was her first love.. and ur thinking may be right she might have not moved on. It's not easy to forget ur first love. It's not easy to pull out someone from ur heart who became the reason of it's beat.

Swara: if sathvik come back to her life one day regretting what he had done, should she accept him?

Sanskar: if he is actually regretting of his deeds and if she still love him like before then she should accept him because ego destroy relationships..

Swara look down hearing it. She feels hurt listening it. He will never able to forget Niharika that means he still love her. She knew very well he will never love her then why it still pain her a lot.

Sanskar: did u ever loved someone?

Swara look at him. She blinks her eyes so that her tears may not betray her. The person whom she loved more than anything, the only person who lives in her heart is asking this question. What she should answer? Truth or lie. There is no way she will say truth because she don't want to loose his friendship also.

Swara:( chuckled fakely) what kind of question is this sanskar? No way.. I don't love anyone or loved anyone..( piercing her own heart while lying, she crossed her finger) I.. I.. leave it.. don't ask these stupid question.. my life is simple just the way it is. I don't want any problem in my life so it's better to stay away from love things. It just make our lives complicated That's why I leave it baba and maa to choose perfect match for me. I know they will find best..

Sanskar look at her closely as she was continuously blinking and looking away, not making any contact with his eyes.. fumbling with words. Her smile wasn't reaching her eyes.

Sanskar: u still love him, right?( Looking at her)
Swara: ( fake smile) what r u...?
Sanskar: u r lying..( hold her hand in which she had crossed her finger)
Swara could not able to do anything and a tear slide down her cheeks.. she pressed her lips and nods looking down.
Sanskar get hurt to see her tears but it hurt more to know that she love someone. He cups her face and up her face but she still look down.
Sanskar: who is he swara?( Feel hurt to ask but still ask)
Swara nods her head negatively :( crying) it doesn't matter... He .. he don't love me.. he love someone else.

Sanskar: it hurts a lot na?

Swara nods: more than I thought it would...

Saying this she cried hardly. Sanskar pulled her in his embrace. She also hugged him back, hiding her face in his chest.. she cried bitterly. She fisted on his shirt while he ruffle her hair. He console her but with his each words she feels more worst. The person whom she love is embracing her and telling everything will be fine but she knew nothing will be fine.. she curse her fate because she can't even tell him that she love him.

After sometime, she stopped crying. Sanskar wipe her tears slowly looking at her.. . He put the hair lock behind her ear and lean toward her then kissed her forhead lovingly leading her to close her eyes. She opened her eyes and realized their closeness, no this is wrong. She can't go so close to him only to get hurt more later.. thinking this she broke the hug and and look away.

Swara: am.. m we should leave.. maa baba may be waiting.
Sanskar:( confused to see her changed behavior all of the sudden) but swara.. it's only 7.. we can..
Swara: please Sanskar, I need to go.
Sanskar: ok..
Sanskar dropped her gadodia house.. and then go to mm.

A week later:
It's been a week since that day. In this one week time, swara usually avoid sanskar and meet him very less. Sanskar also feels she avoid him. He tried a lot to spend time with her. Ask her what happened but she ignored saying nothing. On the other hand , he was having strange feeling Everytime she do it. He wanted her presence and when she is not around, he miss her. He was missing his friend.. her smile when she smile with heart.. her eyes which can never lie. He miss her when he go to park and tell her to accompany but she deny saying she have work. He was not finding peace anywhere. He knows she was trying to be away from him but he just wanted to know why? With each passing day he was getting frustrated and irritated.

Sanskar was in his room. He was doing some office work with stern face. He was looking continuously at his phone in every five minutes to get a reply from the person whom he sent around fifty messages back to back . he had already called more than 70-80 times. And then he frustratingly took his laptop and started working.

After around 15 minutes ,his phone rang.. he look at the caller ID but it make him furious. He slide to reject call.
Sanskar: now I don't want to talk Ms. Gadodia!!
He again start working but it rang again. He cut the call again. It again rang. He cut again.. and do his work. But after five minutes, it again ring..

He was about to reject but look at time, it was already 11:45 p.m.
Sanskar:( monologue) what if she is in problem?
He took the call..
" Sanskar... Sanskar., Please, please help me.. please.." he heard her shivering voice and get scared.
Sanskar: hello swara.. swara where r u?
She tell him some address.
Sanskar: okay swara. Relax, I m coming.. nothing will happen to u.. just be there don't move.

