silence before the storm in raglakswasan life

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@the same n8 aftr the engagement ,gadodia house

Ragini is sitting on the bed and thinking sumthng deeply by seeing the both rings on her fingers which wore by sanlak

Ragini:herself wats wrong with me?? Today y did i behaved like that??this is the first tym in my life that i hurted could i reacted with him when i knew him well ,it means somewhere our friendship got weak but how???till now nothing happened like that then how did it happened today???she reminisces all the words what sanskar said to her in the jewellery i got it,its all because of sanskar only,im sure he didnt like my bandar thats y he tried to make me against him....i should have thought it before reacting like that with laksh but i didnt...i easily came into his words,how???arghhhhhh screamed in frustration
Ragini actually its not his fault ,its ur's only....u only gave this space sanskar to fill ur ears against laksh...she couldnt get off from this thoughts she keep walking here and there by thinking all those incidents....she hears the knock sound of her room door ,she went and see shivanya standing outside of her room..


Shivanya:dinner is ready...come and have...

Ragini:i dont want bhabi....

Shivanya:arey how can u say that??no no u come and have ur dinner ryt now...

Ragini:bhabi pls....

Shivanya:u wont hear me like this...wait i will go n bring ur bhai...

Ragini:bhabi wait...ok i will come...

Shivanya:thats my girl....saying this she took ragini with her ...

She saw everyone present at the dining table...

Rithick:hi princess...couldnt see u outside after we came from the engagement....

Ragini:i just got tired bhai....thats y i took some rest....

Rithick:smiles now u r perfect ryt???

Ragini:hmm bhaiya...btw where is our cutiepie?

shivanya:she is sleeping...

ragini:wat??then dinner??

shivanya:she had her dinner u dnt wry princess...tmrw she have xm so she slept soon...

she doesnt said anything just simply nodded her head..

Janki:ap where is my handsome??didnt u call him to come here??

Ap:i called him yaar,wait he will come ..

Krishna:i cant wait for him....pls serve some food for me...really im feeling very hungry yaar...

Shekar:smiled janki serve him na....we all knew ryt he cant control his hunger...

Ap glared him while krishna avoid her glares and pleased janki to serve him food...everyone smiled at him....ragini was lost in her world...that time laksh came and sat near ragini....

Raglak didnt look at eo....everyone noticed his presence and say hi to him...

He smiled lightly and bowed down his head....

Elders were noticed raglak but didnt said anything....

Ap and janki starts to serve food to everyone...evry1 starts to eat but our raglak didnt eat instead they played with the food by circling with their fingers...

Shekar:lucky princess wat happened to u both???

But they said nthng and just looked at him blankly...Everyone looks at them in confusion...

Krishna:he is asking u ur mouth guys...


Rithick:arey wats wrong with u princess ?? N lucky wat happened to u man??

Ragini:bhaiya seriously i tried my level best to throw away that incidents from my mind but it couldnt keeps disturbing me...i couldnt breath properly ,somewhere my heart says that i done a big mistake by chose this makes every1 shocked....laksh lost in his thoughts ,he didnt concentrate wat ragini said...

Janki:angrily this life means??? Wat r u trying to say???

Ragini:wats there to tell further maa...ur thinking is right i done a mistake by chose sanskar....

Janki:raginiii angrily now wat had happened that u r talking lyk this u idiot girl...arent u who chosen him ???dont u know that time ??

Ragini:hurt maa to be frank that time i didnt feel so...that time everything seems to be right,but since few weeks i didnt feel everything is ryt...sumwhere sumthing is going wrong maa,but i couldnt figure it out ,wat was that???

Janki:ragini you angrily she neared him but ap hold her....then only laksh came out of his thoughts n looked at them in confusion

Janki:ap leave me....didnt u hear wat she is blabbering???

Ap:just calm down janki....let her pour it out wats in her heart...

Janki:tum bhi..

Shekar:she is ryt janki....pls calm down...

Laksh:mom ,i have no mood to eat ryt im leaving now bye...saying this he about to move from there...

Rithick:laksh wats wrong with u???here wat is happening and u r ready to leaving just like that...

Laksh:wat happened bhai??i dint understand anything ...

Rithick:not only u laksh but we are all also didnt understand wat happened to u n her??here she is blabbering something n more on that u didnt speak anything with us..

Shivanya:lucky wats bothering u??

Laksh:bhabi ,im feeling scared...tears formed in his eyes

Hearing this everyone got confused and felt hurt by seeing laksh's teary eyes...ragini just looked at him with unknown emotion...

Rithick n shivanya neared him and took him to hall ..they made him sat on the sofa...everyone sat on their place..ragini just stood at the corner...

Rithick kept his hand on his head and carressed gently...

Rithick:for wat lucky???

Laksh:bhaiya i dont know exactly but sumwhere i felt really scared without any reason??

Shivanya:how could it be ???u must knew it ryt??

Shekar:i think u r hiding sumthng from us...

Rithick:is it laksh??tell me wats bothering u???

Laksh:bhaiya will u do sumthng which i asked for?

Rithick:ofcourse idiot...tell me

Laksh:go and talk with swara's family to cancel my marriage with her....tears rolled down from his eyes...

Hearing this evry1 shocked including ragini..

Rithick:r u mad??? Do u understand wat u r saying??

Laksh:i knew wat im saying... Pls do this favour for me bhaiya...plsss...

Ap:laksh tum pagal ho gaya hai kya??aise kaise keh sakthey ho tum???

Krishna:now wat happened that u r saying like this???

He kept silent

Rithick:lucky mom n dad asking u sumthing...u should answer them ryt??

Laksh:bhaiya by seeing today's n yesterday's incident i didnt feel right anything....once ragini's mrge done with sanskar defintely he will seperate me from her....i cant lose didnt u see how he behaved,bcse of him only bcse of him frst tym she mistook me..wat if she changed completely after her mrge ??i cant even think like that bhaiya...cried silently....hearing this everyone was confused at the same time they understood his fear...tears skipped from ragini's eyes

Rithick:ok lucky we can understood ur fear about sanskar ,ok thats completely fine but here we couldnt understand one thing that y r u asking us to cancel ur mrge with swara when u guys have no issues..?

Laksh:i asked u to cancel mine bcse i dont want to face any prblm in our future..

Krishna:wat r u blabbering?

Laksh:im saying truth only by seeing sanskar's behaviour towards us im sure he will try to separate me and ragini...suppose if he cant now defintely he will use swara to separate us in future...i dnt want to face that terrific situation in my life thats y i asked u to cancel mine with swara...

Shivanya:r u mad or wat lucky??how could u think swara would do sumthng like that..she is not that type how u think...she wont do like that...

Laksh:wat if she changes in future bhabi....i cant take that risk...sanskar would do anything...

Rithick:he cant do anything dear....ur bond with ragini is not that much easy to break...dont u have trust on ur bond ??

Laksh:i didnt said like that bhai..

Rithick:haan then wat...just think and behave laksh...he wont do anything...if he tries also we wont let him break ur bond...and coming to swara like shivanya said she wont do like that..

Laksh:that how can u say bhai??yeah i know now she is not thinking anything like this but wat if she changes after our marriage by hearing sure if sanskar cant break our bond defintely he will fill swara's ears against us to break us apart...

Rithick:lucky u r thinking too much...

Shekar:swara wont do like that far as i know she is such a understandable girl...she wont hear everything which sanskar says blindly...she knows wats wrong and wats u no need to be worry..

Laksh:wat if she changes in future. We cant predict our future ryt? Anything will happen...i dnt want to take risk in my frndshp by marrying her...

Hearing this ragini felt bad..

Ap:stop it lucky...everyone is saying na then why cant u understand??bcoz of ur one unwanted worry dont take such a big decision which affect u and her later...try to understand wat we r saying...

Janki: she is ryt beta...u r worrying unneccesarily...

Laksh:tears formed in his eyes sorry maa...hereafter i wont say like that...but wat if sanskar...cutoff by rithick

Rithick:arey idiot just leave this topic yaar...he wont do like that ever,and moreover u dont let him break ur frndshp....thats all i can say now...saying this he wiped his tears

Laksh hugged him tightly....thats when his eyes falls on ragini...

Laksh:wishpers slowly sweety saying this he breaks the hug

Hearing her name from his mouth ragini ran to him and hugged him tightly.. She cried...

