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Hey guys .  I m here again with this story. Hope u will enjoy.

The next day:

Today was the last day for them to live. They were leaving from here to Shanti aunty village .
Every one were sad because this place hold so many memories and it's really hard for them to leave this place but still they were happy that they are together atleast. Swara told Shanti aunty to get packed everything.
Swara was sitting hopelessly, she tried everything possible but couldn't do anything. She was helpless. She was lost in thinking something then only Ansh came to her.
" Mumma, are u sad?"

Swara: no baby ,mumma is not sad. Why will I sad when I have my Ansh , hmm?
Ansh: right, Ansh will always with mumma and never let mumma sad.

He jumped in her arm and hugged her leading her to smile at his childish nature. This kid always bring smile on her face even in her worst pain and she is thankful to God for giving her a reason to smile and live. She hugged him back.

Sanskar was  looking at laptop screen where a pic was displayed. She was closing her eyes leaning her head back on his shoulder as he was hugging her from back. Her hand  was kept over his as it was wrapped around her belly. Their faces hold beautiful smile. It was so perfect. She perfectly for in his arm making her feel protected. Did he never knew that the moments which were so special to them or was it for him only, will not last long. If only could knew his world is going to crash down leaving him shattered into pieces. He wish he could save his world and never let her go.

It's been a week they come back from trip and exam was started. They got busy in study. After someday ,exam was also end. But it's been so many days, sanskar talked to swara. He was feeling like she was avoiding him. He tried to talk her many times but he only get disappointed. He tried to took ragini help but nothing helped. But then he come to know something . he got broken.
She was going to marry by her father's choice. He knew she must be forced to it so he called her many times so that he could help her. He knew swara can't never do that with him. She can't betray him. He tried to call but swara was not ready to take his call. Somehow one day she took ragini call and he was there. So he took ragini phone.
Sanskar: ( restless) swara, where r u? U don't know what I m going through in all these day? Why r u not talking my calls... I need to see u swara.. look ,I know, you r being forced to marry and I....
But he was interrupted by her angry and rude voice.

"what do u think of yourself sanskar and who said I m forced to marry. I m willingly doing this marriage because it's my happiness. I m just sick of that stupidity what u called a relationship. I mean grow up sanskar.. and college end and that relationship also end. I don't want to talk about it anymore and please don't create any scene in my marriage. I don't want any drama.."

Sanskar:( hurt) what r u saying swara? Look swara, I m coming to meet u. We can talk and..

Swara: what the hell u wanna talk huh!! And don't u dare to come here otherwise I will tell my dad to throw u out of mansion. Can't u get one thing easily in ur mind and if u can't then it's ur problem. I m moving on sanskar and it's better for u too move on.. understood . I m getting married in two days, so don't try to contact me ever!!

Sanskar: swara but...
But the call was already cut. Sanskar was heartbroken hearing it. He can never believe swara can do this. He fell on his knees and tear fell from his eye. Every moment they spend together was coming in front of his eyes. Laksh saw him and run to him. He wasn't able to his brother like this. Sanskar break down but laksh hugged him and tried to pacify that everything will be fine.
two days passed, sanskar was totally broken. Everyone tried to cheer him up but terribly failed. He still didn't believed that swara said all those things. Deep down he still believe that she was forced to say all that.. so he went to her home but guards didn't let him in and fight with him. He got hurt too.
It was swara's marriage day, he anyhow wanted to go to swara. He didn't care about anything else. He was injured and his forhead was having bandage but still he took his car and angrily start driving. Laksh saw him going out and he follow him.  when sanskar reached  on highway.  He take sharp turn and increase speed then only Two trucks came to both side  of his car. He got confused but still he increased the speed and try to move but before that the truck hit the car and his car move to the side hitting the  divider.. his head got hurt and it bleed but he was still in his sense. But before he could come out ,another  truck hit car again and car turned upside down. Everything went blank.

The next thing he heard was laksh shouting his name.. he was in ambulance and laksh was sitting beside him..
He hold his hand.
Sanskar: ( weak as getting unconscious) laksh, PL... Please call .. call swara..
Laksh: sanskar.. no we can..
Sanskar: please laksh, I know she will come.. call her please.
Laksh call swara and as sanskar instructed he put it on speaker..
Laksh: Swara, Sanskar met with accident.. please come to him..he need u. He will die please swara..
Then he didn't heard anything in response. Sanskar was about to say something when he heard something he never expected.  She broke that remaining hope in him with those three words.
" I don't care".
And call was cut. A tear escaped from his eye . He closed his eyes and let the darkness surround him.

And after that he opened his eyes only to see smiling faces of his family. His mom sujatha who was crying hugging him. He came to know ,he went into comma. After family go from there. Sanskar asked laksh about swara.

Sanskar: laksh, did swara came?
Laksh get little uncomfortable but then answered: no, she never came. She is married and went away with his husband.

Sanskar: what? I don't believe this.

Laksh: so ,u still care for the girl who said she doesn't care when u were dying. Sanskar, don't hurt yourself for someone  who doesn't care for u. She moved on without thinking anything then u too don't waste your life for her. Move on sanskar. Think about this family..

Sanskar closed his eyes to let that pain  bury inside heart but pain of broken heart is unbearable.