He just get up from bed and took his car keys and rushed out. He started car and drive at full speed.

He reached the place what swara informed within fifteen minutes. It was so dark.

Sanskar:( monologue) I hope swara is fine.. please god nothing should happen to her.
And call her loudly: swaraaaa... Swaraaaa!!.  Swara where r u? Swaraa..

Then only the lights turned on. He look around only to find it's hall that was decorated with lights, and balloons..
" Happy birthday to u..
Happy birthday to u..
Happy birthday dear sanskar..
Happy birthday to u.. "

Sanskar heard her sweet voice from behind and turned around only to find her smilingly looking at him.

" Swara" sanskar said. Swara come near him and wished him.
Swara:( smile) Happy birthday sanskar.. may God give u all happiness in this world.
Sanskar look around once again then look at her. His expression turned stern.
Sanskar:( shout) are u mad!! What do u think u were doing? Do u have any idea what I was feeling since the time I heard ur shivering voice. I was scared to death.. my heart is still beating fast and here u r.. wishing me  birthday. U literally took my breathe away SWARA!! God damn it!! What the hell u were thinking to do and it's already 12:00 a.m. why r u here? U should be at home right? Firstly, u didn't talk to me properly since a week which is already made me frustrated and now this.. why u always do this SWARA!! Tell me!

Swara: sanskar relax.. I just wanted to surprise u..
Sanskar: relax!! U r telling me to relax and what surprise swara. My heart skipped it beat. I just wanted to see u safe in front of my eyes.. I was feeling like dying..
Swara: sanskar no.. please don't say that..
Sanskar: u don't understand anything swara.. u just don't. U ignored me since a week for this surprise but don't u think what I was going through.. ( restless)

Swara hold her ears: sorry...
Sanskar look at her then look away.

Swara: please Sanskar, I thought to surprise u but I didn't think I was doing stupidity.. and I didn't ignored u ,I just wanted space for myself because of my personal reason. I m sorry, I should not have done that.. please forgive me.

Sanskar look at her as she give pleading look.
Swara: please Sanskar atleast don't waste my efforts na? I was doing preparation since a week.. please.. okay fine atleast pause ur anger for now.. u can shower on me tomorrow. I will accept it wholeheartedly.. not now.. , ( give pleading look)

But sanskar was stern ,he was not ready to forgive easily. Swara feel sad.. she look down.
Swara: I .. I m.. really sor.. sorry sanskar.. ( tears) pls..

Sanskar get concerned hearing her chocking voice..
Sanskar: hey swara.. don't cry please. I .. m not angry. I was very restless about u. When u were not picking up my calls and then I heard ur voice in that shivering tone. It scared me.  Don't do like this please. I can't loose u.
Swara: I promise I will never repeat it . I promise..
Sanskar wipe her tears.
Sanskar: I don't need ur promise because it can be break but don't do like this ever.
Swara nods..
Sanskar: now, shall we cut the cake? Or u wanna cry first?
Swara smack on his chest.
Swara: all because of u.. u only shout at me.
Sanskar: so what should I have done.. u r responsible for my anger..
Swara: ok fine.. don't waste time now. It's already 12:25 p.m. come let's cut the cake.

Sanskar: waise swara.. it's really amazing. I must say u really did so much.
Swara: thank you..
Swara give knife to sanskar. Sanskar was about to cut the cake but swara stopped him.
Swara: first make a wish and blow candles.
Sanskar close his eyes and make  a wish .. then blow the candles. He cut the cake.. and feed her. Swara also feed him.
Then swara took a selfie.. she click few more pics. Sanskar look at swara thinking something.
Swara:( look at him) what?
Sanskar ( divert his gaze) no.. now my gift?
Swara: I thought, I have done all this for u.. so it will be enough.
Sanskar: no.. I want my gift.( Coming close to her)
Swara: ok.. just wait a minute. I will be back with ur gift.
Sanskar: no way.. I want now.
Swara: okay.. close ur eyes.
Sanskar smiled and close his eyes. Swara go close to him. She hold his hand.  Sanskar heart beat raise.

Swara:( whispered) sanskar, love is not in everyone's destiny but in ur life it is destined. I want u to hold this hand forever and always be together..