Laksh:sweety....what happen??why r u crying??saying this he break the hug

Ragini:she faced him and tears rolled down on her cheeks sorry bandar...i know u r asking them to cancel ur mrge only bcse of me ryt??he nods no.dont tell lie...i know seeing morning incidents,his behaviours,my words towards u everything made u to took this decision ryt. I know....dont try to hide it from me.. Im sorry bandar..i hurted u today...i dont know how could i do that to u....pls forgive me...dont know at that time wat happned to me,sanskar's words made me lost my mind...i prmse u bandar hereafter i wont do like that sry....

Laksh:tears formed in his eyes...sweety pls dont say like that...sometimes it happens...i didnt took it serious idiot. .dont cry....

Ragini:im feeling scared that i did wrong by chose sanskar as my lifepartner...wat if he separates u n me...?tears rolled down from her eyes continuosly thats y i asked papa to break this mrge...

hearing her he thought and understood onething

Laksh:no sweety dont say like that...till now i also got scared by thinking about this but after wat bhai said i can clearly understood his point of view...

Ragini:hearing this she wipes her tears and looked at him with frown eyebrows wat u understood?

Laksh:he is lil bit possessive about u and he felt jealous towards me thats y he tried to keep u and me away from eo...sweety its a common thing ,so dont took it as serious...

Ragini:finally wat r u trying to say?

Laksh:im trying to say is just make him feel special...


Laksh:my idiot girl,just make him feel special....make him feel that he is more important to u than me...if u make him feel like that definitely he wont think about to break our bond... Just give it a try ,may be it will work maa said i worried for nothing....

Ragini:smiles okay as u say...but how could i show more importance to him than u...its difficult for me...

Hearing this everyone smiled

Laksh:okay if u cant do really atleast try to act to be like that to him...


Laksh:do u want him to break our relation??

Ragini:no no no......

Laksh:then do wat i say...we can save our bond ryt...

Ragini:okay hereafter i will try my best to make him comfort...

Laksh:thats my sweety saying this he hugged her tightly with smile on his face...while ragini too hugged him back

Janki:finally u guys starts to thinking something sensible...

Ragini:maa making cute pout

Rithick:btw i have one doubt mr.lucky the handsome..

Laksh:smiles wats that bhai..?

Rithick: few mins b4 u were crying and saying that he may break ur bond ,he will separate u blah blah blah...that tym we all tried to make u understand but u didnt listened us... now u have given gud advice to our princess then y didn't u think about this idea a while back?

Laksh:smiled sheepishly bhaiya to be frank ,i didnt got this solution when im worried...but after saw my sweety's tears it got striked into my mind....

Ragini smiles at him and side hugged him...

Ragini:okay come...lets have dinner...

Ap:wait wait...b4 that i have to tell u one more thing....

Ragini:wats that mom...

Ap:nothing much beta....tmrw get ready early....

Ragini:why??are we going somewhere??

Ap:yes u r ryt ,not we but u both r going...

Raglak:wat???but where??

ap:u have to go temple is an ancient temple...

ragini: so???

Ap:Your wedding is about to take place in less than a month....

Laksh:haan thats already we know maa...

Krishna:frst let her talk idiot..laksh makes a face

Everyone smiles at his reaction...

janki:u have to go to that ancient temple...

laksh:wat maa??do we really need to go there??

Ap:yes my boy ,urs and ragu's wedding gonna take place in less than a month...once u guys get married u both should go there and perform pooja in that temple....

Laksh:is that so,we are not married yet naa maa then y u asked us to go tmrw?

Janki:there is a reason annapura said after ur mrge u both should go to that temple with ur respective partners and do a pooja...its one of the ritual every married couple have to do...if u wanna do that pooja before that u both should go there and register ur name and ur respective partners name with whom u gonna married along with the wedding date....once if u guys registered , they will mark the auspicious day ,time and will tell u about when we should do that pooja....after that u should go there and do pooja...

Hearing this raglak was looked at them blankly...

Janki:wat happen??

Ragini:maa, but till now no one told anything about this ...

Shekar:because till now its nothing matters to u thats why we didnt told you... but now u guys gonna marry...u should perform pooja and we are telling you now...

Laksh:sweety i think they must have seen this scene in any serial ...i think they want entertainment thats y they are trying to implement that scene on us....dont get into their words...

Shivanya:seriously???laksh twitch his lips do u think that we are asking u to do this by seeing that kind of serial??hey common man,within a month u gonna marry so behave lyk tat...mocks him

Laksh:honey are u mocking me??

Shivanya:is there any doubt?smirks at him

Laksh: sweety see mean she is.. .fake crying face

Ragini:bhabi pls dnt tease my bandar...infact i too thought same like him because till now we didnt hear anything about this ritual at anywhere...

Laksh:i know honey u r lieing to me....u guys definetely must have seen this somewhere ,so u guys want to do demo with us ....

Rithick:hey idiot y would she lie to u...??do u think we are trying to implement with u??do you think that we didnt done this ritual at our marriage time?

Raglak:surprised wat??did u do that pooja and rituals??

Rithick:not only me but also our parents too...smiled at them

Ragini:is it???he nodes yes...she smiles where is that temple??why didnt u take us there till now??

Krishna:that temple is famous to do pooja and some rituals for married we didnt take u there...

Ap:that temple is at abc village....its an ancient temple....

(frnds i know there is no temple where only married couples allowed to go and perform rituals like that and all...i just wrote for real it wont happen but in real anything can happen ryt??so dont take this part as serious...if u felt anything bad im asking sorry for that pls forgive me if i hurt anyone of u..okay lets move into the story)

Laksh:why we have to go alone there when u guys are here?u also come with us...

Janki:There is only one month left for your wedding ...we need to start doing your wedding chores ...before starts to do ur's marriage work we have to go to our kuldhevatha temple and perform pooja on ur names...shinganias and kapoors will also joining us 2mrw...

Rithick:elders were decided to go there ,so me n shivanya decided to accompany them wat if they need any help ,and more over we have to take care of them na...thats y we asked u to go alone ....

Laksh:okay bhai ...atleast let us take cutiepie along with us...after completing that temple work we will go somewhere and enjoy our time...because once if we starts our marriage work we wont get time to spent with our cutiepie ...she would be sad..

Ragini:haan bhaiya...he is ryt...

Rithick:but princess,tmrw she cant come with u....she has to attend the xm tmrw....she cant avoid her exams...

Ragini:its okay bhaiya no prblm...

Laksh:now everything is final ryt??

Shekar:nahi ek aur baath bhaki hai lucky...

Laksh:with tired face dad seriously i cant do anymore rituals pooja etc...

Everyone smiled at his reaction....

Shekar:its not about that idiot...

Laksh:then wat dad??

Shekar:tmrw take swara and sanskar with u...

Laksh:oh no....i thought tomorrow we both could spend some time together ...but you guys made some plan already by saying take swara and sanskar along with us...its not fair bhai...looks away..he doesnt know himself y he didnt like this idea...

Rithick:u have no other option my baby...smiled and ruffled his hair lightly

Laksh:bhaiya u spoiled my hair...saying this he set his hair and said okay we will take them with us...

Rithick:hmm tats gud my boy...side hugs him

Laksh:evrythng is finalized ryt...can we all go and eat now??

Shivanya:no no wait there is one more thing to tell u...

Hearing this laksh makes a cry face and closed his face by his palm...seeing him like that everyone smiles including ragini..

Laksh:again ???

Shivanya:smiled i just tried to pull ur leg...there is nthng 2 tell u further.. Come on lets have our dinner...

Laksh:hearing this he looked at her with eyes widen this is not fair honey...i will c u afterwards now im really hungry yaar...pls serve me some food...with pleased looks

Everyone smiled at his antics...

Shekar:ok ok u no need to please them ..come lets have dinner...

Evry1 had their dinner and went to sleep except raglak rivanya

Laksh:sweety come...tomorrow we have to go early , it would be correct if we slept now..saying this he about to take ragini from there

Rithick:lucky wait...where r u taking her?

Raglak looked at eo with confused face..

Laksh:ofcourse to my home bhaiya...why this sudden que when u already knew abt this.?

Rithick:haan lucky i knw...but ryt now u guys just go to their respective rooms and sleep...

Raglak:but bhai..