After discharged from hospital sanskar was totally lost himself. Her words that she doesn't care was haunting him. He joined family business and drowned himself in work to keep himself away from her thoughts. It's not he didn't try to reach her but when he shared he want to meet swara with laksh, he somehow convinced him that It's no use to meet her because she is with husband and he should not hurt himself by doing it. So sanskar totally gave whole time to work. Other than that he never think of anything else. He doesn't care of any feelings love. He hided that sanskar deep inside and for the world he was new and heartless sanskar maheshwari. In a year, he started karma's and with his hard work.. he reached at top. But he never forget her.  He started to find her by himself. Just Arjun knew about it.. and finally after so much time he came to know about her.

Flashback end:

He sees some papers on the table which was orphanage papers.

Sanskar ( monologue):I still can't able to forget those hurting words of yours. And I m still trying to make myself believe that u betrayed me. But today I will get all my answers .
Today ,I will give u my last choice and u have to accept for those children . I will disclose myself in front of u. I know u will feel like I m taking revenge but I don't want that. My actual motive was to see u in pain but I can't bear it to see u suffering. It kill me. I know what I was going through when I was saying all those things to u. I can never take revenge from u. It's against my heart.. against my love. I just want u back in my life. I don't care if u were married to someone else . I will make u mine. I will fill ur life again with colors that u lost.. I love u too much swara that I cant let hate overshadow this feeling.


Swara feel defeated that she could do nothing to save this orphanage which once gave her reason to live and live her life again. She was packing her things when Shanti came.

Shanti: swara, u called me?
Swara: yes aunty, here are few things .. please keep them carefully.
Shanti: ok beta.
Swara: aunty, I m really sorry I couldn't save this orphanage.
Shanti: u tried everything u could swara.. so don't feel bad. Okay..
Swara: hmm.. please tell children to sleep early as we have to leave early in morning.. and where is Ansh?
Shanti: oh don't worry, he is playing in my room.. when u will be done ur work then take him.
Swara: okay aunty..

Saying this swara closed the door and  again resume packing. Then her eye fall on photo frame hanging on the wall. She took it and caress it. She sit on floor.

Swara: I don't know how much suffering still left I my life but I Know u r always there for me being my support.. still I want ur presence beside, ur embrace to feel myself protected.. I love u.

She  caress the frame and sings..

O sanam o sanam kash hota agar
Tum nibha jate yeh zindagi ka safar
Hum bhi tanha na rahete yu hi umar bhar
Tum saath hote agar
Tum saath hote agar

O sanam o sanam kash hota agar
Tum ne bha jate yeh zindagi ka safar
hum bhi tanha na rahete yu hi umar bhar
Tum saath hote agar
Tum saath hote agar

Outside the orphanage, a black car stopped. It was sanskar. He come to orphanage ( in his get up in which he met swara in office) . He come out of his car .It starts raining so, guard took out umbrella but sanskar told that it's not needed. As he come inside orphanage when he heard her melodious voice. He don't need to see it's swara. He followed the voice source and look for her. Shanti already took children inside to make them sleep. He walk along peaceful voice to find her.

Apne labo ki haseen main kash dedo tujhe
Mere khushi lele tu
Gaam apna dede mujhe
Kash hoti tumhe mere dil ki khabar
Tum saath hote agar
Tum saath hote agar

He finally reach near her room and look at her through window. She was sitting on floor hugging some photo frame close to her heart, she closed her eyes and tear fell from her eye. He thinks it may be her husband photo but that thought only make him restless.

O sanam o sanam kash hota agar
Tum ne bha jate yeh zindagi ka safar
hum bhi tanha na rahete yu hi umar bhar
Tum saath hote agar
Tum saath hote agar

She sings trying to take out her pain but it increased it. Tear escaped from her eye and she let it fall not caring to wipe those. Sanskar who was looking at her from window feel bad. He wanted to run to her and take her in embrace. But he couldn't do that. He was feeling vulnerable to see her tears but compose himself and knock on the door.
Swara come in her sense hearing knock. She immediately wipe her tears and composed herself. She put the photo frame on table and go to open the door. As she open the door,  She got shocked to find sanskar or Harsh singhania.

Swara: oh Mr. Singhania, u here?( But sudden anger raise in her  and she asked in taunting way) Must have come here to check if we are going or u need to send guards to throw us out right? Come  and see, we have already done packing and we will leave from here tomorrow morning. I hope u won't have problem in that.. ( swara said in stern yet broken voice)

Sanskar look at her but she look away. He look around as she said, Everything was already packed.

Sanskar: I came here to.....

Then suddenly his eye fell on something and he get shocked.

Swara:( chuckled sarcastically) came here to what Mr. Singhania?  To see these children getting homeless or..

But stopped as she heard him.

Sanskar: wait, this photo?
Swara sees him looking at photo frame on table.

Swara: ( confused) what?  How Do.. do u know him?

Sanskar: ( compose himself) yeah, he.. he .. me.. he  is  Sanskar.. I mean he is my  friend.

Swara : ( smiled sadly) may be possible he was ur friend because sanskar had lots of friends.. I didn't even knew all of them . Sanskar loved to make friends.

Sanskar: ( looking at her) but how do u know him? And what's his pic doing here?( He doubt something but want to clear it)

Swara's heart filled with deep pain and tears appears in her eyes.

Swara:( with tears in deep heavy voice) He .. he was m .. my h...h. hu.. husband..
Now that was something,he didn't expected.
She continued: four Years earlier, god snatched him from me in an accident.. and my cruel fate that I couldn't able to see him for the  last time .

His eyes snapped at her  in shock. He never married swara then how can she say this? How can he be her husband?

Sanskar :( he was too shocked to react ) what ? husband? How can be it possible!!