Sanskar who was still closing his eyes feels his heart flutter with her words. He was about to hold her hand but then he feels swara's hand slide away and someone else hold his hand. He opened his eyes with jerk only to find " NIHARIKA".

Sanskar: Niharika?
He look at swara who was smiling at them.
Swara: sanskar, before u get angry please listen to me. Niharika loves u very much. I know she did mistake by not trusting u but she is regretting. Since the day she come to know that her own freind betrayed her.. she wasn't able to forgive herself for what she had done to u. She had done a grave mistake but it was just a misunderstanding. She wants u back in her life.. she still love u sanskar and u also love her sanskar. U only said na.. first love can't be forgotten easily then please remove this ego from ur mind sanskar. Ego destroy relationships. When there is love then  there should be any space for ego. Just understanding. You know very well ,that I wasn't lucky to get my love but u r lucky to have ur love back in ur life. Everyone is not lucky to get love.. please forgive Niharika sanskar..

Sanskar look at Niharika . He was too shocked to react anything.
Swara:good bye sanskar.. and once again happy birthday..
She smiled but anyone can guess it was fake. She took step away from them and turned around.. and tear slide down from her eyes. She wipe it quietly with back of her hand and pressed her lips. She smile taking deep breathe. She walk out from there not even turned back once to look at him because she knew she will break down.
Sanskar look at her retreating figure. He was feeling she was crying. With her each step she was feeling she was going out with his breathe as she was struggling to breathe. She was taking beats away From his heart. And soon she was out of his sight but he was still looking at the way she was gone. His mind start reminding his moments with her. He thought about their first meet after his denial to marry when he burst out his anger on her.. then how he met her in pub at siya birthday.. her maturity while she talk and forgave him. Their friendship, the time he spend with her.. their laughs, teasings.. her cute way to say sorry melting his heart always, their moment at beach when she was so close to him, he was almost going to kiss her.. the moment when he heard about some marriage proposals for her ,he was so frustrated.. and last week moment when they were at cliff.. when she cried saying that she love someone but he love someone else.. then suddenly something stuck in his mind.. that evening... Her words..
her friend's story.. her break-up.. , still love her first love.. should she accept him?
That was all related to him. There was no Payal and no sathvik. It was all about him. He loved Niharika.

" He don't love me. he love someone else" her words.
His heart filled with happiness realising everything. She loves him.. she loves him.. his lips curved into smile and eyes turned teary.
He was lost in his thoughts when he was jerked by Niharika only to bring him back to reality.

Niharika: I m talking to u sanskar.. where r u lost?
Sanskar: huh!! What? U were saying something?
Niharika: yes sanskar.. sanskar I was saying please forgive me. I love u sanskar.. I m really sorry for whatever happened. I should have trusted u.. but I didn't.  I was trying to reach u since long time and thank God swara helped me. She called me and told me everything that u still love me. She said It's not easy to forget first love . I m so happy that I got u in my life but I didn't realized it till I came to know reality. U were always right sanskar and I was wrong. Please forgive me sanskar.. please.

Sanskar: done? ( He asked sternly) or something left?
Niharika was silent.
Sanskar: no now listen to me.. you r sorry about whatever u did? Fine, I forgive u. Is that okay for you. Now u can go.
Niharika: I knew it sanskar, you will forgive me. I m so excited we will be together again..
Sanskar: excuse me..  who told u we will be together. I said I forgave u but I don't love u anymore. Even u don't love me because if u had loved me, u would have trusted me. Trust is base of every relationship which you never had on me. Whatever swara said to u was right, first love can't be forget easily but u know what, swara made it easy for me to forget u. When she is around me na, I never thought about u except when she herself asked about u  for which I was never interested.

Niharika: sanskar please don't tell like this. I love u sanskar.. I really love u. I came all the way from London just for you Sanskar.

Sanskar: what? U came for me? Ms. Niharika It may be so much time for our break up but I still didn't forget that u visit India on every six months to meet ur parents. So please don't specify u specially come for me.

Niharika:( hold his hand) sanskar please don't do this to us. I know u love me and love u too sanskar.. please.

