Ch. 7: All in one day Pt.3 (Finale)

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As Emily continued to run with Yuki in her arms she was brought to a stop when she heard a loud roar, atleast she can tell it was close. Yuki she felt it, it was her Papa making that loud roar like wail, she felt it in her heart. Tears started to stream down her face.

Yuki: "Papa, I'm so sorry *hic* please forgive me."

Emily holds her close and gives her a much needed hug.

Emily: "It's ok Yuki, it's ok."

Emily looked around and she was close to her shop atleast by a few blocks. As she continued on running she was brought to a halt again. She seen someone from the church again, and this person grabbed his sword from his side. She noticed it was the same person from the market area.

????: "Hello there. I seen you earlier, I'll be taking that demon spawn now. Hand her over and you won't be hurt miss."

Lucy does a loud hiss at the man from Emilies shoulder.

Emily: "I'm not giving her to you! I know what you plan on doing!"

????: "Ooooo~ a feisty one I like it!"

He launched himself at her but she jumped out of the way and went into another direction because another man appears and tries to strike her but she keeps ducking and dodging.


Y/N was still at the top of the building he crawled up. He kept looking around but still unable to find her.

Y/N: "Where the hell is she. Dammit still can't sense her!"

He kept on looking in a direction where he heard some screaming. As he looked in that direction of the screaming, he seen Emily from the clothing shop running from some robed men. And in within a second she turns around and he sees her holding Yuki and Lucy is holding for dear life on her shoulder. He see's her running as the men are trying to cut her down.

Y/N: "There she is!!"

Y/N jumps off the top and he slides down the tower with his claws dug in to ease his fall but debris is flying while he's sliding down. He jumped off of the tower and on top of another.

Y/N: "Don't worry Yuki your papa is coming for you!!"

He started dashing towards their location.


Emily still held on to Yuki but two more people from the church jumped out in front of her, one tried to grab Yuki but Lucy jumped at the guy on the left aiming for his neck. Lucy chomped down on one and Emily used her right arm and sucker punch the guy in the face and making him hold his nose in pain, it's possibly broken now. Lucy was able to get her first kill because she cut an artery in the guys neck so she gained a good amount of XP from it. She jumped back on to Emilies shoulder and the guy she punched was getting back up while the two that were chasing her cought up and seen her. Emily seen another man that came from the massive crowd and he took out a couple of daggers. With no choice she was forced into the alley and there was no exit. Emily kept looking around at the dead end but the four other men cut her off from escaping. Emily looked down defeated and tears fell from her face.

Emily: "I'm so sorry Yuki. I wish I could've done better. I wasn't able to save you."

????: "Give us that little demon spawn now!"

Emily holds Yuki in a defensive stance.

Emily: "Your not going to have her her!"


Y/N kept jumping from building to building and running on all fours again.

Y/N: "Dammit I gotta get there faster!"

As continued to run and make animalistic noises while breathing. He kept breathing hard and he makes a lion like growl and roar.


Emily put Yuki and Lucy both down behind her. Yuki held onto Lucy as she backed against the wall. Emily put her fists up.

Emily: "If you want her you'll have to go through me first!"

????: "Oh I planned too, go get her boys, do whatever you want to her. Leave that little devils spawn to me."

Emily cringed but it's still not going to stop from going down without a fight. Two of them charged at her but she punched one and kicked the other. One was able to use his dagger and did a quick slice at one of her legs forcing her onto her knees while the one she kicked grabbed her by her throat and forcefully planting against the brick wall. One of them put a dagger to her throat.

????: "Go ahead and do want you want to her. This one is mine."

The man makes a grin that sends shivers down Yuki's spine. Lucy jumps at him but her slaps her away hitting the wall.

Yuki: "Lucy!!"

????: "It's time for you to die Demon spawn, you and that little pest."

Yuki started to shiver in fear, he grabbed her by her by the top of her head. As he squeezed her hair he held one of her cat ears, she screamed in pain from one of her ears being squeezed and pulled at the same time.