Swara look at him but sanskar immediately realize and composed himself.
Sanskar: umm..because as if I know he never married! I.. I ..mean I know he loved a girl but.. marriage? I came to know from his.. his family.

Swara move to table and touches the frame through her hand.

Swara: (sadly laugh)you r right.. sanskar loved a girl ,not only loved. His could give his life for that girl and that lucky girl was me because he came in my life but should I say I was unfortunate as this love only took him away from me. it took his life. ( She shuddered with her words)  I... I know ,Sanskar never married me but for me he was everything. ( She look at him and sanskar see her tear filled eyes) Is it necessary to bound a relationship with Rituals? We were always one by heart. We are connected by our soul . For me, he is with me today also and I can never give that place to anyone in my heart. I m happiest woman to live life of being his widow rather than someone else's wife. I loved him more than anything and for me he was my world.

Sanskar was numb with the revealition .  One after other thing was like someone had blasted bomb on him. He  misunderstood her but here she is living just with his thoughts. She never moved on. She was always his. If that's true then what was that marriage? She was going to marry someone.. and what she said " I don't care", what was all that. It was true that he had met with accident but who told her that he died..

His mind was blasting with questions and the answer he was getting was nothing. He has to talk to her and know Everything. He is going to reveal himself. Just about he was going to say something when he heard someone or can be say a kid  crying sound.

Swara get worried as it was Ansh who was crying.
Swara:( wiping tears from corner of her eyes)  you please sit here, I will just come.
Sanskar get confused watching her rushing out of room. But within a minute she come back with Ansh in her arm. She was trying to calm crying Ansh.

Swara: aw.. Ansh what happened bacha, see I m here only.
She pats his back. Sanskar look at her as she was whispering soft words to Ansh and he was slowly getting sleep.
He remembers, Arjun telling swara has a son.. if swara never moved then Ansh.... ( He see toward Ansh suddenly as realisation hit him)

Swara: I m sorry, he just..

She sit on chair opposite to Sanskar. Ansh was in her arm sleeping peacefully and she was patting him.

Sanskar:( coming in his sense) no ,it's ok.. but do Sanskar's family know that you..?

Swara get uncomfortable. She look away. Sanskar feels her getting uncomfortable.
Sanskar: it's ok, if u don't want to share.

Swara: I went to his family but sujatha aunty didn't even let me in and let me see sanskar for last time. She said I was the reason she lost his son.
(Swara closed her eyes in pain as it felt like a tug in her heart reminding that)
Sanskar thinks something and fisted his palm.

Sanskar: and your parents?

Swara:( stern yet teary eyed) I hate them because they are the reason of whatever I had to face. I don't want to talk about them. It would have been better if I would have been an orphan.
I had a beautiful life but they destroyed it. I lost myself. I lost my sanskar. I was totally broken after loosing sanskar that I wanted to end this life

Sanskar gripped on the chair as he heard she was going to do suicide.

Swara( continued): but thank God I got my one reason to live.." Ansh ".

Sanskar:( heavy voice) He is....

Swara: sanskar's sign and our symbol of love, I left with.

She look at Ansh who was sleeping peacefully in her lap. She blinks her eyes to push back her tear.

Swara: I m sorry, I just get emotional some time.. ( try to smile and sanskar look at her who was pressing her lips not to break herself into cry) anyway, you..?

Sanskar:( interuppted) can..can I hold him?
Swara get confused but still smiled and say: yeah sure, but please be careful.. if he will awake then , he will cry again.

Sanskar nods. He extended his arm and took Ansh from swara's lap. As he took him, Ansh snuggled in him.. put his head on his neck. Sanskar look at him as Ansh has same feature like him. His nose, his lips, a very tiny mole  near his eyebrow just like him. Sanskar closed his eyes and his eyes get teary. He hugged Ansh close to himself. He find a sudden peace engulfed his heart for which he was longing since long.

Swara: ( getting up from chair) it's really surprising, he never go to anyone so easily even in sleep.

Swara see tear in his eye.

Swara: looking at you, it seems u love child then why do u want these orphanage kids to get homeless? Sanskar used to love kids and it's really unbelievable that his own freind don't have any kind of sentiment for them.

Sanskar:( in his normal voice) our baby recognize me but u didn't swara?

Swara heard the voice and her heartbeat stopped. She look into his eyes who was also looking at her.

Sanskar: tell me Swara, Ansh recognize his father's touch but u still didn't recognize me ?

He put Ansh carefully on the bed and look back at her who was looking at him with unbelievable expression but tearful eyes. He removed his spectacles, then beard and fake moustache only to reveal himself. Swara stumbled in shock. She took a step back and gripped chair edge to stable herself. Sanskar walk toward her looking at her emotionally. She shakes her head  unbelievably and took back steps.

Swara: ( not in her sense) no.. it can't be.. u.. I m hallucinating.. u r.. u.. r not my sanskar.. no.. u r not here.
Sanskar: swara..
She steps back till she was trapped by wall behind. Sanskar walk to her and stand close to her. Swara look at him ,her tear didn't stop. She was trying to believe she is again hallucinating him. It's not real. When Suddenly she felt his hand  cupping her face. She shivered and closed her eyes.
Sanskar: ( tears) swara.. ( call her lovingly)
Swara breath get heavier.
Sanskar:( heavy voice) swara.. please look at me.
Swara opened.her eyes slowly and look at him. She lift her hand and touched his face..
Swara: you.. you are alive sanskar..
Sanskar: ye.. yes swara. I m here in front of u.
She touched his arm and shoulder and cried. She instantly hugged him not thinking anything. Sanskar also hugged her back but she broke the hug and look at him cryingly.

