Ch.3: Fight of a Lifetime

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3rd POV

Right now we see Naofumi and his demi human companion Raphtalia walking next to him both getting ready for the second Wave of Catastrophe to hit.

Naofumi: "Alright Raphtalia got everything ready for the wave?"

Raphtalia: "Yes Naofumi-sama we have everything we'll need."

Naofumi: "Alright Raphtalia, maybe we should stock up on extra medicine just in case."

Raphtalia: "I think that's a great idea.."

Before Raphtalia can say anything they heard a loud bone chilling roar and they seen windows shatter from the palace. Raphtalia clutched her demi human ears and screamed in pain then falling on her knees still holding her ears

Naofumi: "Raphtalia are you ok!?"

Before Raphtalia can say anything they seen the Sword Hero Ren flew up hitting the ground in front of them groaning in pain. Next came both Motoyasu and Itsuki landing next to Ren. As Ren slowly sitting up he looked behind him.

Ren: "Oh it's.. you."

Naofumi: "Well the hell is happening especially to you three!?"

Motoyasu slowly got up angry with a sense of his pride hurt.

Motoyasu: "This.. doesn't concern you.. bastard."

Itsuki: "Yes it doesn't *groans and gets up* besides we got this."

Naofumi looked at all three and seen that their health low and they look exhausted from fighting what ever is manhandling them.

Naofumi: "From the looks of it you three don't."

Ren/Motoyasu/Itsuki: "Shut up!"

As all four of the Heros argued the final fifth Hero joined in. Y/N left the castle then he leaped at the direction of where the rest of the Heros were and decided to do a 'dramatic' introduction to the Shield hero. Once Y/N landed landed on all fours he had so much black smoke coming off him it was hard to tell who he was and the red glowing visor made him frieghtning to see.

Naofumi: "He is one tall, and scary looking bastard."

Y/N looked at them and it made Naofumi and Raphtalia's spines shiver. All the civilians in the area didn't know what to do from seeing a tall silver colored knight in front of them all. Y/N then forcefully reeled his arms back while leaning forward for a loud roar that can be heard miles away.
(Use Roar at 0:16)

When Y/N got done roaring all the area civilians ran away screaming but the four heros didn't do anything just shaking in there boots while Raphtalia had blood coming out of her animal ears from the loud roar. As Y/N stared Ren, Motoyasu and Itsuki down he focused his sights on Naofumi. When he kept staring at him he started to hear a voice in his head and the red glow in his visor went away leaving it black again.

????: *Naofumi*"Whatever you do don't freak out, I don't want this three clowns listening in. And speak through your mind, we'll keep this conversation private."

Naofumi got surprised at first but he did a small nod.

Naofumi: "Ok, now who are you?"

Y/N: *Naofumi*" My names Y/N, Y/N L/N, I'm also a Legendary Hero like you."

Naofumi: "Wait I thought there was only four of us?"

Y/N: *Naofumi* "Nope I'm the fifth hero, I'm in the Berserker class. Listen I sense your a nice guy so leave with your girl please."

Naofumi: "Wait I want just some more questions!"

Y/N: *Naofumi* "I'll answer them all, but first I don't want you and her to be part of this fight. Now leave I'll see you again soon Shield Hero."

Naofumi did a nod and he went to Raphtalia and helped her up and left the other three heros with Y/N.

Motoyasu: "Go ahead leave coward we don't need you!!"

Y/N: "I find that hard to believe, from looking at him he looks like a good."

Y/N looks back at the three stooges and grab his sword from his back and did a slow walk toward them while his sword is making a loud metal grinding noise against the concrete ground. Y/N made a growling noise at them while walking making them uneasy.

Motoyasu: "Y-you can't s-scare us beast!"

Ren: "Really you stuttered their."

Motoyasu: "Shut up!"

When Motoyasu looked back at Y/N he was seen he was directly in frony of him, Y/N bent down making a metal grinding noise from his armor metal plates scratching against each other. While Y/N stared at him Motoyasu was shaking in his boots then Y/N grabbed Motoyasu by his collar and picked him up. As Motoyasu stared into the dark void of his helmet visor then Y/N instantly threw him behind him into a building.

Y/N: "Looks like he won't be getting up for awhile."