Sanskar: really Niharika? Fine you love me na then you must think about my happiness . What can u do for my happiness?can you sacrifice your love for Swara?
Niharika: what are u talking? Why will I sacrifice you for any girl whom I merely know, infact I don't even know her.
Sanskar:( chuckled) see, that's the difference between you and her. Swara also know nothing about you accept I loved you but still she thought about my happiness. She brought u here to unite with me because she still think that I love you. She could have been selfish and instigate me against u because I was already angry on u. But she did nothing like that. For her, my happiness is priority and that's why she always loose, never fight for herself even though she loves me more than anything in this world. I was biggest fool  that I didn't realize it but  now realized what were those feelings that were Killing me when swara was not around. I m hopelessly fallen in love with swara. I don't love u Niharika. May be I never did because what I feel for swara.. I never felt for you. Sorry Niharika but I want to spend my whole life with a girl who loves me selflessly that she is ready to give up her love for my happiness. I love swara.
Saying this he was about to go but Niharika hold his hand tightly.
Niharika: u can't do this sanskar, I won't let you go. U r doing this as I have done the same few months back, right?
Sanskar: I don't have any interest in taking revenge from u. it's just I don't love you. I can do whatever I want. U can't stop me. when I needed u ,u were not there, u were not ready to believe me, the person whom u say  u love And now I don't trust you and I don't need u in my life because I already have my swara..
Saying this he take out his hand forcefully from her hold and go out leaving her alone.

( Niharika chapter finished.  and she can go wherever u want to send her by ur imagination, away from swasan life.There is no revenge drama and all in this😆😂)

Gadodia house:
Swara was lying on her bed facing her back. She was sobbing dugging her face to pillow. Her hair scattered over her face. She was crying bitterly , her nose and eyes turned red. She pressed her shivering lips to control her cry so that shekhar and shomi can't listen her. She close her eyes tightly trying to push back her tears.. flashes of her moments with sanskar played in front of her eyes.. Everytime she was with him, the moment when she was close to him.. the evening when he kissed her forhead lovingly.. hugged her protectively in his embrace.. she hate herself for going close to him because it hurt her more than it hurts before. She just wanted to befriend with him keeping her feelings deep inside her heart but it increased a lot day by day only to give her more pain and make her feel miserable. She was happy with his friendship but didn't thought it will be so painful for her to suppress her feelings and left her heartbroken. She reminds how he said first love can't be forget and she was broken to hear it. Only she knew how much courage she had to gain to call Niharika taking her no. From his phone and tell her that sanskar love her. She should come to him. Only she knew how broken she was when she put her hand in his. Niharika is his love and happiness, she can't snatch that. Her love remained incomplete , Atleast he will get his love.

She was drowned in her  world filled with sadness when she heard some sound and get alert. She get up only to find sanskar near window. Did he just jump inside her room? He was looking at her with some emotion which she wasn't able to figure out but then she realized she was crying.. she looked away instantly and wiped her tears and try to compose herself but she was totally in mess.
She go to him and ask: San.. sanskar, what r u doing here? It's already late and why u came from window?

Sanskar look at her face as she was blabbering asking her questions , trying to behave normal. Her nose and eyes were puffy red. Eyelashes were wet. She was continuously blinking her eyes. How can she think that he will not come to know anything if she try to act normal.

" so, It was me?" He said slowly looking at her leading her to get quiet. She get shocked and know exactly what he was talking but she try to be normal.

Swara: what? What r u talking about ? What about u?
Sanskar: you love a guy but he don't love you. He love someone else. That's what you said that evening right? I wish I could have known that guy is none other than me. I was really biggest idiot.
Swara: sanskar.. w.. what r u? No... U r getting it wrong. He is someone else.

Sanskar: there is no Payal and no sathvik.. it was all about me, right?

Swara: no.. no it's not that.. ( she look away )

Sanskar: ( take one step ahead moving close to her) why didn't you told me swara? Why u kept it hidden and still trying to hide? I wish I could read that emotion in ur eyes whenever I saw u. I catch ur lies because ur eyes can't lie but couldn't read the word behind it.

Swara was breaking with his words , she knew he came to know everything and she don't know his reaction if he break this friendship also. So, she is still trying to deny everything.

Swara: sanskar.. it's..I said he is someone else... Why r u..?

Sanskar: then who is he swara? And why r u crying?
Swara:( chocking) no.. I, I m not crying..
Sanskar: why did u hide it swara? Why did u hide ur feelings? I want my answer swara and I will not leave without getting my answer? ( He hold her from her shoulder)

Swara:why u want to know sanskar? Why? I can't... Say u anything just go away..