Swara: why? Why sanskar? Why did you do this to me?
She grabbed his collar in her tight fist and yelled at him crying hardly.

Swara: why did u left sanskar? Why did u left me alone? Why did u punish me like this for my one mistake? And here u were in front of me still u hided urself from me, why sanskar?  Why did you force me to live like this in these four years? Why did u forced me to live in darkness? I was living like a dead body, as ur widow even though u r alive.. tell me sanskar why? Why did u do this? Answer me please..!!

She was jerking his collar and asking her questions whereas sanskar was looking at her painfully. He knew what she must be going through. He hold her face gently with his hand.

Sanskar: swara, I m sorry.. I never knew what u were going through. I thought u moved on in your life when I came to know u got married someone. I was searching for u because I wanted to know why u left me like that? I wanted to get my answer was it so easy for u to leave everything behind. I was trying to find u from long and got to know two weeks earlier only. I came here to...

Swara:to  take revenge from me.. right? That's why u buy this orphanage and now u were throwing us out? U were never like this , how could you? U wanted to see me suffer when I was already going through so much?

Sanskar: no swara, I can never do that. It pains me to see u hurt. I thought u loved ur husband and wouldn't come back to me if I ask so..  oh no god!! What a sin I was going to commit.. I m really sorry swara. I misunderstood u.

Swara: you are right, I loved my husband and now also I love him and u know  it's only you. I can never love anyone else than you. You are my life.( Broken) I thought We trusted each other sanskar but I never knew u didn't? U don't trust me sanskar?

Sanskar: no swara, I trust u. swara please forgive me. I was blinded by my misconception. I just reacted to what I knew.. only if I knew that u never moved on, this would have never happened. I didn't knew what sin I was doing to hurt a girl like u , who devoted her life for me. When lucky told me that u married your dad friend son. I was totally broken and..

Swara: (confused) laksh told you that I was  married?
Sanskar: yeah may be he also had misunderstanding but I don't understand why mom said to u that I died?
Swara: laksh knew about me sanskar..

Sanskar:( shocked) what? But he went to ur home he said. I was in hospital  and was very critical. I told him to go there before getting unconscious and I went to comma and then I come out of it after three months when laksh told me that  u got married and go away with ur husband.

Swara: ( broken and stumbled) how could he do this to me?
Sanskar:( hold her by her shoulder) swara, what is that?
Swara: that day on my marriage...


That day after sanskar called swara, swara threw her phone angrily on bed and fell on her knees. She cried bitterly.
" I m sorry sanskar, I can't let u die.. it's better for u to move on. "
She tried to do something but she could never do. Her phone was snatched by her father and today only she got her phone somehow and she knew what she had to do. She had to make him hate her which was next to impossible and hence she talked so rudely and said those things.

Then another day When sanskar was being beaten up by the guard because of his dad's order, she was crying bitterly as she saw from her room windows. She hit her hand harshly on glass table making it bleed. She wanted to go to him but her mom and few guards were surrounding her and her dad was glaring at her. She fell on her knees and begged her father to let him go. She won't go to him. He will not come again. After a lot of pleading her father let sanskar go.

Marriage day:

Swara was taking pheras with Akash ( dad's best friend son). With every step she was feeling like she will die . She was struggling to breathe. She remembered her moments with sanskar, their kisses, their love making, his love for her. And then she remembered what she heard on the phone when laksh called. She was in her room ready in wedding dress.

" Swara, Sanskar met with accident.. please come to him..he need u. He will die please swara.." laksh said.

She get shocked to hear this and wanted to run to him when she saw her father standing in front of her. He looked at her and glared at her..

" I don't care.. " she said closing her eyes.. and cut the call.

Shekhar : it's better for u..
Swara: why did u do this? I got ready to marry then why have u done his accident dad? ( Shout)
Shomi: swara! He is ur dad .. how dare u shout at him!!
Swara: and I hate to call him my father. Is it so easy to take someone's life like that. Being in politics,u made my life also politics dad! U r selling ur daughter for ur good and I got ready but why did you try to kill him?

Shekhar: Because I don't want any interupption in this marriage. He may create drama so before that I took care of him.
Swara: u did what u wanted but I won't marry now.. I wont marry Akash. I m going to sanskar.

Shekhar: u don't want him to die , do you?
Swara stopped in her track as she heard him. She look at him in confusion.
Shekhar: he is sent to city hospital and doctor will not do his treatment till I  won't say. The more delay it will be to operate him.. less is the chances of his survival . So decide wisely before doing anything because ur one step outside this mansion and he will loose his life , understand!!

Saying this he go out of her room followed by shomi who gave her stern look. Swara fell on her knees and cried bitterly.
Swara: I m sorry sanskar..

Her mind was roaming around his but then she finally decide something. She can loose like this. She stopped abruptly and open the knot tied. Akash turned and look at her as she stopped.

Swara: I won't do this marriage.
Shekhar: swara!! What the hell are u talking.. don't forget that..
Swara: I won't do this Mr. Shekhar gadodia, u already snatch my life and now I won't let u win.. I m going to sanskar, do what u can do.

Shekhar took his phone out and about to call someone when he heard.
" U r underarrest shekhar gadodia"
Shekhar: what? What are u saying inspector?
Swara:  for u to shock.. u r underarrest for ur involvement in drugs business , dad!! I was not surprised when I came to know that u do this also because the one who can take someone's life then it's nothing for him.. and don't worry about proofs, I already sent him. Showing some documents pics she sent to inspector.
( When shekhar came ,he was having some papers of consignment and when he was going out he left there by mistake.. when swara sees the paper she got shock that he is involved in drugs.. how could she never come to know about it ?she thinks a bit and called cops)

Swara: and inspector please file case against him for murder attempt of sanskar maheshwari. The man was hired by him to hit his car.

