Ch.10: Summons

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Right now it's around late noon and Y/N and Guts are fully awake from the biggest surprise in the world, Lucy as a human. Lucy is on the ground covering herself with the blanket Guts threw on her.

Lucy: "Why are you still surprised?"

Y/N: "Because I didn't think you'd turn into a human. Didn't even think that was possible."

Lucy: "Well it is possible, if I'm raised by the right person. Or in this case, a Hero."

Guts: "Yeah, I remember hearing about that too. I remember hearing that if an animal or a Demi Human is raised by a Hero they will have an extremely fast growth rate."

Lucy: "Exactly."

Y/N: "As much as all this is extremely interesting but we have to go back to Koa, Guts has to get back to his wife and We have to get back to Yuki. And explain *gestures* This to her."

Lucy chuckles and she gets up but the blanket falls off her but Y/N quickly grabbed it and covers her again.

Lucy: "What is it?"

Y/N: "J-Just keep This on, I don't want you getting stopped because your basically naked in public."

Lucy: "I actually have a better idea."

Lucy consumed herself in blue flames and she is in her form that she evolved into last night.

Y/N: "*nods* Hmm convenient."

Lucy: "It definitely is."

Y/N was just silent but Guts almost fainted from seeing an animal talk.

Lucy: "What, What is it, something wrong?"

Y/N: "Ehhhhhh NOTHING, nothings wrong just surprised."

As they were about to continue talking they were interrupted by royal knights from Melromark. Y/N knew something bad was coming if it's the thrones guards. Guts readied himself Lucy started to growl with sparks coming from her mouth, Y/N's visor flaired up. One of them came up to Y/N with his hands up

Knight: "Please, we only just came to talk. We came to deliver this summons personally."

He was going to reach behind himself but Y/N grabbed the handle of his Greatsword on his back.

Y/N: "If you try anything funny I'll slice you in half."

Knight: "No it's just a scroll."

He slowly reaches on the back of his waist and he slowly brings up a scroll with the Royal seal on it.

Knight: "See, Nothing. The King himself wants you to come to the castle and be a guest at his royal feast on celebration of fending off the Wave. You will also be an honored guest for defeating the 'Chimera' as you call it."

Y/N was still unsure about this whole thing. Right now he only wants to get home back to Yuki.

Y/N: "Alright, what happens if I accept this summons?"

Knight: "Well you will have your belly filled with the greatest food prepared for you, and you'll be greatly compinsated for killing the Chimera."

Y/N: "Something still doesn't sit right. Well I'll accept this summons. Alright Lucy, Guts let's head out."

They both nodded they're heads, but Y/N still kept staring at the knights making them uneasy.

Y/N: "Go knights while we prepare, besides with you bunch on our tails it will slow us down."

Both Y/N and Guts packed up what they had and put them on Lucies back. Y/N easily hopped on her back but Guts struggled to get on so Y/N grabbed his hand and gave him a lift up.

Y/N: "Maybe I should make a saddle for her when she's in this form."

Lucy: "Alright boys you better hold on tight."

She dashed off towards the castle with Guts falling off but catching her tail, while screaming like a little girl.

-----------------Timeskip Castle------------------

As they entered the town many people weren't happy to see Y/N but also scared of his two companions. One was another heavily armoured man with a just as large sword, the other was Lucy in her dino form walking. While the three kept walking to the Castle Y/N decided to grab Lucy by one of her arms and took her her into a hidden alley way.

Lucy: "What are we doing."

Y/N: "I need you to transform back into a human, we can get some clothes for you here."

Lucy: Ok, but I choose. I wanna where something I like."

Y/N: "Well not forcing ya, so you can where whatever makes you feel.... well you."

Blue flames consumed her body and she transformed back into her human form. But she was still naked, but Y/N quickly threw a blanket on her. As they walked out of the alleyway both Guts and Y/N quickly pushed her into a small clothing store. Around half an hour passed to find something to fit Lucy was.... difficult, she was tall and large with her cup size so finding something to fit was stressing. But luck was with them because they FINALLY found something to fit but it was kind of revealing.

(Her portrait from the previous chapter.)

Y/N: "Seriously, *eyebrow raise* that's all you can find to where?"

Clerk: "I'm sorry sir, but that's all that can fit her. We don't have much clothes around the height of 6'3 or around there, considering her bust size this is the only thing that we found that can fit."

Lucy: "W-well, I actually like this. What about you Y/N, do y-you like it?"

She started to blush and even though Y/N had his helmet on his face was completely red. Lucy twiddled with her fingers awaiting his answer, but he didn't knew how to respond.

Y/N: "Y-yeah if you like then I like. I must say your quiet cute in it."

She blushed more and smiled with her tail wagging happily.

Lucy: "T-T-Thank you Y/N."

Guts just looked at the two.

Guts: " *couph* Jeez can you two staring into each others souls already. Ma'am what's the price for her outfit?"

Clerk: "Umm it's around..... 100 gold."

Y/N: " A H-h-h-hundred g-gold! Why is that pricey?!"

Clerk: "Because it is infused with magic actually."

Y/N: "Eh?"

Guts: "Jeez *facepalms* I can't believe you don't know that. Basically all the fabric and every weaving is infused with magic. I seen my wife make magic infused clothes before at the store for young and old mages."

Y/N nodes and he summons a big coin purse from his inventory. Everyone in the room just looked at Y/N weirdly.

Y/N: "What?"

Clerk: "How, how did you do that?"