She pushed him away and tried to go but he hold her hand. She was facing her back toward him.

Sanskar: ( call her with so much emotion) swara..
Swara closed her eyes then opened it. She turned around abruptly, jerking her hand away from his hold.

Swara: what do u want to know sanskar? What? Who is he? Whom do I love? Yes, yes..  yes.. it you. I love you sanskar.. I always loved u not from now but since a long time that u can even imagine but what can it change sanskar? U came to know na.. did anything changed? I m still here, alone .. my love is still incomplete. I know very well u can't love me..and I never expected from u. what are u doing here sanskar?why u came here? Please sanskar just go away.. just go away from here.. don't come near me please. It hurts me. It hurt everytime pretending I m nothing but just ur friend. I want u more than that sanskar. I want u more than friendship sanskar but u can never think me more than ur friend. I love u sanskar but it hurts to think that I m just ur friend, it hurts to think u can never love.
I was hurt when u rejected me but now it hurt more than I can bear because u got more close to my heart. I tried sanskar, I tried to suppress my feelings.. because I didn't wanted ur hate. I can't bear your hatred. Yes, I always hide what's in my heart because I don't wanted to be heartbroken more only to see you hating me when u would have known that I love you. It would have hurt if u would have misunderstood my friendship. Sanskar, I know u don't love me . I know u still love Niharika . She is ur happiness and that's why I  thought to unite u because my happiness is in ur happiness.. but I m not that strong sanskar. I m also a simple girl who have some feelings.. I get hurt.. I crave for love of that person whom I love. I m sorry if you feel I betrayed you in the name of friendship but I can't control my heart.. why u came sanskar? Why? Just go away please.. u don't have any idea what u do to me? U don't know what ur presence do to me? please just go ... just Go away!!
(Swara said all this cryingly and fumbling with words.. at last she turned around facing her back to him )

Sanskar look at her who was facing her back. He heard her each word and he was on top of the world when he heard her confession.. she told everything, her love, her fear.. how much hurt she was but still she decided to give up on her love. His eyes also get wet but his heart was filled with happiness that she love him so much. He walk to her who was just two step away from him.
Suddenly she jerked and get shocked when she feels him wrapping his arms around her belly. Very soon her mind went numb as she felt his lips just near her ears whispering something and touching her ear with his lips Making her shiver.

Sanskar:( whisper) if I don't know what I do to u.. then tell me. What my presence do to u swara?
(She fist her palm) does it make u shiver just the way u r shivering now? Does it make ur breathe heavier just the way u r breathing heavily right now? (She was breathing heavily and closed her eyes tightly ) Does it make ur heart beat  fast ?( She so wanted to hold her heart that was beating beyond it's limits and he can feel it) Do my touch make u senseless? Do my embrace make u feel protected?( Gripping his hold around her sensously saying with intense tone. She remind the moment when he was just about to kiss her, she was so lost, then remembered when he hugged her protectively when she cried and she cried thinking all this, shutting her eyes)
Swara: sanskar..... Please.. please leave..( still closing her eyes)
She hold his hand that was wrapped around her tightly and tried to get free from his hold but he tightened his grip more leading her breathe get hitched.

Sanskar: I hope u won't do ur useless efforts next time..
Swara: sanskar.. please leave me.. please.
Sanskar: now there is no chance swara. Anyway I was thinking, u r such a nice girl and nice friend tht u thought about my happiness and bring Niharika back in my life. So now please do one more thing for me.. make me marry to the girl I love, then I promise I won't ask anything more. I will be happiest and luckiest person in this whole world because she will my world.

Swara: you can marry Niharika sanskar, no one is stopping u.. why u want me to do it? I m not that strong sanskar.. I m not strong enough to see u getting married to  some...... ( Stopped)

Sanskar: no way swara, if you won't be present in marriage then how will I marry? You know swara, I can't thank you enough for bringing her in my life. She is angel of my life. She made me realize what true love is. I was unaware of this feeling till she came in my life. I don't know how I fell head over heals in love with her. I realized it when she was away from me. I missed her in my every moment, the time we spend.. the places we used to visit together.. and her presence. Her beautiful smile that still make my heart flutter, her hazel eyes that was always filled with some emotion which I couldn't read until I realized my love for her. I love the way she change my mood and vanish my anger just by her sweet smile.