Shekhar: swara, u didn't do good. I will..
Inspector: enough Mr. Gadodia.. it's time for u to see the jail.. and Mr. Akash sigh and Surendra Singh.. u both are also arrested for being his partner in his drug business.

Police arrested them , shomi tell swara not to do this but she didn't listen. Then she thinks about sanskar and rushed out. She took her car keys and rushed to the hospital.

After reaching hospital, she go to reception and ask about sanskar.
Swara:( breathing heavily due to running) excuse me, sans.. sanskar maheshwari ?
Receptionist: sorry ma'am..
Swara: some accident case came here two hours before..
Receptionist: yes ma'am, his operation is going on.. first floor..
Swara: thank you.
Swara runs upstairs holding her heavy bridal lehga. Everyone looking at her in confusion.
She sees laksh moving here and there  outside the operation theatre. Sanskar family was also there.

Laksh sees her and get angry. He go to her and took her away from there so that family don't notice swara.

Laksh: what are u doing here now? Come here to see ,he is alive or dead? Or u want to kill him by urself?

Swara: no laksh see..
Laksh: ur dad already done what he wanted. Who knows ,u must be involved with him so that he don't become trouble in ur marriage.

Swara:( shock) laksh what are u talking? I can never think of doing that.. he is my life laksh.

Laksh: oh just shut up!! Just shut up! Don't lie more. What u said when I told u that he will die only to hear what , that u don't care", u know swara.. he was conscious and he heard u and it broke him completely. Congratulations,now go and enjoy ur married life.

Swara: no laksh, I didn't got married, I said because.. leave it. How is sanskar?

Laksh: u want to see him dead by own eyes that's why u came na? And it doesn't change anything of u married or not.. u already killed my brother.

Swara: laksh!!
Laksh: just shut up! Don't create any scene here and go from here before I loose control. I don't want to kill u with my hand. Just go away..

Swara: laksh please listen..

Laksh: just leave..

Laksh go back to family. Swara cried standing there and go out of hospital. She don't know till when she was sitting outside. Whole night passed.

She walk aimlessly on the road and then reach her home. When shomi saw her she started shouting on her for sending her husband jail.. and told her to go away from there. Swara was anyway not in mood to live there anymore. She just wanted to go to sanskar. She changed in normal suit salwar and then again go to hospital and see laksh sitting on the chair with tears. She get scared

She go to him.
Swara: laksh?
Laksh: what are u doing here  again?
Swara: how is sanskar laksh?
Before he could answer she heard someone..
" HE DIED!!"
Swara look at that direction only to find sujatha who was having tears but looking at her angrily.

Sujatha: u took my son's life, now what do u want?
Swara:( horrified) no.. this can't be Happen? Sanskar can't leave me.. laksh, please say this is lie.. please.. nothing happened to.him right?( Plead cryingly)
Laksh: it's true , he is dead swara and if u r not able to believe it then also it change nothing.
Swara: no, u r lying. I know he is alive.
Sujatha: I don't want to see ur face ,just go from here. Laksh tell her  to go away.
Swara: no , please let me see him once. Please laksh, please aunty.
Sujatha: I won't even let ur shadow near my son.. we already lost him because of u now don't show ur us. Get that!
Swara: aunty please let me go to him..
She hold her hand but sujatha jerk it hardly and give her stern look.
Laksh: go from here swara.. leave!

After sometime:
Swara was walking aimlessly. She reached to bridge. She was still not able to believe that her Sanskar is not in this world. She would have never believed this if laksh would not have said this. He is like brother to her. He can never lie. She thought sujatha was right, just because of her only sanskar died. She is only responsible for this. She fall on her knees and cry remembering sanskar and their moments.
" I love you sanskar, I m sorry" she says.
Swara: I can't live this life where u r not with me. I m coming to u.

She closed her eyes and take a deep breathe. She move toward edge of bride but then only she felt everything moving. She hold her head and then faint.

Then she opened her eyes in some hospital. She sees nurse sitting there.
Nurse: oh u get conscious, I will call the doctor.
Then doctor come. She tried to sit but feel pain in her head.
Doctor: are u okay?
Swara: yeah, how I
Doctor: u get faint on the bridge, few people saw u and took u here.
Swara: oh !
Doctor: are u stressed out of something? It's affecting ur health.
Swara look down, she know what she was thinking.
Doctor: atleast think about the life u r carrying in ur womb.
Swara:( shocked) what?
Doctor: u don't know?
Swara: what are u talking about?
Doctor: u r two months pregnant..
Swara was numb. She look down at her belly.
Doctor: do u want us to call someone from ur family or husband?
Swara closed her eyes in pain: I don't have anyone and my husband is no more in this world.

Doctor: oh, I m so sorry. U can for sometime then u can get discharge.
Swara nods.

Flashback end:

After getting discharged, I didn't knew where to go. I knew I was running away from myself and ur memories because I would not be able to live there. I just came where my life took me and came here in this orphanage. And then Ansh was born and became my only world.

She completed saying everything.