Rithick:arey i said this for purpose only...

Ragini:and wats that bhaiya?

Rithick signed shivanya to tell them

Shivanya:princess and handsome just here me clearly...a lot of things had happened in this morning but that shouldnt have happened..its not only sanskar's mistakes but we have also equal part in those mistakes...

Hearing this raglak looked at her in questioning look

Rithick:here she referred 'we' means not all of us but only u and lucky...

Hearing him Raglak gave the expression like yeah of course we were the one look.

Shivanya:by your those activities you guys didnt only made sanskar angry
and along with him you guys made swara hurt too...

Laksh:but bha...stops him

Shivanya:still i didnt complete..

Laksh:sry bhabi...go on

Shivanya:as far as i know u guys didnt talk with ur respective partners at that engagement venue after the function ends...after u reach home did u guys talk with them??

They kept silent and bowed down their head...they didnt looked at rivanya...

Rithick:she is asking sumthng...look at her and answer her ...

Raglak looked at her,made a innocent face and noded their head as no

Shivanya:see rithick didnt i told u before that they wont call them ??its just happened like i said...glaring raglak...

They looked at them with a innocent look

Rithick:we wont fall in ur this innocent looks...

Ragini:sry bhaiya...i didnt felt to talk with him after that incident...

Rithick:oh is it??to laksh wat about u sir??y didnt u talk with her?

Laksh:bhai like she said i too feel the same...

Rithick:Mr.laksh taneja for ur kind information u didnt had any prblm with swara...then wat made u feel the same like she does...

Laksh:bhai vo vo.....actually...i didnt call her...

Ragini:that he already knew bandar...smirks at him..

He glared her ...seeing his glare she made a pout...

Laksh:bhai i was in confusion thats y i avoided to talk with her...

Rithick:but luc...stopped by shivanya

Shivanya:let it be rithick dont ask him further...

Rithick:but shivanya ...

Shivanya:im saying na dont ask him rithick...first tell them to talk with their partners and try to sortout their issues before they went to temple..

Laksh:honey i...before he continues

Shivanya:rithick i dont want to talk with him until he sortout his issues with swara...

Laksh made a sad face while ragini smiled at him ...

Ragini:dont make that face bhabhi wont fall in ur this looks...hai na bhabi...smirks at him while he glares at her...

Shivanya:hello xcuseme madam....wat i said to him is also apply to u too...

Hearing this ragini open her mouth wide in shock...she didnt expect this from her...

Ragini:make a cute pout face but bhabi b4 she continues shivanya stops her

Shivanya:rithick tell ur sister that i wont fall in her cute pout face too....saying this she left to her room....

Now laksh smirks at her ,she glared him in return...

Rithick:just stop ur this kiddish things and do wat my wife said...

Raglak:patni ki chamchi...they said in unison forgetting that rithick is hearing them...

Rithick:you idiots....saying this he about to catch them before that they ran from there....ragini to her room while laksh to his home which is opp of gadodia home...

Rithick smiled at their antics...

Rithick:hope everything will be fine...
He left to his room.....

@ragini's room

Ragini:bhabi was ryt ...i shouldnt blame sanskar fully when half of the fault is mine...i have to make him feel special like bandar said...lets call and pacify him frst....saying this she called him...

Seeing her name on his ph sanskar cutted the call....ragini tried 3 to 4 times but he keeps cutting her call...

Ragini:herself wat he is thinking of himself??he is also at fault..he would have called me by now and try to pacify me but he didnt...atleast im trying right why cant he understand that...?till now i didnt please anyone except my family but look at me today im trying to pacify him but he didnt answering my wat to do???she thinks for a while why should i bothered about him?i tried my best but he didnt so im not at fault here..bcse of him why should i spoil my beauty sleep...ragini dont think about him just sleep yar...saying herself she laid on her bed ,suddenly shivanya's words running in her mind so she gotup and sit on her bed...oh no ...bhabi told me to sort out our prblms u have no way ragini...just try one more time....saying this she took her mobile to call him b4 she call him she got a call from sanskar...

Seeing his name flash on the screen she frowned and attend the call but didnt talk her sanskar also speak nothing...

They were be like that for more than 5 mins...finally ragini broke that silence...

Ragini:why didnt u attend my call??

Sanskar:i was talking with my mom n dad about today's incident...



Ragini:wat wat??

Sanskar:let out a sigh ragini are u still angry on me??

Ragini:frst u answer me ,r u still angry on me??

Sanskar:to be frank im not angry on u ragini but im upset on u by seeing ur behaviours today...u didnt wait for my explanation u just get blast on me by ur words...still u r doubting me right ???i know still u r thinking me as that old sanskar ..

Ragini:sanskar pls dont say like that....when did i say like that??at frst i doubted on u whether u changed or not??but after when u got stabbed by saving laksh i came to know that u r totally pls dont take this topic hereafter...i agree sanskar ,today i did a very big mistake by shouting at u without knowing the story of urs side...i should have used my brain that time ,the fault is not ours but that salesman's who got changed the rings...only bcse of him our beautiful day had turned into really sorry sanskar....

Sanskar:smiled u no need to say everything has sorted between us right??

Ragini:yeah i think so...

Sanskar:then thats enough for me...ragini shall i tell u one thing??

Ragini:hmm wats that?

Sanskar:within a month we gonna marry...we gonna live with eachother...i want u to trust me ..i want ur attention towards me...i cant tolerate ur ignorance towards me...and also i dont want to be in ur least priority list...

Ragini:thinks bandar was right,he is feeling low infront of my bandar...oh god wat type of man he is...anyhow i have to make him think that he is more imp to me which is really not...frst its my bandar only...but wat to do ??he is gonna be my husband i dont want him to feel bad...

Sanskar:getting no answer from her ragini r u there??? Hello hello...ragini

Ragini:hearing his voice she came out of her thoughts...haan haan im here only ...u no need to say this to me sanskar...till now i dint ignore u sanskar but u r the one who going away from me....sanskar was confused by hearing this yes sanskar,evrytme u just want swara beside u in everything like chose ur rings,dresses i just gave u space thats it...that doesnt mean im ignoring u okay???and more over like u said we gonna marry within a month...hardly i have just 30 days to spent with my family and laksh ,after that im gonna be with u i thought to enjoy my time as much as i can....u will always be important person in my life sanskar...u should understand that ....

Sanskar:smiled sry ragini..i just thought about my side only but not extremely sry...i can understand ur feelings ,hereafter i wont say anything that hurts u said u gonna be with me after our mrge,so u can enjoy ur upcoming days...i wont que u....

Ragini:u have no objections ryt??

Sanskar:of course no ragini....

Ragini:thanks sanskar....

Sanskar:btw did mom said anything to u ??

Ragini:about wat?

Sanskar:she said that we have to go temple and do somekind of pooja stuffs ...i dont know exactly...

Ragini:smiled yeah yeah....i know...tmrw we have to go early ...

Sanskar:okay shall we four go together in one car??it has been long days that we four enjoyed eachother happily...since past few days i and laksh were not in good terms so it will help us to be back normal..

Ragini:mmm thats gud ur mind starts working correctly mr.kapoor smiles

Sanskar:smiles thank u miss.gadodia..okay we have to go early ryt??so now gud nyt bye...

Ragini:bye..gud nyt sanskar...

Ragini felt relieved by their conversation...

Ragini:herself now everything is bhabi said we had sorted our bhabi will talk to me...smiled widely hope bandar talked with swara ....anyways now i should sleep now...saying this she took her and laksh's photo frame, kissed on that photo and slept soonly..

@taneja house

Laksh:From mng till now i didnt called her how will i call her??wat will she think of me???i have not rejected her till now since we loved eachother...but today i did like this bcse of my stupidity...i had saw tears in her eyes when she witnessed me adoring ring in my sweety's finger..she didnt asked me anything about that....i should have talked with her but i didnt talked with her ... In all of these stupid me without a reason i planned to cancel my marriage with her....already i made too late ,now not anymore...i should not delay saying this he dialled her num before it connects to her he cuts the call no i cant....wat if she asks me about my ignorance towards her wat will i ans her??no i cant...let it be...saying this he about to lay down ,he got a call from swara...

