Chapter 3

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Hi guys iam so glad that people are liking my story and giving sweet comments and votes thank u so much for commenting and voting 😘😘
So now let's start..

Swaragini and Tanya enters college and sanlak are waiting for  them in the canteen and they go to them. Tanya is nervous but she controls herself and sanskaar is just mesmerized to see ragini and laksh is staring swara.

Swara-hello where are u lost(to sanlak)

Sanlak looks here and there then says in unison-nothing

Ragini-lets go to class the way where is meera???

Sanskaar-ragu she is coming late today because she has some work to do...(swaragtanlak stares at sanskaar because he never says ragu and today he said it)

Sanskar-what happen...why r u all staring at me as if u saw a ghost...

Ragini-sanskar u know na u r not allowed to call me ragu then why did u say that..

Sanskar-(smiles)ragini but iam ur bf na so I can definitely call u that na..

Ragini-haa(and then realises what he said and shouts)sanskaarrrrr..

(Swalaktan laughs at them)

On the other side

Ragini runs behind sanskaar and then she loses her balance and about to fall when sanskaar holds her(they share a cute eyelock)

Ragini comes back to senses and says -sanskaar leave me

Sanskar-are u sure??

Ragini-yes i said na..leave me.

Sanskar leaves her and she falls down(she fell in the mud and her face is looking horrible now)she was standing in front of the mud  and she didn't see it but sanskaar saw and that's why he was asking her)
Sanskar is just laughing at her and she stares just then swalak and Tanya comes and sees ragini in that state and started laughing.

Laksh controlling his laugh goes to ragini and helps her and she is happy and smiling at him.

Laksh-Are u ok??

Ragini- yes

Sanskar(teasingly)-lucky what's wrong with u why u always help her...I think u love her.

(Raglak stares him but ragini is feeling happy inside)

Laksh-no bhai I thought that this bechari (poor) girl will be lying here whole day and she will miss her class then who will help me completing my work(he takes her pic secretly and shows swatansan and they laugh sarcastically and ragini glares laksh just then meera enters)

Meera-omg ragini di what's wrong with ur face.tell me who did this

Ragini points at sanlak and they smile at her

Meera-bhaiiiii..why do u do this with her...come let's go and they leave and swalak and tansan also leavethem.

Someone is staring them and closes his fist in anger (but the face is not revealed)

In class

Swara is sitting lost in her own thoughts and just then laksh comes and sees her(lasksh is not in her class but he saw her and came Inside because its break time)

Laksh-hey swara(but she doesn't notice him she's still lost)he shakes her...swaraaa

Swara-what happen..why r u shouting

Laksh-what happened to u..where r u lost (teasingly)are u thinking about somebody ..

Swara-no laksh(she says weakly)

Laksh comes near her and says-u can tell me Iam ur friend na.

Swara starts crying and hugs him tight (he too reciprocates)and says-laksh u know what happened yesterday.

Fb is shown

Swara is sitting and studying when her mother (sujatha comes to her)and says

Sujatha-swara u still didnt do any work in the kitchen stop this and go and do ur work(she snatches the book from her and takes it with her)

Swara goes tot he kitchen and does all work then goes to her mother-mom its finished can i go to sleep now??

Sujatha says angrily- no enough now go and sweep the house.

Swara in tears-mom iam tired plss let me sleep now.

Sujatha stands in angry tone and shouts-what do u think u r haa and slaps her hard on her face and tells her to stay outside whole night if she does not do the work and she cries and does sweeping and now its 6am and she is tired but till acts normal and gets ready for college becoz of her mom)

Fb ends

Laksh is staring her with teary eyes(he is feeling bad for her)and says -swara can I ask u something ???


Laksh-why ur mom behaves like that??

Swara-i don't know what have I done to her...

Laksh-its OK pls don't cry (he says consoling her)

She smiles(just then they turn around and see ragsantanmee standing there and jut staring them.)

Swara-hi ragu,San,tan and meera when did u come??

Meera-when u were telling the whole story to bhai(swara only shares her story with laksh becoz she doesn't want anyone else to know about her so she always behaves normal)

Laksh-did u hear everything (shockingly)

Ragini-yes and swara we r ur best friends why Didnt u tell us...(shows fake anger)

Swara-iam sorry guys I didn't want to disturb u all that's it...pls forgive me(holding her ears cutely)

Everyone smiles at her and says-its OK..but do share wih us next time OK..(and they all sidehug)

Swara-ok(smiles at laksh)

Someone is again looking at them and thinks-Be as happy as u want because  very soon u will be separated from each other and u will suffer for ur deeds.I will never let u people stay happy together(laughs sarcastically) and goes from there.

Then everyone goes to their respective homes after college.

End of chapter. .

PRECAP:everyone preparing for fresher's party and the same person is again watching them

I know its boring but next part will be interesting and plss forgive me for my mistakes and do votes and comments..

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