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VIDEO  above - BORN THIS WAY (GLEE! cast)

By the time Johnny dropped me off at home, my dad had gotten the phone call from Strike and driven over to the garage. We probably passed him on the way, but I sure wasn't looking for him. I knew this was going to be like the total end of the world for him. After all, it was really his dream that I play football for Ohio State and the NFL. I had just bought into it, too, as I grew up.

But it was all so different now. Being with Johnny was my whole life. I didn't want to be away from him and I was not going to live without him. I just did not see how a queer couple could make it through the years ahead with one of them being a Big Ten and an NFL player. And I sure as hell didn't want to be the jock to pioneer it. I was not going to pursue a life where bigotry and prejudice would constantly be flying at me from every direction.

I didn't say anything to my mom. I figured we'd go grocery shopping and get that out of the way before having to face the dropping bombs. But my dad called just as we were going to leave for the grocery store. My mom answered the kitchen phone and I could hear my dad shouting from across the room. She had to hold the phone about two feet away from her ear, he was so loud.

She gaped at the phone, terrified. I could see the fear in her eyes. She held it out toward me. "It's your father. He wants to talk to you, Jason."

I crossed the room and took the phone from her hand, bracing for what was to come. I wasn't afraid. I knew my dad pretty well. He was a good man. A nice guy, generally. But if things didn't go his way he could be a real bastard. My mom was scared of him. I never had been because he'd always doted on me, but I knew that was going to change now. So I expected the worst.

This particular situation was not going to go his way. And I knew it would drive him crazy.

"Hi, Dad. What's up?" I said.

"Don't you 'What's up?' me, you little son of a bitch!" he shouted. "I saw the car. Okay, so no big deal, the insurance will cover it. But I made Strike tell me the whole story, and I sure don't fucking like any of it."

This was a first. He'd never sworn at me before.

"You made him?" was all I could think to say.

"Damn right. I told him it'd be a hell of a lot easier on you if he told me. Everybody knows he's queer. What was painted on that car, I figured he'd know what was going on. He hasn't touched you, has he? If he ever did anything to you I'll fucking ruin him!"

I groaned. "Hell no. He's not like that. Strike wouldn't bother me."

Which, all I could think, was a total drag. Because I sure would like it if he did.

"So it's you and Johnny, huh?" my dad said with such derision I wanted to throw the phone at the wall. "Fucking queers, huh? How long has this been going on?"

"A while," I told him, determined not to divulge every little detail.

"A while? What about Jeannie?" He was almost screaming. I'd never heard him go nuts like this before. "She's such a little hottie. I thought you were ... damn it, Jason! What about her?"

"Jeannie and I broke up," I said. "She knows about it. I was only going with her as a cover, and that sure wasn't fair to her."

"Jesus Christ! You don't like girls at all?"

"No, I'm queer. I love Johnny. Thinking about him gets my dick hard, not Jeannie."

I saw my mom's mouth drop open, and she gaped at me as my dad exploded on the phone.

"You little shit! I'm your father. I can't believe you'd say something like that to me."

"Well, you'd better get used to it because it's the truth," I shouted back at him. "I'm your son, remember? I can't believe you're so pissed off because of my sexual orientation. It's not like I had any say about it. I was born this way."

"Holy fuck! Don't give me that crap just because Lady Gaga made a hit record about it. What about football?"

"Screw football." I was angry now and didn't give a damn. He was being such an amazing prick. "I may not play anymore. Queer and football don't mix well, in case you haven't noticed. Especially in the Big Ten and the NFL."

I figured that would give him a real zing, maybe even a stroke. But what it did was silence him. I pictured the football castles he'd already built in the air all tumbling down around him, and that Ohio State championship ring he always envisioned on his finger dissolving into nothingness.

Obviously, he was really going to sock it to me on this, and I was determined to give it right back to him any way I could, in spades.

That's when I heard his car door slam out the window and I knew he'd just pulled in the drive. The line went dead and I put the phone down on the table, breathing hard and trembling.

"He's here and he's going nuts," I said to my mom as she slumped down into a chair at the table.

"What in the world is going on?" She looked fearfully beyond me at the kitchen door.

I sucked in a frantic breath. "Johnny and I are queer," I told her. "We're lovers. Somebody painted graffiti all over my car, all that fag and homo stuff. I had to take it to Strike's garage and Dad went to see it for the insurance ..."

"You and Johnny?" she broke in, bewildered. "But ..."

That was as far as she got because the kitchen door flew open and my dad burst into the room. Even in his conservative business suit and tie he looked like a raging Chris Hemsworth in those Thor movies, and all that rage was directed at me.

And why? Because I was sexually and romantically attracted to other guys?

Please, this was getting old already. And, ohmygod, it had just started.