Seeing her name he smiled widely and attend the call without thinking anything further...before he could ans swara starts

Swara:stupid idiot monkey u heartless creature fool donkey hearing this laksh was shocked,he tried to speak but swaras words didnt let him do monkey idiot stupid donkey fool laksh interuppts her

Laksh:u r repeating the words smiled

Swara:she realized and kept mum

Laksh:wat happen madam???scold me why did u stop ??

Swara:dont talk to me..made a cute angry pout

Laksh:smiles oh is it?? Okay then i gonna cut the call...

Swara:dare u to do like that???literally shout

Laksh bewildered at her shout

Laksh:swara u scared me yaar...

Swara:dont act laksh...why didnt u called me today??wat happened to u??? Didnt u think once about me to talk about that issues....?wats wrong with u??

Laksh:its not like that swara....i realized my mistakes later but i had no courage to talk with u...i thought to call u tmrw but u had called me sweet of u....

Swara:dont try to ice me...

Laksh:arey i didnt ...

Swara:dont lie laksh....

Laksh:thinks ,i have to make her happy what to do??yeah lets talk like lil romantic ( to be frank he didnt feel to talk like this somewhere his heart didnt allow him to talk romantic with swara but his mind made him to speak like this,he himself dont knw why he behave indifferent with swara)) achaa okay listen ,yaa i told a lie that u r sweet...

Swara:made a lips o shaped oh it means im not sweet to u?lil anger

Laksh:how do i know that u r sweet or salt??

Swara:confused wat do u mean?

Laksh:yeah, we gonna marry within a month but still i didnt tasted ur lips,then how will i get to know that u r sweet r not???okay lets do onething,let me taste ur lips then i will tell u the truth that whether u sweet r not???wat say??smiled

Swara:she felt shy and her cheeks turns into red ,she smiled u very well know how to turn my anger into smile...

Laksh:ofcourse darling....after all u r gonna be mine forever so i have to take that responsibility ryt???smiled

Swara:smiled yeah true..

Laksh:okay mastis apart...lets be serious now...

Swara:wat happen??

Laksh:im really very sorry for my cold behaviour towards u me i didnt realized in which finger i adored that ring...i had saw ur tears but i didnt consoled u there...sry i made u cry ...but trust me it wont happen further...

Swara:smiled with tears i know u ...u no need to explain everything....yeah to be frank i was hurted at that moment when i thought that was engagement ring but after knew the truth about that ring my worried had flew u no need to ask sry from me...infact i should ask ur forgivness for not believing u at that moment...sorry laksh...

Laksh:shhhh....u should not ask sry to me....just forget this matter here...we should think about our upcoming days not past things...

Swara:yeah U were ryt..okay shall we all four go together in a car to that temple...?

Laksh:mm im okay with it..

Swara:okay then tmrw mng we come with our families and drop them ,then we all four will go from there..wat say??

Laksh:tats gud idea...okay swara gudnt...c u tmrw..

Swara:c u laksh...gudnyt

After they hangup the call..

Laksh took the photo frame of raglak's which kept beside the table ,kissed on that photo ...

Laksh:gudnyt my sweety....kissed again on that photo and slept

@next day
Gadodia house

Shekar:janki ,have u prepared all the ingredients for the pooja??did u forget anything??

Janki:no shekar,everything is done..ryt now we have to do onething only...

Shekar:wats that?

Janki:to wait for singhania's and kapoor's family....we can go to temple once they come here...

Shekar:smiled okay where is krishna and ap?

Janki:they will come by now...

By then krishna and ap came there....

Krishna:gud mng my dear frnd....smiled and hugged him

Shekar:smiled and hugged him back very gud mng idiot....

Ap and janki smiled at eo...

Shekar: wont u come on time??

Krishna:arey i just arrived on time yar....isnt it janki??

Janki:haan bhaiya....dont mind him...actually he is blabbering like this bcse of nervousness...smiled

Krishna:nervous????but for wat???

Shekar:hey nthng like that ....she is lying to u...he didnt face him

Janki and krishna laughed at his behaviour while ap look at them in disbelief

Ap:shekar why r u hiding ur feelings??i can feel ur emotions undoubtedly....these 2 idiots r thinking that u r feeling nervous but i know u r not feeling nervous but u r feeling restless by thinking that our princess would go away from us within one mnth ,isnt it???tell me shekar ...look at me ,why r u bowing ur head down??

Hearing this shekar looked at her...his eyes were teary...seeing him lyk that janki and krishna stopped their laugh and looked at him ....

Ap:shocked bhaiya....


Shekar:u r ryt ap im feeling restless by thinking that my princess will go away from us within a month....till now i didnt think about this...but the day gets closer im feeling very hard to control my emotions....tears rolled down in his eyes

Janki:shekar ,do u think that we didnt have any worries about our ragini leaving us and go away from here within a month???with teary eyes

He shooks his head as no...

Krishna:tears skipped from his eyes idiot ,we also feeling heavy in our heart by thinking about that day ....but we had tried to distract that thing in our mind thats y we thought to make fun of u and distract everyone's mood by thinking that...but my stupid wife spoiled our mood...he huffs

Hearing this ap glared him while shekar janki smiled at ap...

Ap:krishna.....gritted her teeth...

Krishna:again im trying to distract him yaar....wat is this ap,being my lovely wife cant u understand my intention??made an innocent face...

Ap:i know ur acting so pls stop okay....

Krishna:bach gai mein....

Shekar:smiled okay did u asked them where r they???

Krishna:yeah mr.singhania had called me and said they will reach here within 20 mins....dnt wry....

Ap:btw where is our children??

Janki:shivanya is preparing food..rithick is taking shower ..then that devil is getting ready...ap glared her while janki smirks

Ap:dont call her like that makes a face ...they 3 smiled at her... Okay janki before pooja we shouldnt eat right??then y shivu is preapring food now..

Janki:smiled yeah but she is preparing food for our lil she have to go to school thats y...

Ap:oh ok ok....

Shekar:btw where is our handsome ??

Krishna:since half an hour he has been looking for clothes to wear but still didnt chose anything....we felt bored with him watching like that so we came here...

Shekar:laughed let him take his own time....

Janki:hey devil still how much time will u take to get ready???come soon shouting from hall

Ragini shouted back from her room which is locked inside :maa just 5 min,im almost done...

Janki:she huffs Watever she does,she does it too late...dont know how she gonna adjust herself after her mrge....

Shekar:sanskar will do her evry wrk...

Janki/ap :unison then wat will ur princess do ???

Shekar and krishna looked at eo and said in unison :our princess will enjoy her whole life laughed and hifi eo...

Janki and ap opened their mouth in shock...

Janki:i warn u both dont spoil her by saying like this....

Ap:leave them janki....go and check is shivanya prepared food or not..

Janki:okay i will come just now...saying this she headed towards kitchen..

10 mins later ragini came outside after getting ready....


Ap:seeing her she smiled widely wow my princess looking damn cute in this outfit...saying this she hugged her...

Shekar :someone forgot the two of us...without looking her

Hearing this ragini smiled widely

Ragini:papa can i??saying this she hugged krishna and shekar...they smiled and hugged her back...

Krishna:i want u to c always smiling like this...

Ragini:if u all are with me i will be like this ever...smiled

Ap/shekar/krishna:ofcourse we will ....

Ragini:where are remaining members of our family...?

Ap:janki shivanya are in kitchen....ur bhai and ridhi is in their room...

Ragini:my bandar excitedly

Ap:i dnt knw,ask ur dad i have some wrk saying this she left to kitchen to join janki

Ragini:dad ??

Krishna:he joined his hands infront of her u go and see him urself...dont ask me princess..

She made a pout and look towards shekar...

Shekar sensed her gaze and said: krishna come with me i will show u something saying this he went to his room followed by krishna...

Ragini:if im not wrong ,like always i think he is wasting his time in chosing his outfits....wat to do with him??arghhh ...okay frst lets meet my cutiepie then i will go and look at him...

She left to rithicks room and found ridhi sleeping cutely..she smiled seeing her cute sleepy face and kissed on her forehead...

Ragini:she shooks her cutie pie utto  na...i havent spoken to u till yesterday...pls get up na...i want ur lil time cutie pie...get up...she said this by carressing her head..