Swara: I  trusted laksh like my brother sanskar and he lied to me. How could he say that u died. ( She whispered in broken voice)

She fall on her knees .
Sanskar: swara..( he also go on his knee in front of her)
Swara look at him: why did he do that sanskar? Why did he lied? I lived a lie for whole Four years.. away from u. Because of that Ansh had to live without his father's love.  It's all my mistake I shouldn't have trusted him. I should have waited for u.. but I promise sanskar I thought he think me as his sister and he will not lie so I trusted his word. He is ur brother so I believed him but it's still my mistake.. I should have waited for u. U comma and I just run from there acting like coward.
I m sorry sanskar for everything, I had to say all those things to u because dad told he will kill u. I got afraid and that's why I agreed to get marry. Still dad tried to kill u. It's all happened because of me. If I would not have ur life then u wouldn't have to face that. Ur family would have loose u forever.. if I haven't met u.. ( interuppted)

Sanskar:( he cups her face) sshh! No swara, it's not ur mistake. I should have trusted u. Don't blame yourself for someone's doing. It's not mistake to trust laksh, he was wrong who lied to u. And what are u saying, if u would not have come in my life then how Ansh would have come in our life? I know u had to face so much and Ansh too but everything has to be end. I m here with u swara, in front of u.

He bring her face closer to him and lean toward her. He wipe her tears and put his forhead against her. He was also crying.

Sanskar: don't cry please. I still can't see my princess with tears.

Swara just hugged him tightly listening it. She wrapped her arm around him and hide her face in his chest. Sanskar also hugged her back. He kissed her hair and put his one hand around her waist holding her close and another in her hair, ruffling it. He closed his eyes and let the tear wash out his pain. She clutched his suit in her tight grip and was sobbing.

Sanskar: shh swara..
( He break the hug and put her hair behind ) calm down shh..
After sometime swara finally calm down.
Swara: u won't go leaving me this time na?
Sanskar: never, I want to live with my wife and my son. If I will leave u then I will loose my life..

Swara:( put her hand on his lips) no please, never say this please. I get scare even with thought of loosing u again. I survived that time but will not be able to bear next time.. I will di..

She stopped by sanskar as she felt his lips on her. He gently put his lips on her and kissed her softly. Swara's hand moved to his hair and she also respond the kiss. He deepen the kiss and started dominating her. She let him do it happily. After few minutes they broke the hug breathing heavily.

Swara:( breathing heavily) I missed u sanskar. I missed u so much.

Sanskar:( breathing heavily too) missed u too and i love u so much.

Swara: I love u too sanskar..

Then she thinks something and ask: sanskar u told that laksh said I m married and gone away with my husband.. why did he said that? And u told u come to know about me two weeks before. If he was trying to keep u away from me, he wouldn't have let u find me, right?

Sanskar: that's what I want to know? Why he did that to us? And about u, I just find u by myself and just my p.a. Arjun knew that I was trying to search . Other than that no one knew about it. One thing is clear that he wanted to keep me away from u and mom was with him.. but why? No doubt why he avoided to talk about u and when I said that I want to find u. I thought he is angry on u but I never knew that he was hiding reality from me. I didn't expect him to betray me. He was my buddy.

Swara: may be due to anger on me ?

Sanskar move away and go toward window. He ran his hand through hair and sigh in frustration.

Sanskar: which anger swara, that which destroyed four years of our life? That anger  which kept u away from me? Due to which I never came to know that u were forced to believe that I was dead and live like a widow or that u have never known I have a son and he was living like  a fatherless child. I won't leave him , swara and not even mom!

Swara: sanskar please calm down.. it's not there fault. My dad was more responsible for everything. And he is bearing his punishment .

She goes to sanskar and hold his arm. Sanskar closed his eyes to calm down.

He look at her and pulled her to himself holding her by waist. Swara put her head on his chest and closed her eyes.
Swara: I still feel protected in your arm. ( She said snuggling close to him)

Sanskar smiled: and u still know how to try to change my mood ( he smiled a little) but glad to know it.

She smiled listening to him. Suddenly thunder strike and she shivers and clutches her grip on him. He protectively held her close.

Swara: thank God few things are still same.
Sanskar: everything is still same swara , I still love you the way I did before. Ur eyes  still  hold unconditional love for me. Our love still the same and this rain which again witnessed our Union.

Swara: u still remember?( Looking at him)
Sanskar: I can never forget any moment I spent with u. Each memory is bliss for me. Then how can I forget the most beautiful night of my life when i made u mine forever.

Swara: not only yours, it's our.. and I never knew that it will  give me reason to live when u were not with me.

Sanskar:( caressed her face) not anymore swara, I will be there with u always and my son too.
He look at Ansh who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Swara:( looking at Ansh) I tried to give him love of both a father and mother but I always knew he need a father's care. I didn't have any idea how to...

Sanskar: shh, I m here for him swara. I m really unlucky that I was not there with u when u needed me the most. I couldn't able to see when he was born.  I was not there to hold his hand When he took his first step. I was not there when he said something for the first time.. but now i promise swara, I will enjoy every single moment with u both. I will become very good father that he will never think about these four years when I was not with him. I will be best husband to u and will always there with u.

Swara: I know u will.. ( said with teary yet smiling face)
Then she remembered something..
Swara: but sanskar, why did you do all this? I mean this orphanage buying, u seriously wanted to throw these children out of here? How can u sanskar, u used to love them?

Sanskar: I can never think of doing that. I was just finding my way to reach u. I thought u won't be back to me if I say u as u love ur husband still.. so I was going to give u last option to save this orphanage..

Swara: u were going to blackmail me?( Raised her eyebrows)
Sanskar: see swara, I m really an idiot to think that u have moved on but I thought I don't have any other way..