He strode right at me, all blond and fair and handsome, but his face was a mask of dark rage. He picked me up by the shoulders and lifted me the five inches so my eyes were even with his. And I cringed at the hatred in those eyes. He carried me forcefully across the room and smashed me against the big stainless steel refrigerator.

He growled at me. "You know, there's only one thing worse than a queer, and that's a smart-ass queer."

"Jace! Let him go," my mom cried out. But it was like he didn't even hear her.

"Well, you'd better get used to it," I growled right back at him. "Because that's exactly what I am. And a tough one too. I'm not gonna let bullies like you push me around."

Our eyes were riveted on each other's for a good solid minute. Then, deflated by what I'd said, he let go his hold on me.

My feet hit the floor and I grabbed him before he could move away and wrapped my arms around him, all his rock hard 225 pounds. I could feel the trembling of his body, all his anger and frustration, his terrible disappointment.

"I love you, Dad," I told him. "Please don't make me hate you. I am what I am. This is me. I know it's a shock, but this is not the way I would have chosen to tell you about it. Mark Rydell did that to the car. It has more to do with his wanting my position as quarterback than with my being queer."

He pushed me back to look at my face and a million emotions were crossing his, contorting his features. But I knew he was hating what he was seeing. Whether he disliked me for being queer, or for probably not going to become the big football star he wanted me to be, I didn't know. But I felt a heavy thud in my heart knowing that he was totally disgusted with me.

He pushed me away. "You and Johnny are lovers? Go live with him. His uncle's got that big house. There's got to be plenty of room. He's queer too. The whole town knows that. Maybe he'll be more understanding. I don't understand any of it!"

"But Jace," my mother butted in. "You can't throw him out. He's our son. Our only child!"

My dad turned and leered at her. "Right. And I'm going to be the laughing stock of Kenton now. He parked his car with all that homo crap painted on it right on the Columbus Road for everybody to see. He's queer, Lydia, a goddam homo. And he's proud of it. He should at least be ashamed and not broadcast it for the whole town to see."

That really blew me up. "Ashamed? Ashamed! Why the hell should I be ashamed? This is the way I am. The way God made me. This is ..."

He jumped at me, clamped his big hand over my mouth, silencing me. I tried to get at him but he was so strong he was able to keep me at arm's length.

"I don't want to hear that LGBTQ crap," he shot at me. "Those people are corrupting young minds with all their bullshit propaganda. Just stuff it and get your queer ass out of here. I'm sure Johnny would love to have it with him at his place all the time anyway."

He shoved me back and I flew into the refrigerator and banged my head. He looked at me like he was going to spit at me.

"I'm going back to the office. Just be out of here by the time I get home from work," he warned. "Or I'll deliver you to your homo boyfriend myself."

Then, with that, he was out of there, just as quickly as he'd come in.

My mom had gotten up from the chair and gone over to the cupboard above the sink and opened it. She kept a supply of her tranquilizers there and she pulled the little plastic bottle out and withdrew a tablet. I stood there trembling, my heart banging, and watched as she got a glass of water and swallowed the pill.

"I'm sorry, mom," I said. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

She was shaking a lot worse than me. But she attempted a smile as she sat down at the table again. "It's okay, Jason. I'm sure there is no blame to put on you for any of this." Then she shook her head, adding, "And you know how difficult your father can get at times."

I pulled out a chair across from her and sat down. "Is that why you're such a nervous wreck lately? Because of his anger?"

She furrowed her finely arched brows. "It's not that, honey. He really doesn't get like that very often. I'm just the nervous type and it's getting worse as I'm getting older."

Then her lips turned down into a frown and she said, "But I don't get it, Jason. You and Johnny aren't like the ... oh like, say, David and Jeff and Albert at the beauty shop. And you always seem so uncomfortable around them when they flirt with you and make a fuss over you."

That was a surprise to hear. I didn't think she'd noticed I didn't like it.

I rolled my eyes and had to remember that my mom wasn't stupid. She'd just been conditioned by the stereotypes to believe that most gay men were effeminate, campy, flamboyant, and lusting to get it on with any hot young dude who came near them.

I grunted in annoyance. "First of all, Mom, those guys are grown men in their thirties and forties. They should not be hitting on and flirting with a high school boy. Especially in the presence of his mother. Secondly, most gay men are not like that. They are not effeminate. I don't know why it's such a big secret. You know Strike. He certainly isn't like that. He's every bit as tough and manly as Dad."

Her eyes widened at the idea of it. "He certainly is. And I had no idea he was gay until your father  mentioned it a while back. I always wondered why some beautiful woman hadn't grabbed him."

I snorted. "That's why."

Her eyes narrowed. "You and Johnny. You're actually ... lovers?"

I nodded. "Yes. Just recently. But we've known about our attraction to each other for a couple years."

