A take down

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Geez, it took way too long for me to find this freakin' fanart of Christine and Jake. Gosh,,, we need more art of them
'Aw, gah!' I jump with surprise, as Rich, Jake, Brooke, Chloe and Jenna burst on with a flurry of noise.

'Let's get this party started!' Rich laughed, Jake beaming at his side. Chloe looked around, with Brooke asking 'Has the theatre always been here?' With Jenna, and Christine shouting 'Yes!'

Then, a man jumped onto the stage. Scaring the fuck out of me, 'Hellooooo, everyone!' He put his hands behind his back, as he beamed at us with dark eyes. 'My name is Mr. Reyes.'

Mr. Reyes smiled, 'You my recognise me from Drama Class, or my full time job at Hobby Lobby.' He heard gasps from Rich and Jake, who were sitting next to each other. Mr. Reyes smiled warmly, looking as though he was genuinely touched 'Thank you.'

He continued, 'I've been dreaming of the day I get to stage William Shakespeare's classic 'A Midsummer night's dream'-' Christine jumped, 'Yes!'

'And today, that dream dies.' Michael and Christine shared a very flabbergastered expression, with Michael protesting 'What?!'

'And is reborn! Just . . .' He thought for a moment, and then turned to Michael 'slightly mutated.'

He explained, 'The school informed me that, unless increase the schools popularity, our funds will be diverted. To the' he cleared his throat, and looked down to his shoes 'Frisbee Golf Team.' He looked up, suddenly enthusiastic again 'Which is why our production will be set, not in a pastoral forest, but a postapocalyptic future.'

He cleared his throat, 'Instead of frolicking with fairies, there will be fleeing. From zombies!' At that, Michael and Is faces light up, and we beam at eachother. Rich smirked, tugging at Jake's red sleeve behind us and whispering in his ear, with Jake snorting.

'Don't you care about Shakespeare?!' Christine jumped up, her arms flailed out, Mr. Reyes jumped down dramatically, 'The man is dead, let it go.' He stated bluntly, earning a chuckle from the popular kids.

'We will now take a five minute break,' Mr. Reyes continued, his voice cracking 'so that I can eat a HotPocket.'

He left the scene with the popular kids, Rich and Jake protested 'Woo-hoo!' And 'Theatre is easy, yo!' Mr. Reyes stumbled to Brooke's side and asked 'So, what's the story with Jake and Madeline?'

Jake halted at the sound of that conversation, and stumbled back to shrug Mr. Reyes off, he hung back with Rich asking if he was alright. Jake assured Rich he was fine, and told him to not worry about him. Rich nodded, but stayed close to the door to watch Jake as he walked away and bumped into Christine.

Christine jumped, and they locked eyes, Jake gasped and beamed 'Hey, you were in that play last year!' Christine blinked twice, 'You mean Romeo and Juliet?' Jake nodded, and put his hands in his pockets 'Yeah, you were the girl who died!'

'Smooth.' Michael whispered in my ear jokingly, and I chuckled. I saw rich in the corner of my eye, he seemed to frown a little bit at Jake.

'You mean Juliet?' Christine raised a brow, Jake nodded and tensed up 'Yeah! That was depressing.' Christine lowered her head a little, 'Thanks . .' Jake sighed, 'Yeah but . .' He blushed a little, 'You were good.'

He smiled, 'I'm Jake.' Christine stuttered, 'I-I know . .' Jake exhaled and sighed, 'Cool.'

'Can I say something stupid?' He started ranting, 'When I saw you die in the play last year . . . That was like, the saddest I'd felt in a long time. It was like, all the pressure I feel to be the best at everything, all the time . . . Suddenly felt so small. And then, when you got up at the end for your victory dance-'

Christine interrupted 'Bow, it's called a bow.' Jake nodded 'Right!'

Jake continued his rant, 'I remember thinking. . .' He scratched the back of his neck nervously, ' 'I'm glad that girls not dead . . .' '

Michael snickered, 'I don't know whose worse at socialising, the popular kid or the dolphin that I call a friend.' I chuckled, 'Shut up, you.' I rested my head on his shoulder, as we continued watching.

' 'before I ever got the chance to know her.' ' He looked at Rich, who face palmed. Probably to hide what seemed to be his sorrow, Jake looked hopeless for a moment before turning back to Christine and saying 'Stupid, right?'

'That's not stupid at all.' Christine blinked twice, and smiled fondly at Jake's words. Jake looked touched by her smile, and said 'Cool. Hey, a bunch of us are going out after practice today. You should join.' Jake looked to Rich for permission, and Rich nodded as though confirming that it was alright for her to come or something.

It is now that I realise that I actually am not talking, uh. I mean, yeah I did say that I like Christine but like, I feel like if I do like her then I should protest or something. I dunno.

' 'Parting is such a sweet' . . .' Jake trailed off, with Christine continuing it for him 'Sorrow?' Jake huffed, 'Whatever.'

He turned to Michael and I, I jumped and watched as his brown eyes trailed to Michael and Is backpacks, 'Hey, dudes.' He waved to us awkwardly and looked at us, and then pointed to our backpacks 'Someone wrote, 'BOYF' and uh, 'REINDS' on your bags-'

Rich ran forward and purred 'That someone, would be me.' Michael and I groaned, Jake beamed at Rich, who laughed 'Oh yeah, so like, are two actually a thing?' Jake asked.

Michael jumped up, red in the face, cracked-voices and screamed 'NO!' I wheezed, sinking into my seat.

My poor gay thoughts

Christine gasped, 'You're not?' I wheezed, Michael sunk into his seat, hiding into his hoodie 'I thought you were.' Christine looked disappointed, 'I mean, you guys walked in holding hands.'

Jake gasped, and Rich purred 'Oh, they did now?' Rich and Jake shared a glance and smirked at each other.

Michael and I are just wheezing, we're like, dying! Someone please help us, gosh

I cough for air, and look at them frantically. I stood up, and gulped 'I-I need t-t-to go to the bathroom, uh' I picked my bag up, 'y-yeah.' I clear my throat, and and pick up my backpack and run off.

I slam the door, and inhaled and exhaled. Calming myself down. I look in the mirror.

I'm not sure why I feel upset, but I know it's not because of Christine. Maybe . . . Hmm. Maybe it was because Michael said . . . 'No . .' I clutch my shirt, and feel myself crying. Shit, yeah it's Michael. Shit.

I'm not sure what's going on with me today, like, first I liked Christine, then I have gay thoughts for Michael? I mean yeah, I like, have known him for twelve years. I feel myself giving heart eyes to just the thought of Michael and I together, and . . .

Oh my god.

I like Michael, like, a lot
Holy shit

But, he doesn't like me back. Hell, he probably likes some dude name Nick or something and hasn't told me. He wouldn't like me.

Wait no—
I can't have a meltdown, not now no.

I wipe away tears, and exhale. I walk away from the sinks, and press my back to the wall.

Once again there's been a takedown, but I guess it could have gone worse. At least I didn't have that bad of a breakdown, then have to go the nurse.I don't wanna be special, don't even need to survive. Well at least I know that Christine, knows that I am alive.

'Hey, tall-ass.'

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