As he was about to slit her throat a giant sword flew down cutting his arm off. Yuki fell down and she seen a giant sword Infront of her, she knew it was her Papa's Greatsword. Y/N fell down from the sky and he landed in front of Yuki and making a large amount of dust fly. He stood up slowly with dark energy flowing from him with his visor beaming red. He made out a loud gutteral rage filled roar, he dashed towards them men assaulting Emily and he shoulder bashed into them. While they were on the ground Y/N punched one in the head making it paste and the other he slammed his foot down onto the mans chest making a blood filled hole. The last one he grabbed him by his head and swing him into the other wall making brain matter splatter, with an eye ball here and there. Y/N made a loud growl at the very last one, holding his now bloody stump of where his arm used to be he looked up and seen Y/N looking down at him viscously growling. Having enough of him Y/N grabbed him and thrown out of the alleyway hitting a vase stand. In the first time of Y/N being here he talked.



Yuki was surprised to actually here her Papa for the first time.

Yuki: "Papa?"










Y/N started to twitch violently and he started to laugh. All of his armour started to shift and morph making lots of metal grinding noises. His helmet grew a skull pattern and his visor went into two eye holes with a large horns coming out of its sides. The knee bracers shifted into skulls, two extra long horns twirled upwards. His elbows morphed into spikes as well as his shoulder pouldrons grown bigger and with a few spikes grew out, with that now a big skull embroidery shifted onto it. On his chest grew his Berserker emblem with a few spikes embroidments around it. As he was done changing Y/N stood up and he revealed his Curse Series armour. Everyone around him tarted to shiver with fear.

(Sorry if I'm bad at descriptions.)

As he stomped toward the man and he started to plead with his life, unfortunately Y/N wasn't fazed. The last few of the Church assassin's stood Infront of him so Y/N stopped where he's at. The last three men didn't know what to do.

Y/N: "I'm going to kill you slowly and PAINFULLY."

????2: "What are you going to do to us?"

Y/N: "Oh you know, a part of you here and a part of you there, and a part of you waaaay way over there STAINING THE WALL!"

Two of them charged at Y/N but he grabbed them by their heads and squished them. For the last one Y/N grabbed him by the throat and he tore each limp off the man then decapitated him, an extra measure he threw his body at the wall making a big bloody stain. Now for Y/N's main man, the one who made his daughter scream and cry.

????: "Please.... h-h-have mercy."

Y/N: "Sorry but I don't have any, frankly you don't disserve it."

Y/N he held him up by the back of his head, he forcefully reached into his chest and took out his still beating heart.

Y/N: "Huh didn't think you had one."

He forcefully shoved it in his mouth and made him eat it, Y/N then viscously rips his head off and stomped it into a bloody mush. Y/N looked up to the sky and made a loud, gutteral and rage filled roar.

Use roar at 1:45

He started to look around and he couldn't tell between innocent or evil, all he seen was red. Yuki was actually scared of what her Papa had become but she still knew her Papa is still in there lost by pure savage rage and worry. Y/N held out his hand and his sword flew up and spun into his hands, he started stomping towards the crowd of scared people. Clouds formed above making lightning strike around him. Yuki knew she had to do something to get him out of his rage, Yuki wiped away her tears and she instantly ran to him.

Emily: "Yuki!! Yuki please don't get close to him he's dangerous!"

Yuki: "No! I know my papa, he will never hurt me!"

Yuki came closer and she started to yell.

Yuki: "Papa!! PAPA!!!!"

She could see flames come up and lightning going everywhere as Y/N took a stance and the Energy was building at an alarming rate.


All Y/N can see is Red and voices of people that are making him angrier by the second.

Y/N: "Yuki? Why can't I see you. I can't find you. I can't go...... I swear to God if they hurt you I'll destroy everything in my path and keep on destroying until my vengeance is fulfilled!"

????: "Papa!!!"

Y/N: "Wait, is that her?"

????: "Papa!!!"

Y/N: "Is it her I can't tell."

Play this.