Swara: and u thought I will marry some Harsh singhania to save this orphanage?
Sanskar:not harsh singhania but Sanskar maheshwari. I was going to reveal myself anyway..

Swara: u r such an unbelievable person. How could u do this to me?

Sanskar:( sadly) sorry swara.. it's all because of misunderstanding. I m really sorry. Please forgive me..

Swara: ok I will but I don't want to see that harsh singhania ever. He is so rude and really heartless. I hate him.. on the top of that he look really bad with those beard and moustache.

Sanskar: (smiled) promise, u won't have to meet him again.
Saying this he hugged her. They remain like that finding peace in each other arm sharing a long passionate hug.

After sometime:

They were sitting on the floor. Sanskar was sitting with support of wall. He was hugging her from back. She put her head on his chest. She was playing with his shirt buttons and he was ruffling her hair.

Swara: sanskar..
Sanskar: hmm?
But swara didn't say anything. He look at her face but she had her head down not ready to look at him.
Sanskar: swara?
He cups her face and made her look up and find tears in her eyes .
Sanskar: swara, pls don't cry..
Swara:( sobs) I.. I m sorry sanskar . Because of me, u had to go through all that. I never wanted to say those words to you but I was helpless to do anything . I wanted to come to u but couldn't .
Sanskar: no swara whatever u did, it was for me. I should be sorry that I mistaken in understanding u and ur love. Whether my heart never accepted that u could betray me but i could not able to stop these thoughts coming into my mind . I should have trusted u.

Swara: sanskar, I .. I already lost u once. I don't want to loose u again . I don't want to live alone , I want u beside me. U will be we leave me and go na? sanskar, I already faced so much and mere thought of going far from u make me scared to death. I want u in my life forever ? I know somewhere dad is responsible for whatever happened and that's why ur family must be angry with me but if your family doesn't accept me then? I don't wanna loose u sanskar.. pls, not again..

Sanskar: swara, princess look at me . My life doesn't have any meaning without u that's why I couldn't able to move on even with the thought that u are already married . I still love u swara . For me, u r everything. I promise u swara, u were, u r and will always be love of my life. I don't care anything. And my family, they will accept u.  they have to. Swara, I know u must be thinking about mom but just for her, I can't leave u and Ansh. Don't think much about that. No need to get a scared when I m with u and will always with u..

Swara snuggle into his chest listening him and close her eyes finding solace in his arm. Sanskar kissed her hair and closed his eyes.

Swasan were sleeping peacefully in each other embrace in that sitting position only. When sun day hit swara's face. She tried to hide her face in his chest due to which sanskar's sleep disturb. He open his eyes and look at her.. she was looking so angelic. He sees the tear stain on her cheeks but that smile was enough to cure that restlessness.
" I promise swara, from now on we will only have happiness in our life"

He was lost in her, he caress her cheek gently  when swara woke up. She look at him as he was already looking at her.
Swara look out of window and sees sun peeking through it.
Swara: it's so beautiful morning na, after rainy night.
Sanskar: just like the morning after our beautiful night.
It brings blush to swara's face.
Sanskar: and these are special when you are with me..

He look at her intensely and she also look at him but then they heard ansh crying .

Swara: oh no, he woke up..
She get up and go to bed. Sanskar also stand up. Swara try to calm Ansh.

Ansh: mumma where u go?
Swara: where will mumma go leaving Ansh ,hmm? Mumma was here only.

Ansh: but u never leave me alone till I wake up.
Swara: I  promise, mumma will never do that again.. now get up bacha.
Ansh get up. Then he see sanskar who was looking at him like this moment is the most important in his life.

Ansh look at him and try to remember   like he have already saw him.

Ansh: mumma, he is .. the same... In photo..
Swara: yes baby.. he is same.
Ansh:( look at her) that means, he is my papa.

Sanskar felt a sudden happiness hearing it.

Swara nods with teary eyes but smile.
Swara: yes Ansh, he is your papa..

Ansh get down from bed with swara's help and walk toward sanskar. Sanskar go on his knees. Ansh come to him slowly and look at him.

Ansh: ( smile)papa.. u,.u  r my papa na?
He touches his face. Sanskar nods yes.

Sanskar: yes , ansh my son.. I m your papa.
He hugged him. Ansh also hugged him. Swara look at them with happy smile like she had lost hope to see this moment but she got this happiness . She look at sanskar who was closing his eyes with sudden relief like he got his world. After a moment  Ansh broke the hug and wipe his tear.

Ansh: papa, u won't go leaving us na? Where were u ? Mumma told me you are gone very far from us? Why didn't u came?
Sanskar: I m sorry beta, I will never do that again. I promise I will never leave u and mumma Alone.

Ansh: promise?
Sanskar: pakka promise.
Ansh: but papa ,why r u crying? I didn't get hurt na. I m toh happy. U know when I get hurt na..mumma cry  but now i m happy then why r u crying.

Sanskar: I m not crying bacha.. I m also happy. And I promise I won't let ur mumma cry ever.

Ansh: yeyy.. now I have mumma and papa both . Now papa will also play with me, right mumma?

Swara nods smilingly. Then Ansh put his palm on his mouth and make cute face then look at swara and sanskar.

Ansh: mumma papa.. let's go to god and pray. I have to say thank you  to god .
Swara also come to them and sit beside sanskar.
Swara: thank you?

Ansh:U know mumma, once I heard an uncle saying that the one who have mumma papa both.. they are really lucky so I Wished to god that bring my papa back . And now god also made me lucky by sending my papa. So I should say thank you na?