Ridhi:still didnt open her eyes bua pls let me sleep some more time...saying this in sleepy mode

Ragini:made a pout this is not fair has been almost a day i talked to u...pls getup na....pleasing her

Ridhi:still in sleepy mode bua, i will give my time to you once i come back from my school once i finished my today's exam within that u also come back from temple..

Ragini:but cutiepie..interuppts by rithick who came back after taking shower

Rithick:princess wats gng on here??

Ragini:bhaiya ,look at her she is not waking up...its been almost a day talked to her...moreover she didnt saw my engagement too...once we came back from that engagement she was busy in her studies so i didnt disturbed i came here to see her but she is busy in her sleep...

Rithick:smiles okay okay just relax...this is a simple thing my princess...u frst go and bring lucky here...u guys gonna leave to temple...u may spend ur time with her once u come back from temple..

Ragini:mm okay bhaiya...saying this she kissed on ridhi's cheeks and left from there to taneja house..

@taneja house


Laksh:sweety im in my room come here....shouting from his room

Ragini:shocked idiot being a girl i was ready in time but look at u still u r in towel only....chi chi shameless fellow...

Laksh:why should i feel shame infront of u my sweety....winks at her..

Ragini lost in his charmness...soon she realized wat she is doing she just turned her face away..

Laksh:wat happen??

Ragini:nthng get ready fast yaar...

Laksh:help me naa...made a pleased face

Ragini:smiled u wont change ever...saying this she took a outfit for him...wear this ...

Laksh:okay u just wait outside...i wear it and come...

Ragini:since when is this formality??i wont go anywhere...u just wear it here and haan i promise u i wont see u changing okay??smiled at him

Laksh: naughty i know u.....its okay...i dont care if u look afterall u r my sweety...smiled ragini too smiled back

Laksh:okay im am i look??

Ragini:staring at him without blinking her eyes ,laksh noticed tat and waved his hands infron her her...she came into sense and said too handsome bandar...she kissed on his cheeks

Laksh:btw i forgot to tell u onething...

Ragini:wats that?

Laksh:today my sweety is looking stunning in this outfit...

Ragini:smiled okay shall we??

Laksh:mm yeah come otherwise my mom will kill me...lets go...

They head back towards gadodia house..

Shivanya:finally u got sumthng 2 wear..not bad handsome...

Laksh:dont mock me honey....btw where is my cutiepie..

Rithick:she is taking shower...

Laksh:mm okay bhaiya...did u guys ask them where are they ??

Rithick:they will come now...

They heared horn sound...

Krishna:i think they had arrived...shekar come we will go and see...

Shekar:yeah come...

They welcomed them...everyone entered in...raglak took blessings from swasan's parents while swasan took blessings from raglak parents...

Janki:u r looking so pretty in this dress beta...she carressed her face

Swara:thanku aunty...smiles..

Ap:our damad also not less than our bahu janki...look at him how dazzling he is in this outfit smiles at sanskar

Sanskar:its all bcse of my shona only aunty...she was the one who select this outfit for me...

Ap: u and laksh both are same in this matter....after ur mrge also u need ur respective partners help in this outfit matters...

Everyone smiles hearing her..

Sujatha:kya hamen deree ho gayee hain?

Janki:nothing like that...u r on time...

Sharmista:shall we send our children to the temple?

Ap:hmm yeah..beta laksh take them with u...

Laksh:okay maa...

Shekar:lucky go there and do wat the priest saying,okay??

Laksh:sure dad...

Ram:sanskar laksh take care of ragini and carefully...

Sanlak:sure dad/uncle...

Sushanth:i know ragini wont trouble them but swara will trouble shona pls behave like a mature child..

Everyone smiled at his statement..

Swara:dad u r so mean....made a face like this😏😏

Sushanth:smiled im just kidding u my doll...

Swara:i know dad...she hugged him happily...

Ram:okay children dont waste time....just leave now....

Raglak swasan left to temple after bidding bye to their family members...after they left

Rithick:papa u guys go and do arrangements for the pooja in the temple..i and shivanya will join u after we drop ridhi in her school..

Shekar:okay beta....but dont make late ..

Rithick:sure papa...

Everyone left to temple leaving rivanya....


Sanskar is driving the car and laksh is sitting beside sanskar in the passenger seat while swaragini at back seat...

Swara:ragini ,have u heard of that temple??

Ragini:no swara....To this day I do not know that there is such a temple ...

Swara:as far as i know it is an ancient temple...

Ragini:oh is it?? I didnt heard anything ....

Swara:but im very exciting to go there...smiled widely...

Ragini smiled at her exciteness...she felt bored and looked at laksh....laksh too looked at her and he understood that ragini wants to sit with him...he signed her sumthng but she didnt understood...

Laksh:in mind no.1 duffer....he thinks sumthng sanskar ,pls stop the car...

Sanskar:wat happen laksh??

Laksh:im feeling restless by sitting infront...pls stop the car,i will sit at the back seat...

Sanskar:okay okay ....he stops the car and ask swara to sit at the front...

Swara:sanky ask ragini to sit near u...

Raglak looked at eo in shock...

Sanskar:okay ragini come at front na...

Ragini:vo sanskar no comfartable here.. Swara u go and sit with him...

Swara:arey wats this ragu??dont be shy ,u go and sit near ur fiancee ,i wont tease u pakka....smiled

Laksh:facepalmed , in mind swara u spoiled everything...

Ragini just looked at laksh...

Swara:ragu wat r u waiting for?? Go and sit na...

Sanskar:we have to reach soon ...come on ragini....

Having no option ragini went nd sit near sanskar while laksh near at swara...sanskar drives the car...

Swara:now r u ok,laksh??

Laksh:mmm yeah better swara...smiled

Ragini send an angry emoji 😠😠to laksh's num...seeing this laksh sends 🙏🙏sorry sweety to her num....she just send its okay bandar....

Soon they reached that temple...

Sanskar:laksh u take swara and ragini with u...i will come after parking the car...

Laksh:its okay sanskar no prblm...we're waiting here,u park the car and come..

Sanskar:smiles ok wait....i will be back soon...he left to park the car

Ragini:bandar ,he said we had reached the temple ,but i couldnt find any temple here...

Swara:haan laksh ,i too didnt find any temple here...infact this place is like some kind of forest area...did we reached wrong location?

Laksh:smiles no dears,this is the place where that temple is located...from here we cant go on our car ,we have to walk from here...


Sanskar:okay guys come on....shall we move.?

Swara:mm yeah....

They began to walk...

Swara:ragu,this place is looking beautiful naa..

Ragini:haan swara....this birds chirping sounds are soothing our heart...

Sanskar:the beautiful thing is tat the temple is located in this place...

Laksh:admire the scenery later,first lets move to temple...

They began to walk from that area....four were talking at eo and walking....swaragini didnt noticed at front they just concentrate in their talkings....sanlak stopped at the moment they saw the temple...

Swara:arey idiots y did u stop???

Sanskar smiled and signed her to look at front....seeing this swara opened her eyes wide in shock....seeing swara like this ragini turned at the direction where swara looked...

Seeing the temple ragini opened her eyes and mouth wide in shock...

Ragini:bandar how can i climb these much stairs???mujhe nai ho payegi..

Swara:same here...kept sad face

Sanskar:we should do watever the priest says...come dont waste time..

Swaragini looked at eo in sadness ...sanlak smiled at their condition....

Laksh:girls wat r u waiting for??chalo chalo chadne ko start karo...

Swara:ragini we have no any other option...lets climb up...

They began to climbup the stairs...

Sanlak easily climbing the stairs but our swaragini couldnt...sanlak laughed at their situation...

Ragini:i will kill u both...just shutup...

Swara:u guys r laughing at our situation ryt,,laugh as much as u want,but after our mrge u wont smile a bit...

Hearing this sanlak shut their mouth...ragini smiled at them...

While climbing the stairs ragini's right leg has twisted...

Ragini:ouch.....she hold her leg and sat there itself...

Laksh:sweety wat happen??

Sanskar:ragini r u okay??wat happen??

Ragini:my foot is paining.. Aahhh ...uff uff...ahh she is screaming and blows air on her foot bcse of pain...ahhh...ahh..

Sanskar:ragini show me ur foot...i will massage u...saying this he touched her foot...

Ragini screamed a lil loud in pain and she shoved his hands away...

Ragini: sanskar no no pls dont touch...i couldnt bear the pain....