The flames and lightning died down slowly but Y/N started to growl and look around for her. Once he seen her Y/N looked down at her and he kneeled down to started at her straight in the eyes. When he was Infront of her she literally felt his rapid breathing on her from him, all Yuki could seeing in his eyes was a big bloody red abyss. Y/N then stabbed his sword next to her but she wasn't trying to be fazed, on the inside she indeed was scared, but she was scared if her Papa was lost in his savage blood filled rage.

Yuki: "Papa, please come back, I miss you."

She started to tear up in front of him.

Yuki: "Please papa *hic* I want to go back home with you."

His black aura went away, and he started to calm down with his breathing.

Yuki: "Papa, what did I say to you *hic* when you thought you were a monster?"

His visor color went away and she seen his puffy red eyes. He even started to cry.

Yuki: "I don't see a monster...."

She have him a hug around his neck.

Yuki: "...I see my Papa."

She tightened her grip in the hug.

Yuki: "I'll never see you as a monster*hic* not now, not *hic* ever."

Black smoke consumed his body and he went back into his original armour.

Yuki: "No matter what you do *hic* I'll always love you Papa."

Yuki slowly released him from her hug, Y/N stood up and he made his helmet disappear revealing his tear filled eyes. He looks down at Yuki and she puts her arms up begging she wants to be picked up. He scoops her up in his arms and gave her a warm love filled hug, Yuki kissed him on his his right cheek.

Y/N: "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Yuki.... wait."

Yuki: "I'm happy your your back, *hic* I thought I was going to lose you you."

Y/N: "Don't worry Yuki, I'm fine."

In his arms Yuki started to have a full hearty laugh and she started to glow in a blinding light. When the light died down Yuki was a bit older, around in her teenage age.

Y/N: "Did, did you just get bigger or is that me? Oddly enough your dress grew with you."

Yuki: "Don't worry papa I'll tell you later. But can we just go home?

Y/N: "Sure sweetie, I'm getting kinda tired, wanna go back to the Inn and go nap?"

Yuki: "Yeah sounds *yawns* good to me."

(Turn off music)

Y/N nodded his head but their break was interrupted by the town guards, he put Yuki down and turned around.

Y/N: "Stay behind me ok."

She nodded but the guards surrounded them. Sesshomaru popped out of the crowd with a worried Rin next him.

Sesshomaru: "Well it looks like this was already handled. I heard that you went into your Curse Series armour."

Y/N: "Curse Series? Unfortunately I didn't know anything about that."

Sesshomaru and Rins eyes widened.

Sesshomaru: "Did you just... talk?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I guess when I succumbed to the rage it must've done something to me. So now I can talk normally now."

Rin looked for Yuki but she seen her pop out from behind his legs.

Rin: "Yuki??"

Yuki: "Umm yeah. I grew a bit earlier. Also sorry for worrying you."

Rin: "Your fine Yuki."

Y/N: "Hey Sesshomaru, I'm sorry I caused a ruckus here. But some people from some Church were here and they caused Yuki and Emily here a great amount of pain."

Emily walked up to sesshomaru with her tattered clothes and knelt in front of him.

Emily: "It was the Church of the Three Heros my Lord, they came here to kill or take Yuki from Y/N."

Sesshomaru's face went from calm to angered and he stomped hit right foot.

Sesshomaru: "Dammit, I can't believe those Church bastards came into my city."

Y/N: "Ok I'm confused, Church of the Three Heros?"

Rin: "They are a church that worship only three heros. The Sword, Spear, and the Bow."

Y/N: "Jeez why do those stooges have a whole church to worship them. *Sarcastic* Let me guess both me and Naofumi have our own?"

Sesshomaru: "Yes you both do."

Y/N: "......Umm.... I was joking."

Sesshomaru: "Well we'll talk about yours later. Right now you'll need rest to get ready for the Wave in two days."

Y/N: "Oh yes, actually me and Yuki thought about going back to our room at the Inn to nap.

Sesshomaru put up one of his hands.

Sesshomaru: "Actually, why don't I show you something, something for the both of you."

Both Y/N and Yuki look at eachother and nod to one another.

Y/N: "Ok, but now I'm curious."

Sesshomaru: "It's best to show you."


