Shaking [Reprise]

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Joe Iconis is going home~
Back to his office!
Joe Iconis is going hOME!~
That's right,
back to his office!
Joe Iconis is gOING HOME
Also, I made a clingy friend today

'Okay listen heere you little gay.'
Joe walked up and poked Michael in the face, glaring at him. Michael is very uncomfortable.

'Drink the Mountain Dew red, and then you two can go fuck yourselves and save the pitiful children and stuff.' Michael nodded, still uncomfortable. I raise a brow, and grab the Mountain Dew red. I hand it to Michael.

Michael opens the bottle. 'Before you take it Michael, I need to speak to someone first.' Joe says, smirking. Michael gulps, 'Okay?'

'Okay listen sad gays and bisexuals, and straights, if those still exist.'
Excuse me-
'Shut up, it's my time to shine.'
But the fourthwalls already damaged enough
'That's your fault, you've been writing this shit show the whole time and made me a dick so yeah. Shut the fuck up.'
Jeez, okay.

'Okay, so listen up losers.'
'Shut up, you bloody gay.'

'Listen up, kids.
It's time for you to understand that the author has realised that once one SQUIPped gays takes a sip of the Mountain Dew red and stuff, all the SQUIPped gays blow up as well and stuff. So, we're just gonna pretend that that doesn't happen. For story purposes, okay?'

Joe came back to the story, with a very insulted author watching his every move. Michael and I felt like we were on pause, and when we saw Joe again. We looked at eachother in confusion, but shrugged.

'Okay Michael, drink this.' Joe said, picking up the Mountain Dew red and shoving it in Michaels hands 'Then you kids can have hot, gay sex all weekend!' I wheezed and Michael squeaked 'But Joe-'

'Michael just drink the fucking Mountain Dew red.' Joe hissed, tapping his foot impatiently. Michael gulped and nodded, he opened it and pressed it to his lips.

'Oh, by the way. Excuse some mild discomfort, please. Warning; it may hurt like a motherfucker.' Joe said, as Michael chucked down the Mountain Dew red. He choked at Joes words and looked at him 'Wha-'

I blink and the next thing I know, Michaels screaming in pain like before, Joe is saying what I can assume are curses in Japanese and Michaels name, and also glitching. All I did was jump back and then to Michaels side and watch as he snaps his head back and emitted a decibel-shatter sonic scream. I scream his name as he collapses and Joe disappears, for good.

I scream Michaels name, and kneel down to stare at his shaking body. I cry as he clutched his eyes close. And whispered in pain.

Mild discomfort, my ass

I shake him, whimpering. 'M-M-Michael, Mi- Michael-l!' I stutter my ass off, and shake him violently. I grip his hand with a free hand and shake him with the other, I too, an shaking violently. Crying. And hoping and praying that he was okay.

He is shaking
Shaking badly
He shaking
And I am crying sadly
Is he okay? Is he okay?

I can't see
Things are blurry
Please don't die, not today
Please don't die in a hurry
Is he okay? Is he okay?

I open my eyes, at first things are blurry. And I can't make out what I'm seeing. But, I know it's Michael, because he held my hand tightly. He coughed, and sat up, eyes watering.
He tells me what I need to hear.
'I am okay.'

To make the chapter longer, imma throw in some minor smut for you kids
*Nervous laughter*

After we calmed down a bit, we sat on the bed. We are helping each other through our panic attacks, it's shaky and complicated, but we get through it. Now, we sit, and smile. And cling to eachother in relief. We wish it was over, but there's still the play to do!

We've wrapped our arms around eachother, and had our hands intertwined. We've silently agreed to not worry about the play right now, it is a Saturday after all. I start giggling, suddenly. And Michael looks at me with a wide, goofy smile 'What's so funny?'

I nuzzle my face into his neck, 'Your mothers will be thrilled, when they hear about this.' Michael chuckles, squeezing my hand 'Rich will be too, I think he like, ships us? I dunno. Either way, he'll be thrilled.' I nod in agreement. And lean in to give him a peck on the cheek.

'Yo, who the fuck stole my Mountain Dew red?' Michaels mother slammed the door open. We jump and look at her, 'Oh, Jeremy.' She said, waving to me. I waved back at her sheepishly.

She glared at the empty bottle of Mountain Dew red on the floor, and then looked at me. She opened her mouth to say something, but then stopped herself. 'Wait, I just realised.' She blinked, and pointed to me 'You were the one screaming my boys name last night.'

Michael wheezed, hiding his face in his hands and questioning why it is his mothers objective to embarrass them. I giggled and nodded frantically, scratching the back of my neck. 'Yep, that was me.' Michaels mother raised a brow, and smirked. She turned her head and yelled 'Guess wHO HAS TO PAY TWENTY BUCKS NOW!' I heard shuffles, curses and then a loud 'DAMMIT, I SHOULD'VE SEEN THIS COMING!'