"And Jeannie?" she asked. "She was just a ..."

She broke off, unable to express herself.

"I was just attempting to be normal," I filled in. "No, no! Not normal ... straight. I wasn't accepting myself as I am and I was going with Jeannie to cover it up."

I bit my bottom lip in frustration, then let her have it. "I love Johnny, Mom. Not Jeannie. And Johnny loves me. We've talked about getting married."

She looked at me, startled. "Ohmygod. Really? Oh ... gosh. That's sure a surprise." Then she frowned. "But it's not legal here in Ohio."

I shrugged. "Not yet, but probably soon. Same-sex marriage will be legal throughout the country in a matter of time. Meanwhile, we can get married in New York.  We'll go to Niagara Falls and do it."

She was pretty much astounded by this news, but at least she wasn't telling me that I should be ashamed. She let out a nervous little laugh. "Well, I don't know if I'll be able to talk your father into having a reception for you two boys at the country club."

I hooted at that. "Right. He definitely would not be the proud father of the groom."

Then I added, "Of one of the grooms, that is."

And then I pushed away from the table and stood up. "I'd better call Johnny and pack some things and get going. What about Colt?"

He was out in the back yard, probably sleeping in one of his favorite shady spots. Darn, I was really going to miss him.

My mom sighed. "He has to stay here, Jason. He's your dad's dog. You know, hunting and all. Are you sure this is what you want?" she added.

I nodded. "Yes, it's what I want. I want to be with Johnny."

"But what if it doesn't last?"

All I could do was shrug. "Any young couple takes that chance. Straight couples do. A big percentage of same-sex relationships are known to be long-lasting. All we can do is try our best to make it work."

I hurried upstairs, glad she wasn't judging me like my dad was. I had no tolerance for that. Bigotry and prejudice were just something for stupid people, as far as I was concerned, and I was glad she wasn't one of them.

I texted Johnny, telling him what happened and to come and get me. Then I threw some things into a suitcase and a duffel bag and went downstairs to wait for him. I let Colt in and was playing with him in the kitchen when Johnny pulled in the drive and, a moment later, knocked on the door.

When I let him in, Colt jumped up on him, tail wagging. Johnny grabbed me and hugged me tight while my mom watched from her spot at the kitchen sink. Colt liked that even better, us hugging. He barked and jumped all over us.

Johnny smiled at my mom. "Don't worry about Jason, Mrs. Landon. I'll take real good care of him."

She sent him an amused glance. "I believe you will, Johnny. Sure your uncle won't mind Jason moving in?"

"No way. Uncle Ted really isn't there that much. He's on the road most of the time. And I live in the studio apartment over the garage anyway." His arm still around me, he squeezed my shoulder, adding, "If we get in a fight, Jason can go stay in the house with Uncle Ted. There's plenty of room."

My mom shook her head and wagged a finger at us. "Please, no fighting, boys. You're going to have enough problems just being the talk of the town."

Johnny laughed at that, but I groaned.

"You said it, Mom," I agreed.

I walked over to her and kissed her goodbye. "Give me a call tomorrow morning. We'll come over and take you shopping at the grocery store. We'll have to go up there anyway to get some supplies."

Then we were on our way back to Johnny's in the Chevy sedan. The car had a one-piece flat bench seat in front and I was sitting almost on top of him. I couldn't believe I was going to be with him day and night, day after day. I had a big boner just thinking about it.

"Jason," Johnny said to me. "Do you know how queer this looks, you sitting almost in my lap while we drive down the Athens Road?"

I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Sure I do. It looks just as queer as we actually are. Totally."

He laughed at me and rubbed my inner thigh with his right hand. "True! Just so you know, dude. People are gonna talk like crazy when they see us pulling crap like this."

"Like I give a fuck." I slipped my hand in between his back and the seat cushion behind him and began massaging his shoulder. "Straight couples do it. So will we."

Then I grabbed his hand and placed it on my erection. "And I think that living with you is gonna be one constant state of arousal."

"Okay by me," he said. "'Cuz my dick's just as hard right now as yours."

I slipped my hand down there and grabbed his crotch. Yup, he was throbbing away just like me.

I'd forgotten all about my angry dad already. "I think this is gonna be a lot of fun, Johnny," I laughed.

He nodded. "You bet. And we have a hot hunky football dude waiting for us at my house."

"Oh man! Ernie?" I got so fucking excited. " Crombie dude! Jeez, I 'd forgotten all about him. He's still there?"

"Yep. I told him to stick around in case we had to cheer you up."

"Oh yeah," I heartily agreed. "You two can cheer me up all freakin' afternoon!"


NEXT! Johnny and Jason get Ernie in the woods and ... scrimmage!

PHOTO below - Johnny

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