Ch. 5: All in One day P.1

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It has passed three days and sesshomaru still wanted to challenge him to a duel but he was never able to because he had to handle many meetings and other town related operations. While Y/N and Yuki were still at the Inn but when he had free time Y/N went to a local house broker, something where Y/N and Yuki can call a home. Y/N did have a house in mind but it was extremely out of his price range, it would take every gold and silver Y/N had and none left over to decorate their house along with getting food and clothes. Yuki still didn't mind living at the Inn for a bit and Rin comes over and visit her every now and then. When it comes to Rin with Yuki he is able to trust her to watch her, but not fully. Recently Y/N thought of going around town since he stayed inside most of the time because of his intimidating height and armour. But today he got out of the room and Rin is doing some babysitting for Y/N while he goes around town but he noticed some large birds around town along with reptiles around the same size.

Y/N: "Wait.... are those... Chocobos?"

He seen more of them go by.

Y/N: "Chocobo,... Chocobos.... CHOCOBOS!"

Y/N started to daydream about one of his favorite and cute creatures from Final Fantasy. Y/N slowly walked to one of em wanting to pet it but it ran away screaming from his intimidating armour and height. It left Y/N in it's dust and he internally cried from seeing his favorite fictional animal scared of him. Ironically outside his helmet it still looked terrifying, but on the inside the of his helmet he silently cried.
Inside his helmet

As Y/N was silently crying under his helmet with his body shaking. But something got him out of his daze. He felt something tapping hard at the back of his head, when he looked back behind him and he seen the reptile around the same size of the Chocobos. It was a bit taller but he didn't know what they were called. As the two oddly just stared at each other for a minute or two, still oddly enough the tilted there heads at the same time too. After that a woman snapped her fingers in front of them both snapping them both back into reality.

????: "Hey why are you staring at my dragon like a creep?"

Y/N: "Wait, this thing is a dragon?"

Y/N looks up and down examining it. But he seen a couple other dragons behind it. It looked a bit different, this dragon was black and it had more spikes then usual with a few blue highlights on its spikes and a couple areas on it's neck. To Y/N it looked way cooler then the other dragons.

Y/N: "This thing is a Raptor with the body of a Gallamimus. But I'll call it a Raptor for now. Wait are those bruises?"

Y/N pointed out a few of the bruises and scars on it and it's owner sighed.

????: "Those are from the other Dragons attacking Suzy here."

Y/N: "Oh it's a female."

????: "The other Dragons don't like her because of the way she looks, especially her being taller and more threatening then most. And ironically she is the sweetest thing you'll ever meet, and she's an amazing hand at my farm...... I just wished the other Dragons liked her because one male loved her and they even had an egg together. But sadly he was killed by the others because he was with her, see they're egg back there."

Y/N looked in the back of a small carriage she pulled and seen an ostrich size egg in the back. As he looked at it Y/N felt something strange coming from it.

????: "I just wished I found that egg a home, I'm afraid that other dragons would go after the egg to kill it. Look sorry if I've been talking your ears off Hmhmhm names Yumiko."

Y/N seen her reach her hand out for a shake, and he took it.

Y/N: "*Yumiko* Names Y/N."

Yumiko looked around then stared at at Y/N and thought for a second.

Yumiko: "Wait, is that telepathy magic?"

Y/N: "*Yumiko* Hehe how'd you know?"

Yumiko: "Well we used to have an old mage that used it but he passed away a few years ago. But a few people know it around here."

Y/N: "*Yumiko* Still people freak out when they a voice in they're head."

Yumiko: "I bet hell if I didn't know about that magic I'd probably cut and run."

Y/N looked back at the egg, and he had an idea.

Y/N: "*Yumiko* Hey Yumiko, can I take that egg. I'll buy it if need be, if what you said is true that little dragon will need protection."

Yumiko: "Wait Y/N are you sure?"

Y/N: "*Yumiko* Yeah I'm sure about it. Besides my daughter might enjoy seeing a dragon and maybe it being like a pet."

Y/N reached behind himself and pulled out four five coins and put in her hand.

Yumiko: "WOAH Y/N you don't need to give me this much, you can buy a really high quality dragon with this!"

Y/N: "*Yumiko* Well I think it will be worth it. Besides think of it as helping a friend and besides a farmer needs funds for tools and equipment."

Yumiko: "Thank you Y/N I'll be sure to put all this to good use."

Y/N went to the back of they carriage and he slowly picked it up. And he can feel it on the inside, it's nice and healthy. But Y/N felt it might hatch soon. Suzy came up to him and rubbed her head on his helmet then did the same thing to the egg. Yumiko started to cry a bit with Suzy

Yumiko: "Please take care of it Y/N."

Y/N: "*Yumiko* Don't worry I will."

????: "Yumiko let's go I got everything we need for the house!"

The two look around and see a guy in some light armour with bags of food and other stuff over his shoulders. Yumiko wipes away her tears.

Yumiko: "Coming!! Sorry Y/N but I better go."

Y/N: "*Yumiko* No problem, better head back to your friend."

Yumiko strapped in Suzy with the carriage. And did a small tug on the reigns. And she waved off Y/N and went to her friend.

Y/N: "Hehe those two look like they belong together."

Y/N stared at the egg and felt it and he felt happy.

Y/N: "Having something like a dragon around will be good help and good protection for Yuki, just gotta figure out what to name you when you pop."