Swara who thinks sanskar is talking about Niharika, wiggles and try to come out of his grip.

Swara:( tears) sanskar.. please leave me.. and go from here.. just go away..

Sanskar: If I will leave u and go away from u then how will I marry the girl I love?

Swara eyes get wide open.. she looked at him sideways such that his breathe falling on her face.

Swara:( whispered shockingly): what?

He cup her face and made her turned around completely directly facing her.
he gently wipe her tears.

Sanskar: yes miss. Swara gadodia.. me, sanskar maheshwari is hopelessly fallen in love with u. I find no way to stay away from u for whole my life...

Swara shakes her head negatively: no.. no ,u don't.. u r lying.. u r lying to me so that I don't feel bad but later I will. Don't do like this sanskar please.. it hurts.

Sanskar ( still holding her face with both hands): if you don't want to believe my confession Ms. Gadodia then also I will marry you only and you will have whole life to figure out whether I love you or not.. but the truth can't change that I love you swara.. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I didn't knew my destiny will lead me to you and you will became the reason of this heartbeat till ur ignorance made me realize that.

Swara: no.. u love Niharika , u don't love me.
Sanskar: if I loved Niharika then I would have been with her right now and enjoy my birthday with her not here with you confessing my love to you. I know u want to trust me but ur fear is stopping u and I hate to accept that I m only the reason of it. God has blessed me with your love but I didn't realize it till u were away from me this week. I was confused why I behaved like a typical possessive boyfriend when I heard someone came to your house for your marriage proposal, what kind of peace I feel when u r around me and why I feel restless when I don't see ur face and I don't hear ur voice. I love it when u smile and I hate it when I see ur tears. That evening when u said that u love someone, I felt something Peirce my heart. I was literally jealous from myself only. Swara, I knew I was a jerk to deny from  marriage without even understanding you and became the reason of your pain.. but as I come to know more and more about you.. I fell in love with u. I can't ask more to god because he has already sent u in my life who understands me more than anyone can, who love me more than anything in this world, for whom my happiness is priority and I also want to be reason of ur happiness. I want to be reason of ur smile. I want u in my life to love u, to cherish every moment of my life with u. I don't know what I felt for Niharika but I do know that now she don't exist in my life. I never thought about Niharika when I was with u . I never felt the way I feel for you.I want to fall more and more in love with u cause I love this feeling. I want to start my day with ur beautiful smile and end it holding u close to me in my embrace. I want u around when I m angry because only u know how to handle me. I want ur presence when I m happy because u will increase that happiness.  I want to hold u and make u shiver, I want to touch u and love the way u melt in arm. I want to love u and make u mine. I want to grow old with u. I want to be  father of a cute little princess who will be totally go on u and as beautiful as you are.. will u give  me honour to be part of your life? Will u let me be the man of your life? Will u give me a chance to fulfill ur dreams and my dreams together? Will u give me chance to complete these wishes that I just said? Can I become the reason of ur smile? Will u marry me swara?
(He was holding her by waist through one hand and one hand was cuping her face)
Swara heard him. His each and every words were filled with emotion. His eyes were having sincerity and truth. With his each other her heart felt heavy. She knew he was not lying. She can read in his eyes. She felt she got the world she lost. Her heart got beat.  She can't believe he also love her . She burst out in happiness.

Swara:( crying and hit him on his chest) u fool, idiot, bastard .. I hate u.. I hate u so much.( Hold his collar) U always make me cry. First u rejected me and made me cry... Now u confessed ND made me cry. I won't believe u.. u will again make me cry.. I won't marry u. I hate u.. I hate u sanskar.
Sanskar:( pulled her closer encircling his hand around her waist. He leans toward her , touching her forhead against hers and whispered) why r u saying u hate me when u love me more than anything in this world..

Swara:( closed her eyes due to proximity but still tears sliding down her cheeks . She hit on his chest continuously) I hate u.  I don't love u. I hate u.. I hate u sanskar.. I ha...
She couldn't complete as he placed his lips on hers. She shivers with sudden touch of his lips and about to back off but he held back of her head and ruffle her hair. He kissed her lips slowly yet intensely. He bites her lower lips... Making her gasp in pain . He deepen the kiss more. His grip tightened around her waist. She fist on his collar. She started melting and her knees were giving up but he was holding her firmly. After few minutes, he broke the kiss only to see her breathless and taking deep breathe..she was closing her eyes still. Slowly she open her eyes and look up to his eyes.
Swara: how can u love me sanskar.. U know me since few months only and u loved Niharika. ..
Sanskar: you love me since the time we weren't even friend .. then why can't I love you. I loved Niharika or it I don't know but I love you that my heart knows.