(PLAY at 2:37)

Y/N hoists his Greatsword on his right shoulder and motions with his clawed gauntlet to fight him. Ren rushes in first and the swords clash making a shockwave with Sparks coming from their blades. Itsuki kept circling and shooting arrows at him but they don't have much of an effect against Y/N's impenetrable armor. Y/N jumped back from Ren and used one of his skills.

Y/N: "Vine Trap!"

He slammed his left gauntlet into the ground and suddenly around twenty plant roots came from the ground and traveled up to the house Itsuki was on and they ensnared him there where he stood.

Itsuki: "What the hell is this!"

Y/N: "That outta hold him there."

When Y/N looked back at Ren and seen his blade coming for his face, mainly his visor so he quickly dodged out of the way and used another skill but this time his target is Ren.

Y/N: "Molten Wave!"

Y/N's sword glowed red and he dragged it behind him making lots of Sparks and he did a vertical swipe up making a large amounts of molten ground to spray at Ren, he dodged the attack but a few droplets of lava landed on his side of his body and a droplet on his shoulder. As Ren started to scream in pain from the burning. As Y/N was Infront of Ren it looked like Y/N was going to end him but Motoyasu surprised him and started do repeated stabs at Y/N from the back. Luckily a couple hits went into the few spots in his armor that are vulnerable and a good amount of damage on Y/N. Motoyasu noticed he was able to land in hits.

Motoyasu: "Ren, Itsuki aim for the vulnerable spots in his armor!

Ren: "Itsuki is stuck get him out Motoyasu!!"

Ren decided to use one of his skills.

Ren: "Hundred Swords!"

A plethora of glowing swords floated around Ren and they flew at Y/N but he twirled his Greatsword in a circular motion deflecting all the glowing swords from hitting him.

Ren: "Hmm nice deflecting."

On the other hand Y/N was smiling under his helmet.

Y/N: "Man I always wanted to try that from Devil May Cry! Thank you Vergil!"

Motoyasu got Itsuki out of his small plant confines and started firing at Y/N but he blocked a few shots with his sword or forearms. As they surrounded him Y/N looked at his left gauntlet it swirled with fire and he used another flame based skill.

Y/N: "Fire Burst!"

Y/N slammed his fist into the ground and sending fire in all directions while knocking everyone back a bit but Ren jumped into the air launched his own fire based skill at him but Y/N did sliced down on the fire blast destroying it but Ren came from the burst of flames and attempting to stab him in the visor but before he could Y/N used his fist and uppercuts Ren sending him back but he regains his balance then they launched at each other both slashing at each other but for the other to deflect it.

This went on for two straight minutes while Itsuki and Motoyasu were on their butts stunned just watching the two trying to kill the other.

Motoyasu: "Jesus these two are really going at it."

Itsuki: "I know, is it a rivalry of swordsmanship or something?"

Motoyasu: "To tell you truthfully *groans and gets up* I have no idea but we have to help Ren."

Itsuki gets up and ready his bow to fire at Y/N.

Itsuki: "In order to beat him we have to work as a team instead of separately attacking him."

Motoyasu: "Dammit, looks like we have to."

Itsuki: "Look I have an idea, let's use both powerful skills of our and fire them at once."

Motoyasu: "Alright sounds good to me. Hey Ren get outta there!

Itsuki/Motoyasu: "Thunder Arrow/ Meteor Spear!!"

As they both fired Ren seem the combined blasts incoming and he jumps outta the way. But as he's jumped he fired the same skill he used earlier and as all three blasts came at Y/N he could do anything but say one thing.

Y/N: "Fuck me."


As a giant blasts erupted Ren, Itsuki and Motoyasu looked at each other.

Motoyasu: "Did we get him?"

As they looked they saw nothing. All three were confused and didn't know what to think on it.

Ren: "Geez did we kill him or something?"

Itsuki: "Well if we did wouldn't we see a body?"

Motoyasu: "All I know is we won. That's that. But dam that fight was intense."

Ren: "Well it definitely was good, but did we really have to kill him? Or maybe he just disappeared, teleported or something."

Itsuki: "For example, would we see his armor or maybe his sword?"

Unbeknownst to them Y/N was alive. He seen he was in a field with trees surrounding him.