And he jinxed it the egg started to crack and wiggle a little bit.

Y/N: "Oh.... Shit."

Y/N started running back to the Inn like a Looney tune screaming on the inside of his head.


As Y/N was still screaming in his head people instintly got out of his way in the streets in fear of getting ran over. Once Y/N got back to the Inn and back into his room he put the egg down on his bed, as he seen the egg wiggle and crack more he didn't know what to do. If it didn't hatch now he would be more prepared. As the egg completely cracked open a little chihuahua sized reptile crawled out and it stared at him and it tilted it's head.

But Y/N seen something, it looked exactly like it's mom: Suzy. Y/N put his gauntlets away and bent down to pick it up to get a good look at it. It smelled his hands and wrists, it looked straight at Y/N with curiosity in it's eyes.

Y/N: "Well let's see if your a male or a female."

It got out of his grasp and walked up his right arm and it perched itself on his right shoulder. Y/N decided to remove his helmet and it stared right into his eyes. What cought him off guard is it rubbed it's head on him and did a light purring noise. Then a message appears in Y/N's vision.

Female baby Dragon has imprinted on you. Do wish to name her?

Y/N: "Woah ok so a female. Let's see....... How about Lucy."

The baby Dragon chirped and rubbed her head on him again.

Name 'Lucy' Confirmed.

Y/N: "Well Lucy let's head out and pick my Daughter up, I think you'll like her."


As Y/N made his way to the main hall building on the top of the hill he seen many nobles just staring at him. He can feel them saying that he doesn't belong there.

Y/N: "Bunch of pompous asses."

????: "Hey you!"

Y/N: "*sigh* Just my luck."

Y/N stopped and seen a group of Noble men surrounding him.

Noble1: "What the heck are you doing here go back to where the rest of the commoners are!"

Noble2: "Both you and your runt of an animal must leave!"

Lucy hissed at the man and he backed up. A noble at Y/N's left drew his sword and pointed it at him.

Noble3: "Leave at once or I'll cut you down!"

Y/N slowly looked at him and he charged at Y/N. He blocked the sword with his left gauntlet and when it made contact it broke the Sword into pieces.

Noble3: "How dare you this sword equaled to ten gold coins! What ever is in your pockets give it to me now to pay back the weapon you broke!!"

Y/N had enough so he his visor glowed red and dark energy swirled around him. He reached behind himself and grabbed the handle of his Greatsword.

????: "Stop!!!"

Y/N looked at the direction of the noise and he seen Rin and Yuki running at him.

Yuki: "Papa!!"

Y/N's energy and visor color went away and he opened his arms and gave her a big hug.

Noble3: "Why the hell is filthy Demi Human doing in the noble district!?"

Yuki started to tear up be called that and the menacing energy came back even stronger from Y/N and he was growling at the group of noblemen.

Rin: "Stop this nonsense at once!!"

Y/N seen Rin but she was in some armour then her normal orange and green kimono.

Noble2: "It's Lady Rin!!"

They dropped on a knee and bowed.

Noblemen: "Please forgive us Lady Rin!"

Rin: "Unfortunately no, you must apologize to this man and to his daughter. Remember he is a Hero to me and your Lord, and If you don't."

She grabbed the katana at her side and held it with one hand.

Rin: "Then face my wrath."

She then flicked the katana out of its sheath with her thumb.The noblemen freaked out and repeatedly bowing to Y/N and Yuki, but he was still growling at them holding Yuki in his arms so they ran away in fear of both Rin and Y/N.

Rin: "*sigh* I'm sorry for those noblemen Y/N. Please *bows* accept my apologies."

Y/N: "*Rin* No please don't bow, there's no need to apologise for something you can't control, especially from those idiots."

Yuki: "Hey Papa, what's that on your shoulder?"

She points are Lucy with curiosity, both tilt their heads in confusion.

Y/N: "*Yuki* Oh this is what was a reason why I looking for you. *Grabs Lucy* This is Lucy, she's a baby Dragon so be careful with her ok."

As Y/N handed Lucy to her but she smeld Yuki's hands and did the same thing she did to Y/N. She rubbed her face against Yuki and she was giggling a bit from Lucy she made her smile.

Y/N: "I never get tired of seeing that smile of hers."

Y/N is still nealing infront of Yuki petting her new friend but it gets interrupted.

????: "your Y/N aren't you?

He looks up to see who it is but Y/N doesn't recognize who it is standing next to Rin.

Sesshomaru: "I'm Sesshomaru, I'm the Lord of Koa."

Y/N grabs Yuki and Lucy is being held in her arms like a teddy bear.

Y/N: "*Sesshomaru* Yes I am. Why do you ask?"

Sesshomaru: "Well my wife didn't exaggerate on your height, it's very intimidating, yet I don't sense you to be hostile in anyway."

Y/N: "*Sesshomaru* Well I'm only calm for now, depending on how this situation goes."

Sesshomaru: "Well I assure you I'm not here to threaten you."

Yuki: "Papa what's happening?"

Y/N: "*Yuki* Nothing sweetie, how about we head back and check out a few stores and get some snacks."

Yuki: "*smiling* Okay!"

Y/N gave her a small head pat and turned around to leave.

Sesshomaru: " Y/N."

Y/N kept walking.

Sesshomaru: "Berserker Hero!"

Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so I doing one big chapter into a two parter. But I hope you guys enjoyed this part and have an awesome night.

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