Sanskar:frst show me ur foot i will fix ur pain ragini....dont behave like a child...

Laksh:sanskar pls dont be rude..

Sanskar:then wat u expect me to do??
do u want me to lift her in my arms and climb up the stairs?he fedup

Hearing this swaraglak shocked...

Swara holded his hand tightly and signed him to be quiet...

Laksh:i didnt ask u to do that wen im there 4 her....saying this he about to lift ragini ,at that time a priest came and stopped them...

Priest:dont lift her...

Hearing this they looked at him in confusion...

Laksh:why shouldnt i lift her ??she is feeling pain in her foot and she couldnt move her foot a inch...

Priest:i know she couldnt move her foot a inch but u shouldn't lift the girl and climb the steps of this temple without getting married to each other ..

Laksh:he felt weird wat this new ritual???i dont believe in everything here...

Priest:there r some protocols 4 this temple,that u should follow compulsory...if not u will regret later ..

Saying this he left from there...sanlak swaragini were confused by his talks...

Laksh:i dnt care about any consequences...saying this he about to lift ragini...

But ragini stopped him

Ragini:no bandar..dont be haste..If he says so there will be some meaning in it...u dont wry...i can manage saying this she stoodup by holding laksh's hand...

Swara:ragini r u okay???

Sanskar:ragini if u r not okay then tell us,we will wait here 4 some more time ...

Ragini:no sanskar im okay....saying this she tried to climb the steps..

Swara:ragini hold my hand and climb saying this she supported ragini..

With much difficulty ragini climbs 4 steps laksh couldnt see her in pain...without thinking anything he lift her in his arms ...

Ragini:bandar wat r u dng??put me down....leave me...bandar..

Laksh:i wont hear u...i cant see u in pain...whatever happens i dont care about it...

Ragini:but bandar...

Laksh:just shutup...glared her lil ,she closed her mouth and made a cute lil pout ...seeing this laksh smiled...
He starts to climbup leaving swasan behind...

Swasan looked at them in disbelief...

Sanskar:why he is dng like this??

Swara:you are asking me really as if i knew him?its really tough to understand his inner feelings...

Sanskar:didnt u hear wat the priest says??

Swara:yeah i heard ,wat do u want me to do??

Sanskar:go and tell him not to do wat the priest says...

Swara:do u really think that he will hear my words?after all he didnt hear even that priest words then how can u expect that he will hear my words?leave this matter here sanky.. Come lets go...saying this she dragged him with her..

Finally they reached the god's place...laksh make ragini sit at the corner...

Ragini looked at swara whose face was looking dull...

Ragini:swara wat happen???u r looking dull..

Swara:nthng lyk tat okay..

Ragini:r u sure??

Swara:smiles ofcourse yaar...

Laksh tries to divert ragini's attention...he signalled swara to have a talk with ragini...swara understood his intention and she began to talk with her...laksh gently rubbed ragini's leg...ragini didnt noticed this,she is busy in talking with swara...sanskar just looked at them silently...suddenly laksh twisted her leg forcely...ragini screamed loud in pain.

Ragini:aaaahhhh....laksh....u broke my foot....maa ...tears rolled down on her cheeks..bandar wat i did to u that u planned to break my foot ...

Swasan smiled at her antincs while laksh facepalmed himself...

Someone there is watching all this and smiled himself

Laksh:hitted on her head lightly u idiot just check ur foot now ..

Ragini:she moved her foot easily bandar i didnt feel any alright....smiled widely wiping off her tears...

Laksh:pagal...okay lets move in ...

They went in and meet one priest...they registeres the name with their respective partners name and did some formalities..

Priest:everything is done...come around the temple three times with holding each other hands and light the lamp before God.

Sanskar:okay ji...they began to move from there...

Priest : wait a min..

Swara:wat happen?

Priest:after u come around the temple three times ,You have to sink in the temple pond and get up...then you have to come and stand in front of the girl whom you are going to marry...within that these girls should light the 108 lamps infront of the god and pray for their future life by closing their eyes ..once u stand before them then only the girls should open their eyes and frst look at ur face through that light of the lamps...

Hearing this they felt diff...

Ragini:my parents said that we have to do rituals after the wedding but here u r asking us to do now...

Priest:smiles yeah after mrge u have to do some rituals to make ur bond stronger ...but ryt now u r gonna do this ritual is to make sure that this is ur life partner...every couple has to do this ritual before their marriage once if they come here...

Swara:after mrge wat and all rituals are we have to do??

Priest:u will come to know after ur mrge...smiles frst u go and do this ritual..

Swara nodes her head while ragsan smiled..

Laksh:okay we will do as u say...smiles

Priest:im blessing u for ur future life..

Ragsan and swalak holding their hands eo and starts to walk around the temple...

Still that one person smiling at them ragini saw him and felt something weird .

Ragini :sanskar look at that old man...

Sanskar:he saw that man and find him smiling at them wat ??wats there in him?

Ragini:he is smiling at feeling something weird looking at him...

Sanskar:may be he is mentally challenged person thats y he is smiling at us...dont take it serious ragini....we just came here to do perform ritual isnt it??

Ragini:hmm yeah...

Sanskar:then concentrate on that...dont stress urself...ragini again looked that old man

Sanskar:frst dont look at him ragini...

Ragini:mmm okay...

They finished their rounds and stood infront of the god...

Laksh:okay girls ,do wat the priest says ...we will come within 15 mins ..

Swaragini nodded their heads ...sanlak left towards the pond which is backside at the temple...

Swara:ragini shall we start?

Ragini:hmm swara...

They starts to light the lamps ....once they light the lamps they starts to pray by closing their eyes....ragini is standing at the left side while swara is at right side...

Sanlak headed towards swaragini is praying ...

Sanskar:hearing this rituals it felt like diff laksh...

Laksh:same here sanskar till now i didnt hear anything about okay if gud happens...

Sanskar:only gud will happen

Saying this they went towards them while hearing him this man laughed loudly but sanlak didnt heard his laugh ...they passed from there...

They went and stood infront of swaragini but without their knowledge sanskar stood at the right side while laksh at left side...

I couldnt explain properly so for ur clearance i had posted the image down

Laksh:swara,now u can open ur eyes...

Sanskar:ragini u also open ur eyes and see...

Hearing them swaragini opened their eyes ....swara at first saw sanskar who stood infront of her while ragini saw laksh...then only they look at their pairs..

Swaragini doesnt know wat actually the priest says...they thought they had looked at their partners as per their knowledge...
They felt happy and went to that priest..

Priest:r u done?

Sanlak:yes pandit ji...then shall we take leave?

Priest:hmm wait a min...i will come...saying this he went somewhere..

Ragini:now wat happen??

Laksh:wait na...

Then the priest came there...

Priest:take this garland and adore it on god's idol in your home saying this he gave them garlands...soon we will call u after fix the gud day and time for the pooja...

Laksh:okay pandit ji...

Priest:yaadh rakhna after ur mrge while coming to this temple for performing ritual u couple should wear red saree and white shirt...smiles

Swaragini/sanlak :ji...then we will take a leave...

Priest:kush raho...he left from there..

Sanskar:okay come on...we have to go home...dont know whether they completed the pooja r not...

Swara:call them and ask...

Sanskar:hmm wait...he about to call ram

Swara:baby wait...tell them that we had completed the rituals and will be returning soon...

Sanskar:smiles ok madam ji....he calls but due to bad signal the call didnt connected...shona here the signal is weak ,i couldnt make a call....u guys wait here i come after talk with them..saying this he went aside to call ram

Ragini:im feeling hungry bandar...

Laksh:wait 4 sumtym dr...once we left from here i will buy smthng 4 u...okay??she nodes

Swara:oh shit...she slaps on her forehead

Raglak:wat happen swara??

Swara:i had left mine and sanskar's kundli there in that registration place...

Ragini:bandar i too left ours...

Laksh:no sweety i took it...he shows her..okay swara u be with her..i will go and buy it...

Swara:no no laksh...u wait here...i will go and buy saying this she runs from there without waiting a sec while laksh shouts at her

Laksh:swara...stop...swara but she gone this swara naa she wont hear me ever...he smiles

Ragini:smiles within a mnth we gonna mry to someone...

Laksh:mmm yeah...dont know how will our life change?we will be in diff home...u will be in sanskar's home while im here...

