Pat and Jen: "The World is Beautiful"

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"Is she okay?" I heard a vaguely familiar voice say. It seemed to ring in my ears. I tried to open my eyes, only to be greeted by bright light. I squinted and groaned, trying to move. Successfully, I rolled over into the soft pillow my head was on. As I did, I heard a manly voice. "Miss, are you alright?" This voice sounded familiar as well, but I couldn't place the voice. I finally faced the bright light, turning again and opening my eyes, blinking until my eyes had adjusted. After that, I looked around to find myself inside a tidy home I knew from the internet. Beside me was a man and a woman, who I both knew. "Pat? Jen?" I asked, not believing where I was.

They both nodded, Jen looking worried. "Are you alright?" she asked.

I put my hands to my head, rubbing my eyes. You're dreaming, Kay. Wake up!

Pat brought my hands away from my head, helping me up. "What happened to you? You were laying here when we came downstairs this morning. How'd you get here?"

I shook my head. "I live in New York. There was wind, and it knocked me over. I hit my head and blacked out. I suppose I ended up here."

"New York? You're in Florida now!" Jen exclaimed. "How will you get back?" She looked at Pat, concerned.

Pat shook his head. "We'll figure it out. What's your name?" he asked me.

"Makayla." I said. I smiled brightly, my brain finally recognizing my situation. I'm meeting Pat and Jen!!! I screamed internally. I walked over and hugged Jen, who gave me a tight hug back. "You guys were the first YouTubers I ever watched! I remember watching season eight of Epic Proportions outside on my iPod all the time!" I giggled, unbelieving of the reality I was in. They both smiled at me, Pat moving to hug me as well. After that, Pat, Jen, and I sat at their island in the kitchen and talked. We laughed, and I had a fun time with them. Jen even gave me one of her shirts, which said "The World is Beautiful" with an Earth in the shape of a heart.

However, soon after I changed, I began feeling dizzy. Pat tried to steady me, saying he should get me to the hospital. I tried to walk it off, but Pat took me to the couch where I blacked out. The last thing I saw was Pat and Jen's faces. 

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