Y/N: "Ok, where am I now?"

????: "Looks like we got you out in time I dare say."

Y/N quickly turned around seeing four women in black clothing with masks covering their eyes. As Y/N made an animalistic growl at them with his visor red but only one of them stepped out.

????: "Don't be scared now, please lower head I dare say."

As she came up she touched the side of his helmet and for some reason he didn't feel angry at her, his red glow went away and even his rage went away. Somehow she was able to quwell the beast and didn't have a feeling of rage and or anything anger filled.

????: "That's better your, safe here. I'm sorry to say this but we have to go, we got our objective done. Now just head that direction and you'll find a village called Koa. Goodbye I dare say."

As that woman joined the others they just vanished. Y/N was confused at first but he's going to let it go and be thankful they got him out.

Y/N: "Thank you ladies, I appreciate it."

Y/N got up and looked around at his surroundings and walked toward the direction the woman pointed at.

Y/N: "Well this place Koa, I hope it's peaceful there."

Right now Y/N is exhausted from that fight and needs rest. As Y/N walked he pulled up his stats.

Y/N: "I can't believe I almost forgot to do this. Well let's see what I have..... Ok looks like all my stats are normal, but I have nothing to compare it to. But I'll do that some other time right now I need to be on my way."

He looked at his armor and seen something interesting.

Y/N: "Ok 'add Cape' sounds odd but might as well try it."

As he pushed the halographic button his cape appears behind him and it's white colored. As Y/N looked behind himself he seen the cape waving in the wind. But he also noticed a symbol on the cape he didn't recognize. It was a bull head with long horns on it.

Y/N: "Ok I'm liking this so far. Wait 'helmet: On' ok let's try this now. Ok Helmet: Off."

As Y/N pressed it he felt his helmet magically come off. As he felt the wind on his skin again. He felt around his face and it felt the same as he left. Same short H/C but he didn't know about his E/C or S/C. Once he finds a mirror he'll take a look. But bow he feels something is off, he felt his tongue around his mouth and.

Y/N: "Ow, Oh good why are my Teeth sharp.*Summons Helmet* I better keep it on or my teeth could scare someone away."

(Play this, it's F*cking Perfect.)

Y/N heard small thundering above him and it started to rain. As he looked up he put his hand out, he heard nothing else but the raindrops hitting his metal armor and the rain hitting everything around him.

Y/N: "It's actually, tranquil right now. But a little rain never hurt anyone.

Y/N looks at his gauntlet and seeing the water just skim off and washing away small blood spots on him. He decided to walk forward hearing nothing but the rain, thunder and his boots hitting the nearly mud like ground.
As Y/N kept walking for a few miles he seen what looks like a road. As he seen a carriage came up Y/N hid behind a tree not to scare who ever it is. The carriage rustled and screaming can be heard from it for a bit but Y/N seen a big fat man came out with his pants halfway down. But he also threw out a little girl white haired girl she looks around thirteen years old in ragged clothing.

Fatman: Dam Demi-human! Can't even pleasure me any more!"

Girl: "I'm sorry sir!"

The man smacked her making her scream and kicked her to a tree making her lean on it. As Y/N looked he seen lots of bruises and she had cat ears. Y/N anger started to come back making him growl, but the man noticed the noise and looked around.

Fatman: "Wait whos there!"

Y/N noticed something.

Y/N: Wait a minute why's..."

He seen both red and liquid coming from between her legs with blood stains on her inner legs.

Y/N: "Oh God HE RAPED HER?!"

Y/N let out a terrifying roar which alerted the man and his guards all looking at the direction the roar came from. As one guard came up to a tree looking around Y/N quickly grabbed the guard and snapped his neck and still holding him Y/N walks out from the bushes and tree and the guards seen him with the man.

Fatman: "Don't just stand there get him!"

All nine of the guards charged at once but Y/N did a quick slice decapitating all the guards like he did with the elites guards back at the castle. The Fatman just shook with fear, Y/N put his Greatsword away jumped high into the air and landed right behind him and when he turned around Y/N grabbed him by his neck leaned in close and let out a very menacing growl.

(Use the first one)

Fatman: "Please, d-don't kill m-me. Take what e-ever I h-have. All my m-money, ITS YOURS!"

