Part 10

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I was waiting to get Ali alone after the program. That devil posted our pic with Shefali in social media and tagged me.
"I will kill him. What if Avni sees that picture? What she will think of me? "
There he is, flirting with another girl. I went to him and yanked him to a side without saying anything. Immediately I gave a punch in his gut.
"What the heck?" He cried.
"Why did you post that picture?"
"Which picture? And why did you punch me?"
"Stop acting naive Ali. You certainly know which picture I am referring to. "
"Seriously yaar. I don't know. And I must say your punches can kill buddy. " Ali caressed his stomach.

"The one you just posted. The one with that girl, whatever her name."

"Shefali. Her name. And you are lucky man. She asked for your number." Ali winked.
I rolled my eyes. "Don't change the topic. You never post our pictures in social media. Even if you post, you never tag us. So this was intentional,right?"
Ali gave a naughty smirk. "What is your problem man? It's just a picture. Oh! Are you concerned that Avni will see it?"
I gnushed my teeth.
"Chill bro! She will not turn away from you just because of a picture. If she does that means she's an over possessive chick who doubt her partner. It's better not to be in a relationship with such a toxic person. "
Ali said maliciously.
"Shut up! She is not a toxic person but you are. You did this because you were jealous! Jealous of me and Avni." I spat in anger.
"Really dude? Why should I be jealous? What is there to be jealous of between you two? You both just chatted in social media for a day. That's all. I do it daily with many girls. Not only me. Many youngsters do that. What is the guarantee that Avni is chatting to you only? " I charged towards Ali aiming his right cheek but before I could hit the target, DD grabbed me to the side.
"What are you two doing here? We are in a crowd. " DD said in a low voice.
" We are selected for the next round. If you create a scene here it can affect our participation." DD added.
I let myself dragged towards the room by DD. He was blabbering something. Probably advising me to control my anger. But my mind was repeating what Ali said a while ago.

"You both just chatted in social media for a day. That's all. I do it daily with many girls. Not only me. Many youngsters do that. What is the guarantee that Avni is chatting to you only?"
Would it be true? Ali was not completely wrong. Avni and I are not in a relationship yet. We are not even dating. But... I am concerned. I am concerned about what she think of me. I am concerned that she will turn away from me. I wondered how my priorities are changed over a night.
Hey... are you awake?
I blinked my eyes several times to drive away the sleep. I slept with my face in the book. Aftermath of late night chatting last night. But I got up by a notification sound. It was Neil.

How was your day?

Sorry for messing up with your sleep yesterday.

Hey... are you awake?

Oh my God. He was messaging me for some time. But I didn't come to know.
I started typing.

Hi. I dozed off reading my book. And you don't need to be sorry for my sleepy head. How's your performance? You got selected right?

Yes. Our team is selected. I think someone's wish made it happen. ; )

I smiled.

Oh I am pretty sure that you will get selection without anyone's best of luck wishes. You are talented.

Thanks 😊.

When is the next performance?

Tomorrow evening. By the way, how was your day?

The usual. Except that I got late for college. Luckily first lecturer was on leave.

There was a pause after that message. His reply came after more than 5 mins?

Once again sorry. Hey, my fingers are tired after practice and performance.

I blinked at the message for sometime. Is he indicating that he want to end the conversation? Disheartened me typed.

Are you tired? May be we can chat tomorrow?

The usual. Except that I got late for college. Luckily first lecturer was on leave.

That was Avni's reply when I asked her about day. This chatting thing is getting boring. I need to take the next step. But how can I ask her that in a subtle way . I mean I want her to know my interest in her but also don't want to sound so eager and pushing that may scare her away. I remember how she reacted when I tried to pursue her. Finally I got my words and typed.

Once again sorry. Hey, my fingers are tired after practice and performance.

I hope she will take the hint. But..

Are you tired? May be we can chat tomorrow?

God... she took it that way.

No. I was saying how about a call?


Yessss! I mentally did a victory dance. We exchanged our numbers and I called her.
"Hello" I heard her say. Her voice was so soothing. Just like the way I remember.
"Hey. I hope you're comfortable to talk over phone"

"Yes. I am. Umm.. " She hummed probably thinking what to ask. I chukkled.

"What happened? Nothing to say?"

"It's not like that. Actually... may be a starting trouble. " I heard her giggles which is like music to my ears.

"Do you sing?"

"No. Why are you asking so?"

"Your voice is so sweet. May be you could be a singer. Have you got any lessons on music?"

"Not at all. I just love to listen alot. That's all." She again giggled. I am in love with her giggles.

"A listener can definitely sing pretty well. Who knows you can sing too."
I realized I was smiling too much. Talking to her has this effect on me? I wondered.

"Ok. Moving on. How was your performance. Though I am sure it must be awesome."

"How are you so sure?"

"I just know. I have listened to you sing."

"Well, I hope we created a buzz. Everyone appreciated our song. "

"Hmm.. There must be long line of admirers behind you now."

I felt some jealousy over there. Did she see the picture already? Is she implying that? Then this is right time to clear everything.

"I don't know. Because I was missing a special admirer of mine who made me her admirer."
I could hear a gasp and and a chuckle. She must be blushing now. I wish I could see her face now. I tried to imagine it.
"Why? You have no idea how much I tried to find you. You were running away always."
"Umm... I... I was a little skeptical about you and embarrassed as well. Moreover I was with Riya when you saw me first and with Vidyut on our second encounter. I didn't want them to know. But, Riya noticed you. She was with me at the restaurant also."

'With Vidyut'. I didn't hear anything after those words. 'With Vidyut!'. Who is he? Is he her brother?, Friend? or boyfriend?
F**k! Is she dating someone?

To be continued.
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