They were both walking up a small hill in the wealthiest part of town. Yuki was sitting on Y/N's shoulders while looking around.

Y/N: "So what is it you wanna show us?"

Sesshomaru: "We're almost there."

A few more moments went away and they came across a gate. Sesshomaru pulled out a ring with three keys on it. He used one to open the gate, and both him and Y/N pushed open the BIG gate doors to reveal a large house. It had a small pond with a small waterfall on the right side of it.

Y/N: "Woah this place is big. Who's is it?"

Sesshomaru tossed him the keys, Y/N got the message.

Sesshomaru: "It's yours now. Consider this a partial compinsation for the wave that will happen soon."

Y/N: "Thank you sir."

Yuki: "Thank you Uncle and Auntie!"

Yuki ran up to the both and wrapped them in a hug.

Rin: "You... Think of us as family."

Yuki: "Yeah, you have been so nice to me and my papa. I hope you would approve it."

Rin: "I... I'd love that."

Sesshomaru: "I'd love that as well."

Y/N: "Welp, looks like we're all family, seems like one hell of a family to me."

Y/N looked around and he seen he was missing something.

Y/N: "Wait. Yuki where's Lucy?"

Yuki: "Oh, umm she jumped off when we started to walk up this big hill."

Y/N: "Ok let's go and find her."

Before anyone could say anything Y/N seen something in the distance running.

Y/N: "Is that?"

Yuki: "No it couldn't be.

Y/N: "Maybe it is..... Oh shit.."

With great speed a full grown Dragon landed on him making him fall while licking his helmet.

Y/N: "Umm is this.... LUCY How the hell did you grow so fast?!"

Lucy got off of him and he wiped off the slobber from his helmet.

Y/N: "Wow didn't expect that to happen, hell this whole day was... Different."

Sesshomaru: "All in one day? Yes this was definitely interesting."

Y/N: "Yes it was, but maybe tommorow I'll go training for the Wave."

Sesshomaru: "That would be wise. Maybe have your armour and sword checked out by our best blacksmith. He goes by Grimbal."

Y/N: "Ok I'll have to go find him. But right now me and Yuki will have to go back to the Inn and grab our things."

Rin: "Don't worry, I will send a couple of our men to grab them and deliver them here."

Y/N: "Ok, maybe while they do that, Yuki and I can explore this place."

Timeskip An Hour

As Y/N was sitting on a bench built on the porch he looked to his right and seen Yuki napping under the tree next to the small waterfall. Y/N grinned at seeing a cute sight, the men Rin sent to grab the few things they own from the Inn were seen entering the houses grounds. Y/N got up from the bench and walked to them, the men were kinda stunned at Y/N's height.

Soldier1: "Wow! Your kind of intimidating with that armour and height."

Soldier2: "Yeah, you remind me of an old tall Knight."

Y/N: "Hmm sounds interesting, but who's the Knights name, kinda got me curious."

Soldier1: "Oh, his name is Artorias. He used to be in honored Knight to the throne in Melromark, but he was curupted by some evil spirit."

Soldier2: "Yeah even a story said he can be freed, but it would have to be one of the Cardinal Heros to free him."

Y/N put his hand on his chin thinking.

Y/N: "Hmmm, sounds an interesting story. I might look around for that story for my own daughter to hear. If this guy is real, I might have a good ally."

Soldier2: "Just ask around town, but from what I heard the tale was real."

Soldier1: "You don't seriously believe that kids story do you?"

Soldier2: "What, my great grandma wouldn't be quiet about, so it has to be real."

As the two soldiers bickered back and forth Y/N kept thinking in his head.

Y/N: "Something is odd about this story. I have a good feeling about it. You might never know, hmph legends and myths can be real. If you know where to find the right pieces and the places, along with people telling some of the same or different. I might have to look into this."


Few that last part is done! Now I hope you like this three parter, but dam when I was writing the part of Yuki getting Y/N out of his Curse Series armour I kept thinking "Dammit why am I cryin at my own shit!!" But still I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Now After the first Wave Fight, you'll be able to see what Lucy looks like as a human, but with a tail and spikes coming out of her.


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