Y/N: "Oh, it's part of my status magic. Well anyway......"

Y/N uses his big hand and grabs as much gold coins as possible and he quickly sifs through them counting up to a hundred.

Y/N: "... There you go miss a hundred gold coins."

She went through them and counted, she nodded and she thanked thanked them for coming in. After a few minutes of walking to the castle Lucy kept staring at Y/N and looking away with a blush on her face. Lots of men creepingly stared at her because of her revealing outfit. But more people were scared of Y/N, mainly many remembered him when he first appeared in the city. He seen a few plant vines still stuck to the buildings and some scorch marks still left behind. Y/N decided to summon his cape to blend in, at least a little bit but he still stuck out because of his height.

Lucy: "You look like a large honorable knight you know that Y/N."

Y/N: "Well I may be honorable, bit I'm no Knight. I'm just an unsung hero."

---------------------------------------- Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Yuki eating a cookie and waves to the readers. -----------------------------------------------

Both Y/N, Guts and Lucy walk through the doors to the large dining room filled with people. Once they entered many people looked at them, mainly all scared because many of the nobles remember him. Some throne guards came from the crowd and surrounded Y/N and his group. Both Guts and Lucy prepped themselves for a fight but Y/N put his hand up for them to stop.

Y/N: "Please, no need to fight. We came on his majisties orders."

Y/N pulled out the scroll that held his invitation and they accepted it, much to their displeasure of letting him in. As they continued to walk he seen Naofumi leaning on the wall so he decided to have a chat.

Y/N: "Hey Naofumi."

He waved him and he also leaned on the wall next to him.

Y/N: "I'm happy you made out alive. Wish I didn't have to be here."

Naofumi: "You and me both."

Y/N: "But I guess us rouges have to stick together."

Y/N lifted up his fist and Naofumi knew what it meant. They did a bro fist and Naofumi seen Raphtalia coming over with a plate of food along with Lucy.

Raphtalia: "Master Naofumi you should try this cake, it's really good."

Lucy: "Y/N try this roast it's the best thing I ever had tasted"

Naofumi: "Y/N ... who's that?"

Y/N: "Oh, that's Lucy. She's a... a Dragon Demi Human."

Naofumi: "*whispers* Why does she look like a hooker?"

Y/N: "*whispers* I thought of the same thing."

Lucy|Raphtalia: "What's a hooker??"

Both Y/N and Naofumi stiffened and paled.

Y/N|Naofumi: "Ummm NOTHING."

????: "Naofumi!!!"

Naofumi: "Oh great don't tell me....."

Y/N: "It's one of the stooges...."

Motoyasu: "Naofumi you bastard!"

Motoyasu ripped off one of his gloves and threw it on the ground Infront of Naofumi.

Motoyasu: "I challenge you to a duel to set her free. You have her as a slave."

He points to Raphtalia and she stiffened up. Y/N looked at Naofumi wanting an explanation but he sighed.

Y/N: "Later you better have a good explanation for that."

????: "Berserker!!!!"

Y/N: "What now!?"

Ren appears next to Motoyasu and he pulls out his sword and pointed it at him.

Ren: "I challenge you as well. When I win I'm going to free that little girl you have."

Y/N went from mized to raging within a nano second, with lightning like speed he grabbed Ren by his throat and slammed him into the ground.

Y/N: "You better stay away from my daughter or I'll rip out your insides through your mouth, and trust me it won't be pretty."

Y/N let's him go while he's choking and breathing heavily to get air back into his lungs.

Y/N: "I accept the challenge. But if I win, *leans down* You stay the hell away from my little girl. If you violate that, I'll kill you like Vlad the Impaler did to his enemies. And while your bleeding out I'll be sitting on a log drinking an ale and laughing at your misery."

Naofumi paled with a sweat drop going down his head.

Naofumi: "I'm seriously worried about you, mentally. I think you might be a sociopath."

Y/N: "I'm not a sociopath, I'm a high functioning sociopath who loves his daughter. I'll do anything for her."

Naofumi: "Even if you step into the dark abyss of madness?"

Y/N: "I'll jump into the void itself if it means to protect my daughter."

Motoyasu: "HEY! Are we going to fight or what?!"

Y/N shook his head in disgust.

Y/N: "Jeez you have no patience do you youngin? *Looks at Naofumi* Naofumi, kick his ass. Aim for the face and his manhood."

Naofumi: "*cracks knuckles* You got it."

The two did a bro fist and Naofumi walked off to the arena, Y/N can tell he didn't want to do the fight but Naofumi went with it. As Y/N walked up into the audience area Ren stepped Infront of Y/N trying to look tough. Y/N slowly bent looking at him in the face.

Y/N: "Move.

Ren: "No."

Y/N: "Kid you better move or I'll move you."

Ren: "N-No."

Y/N unveiled his helmet revealing his angered face, and Ren started to shake from seeing the rage in his eyes.

If your wondering this is what you look like. So sorry if I never put it out there or in the Bio. If your wondering it's Tatsuya Shiba, just imagining him with long hair. And with E/C

Y/N: "You asked for it."

Y/N lightly bitch slapped him with his right arm sending him into the wall and making an indentation.

Y/N: "See you in the arena,.... Bitch."


Sorry if I made this into a short chapter. I just wanted to get this out to all my readers plus it's hard to do this with no wifi at home at the moment. Be prepared for what's to come.

And a nod to my favorite TV channel.

Y/N: "Berserker Hero, on ION Television. Positively entertaining."

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