Swara and sanskar smiled hearing him. They nods. Ansh jumped in happiness and hugged both of them excitedly. Sanskar wrapped his arm around swara and hug his both important person of his life.

After sometime:
Swara told everything to Shanti aunty and she was genuinely very Happy for swara that she got her happiness back. She was also happy for Ansh who was really excited.
Sanskar also met her and told her that he will take care of the need of orphanage and if she need anything. She just have to call him.
Sanskar was in ground playing with Ansh and other children when he got a call. It was Arjun.. he took the call and talk to him. it was already 9:00 a.m. He need to leave for something. He sees Ansh busy in playing with kids. So ,he go to swara's room to inform about his going.

The door was opened and he entered saying: Swara.. look i need to lea....

But stopped as he saw her. Swara turned hearing him. swara standing near table with wet towel in her hand. Her hair was wet and she was wearing simple saree but looking really beautiful with no touch up or make up on her face, just few droplets on her face.
Swara: what happened sanskar? ( Looking at him)
Sanskar didn't said anything and walk toward her. He stand close to her without saying anything.
Swara:( confused) sanskar? U were saying something?
But then she sees something and get worried.  sanskar gripped the edge of table and a nail pierced in his thumb .

Swara:( worried) sanskar what did u do? Why...
Before she could hold his hand, she get surprised as sanskar filled her hairline with his blood.

Sanskar: this was missing on your beautiful face. Now, it's perfect  " my wife".
Swara touched her hairline and see his blood in her finger. 
Swara: sanskar..
Sanskar: I know these small things doesn't bind a relationship. It's bounded by heart but I want u to be mine in every way whether it's ritually or by our souls .

Swara: sanskar, I lived in pain for these four years and now how will i handle these happiness all of the sudden?
Sanskar: Every dark night has a new morning swara . We just need to have faith and patience to bear it . We have reached to our new morning swara and darkness has already passed.

Swara hold his bleeding hand with tears in her eyes. Sanskar cups her face with another hand. He leaned toward her and kissed her forhead leading her to close her eyes and feel blessed .

After that, swara bandaged his thumb properly . While he look at her . 

Sanskar: acha swara, I wanted to say that I need to finish some work so I have to leave . I will back in few hours.
Swara: ok but come soon .
Sanskar: very soon.

" Papa ,u r leaving again?"
They heard ansh who was standing near the door.
He come toward sanskar and look at him sadly.
Ansh : papa, please don't go na. U promised that u won't leave .
Sanskar feels bad for his son . He understands his fear. It's only because he lived without him since his birth .
Swara was about to say something but sanskar assure that he will handle.

He took Ansh and made him sit in his lap.
Sanskar: papa is not going anywhere bachcha . I have to finish just small work then I will come and take u and mumma with me to our new home .

Ansh: new home?
Sanskar: yes Ansh
Ansh: but when will u come back?
Sanskar: I will just go and come back . Till then u be with mumma , ok?
Ansh: ok, I will but u have to bring chocolates for me and my friends.
Sanskar: sure baby.. I will bring it for u.
Ansh: okay, come back soon . I will wait for u.
Saying this he jump from his lap and about to go out but he run back to him. He kissed sanskar cheek and say.

Ansh: love u papa..
Sanskar also kissed his cheek and say: love u too my son.
Ansh smile and run outside to play .

Sanskar look at swara: thank you so much swara for giving me best happiness of the world. I may have missed ur pregnancy, his birth , his first step but still it's special feeling to become a father.

Swara smiled. Sanskar hugged her .

After that sanskar go from orphanage and go to office. He had some work and then instructed Arjun to do few things. Then he go back to orphanage .

Swara was talking to Shanti . Ansh who was in swara's arm saw sanskar's car stopping. He loose his grip around swara and come out of her arm surprising her then run toward entrance.
Ansh: papa.. papa..

Sanskar who came out of car see Ansh coming and took him in his arm. Swara smiled watching it. She see, how happy Ansh look with sanskar. He pull his cheeks and Sanskar was laughing. Then Sanskar took out a chocolate and give it to him. His eyes beamed with joy. He was saying something, spreading his arm while sanskar was listening him with smile.  He was also talking to him in childish way making Ansh giggle.

Shanti look at swara and say: that's what a father's love is swara. Every child is not lucky but I m very happy that Ansh got his father. I pray to God that he bless u and ur family and u stay happy like this forever.

Swara smiled.

After sometime:
Swara and Ansh say bye to everyone. Everyone were sad but happy too for them.

Sanskar: ( to Shanti) I don't know what to say to u. U took care of my swara and my son Ansh when I was not with them. I can't thank you enough for what u have done for me. Thank you so much. U already have my no. And whenever u need any help just call me. We will come here sometimes to meet u all.

Shanti nods with smile. Swara hugged her .
Swara: I will miss u all.
Shanti: miss u too swara but I m really happy for u. Now go and live ur life.

Swara smile. She look at sanskar who hold her hand. Ansh was already in his arm. She entwined their fingers and they start walking toward car.

Sanskar made swara sit on passenger seat , while Ansh sat in her lap. Then he sat in driving seat. He look at swara and Ansh.

Sanskar: shall we?
Swara nods while Ansh excitedly say: yes papa.. let's go..
Sanskar:( laughs) sure champ..

The car moved away from the orphanage.

The end.....

Want epilogue....???


Epilogue ( coming soon)

That's all for the last part. Epilogue coming soon and you're my last wish will also posted soon.🤗

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