Hearing it she throws her arms around him and hugged him tightly..

Swara: I love you sanskar.. I love you..

He also hugged her wrapping her arm around her.
Sanskar:( smiled) I love you too swara. I love you so much.
His hand roamed sensously on her back . She clutched her shirt more.

Sanskar:( nuzzle his face in her hair and whispered) I still didn't get my answer swara. Will u marry me?

Swara: (nods her head happily) yes..

Sanskar:( happy) say it again swara.
Swara: yes, yes... Yes.. I will marry u sanskar maheshwari.

He twirl her lifting her up in his arm. Then made her stand properly.. she look at him with smile.

Sanskar: thank you so much swara, and I m so sorry for whatever I did before.. if I had not rejected u till now we were married..

Swara: ssh... Whatever happens is for good only. I don't have any complaints from u. I have u that's enough for me. Just promise me.. u will never leave me.

Sanskar: I promise swara.. I will never leave you. I will always there for you. But u also promise that u will never suppress ur feelings.

Swara:( smiled) why will I? When u already come to know about it.. ( thinking something) but sanskar.. Niharika..?

Sanskar: u r really unique girl.. here we just confessed and u r talking about someone else. I have to marry u soon otherwise who knows if  u change ur mind. I can't take risk for that.

Swara look at him unbelievably.. while he chuckled.
Swara: but for marrying me, u have to make everyone agree from ur family and my family. I m sure it won't be easy for u.( Chuckled)
Sanskar: I know but don't worry I will handle it.. anyway I have u na then no problem at all. Sanskar maheshwari can win this world when his angel is with him.

Swara smiled: I never thought I will be able to confess my love to u. I love u sanskar.
Sanskar: and I never thought to fall for you but I did. That's what fate decided for us and I was totally unaware of it untill I realized. This is the best birthday or my life because God has blessed me with u. I love u too swara. .. or soon to be Mrs. Sanskar maheshwari..

A deep blush appears on swara's face. She looks down. He look at her..her shivering lips and leans toward her to take her lips in his kissing her passionately yet again.. and this time she also reciprocated. They were lost in their moment.
Screen blurred on their faces...

Next day.. sanskar tell everyone about his decision to everyone at mm. Shekhar, shomi and swara were also present there.
The tray  which sujatha was holding to serve shekhar and shomi fell from her hand in shock hearing it.
Everyone look at her.
Sujatha: u said what? Did I just heard u want to marry swara?
Sanskar:( unbelievably) mom please.. don't give that T.v. serial reaction. I seriously want to marry swara.
Sujatha: jiji, I think I have some hearing problem. I should get check up.
Everyone chuckled inwardly.
AP: sujatha, he is saying that only.
Sujatha: so u mean to say that u really want to marry her and u have called gadodia family to tell this.
Sanskar: mom , was I talking in Chinese that u can't understand.
Sujatha make faces..but then she become so happy. She rushed to swara happily.
Sujatha: for the first time in his life.. my son has done something right.. I m so excited to see you both getting married.
Swara  smiled wholeheartedly listening her.
Shekhar look at swara who was looking very happy. He was so happy to see her daughter smiling with heart after so many day.
Dp: shekhar ji.. we always wanted swara as our Dil. We accept this proposal.. I just want to know ur decision.
Shekhar: I don't have any problem. I just want my daughter happiness and I can see her happiness.

RP: then I think, we should fix marriage date soon.
Swara look at sanskar. He also look at her and then winks. She glared at him and he chuckled. AP who already sees it feels happy.
She comes to swara and put her hand on her head. Swara look at her.
AP: I m so happy for you. You finally got ur love. God bless you swara.. may u get all the happiness in life.
Swara hugged her.

Finally swasan marriage was fixed after two weeks. And engagement after a week.

After two weeks ,swasan marriage was done with all rituals and tradition. Swasan finally became one. After two years, swara give birth to a baby girl and named her sanskriti.

The end...

So finally it came to end. Thank you so much for giving ur love to this story. A special thanks to those who commented and express their views. Take care.. bye.😊😊

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