Ragini:so wat??i will come to meet u daily...

Laksh:wat if sanskar doesnt allow?

Ragini:i wont hear matter wat ,no one can separate u from me...smiles and hugged him while laksh hugs her back...

Seeing this that old man laughed loudly and said: yeah u r one can separate u from him but u will again laughed loudly

Hearing this raglak looked at him in confusion...they neared him...

Ragini:who r u ??wat u said now??from the time i came here i saw u were continuously laughing at us...

That oldman laughed loudly but doesnt say anything...

Ragini:this man is irritating me bandar...look at him how he is laughing at us...

Laksh:dont look at him...come we will go from here...

Ragini:but he.

Laksh:shhhhh im saying na...come saying this he about to take her from there but that oldman's voice stopped him from doing so

Old man:within a month ur's life gonna change completely....

Laksh:wat r u trying to say baba ?i couldnt understand ..

Old man:laughed wickedly u gonna marry ur loved one within a month...

Ragini:ofcourse we will gonna marry our loved one only....not a pagalwala baba ...chalo bandar...she about to move

Old man:You will soon hate the person you love the most now ..laughed

Raglak was confused to hear this..

Ragini:you are confusing us baba...

Old man:the diamond is gng to get in ur hands but u will gonna miss it...
Evrythng u see may be not true sumtyms u should investigate the real facts behind the happenings...beaware of the upcoming happenings...God showed you a sign yesterday but you have not felt it yet ...

Ragini:wat r u talking about baba??

Oldman:One thing I can do is to warn ,only you need to find out for yourself and act on it...leave yesterday's thing ,Today in this God's place God showed you a sign for the second time and you did not even try to understand it...

Ragini:nthng happened as u say...

Oldman laughed again without saying anything further

Laksh:he felt sumthng weird sweety, come lets go from here...

Oldman:u have always think for her only..enjoy ur moments as much as u want then after a mnth u cant even if u try to feeling very pity of u..

Laksh:r u trying to scare us baba??

Oldman:no im just trying to make u aware...he laughed wickedly this time ..seeing this ragini got scared and hold laksh's arm tightly..laksh hold her protectively....God has planned to play with the lives of your four ..2 of them are going to lose their lives knowingly and the other 2 are going to lose their lives without knowing...again laughed ..hearing this raglak looked at eo in confusion...

Laksh:did u understood anything??

Ragini:no...did u??he nodes no ..

Then they looked at that old man side but he was not there....they were shocked to not find him there...they searched him everywhere but they couldnt...

Ragini:bandar...who was he??why did he said sumthng like that which we cant understand??

Laksh:sweety i too dont know....ryt now im totally confused....

Ragini:im scared....

Laksh:dont be...sweety one more thing dont disclose about this to swara and sanskar okay?

Ragini:hmm okay...

Laksh:we will discuss about this with bhai bhbai tonight okay??

Ragini:okay bandar....

That time swara came there...

Swara:laksh i got it...smiles

Laksh:hmm thats gud..without looking at her

Swara:wat happen ,u r looking sad..

Laksh:nthng like that okay just feeling tired thats it...

Swara:oh okay...come lets go..


Swara:he doesnt get signal here ,so he left down...few sec back only he called me that he is waiting for us in parking area...he asked us to come there...

Ragini:oh okay fine.. Then lets move...

They left from there..while on their way back to their home no one speak anything with eo due to tiredness...that time sanskar got a ph call from ram..

Sanskar:shona dad is calling me...answer him..saying this he gives his mobile to swara..

Swara:she gets his ph and attend the call ji mamu ...we r on the way to the gadodia home...she talks for sumtym and hangup the call..

Sanskar:wat he said??

Swara:vo he said that they had completed the pooja finely...he told us to drop ragini and laksh to their home and come to our house..sanskar nods

Laksh:why??Aren't your parents in our house now?

Swara:no laksh they went back to our home after they done with the rituals in the temple....

Laksh:oh kk...

They reached their home finally at eve...

Sanskar:okay then we r leaving now...

Laksh:sanskar ,come inside the house n tell everyone n then leave...

Sanskar:no laksh,already its bcum late...we should leave now...

Laksh:mom and dad will think wrng if u guys dnt come inside..

Sanskar:but laksh cut by swara

Swara:we will come laksh...laksh smiles sanky it wont be luk gud if we dont go inside b4 leaving frm here...

Ragini:swara if he doesnt want to come then dont insist him yaar...

Sanskar:ragini nthng like that ...dont think too much...ok baba lets move in...saying this he goes inside gadodia's home leaving swalakrag behind...

Ragini:its hard to understand him shakes her head in disbeliefe

Swara:u have to wrk hard to undrstnd him after ur mrge chuckled at her

Ragini:karanee toh padegee smiled

Laksh:if u girls done with ur bakbak shall we go inside?raised his eyebrows ,hearing this swaragini shut their mouth and bowed their head down...seeing them like this laksh went in ,they too followed him ...

Seeing four elders smiled...

Shekar:did u guys completed the rituals??

Ragini:haan papa...

Janki:did u liked that temple?

Laksh:not a bit...makes a face

Ap:wat??y r u saying like that idiot??

Laksh:something has been happened enough to make us think why we went there...saying this he looking at ragini while she just looked at him silently without any expression on her face..

Rivanya noticed their behaviours but they didnt felt weird ,they thought he must be tired thats y he is talking lyk this...

But swasan were confused to hear laksh..

Krishna:wat happened there to that extent tat u didnt like ?

Swara:haan laksh exactly ...u were seemed to be happy there, right??then y r u saying like this to our family?

Laksh:vo ...i ....just he doesnt know wat to tell so he looks at ragini ..

Ragini:there were nearly 1000steps to climb ,so he felt annoyed that who found these kind of rituals to do that in that temple....

Hearing this evry1 smiled laksh let out a sigh in relief...rivanya noticed that...

Swara:laksh tuh bhi naa...smiles and hitted on his shoulder..

Sanskar:okay uncle aunty we take a leave from here...

Shekar:beta have some food and then go...

Sanskar:no thanks uncle,we just ate on the way...

Shekar looks at laksh which he nodded his head as yes...

Shekar:smiles okay slowly...once u reach inform us...

Sanskar:sure uncle smiles and took blessings from elders and hugged rithick...bye jeeju...he joined his hands in front of shivanya bye Di..shona shall we??she nods

She took everyones blessings and left with sanskar...

Janki:lucky give ur horoscopes..

He gives it to her...

Ap:okay u both go and take shower....

Without saying anything they about to go from there to their respective rooms..

Rithick:lucky,princess after u got freshup come and meet me in terrace...i wanna talk with u...

Ragini:but bhaiya...

Rithick:i dont want to hear anything now...just go to ur room...lil sternly

She doesnt say anything and left to her room while laksh starts to move from there to his home..

Rithick:wait where r u gng??

Laksh:shower lene ke..

Rithick:u no need to go taneja home...
Some of your clothes are in Ragini's wardrobe,isnt it? He nodes then go and get fresh in her room...

Laksh felt weird seeing rithick's behaviour : ok bhaiya saying this he left to ragini's room...

Ap:achaa teeke hum chalthe


Ap:to take rest janu...really im feeling very tired yaar....will meet u at dinner...janki smiles and noded..krishna are u cmng with me??

Krishna:I need to discuss about our children marriage matters with shekar, so you go I will come later ..

Ap:okay....bye evryone she left to her home.

Shivanya:rithick i got a call from ridhi's school,her exam had finished so i have to go and pick her...

Rithick:but shivanya i want u to be with me while talking with raglak..shivanya looked at him

Shekar:wat happen rithick? Is there any prblm??

Rithick:nthng like that papa...soon they gonna marry so i thought to give them some advice bcse hereafter we will get busy in look aftr the marriage wrk so we wont get enough time to talk with them...thats y papa...

Shivanya:then wat about ridhi?

Janki:arey u dont wry here na...i will go and pick her...

Shivanya:maa but how can u??

Janki:its not a big deal..i will go on auto and bring her...

Shivanya:okay maa...rithick u go and drop maa in auto stand...

Rithick:haan come maa....bye papa bye dad they nodes shivanya go and bring my car key...she left to bring car key

After she gave that key to him janki and rithick left from there....

Krishna:shivanya beta...bring coffee for us ..