(Use the Second one)

As the man was going to say something else Y/N stabbed him in the chest with his left claws, and used his right claws dug into his neck and ripped off his head in a gory fashion, spine included. Y/N threw that head down to the man's twitching body in the mud. While it's still raining Y/N bends down to the little girl that got raped but she backed away into the tree covering herself to be her but instead she felt his metal held on the top of her head and she teared up almost to the point of crying. He got his hand off her and reached for his cape and ripped it off. He covered her up with his cape like a makeshift blanket to keep her warm from the cold of the storm raging on.

Girl: "T-t-thank m-mister."

Y/N was going to ask something to her but heard a loud noise from the girls stomach making it rival one of his growls. After that happened the girls face went red as a tomatoe. Y/N put up one of his fingers saying 'one sec'. He went up to the carriage and seen a few sachels and boxes on the inside. As he looked in a couple sachels he finally found some food for her. Y/N examines it.

Y/N: "Well its a sandwich at least, now let's see in there is anything else. Ooo *sniffs* ok water."

As the girl sneezed he went to pick her up and put her inside the carriage and pointed at the food to eat it. She grabbed the sandwich and kinda mauled it along with the water. But it looked like she was still unsure about him, and Y/N feel it. He decided to speak to her in a calming voice

Y/N: "*Girl* Hey, you don't need to be afraid I'm not going to hurt you."

She looked around for the voice

Y/N: "*Girl* It's fine. *Points to himself* I'm speaking to you, I can't speak naturally. So I use telepathy to speak to others."

She looks at him amazed and nods.

Y/N: "*Girl* What's you name little one?"

Yuki: "I'm Yuki. Just Yuki."

Y/N: "*Yuki* Alright Yuki, what the hell happened. *She looks down* Its ok if you don't want to tell me. Any do you have a home?"

Yuki: "No I don't. And I never had a last name, I was born into slavery."

Y/N: "Slavery SERIOUSLY. I can't that slavery would be here in this world."

The weather started to clear up and it was sunny again.

Y/N: "*Yuki* Hey Yuki, you wanna come with me? I'm heading up to Koa village."

The looked up with happyness in her eyes with her cat ears perked up. He gave her a little headpat.

Y/N: "*Yuki* Hehe I'll take that as yes. But first I see if there's anything salvageable in here."

As Yuki stood outside next to Y/N's feet he looked around inside the carriage and he seen a large box, he opened and seen lots of gold and silver coins. He looked at the side of the box saying 'G500 - S1000' and seeing that Y/N accidentally couphed.

Y/N: "Jesus Five hundred gold coins and a thousand silver coins!! Ok maybe I should keep it, not like that dead pedophile needs it."

Y/N seen something and it's a back pack and it's perfect for the few stuff he found from the carriage. Since Y/N is too big for the back pack he strapped it to his back. He looked down at Yuki giving him a smile, this couldn't help but make Y/N smile under his helmet. So he grabbed her and he carries her off.

Yuki: "Umm I can walk."

Y/N: "*Yuki* No it's ok Yuki, just rest. I'll be fine."

As Y/N walked with Yuki in his arms for a couple mile he seen his destination of Koa village. It was kind of a big town so not much of a village. Something came to Y/N's mind that he thought about on the way to Koa.

Y/N: "*Yuki* "Hey Yuki I never did gave you my name, it's Y/N, Y/N L/N."

Yuki looked happy and her ears perked up too.

Yuki: "I like that name."

Y/N: "*Yuki* I also thought about something if your fine with it. You can have my last name as your last name."

Yuki started to tear up and cry into his chest.

Yuki: "I love it! Yuki L/N, I love it Thank you!"

Y/N: "*Yuki* Your welcome Yuki, makes me happy that you love it."

As they look at Koa Yuki asks if she can be put down and walk, Y/N puts her down as they both walk off to the town Yuki puts her arm up and holds one of Y/N's fingers on his gauntlet. Both happily walking of to a new adventure for the both of them.

Yuki: "Y/N c-can I ask you something?"

Y/N: "*Yuki* "Yeah what is it?"

Yuki: "Can, C-can you be my papa?"


Congrats MonsterKaizer is the Winner of the Daughter name vote!

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