Best (Boy)Friend - Looking for True Love Reading Sample

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The night dawned and everyone was celebrating and dancing. After all, it was Friday and the weekend has begun for most people.

„Finally, I can dance again!", Ronja conceived and partied hard.

Tran danced with her, but today he seemed distracted somehow.

„Hey, Francy, there you are!", he said, when suddenly a young woman appeared next to him.

„Francy?", Ronja asked confused.

„Oh yeah, I'm sorry. Francy? Ronja. Ronja? Francy."


„Hi", Francy said and pushed Tran conspicuously.

„Oh, yeah... Ronja?"


„I have to tell you something. Here you are!", Tran spoke and was holding a cocktail out to Ronja.

„What's that for? You know that I don't drink any alcohol!"

„Yeah, but it makes you feel better, when I've told you what happened!"

„No, thank you! I pass!"

„Alright then,... anyway,... well... Francy and me... we're together now."

Ronja was shocked.

„What?! ... But how?"

„We got to know each other a few days ago, but well... that's the way it is. You and I never were on the same wavelength with each other anyway, right? Something like this had to happen one day!", Tran explained and even started to laugh.

Ronja was beside herself with rage, took the cocktail and poured it right into Tran's face.

„You were right, I do feel better now!", Ronja spoke and left.

She went back to her apartment and wasn't in party mood any longer. Right beside her lives her best friend Cyan, whom she pleased to came around. He was certainly there for her right away.

„What happened?", he wanted to know.

„Tran has another girl now", Ronja sniffed.

After that Cyan sat next to her and gave her some tissues. Anyway, he wasn't surprised at all, because this didn't happen the first time. Anytime, when Ronja believed to have found the right one, he turned out to be the wrong one.

„To be honest, I'm glad that you're rid of him", Cyan admitted.

„What are you trying to tell me?!", Ronja countered.

„Well, I never liked that guy anyway and I've never watched you laughing when you were next to him."

Ronja reflected for a while.

„You're right!"

„I'm always right!"

„You boaster!", she spoke and gave him a push.

„You know what? ... I didn't really like Tran that much", Ronja admitted.

„Really?! ... So why did you get involved with him then?", Cyan wanted to know.

„Well, you know... I'm tired of it."

„Tired of what?"

„Well, of waiting forever, that the right one appears!"

„Someday you're gonna find him, for sure."

„Yeah! ... Someday! When I'm hundred years old, or what?! In that case, I get so much out of it!"

„It'll buff out. ... Hey! I know just what you need now! A nice, hot chocolate!", Cyan said and disappeared in the kitchen for a moment.

„Thank you", Ronja spoke, when he was back again and slowly gave her the cup.

But that wasn't everything, what he brought along.

„Alright,... what do you choose? The schmaltzy movie... or the super schmaltzy movie?", Cyan asked and held two movies out to Ronja.

„Where did you get them so fast?"

„Well, both of us knew, that this moment would come, didn't we? Alright, what do you say?"

„Take your pick."

„What?! I may pick one?! In that case it has to be something serious! We'll take the super schmaltzy movie!", Cyan decided, which made Ronja laughing.

„There! That's what I was missing so much!", Cyan spoke and loaded the movie.

Sometime both fell asleep. When Cyan awoke, he brought a blanket for Ronja and stretched it over her. After that he sneaked quietly out of her apartment and went back into his apartment.

The two of them met each other in a café later for breakfast.

„And? ... How are you?", Cyan wanted to know.

„Oh... well... it's okay. But much better than yesterday."

„That's nice."



„What's wrong with me?"

„How?! What do you mean?"

„Well, why does anyone find his true love someday but me?"

„Ronja! You're perfect the way you are and actually, not everyone finds his true love. Many people realize it too late and there are also many people who get divorced again. And some of them concentrate way too much on their jobs. That's why they just let the chance for true love lapse away", Cyan explained and looked into Ronja's horrified face.

„Are you saying that I'm supposed to be alone forever?! Well, thank you very much!"

„No! I didn't mean it like that! The ones, who really wanna find their true love, find it! Or will be found by it! Remember the movie yesterday!"

„Oh yeah... the movie. Tell me, how did it end?"

„What do you mean?"

„Did she get the right one in the end?"

„Well, in those movies they always get the right one in the end."

Ronja considered.

„Why are you looking like that?", Cyan asked.

„Cyan! That's it!"

„What is what?"

„You give me an idea!"

„Oh no! Please not!"

„Why not?"

„Well, your ideas, they are always so... so... oh I don't know."

„But this idea could really work! I gotta go! Now! See you later!"

„Ronja, wait! ... Oh man! What's she up to again?"



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