Shivanya:okay dad....she left to kitchen

Shekar:okay come we go and talk in my room...krishna nodes and they left to shekar's room...

@ragini's room

Ragini is sitting on the bed and drying her hair after took shower  while laksh is taking shower...

Ragini:bandar still how much time u will take to shower yaar??

Laksh:arey meri maatha give me just 2 done yaar...

Ragini:hmm come soon....she took her mobile and played the game...

Laksh came out of the washroom after a shower...he was in towel only...

Laksh:sweety bring my clothes ...

Ragini:still looking at the ph dont u know where ur clothes r?go and take urself na..

Laksh:lazy idiot...makes a face like😏😏

Ragini:hearing this she looked at him in angry face dont call me that...okay wait saying this she took his clothes and gave it to take ur dress mr.bandar...after gave him she starts to play the game in her mobile...

After laksh wore his dress and looked at ragini...

Laksh:sweety...wat r u thinking??

Ragini:about wat??

Laksh:bhaiya's words...

Ragini:she placed her mobile a side and held laksh's wrist n made him sit near her on the bed bandar ,im sure bhai sensed that something was wrong by our behaviours...thats y he asked us to talk with him...

Laksh:now wat to do??

Ragini:u urself said in the temple that we would tell everything to bhai bhabi ryt??

Laksh:haan i said then but now..

Ragini:wat but now???we should tell him no matter wat..till now we didnt hide anything from our bhai bhabi now also we should tell them wats happened there...

Laksh:hmmm u r ryt....okay come lets go and talk with them...they left to terrace ...

Rivanya were already waiting for them in terrace...

Laksh:hi honey...

Shivanya:hi mr.handsome...smiled okay wats happened there in the temple??

Raglak looked at eo while rithick waiting for their ans...

Rithick:when would u answer us if u were looking at eo...

Raglak:sry bhaiya....

Rithick:its ok...tell me wat happened in the temple??u were not seemed okay while u talked with papa...u were hidened sumthng from us...wats that??

Shivanya:couldnt u done a ritual completely?may be thats y u both were looked disturbed ,isnt it??

Ragini:no bhabi...we did a ritual without any disturbance..

Shivanya:then wats the matter ??

Ragini:bhabi after we done a ritual we happened to see a strange man...

Rivanya looked at her in confusion

Rithick:who was he??

Laksh:we dont know bhaiya...but he said a lot of things which we couldnt understand even a lil thing...

Rithick:wat did he said?

Raglak explained them fully...hearing this rithick got confused while shivanya lost in some thoughts...

Ragini:Do you understand anything that wat he was trying to say?

Rithick:im confused yaar...

Laksh:same here bhai....he looked at shivanya who lost in thoughts..honey wat happen??what r u thinking??

Shivanya:nthng boss...just trying to understand that wat he was trying to say....thats it...

Ragini:dont stress urself bhabi...u wont get anything....okay shall we go down??

Rithick:mmm yeah lets go down...hearing him raglak turned to go rithick also about to go with them but shivanya held his wrist ...raglak saw them...

Ragini:wat happen bhabi ??why r u stopping bhai??

Shivanya:vo i vo...she doesnt know wat to say...

Laksh:dont ask her sweety...she wants to do romance with leave them alone...come we will go saying this he dragged her from there....

After they left rithick looked at shivanya who lost somewhere in her thoughts...

Rithick:he shakes her shivu baby wat happen???

Shivanya:dont u understand wat that baba said??

Rithick:i do not understand,did u??

Shivanya:she nodes yes not fully but somewat...

Rithick:wats that??

Shivanya:rithick as far as i understand that baba tried to say that their four lives gonna change by one of their single mistake...he tried to say that sanskar is not a crct match for our ragini....

Rithick:but shivanya...she cuts him

Shivanya:still i didnt finish rithick...he stays silent rithick by heared him i think ragini will marry laksh...

Hearing this rithick was shocked...

Rithick:hey dont blabber just like that wat come in ur come our lucky princess marry eo...noooo...i cant think even in my dreams shivanya....u r mistaken...may be that baba tried to say something...

Shivanya:no not blabbering...just think about wat he said that god had shown ragini a sign right??he nodes did u get wats that??


Shivanya:engagement rithick...

Rithick:wat engagement shivanya??i didnt understand wat r u trying to say...plss tell me straightly...

Shivanya:our lucky had adored that ring in ragini's finger at their means technincally she engaged to our lucky right??

Rithick:no no i cant take it like you...u r confusing me and urself...pls dont think about this and all...nthng will happen like that...we know our lucky and princess they wont do sumthng like tat...moreover they love swasan immensely....they wont betray their partners...

Shivanya:but rithick im feeling very scared...dont know after hearing this thing im feeling sumthng weird...wat if sumthng happened like tat??

Rithick:nthng would happened like that my wifey....pls dont stress urself by thinking unneccesarily...dont tell this matter to our parents okay?

Shivanya:mmm i wont...

Rithick:okay come we will go downstairs...saying this he takes her with him

At night

Raglak is waiting in the hall for ridhi...

Ragini:still she didnt come...

Laksh:have some patience sweety...

Rithick got a ph call from janki,he attends the call and hang up after talked with her..

Ragini:wat happen bhaiya???

Rithick:ridhi's friend got an accident,so she took maa with her to the hospital to see her friend...

Ragini:oh how is her friend??

Rithick:nthng to wry ,she got a lil injury ....

Laksh:when will they come.??

Rithick:they are still in the hospital...i dnt know when they will leave from there..

Ragini:it means today also i cant c my cutipie...makes a sad face

Rithick smiles at her...

Laksh:u can see her tmrw madam...come lets have dinner...

Ragini:no lets wait for her...

Rithick:no princess...u didnt took rest after u back from temple...u need frst go and have ur dinner...then take rest...

Ragini:but bhaiya...

Laksh:no but vut....come saying this he drag her to dining table

Laksh:bhaiya come...

Rithick:u go and have ur dinner... papa dad mom sab wait kar rahe hain...shivanya go and serve them...

Shivanya:u also come na...

Rithick:no shivanya...i will go and pickup maa and ridhi...

Laksh:bhaiya wait i also come with u...

Ragini:bhaiya me too....

Rithick:arey dont u obey me??they nods then have ur dinner and take rest...i will go and pick them...okay is that clear??

Raglak:okay bhai...

Rithick:shivu go and serve dinner to all...

Shivanya:hmm slow mr hubby...

He smiles and carressed her cheeks...seeing this raglak smiled and said teasingly ahaan...hmm hmmm...hearing this rithick said bye and runs from there...

Shivanya:okay come idiots...she left to dining while raglak followed her..

After they had their dinner shivraglak waiting 4 ridhi's return while ap went to taneja house and shekishna enjoying their times in shekars room...ragini felt sleepy..she couldnt control her sleep she just fall over on laksh's shoulder ...laksh just patted her shoulder...seeing this

Shivanya:princess u go and sleep...

Ragini:she opens her eyes and  sits staright no bhabi its ok....i will sleep after she come

Shivanya:look at ur face how ur eyes are swollen due to lack of sleep...dont wait for her it will take time...u meet her tmrw...just go and sleep now...

Ragini:bhabi no...i cant ..she about to say further b4 that laksh take her in his arms and walk towards her room..while walking he said bye honey...gudnyt

Seeing this shivanya smiled and replied him back....ragini widened her eyes in shock...

Ragini:bandar wats this??put me down...i wanna c our cutiepie....

Laksh:u c her tmrw...our cutiepie wont run u just sleep now..saying this he entered in her room and put her down on bed...

He make ragini sleep by patting on her shoulder lightly ...soon ragini slept ..after that he smiled and kissed on her forehead ..

Laksh:he reminisces about that baba's wrds...dont knw wat he tried to make us matter wat i wont lose u...i will always be with u...i cant lose u my sweety....he kissed on her forehead...gudnyt sweety...he laid beside her and slept...

Marriage rituals....then marriage of ragsan n raglak (may be in next chap or after that im not sure)

Wat r u guys thinking after reading this part??

Wat will be the reason that situation didnt allow ragini to meet ridhi??do u have any idea??lets c who guess correctly???

If u find any difficulty then read previous chap then u may get the reason why ragini couldnt meet ridhi..

Next chapter will be posted after got 50 votes ...

Bye takecare

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