Michael flops down, and screams into his pillow. I chuckle nervously, smiling. 'Yo, Michael, I'll scold you later for stealing my Mountain Dew red. But hey, nice job.' She bolted out, and then peeked her head back in 'Wait, protection?' She asked, looking at my neck briefly. I gulp, and bit my lip. 'No.' I become dazed, at the memory of Michael.

She groaned and looked to the wall, she murmured something and then ran off, after slamming the door. I giggled, and looked to my boyfriend. He was still hiding in his pillow, he had stopped screaming now. I flip down and smile widely when he turns to look at me tiredly.

I see him smile softly, and murmur 'Why do you take pleasure in my torture?' He rolled off his stomach, and onto his side. I shrug, and close my eyes 'Why not?' I raise my head, in confidence. He groans, and stretches his arms. I take the opportunity to pounce him and cuddle him, he squeaks but relaxes after a bit to cuddles me back.

I start prepping his face with kissing, aiming everywhere by his lips. Just to tease him, he whines and holds me tighter. I pull back, and smile at his pout. 'Come on Jewe, be a good boywriend and kiss me, pwease?' I blink slowly, and cup his face with my hands and lean down go press my lips against his softly.

Smut warning :^
He smiles into the kiss, and rolls into his back. Pulling me on top of him, he kisses me more hungrily again before we pull away for air. He smirks, 'What about we have that . .' He thinks about it, 'that hot, gay sex? You know, like Joe said.' He wriggles his eyebrows as I giggle shyly. I gasp at the feeling of his cold hand resting on my back, his fingers going under the hoodie. I stutter, 'B-But Michael,' I blink, gulping and smiling nervously. 'your mothers! T-They're home . .' Michael shrugged, 'We can be quiet, I can be gentle. It'll be okay! And hey, maybe you could ride me~' he purrs.

I bit my lip, and shiver at the image of me riding Michael. I mean like, yes, please, gorgeous go ahead. But then I remember last night, the pain I felt before the pleasure when he first entered me. I wasn't prepared, and I knew damn well that if I were to ride him, I wouldn't be prepped.

I scratch my neck, 'As much as I like the idea, I-I want to be prepared this time . .' I smile shyly, and dart my eyes away from his for a moment. Michael blinks, lost in a train of thought, before smirking and saying 'What? You want me to eat you out?~'

Oh god, yes, please holy shit

'Okay~' he says, flipping us over and holding me tightly. Wait, holy shit, I said that aloud! I squeak, as he ran his hands up and down my body again. This only embarrassed me more, as I felt him lift the hoodie and the shirt off me, again. I arch my back at the feeling of my skin exposed again, and clutch my eyes closed. Even though I would love to see what was going on.

Michael stops and and held my hand softly, he caresses my face softly. I open an eye to be met with his face of concern, 'If you don't feel comfortable, we can stop.' He said, sitting up. My eyes sparkle at his words, and I smile. Knowing that he cares. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him near. I kissed Michael, it wasn't hungry, or desperate, it was sweet and reassuring. Allowing Michael to smile, we pull away and smile at eachother.

'I want to this, Michael.' I said, pulling him closer to me. He smiled and kissed my jawline, 'I want this too.'

His kisses traced to my neck, and then to edge of my nipple. I shivered. Michael could do this to me, he could start a fever raging and make my blood ache. After all the stripping and locking the door, he guided his tongue to my entrance. Preparation was worth the weird, and pleasurable feeling. Because when I guided him inside me (by that, his dick :p) it didn't hurt at first. Like last night, it felt wonderful, and just like last night, I left marks. I had scratched his shoulders in an effort to get closer with him. Yeah, I promised myself to apologise to him later.

At some point, my vision cleared. And I looked to the same clear window from before, the window that again showed the chimera of tangled arms and legs, and flushed faces. My neck stung with hickeys, but it was a nice sting. A sting to remind me that I was now Michaels, and nobody else's. I'm glad he is the one with me, in this moment.

As Michael promised, we were quiet. Excusing a few soft, strangled moans here and there. Surprisingly, I didn't have a bleeding lip. Since I had been biting it in order to suppress screaming his name. Although, I don't think Michaels mothers would care. They didn't seem to last night, either.

We put on a few clothes, such as his hoodie on me and some pants on him, and began cuddle. Theres only one last thing to do, one last piece before we fix these vases. I love you, Michael.' I said, as he wrapped his arms around me again and leaned forward. Michael smiled, and whispered 'I love you too, Jere.'

That's it,
The vases have been fixed. They're beautiful.

But, there's still so much to do.

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