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PHOTO above - Carey

Carey was sitting on the picnic table when I came back outside. I had showered and put on fresh clothes, shorts and a tank top, and I had three more tanks for the other guys. Enough already of this just-too-sexy-for-a-barbecue meat market.

"Dude!" Carey exclaimed, jumping off the table with a big grin.

I threw one of the tanks at him. "Put this on, show-off. Make yourself decent."

He caught it and frowned. "Whaddaya mean? You don't like this hot bod?"

I turned away from him and went over to the grill. The charcoals were just right. Time to cook the burgers.

"I like it a whole lot too much," I grumbled. "Cover it the fuck up already."

I took the meat patties out of the cooler and started unwrapping the foil. "And why didn't you go up to Spirit Rock with Jason and Corey?"

I heard him walk up behind me. "Because I'm sure they wanted to be alone. Like I want to be alone with you."

I turned to tell him to back off, to keep away from me and let me cook, but he'd put the tank top on. It was gray and said OHIO STATE SWIM TEAM on it in red letters. I'd bought it at the thrift store down on the square. It was nicely worn and fit him perfectly, just snug enough around the chest and hanging loosely down to his brief tops.

Like with Jason, it was so damn sexy to see Carey in my shirt. I had to turn back away and almost dropped the burgers. I slapped the pack of them onto the wooden work area on the side of the grill.

I said, "Dude, I have to cook. We're growing jocks. We need to eat."

"Right," he grunted back. "And that big load you just blew in your pants was full of protein. I sure could've used that, Johnny."

I was embarrassed and pissed off and he knew it, but he didn't care. He wanted me. I had to remind myself that he was my guest. I was his host. And, of course, that I wanted him too, just as much as he wanted me.

"Listen, bud." I was using a spatula to lift and place the patties on the grill. "Don't take another step closer, okay? Let me get these burgers going and then we can ... talk."

"Talk?" He laughed at me with an impatient groan. But he stayed where he was. "Who the fuck wants to talk? I want to hold you in my arms, Johnny, and kiss you. Corey's the only dude I've ever been with, and that's only because how we were born and grew up together. You're the one who's been my secret crush ever since I can remember. Every time I'd see you in the shower room at school I'd get so fucking turned on I'd have to run home after classes and whack off."

He was quiet for a moment, then, "Jeezus, Johnny, I wanna know what it's like to be with the hunk of my dreams."

I placed the last burger on the grill. I couldn't help the laughter on my face and was glad he couldn't see it. "Can't you wait a fucking minute or two?"

"Arrrgghhh!" He groaned out loud and I could hear him turn and stomp back to the picnic table. "This is driving me crazy, Johnny. I'm so turned on I could scream. When I heard the news about you and Jason yesterday, I got so instantly horny just thinking about it. I'm so horny all the time it's insane. And now I gotta stand here patiently and watch you ... cook?"

I placed the spatula down and shook my head in wonder. How did any kids today, straight or gay or whatever, grow up even halfway sane with all the confusing issues of sex and sexuality, orientation and gender, and the fact that we've all been doing it one way or another since we were eleven or twelve years old? It must have been easier in the old days when fooling around with each other didn't start for most people till they were older.

Frustrating, sure. But easier.

I turned around and walked toward him. "Okay hot stuff, I'm comin'."

Carey let out a war whoop and jumped through the air at me. He hit me like a ton of bricks and we both fell to the ground with a hard thud. It felt good. Playing football year after year, you get used to falls and they become part of your life. And so does having guys on top of you, like Carey was on me now. And he was so wild, kissing me and grinding on me all over as if I was going to bolt at any second and he'd never have the chance to do it again. He was totally out of control.

I let him go crazy on me, loving it, slipping my hands under his shirt and feeling up the corded muscles of his back. He was so different from Jason, leaner, not as beefy, minus all the padding, but smooth and muscular and hot to the touch like a sparking firecracker. I could feel his hard cock grinding onto mine, which had stiffened right up, too, even so soon after my ginormous climax.

"Oh ... ohh-my-y-y-god ... Johnny," he was moaning, his tongue darting in and out of my mouth, his hands roving all over me in a frenzy. "I've been dreaming about this since before I could even jerk off. You're just the handsomest hottest guy I've ever seen. I'm so fucking much in love with you. I wanna hire the Cleveland Mafia to off Corey and Jason so it can be just me and you. Me and you, Johnny! Oh man, I ....."

My phone squawked in my shorts pocket, startling us. We both jumped. Carey almost bit my tongue and our heads knocked together. I began to laugh, but Carey didn't.

He groaned, "Who the fuck is that?" as the phone squawked shrilly a second time.

"It's Jason," I said, recognizing the ringtone, trying to squirm around to get at my pocket.

Carey was totally on top of me, and it felt so good to have a big dude on me like that in the grass. Just one of the many basic things Jason and I hadn't had the time to do yet.

"Why is he calling you from the top of the mountain?" Carey just about shouted into my ear, as he dry-humped me like it was the peak of jockhunk mating season.

"I don't know, dude, but I'll soon find out."

I managed to get the phone out of my pocket despite the rutting buck on top of me, poke it and get it to my ear.

"Yo. Wassup?"

"Johnny! There's a big male black bear up here. It was gonna attack us. Corey had a candy bar and bubble gum on him, and the bear wanted it. But Colt was up here stalking it, and he ran out into the timber cut to mess with the fucker and lead him off. They went away south. We're on our way back down, but get those rifles out in case the thing comes down there smellin' the food."

"Jeez." I couldn't believe they'd had such a close call. Black bear usually don't attack humans, but they've been known to do it when food is part of the story. "There hasn't been one around here in a couple years. We'll have to call the rangers. Will Colt be all right?"

"Don't worry about him. Wow, good thing we brought him over, huh?"

"No shit. I'll get the rifles right now."

"Rifles?" Carey cried. He'd stopped his humping and pushed himself up so he could look at me. "What the fuck?"

I told him what happened, pushing at him to get him off of me. "C'mon. Let's go. I gotta get those arms in case the bear comes down here."

He grudgingly pushed himself to his feet, then grabbed my wrist to help pull me up.

"For cryin' out loud," he groaned. "I finally get in a hot clinch with you and a fucking bear comes along to break it up?"

I looked at the burgers and figured they'd be okay, then grabbed Carey's hand and pulled him along with me. I kissed him on the cheek and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, feeling sorry for him. All he wanted was to be with me, and that was so sweet. But it sure kept getting messed up.

"We'll have plenty of time for that later," I said. "I promise a clinch you'll never forget. And the brogasm of your life."

The rifles were in the house, kept loaded in case of just such an emergency. Bear weren't really much of a problem, but they did come down from the hills now and then scavenging. They were most often seen at houses on the city limits, like here at Uncle Ted's, but sometimes they'd wander right into the heart of town. Living in Appalachia did have its little drawbacks. The real problem was that the bear were so smart nowadays because people baited them to take videos. They could even figure out how to get into the houses. I'd have to keep the doors locked for the next few days.

It was weirdly quiet in the house when my uncle was away. One of the reasons I had started staying in the studio apartment during the warm weather months. The big old house always seemed lonely when he was gone, which was most of the time since he started working sales on the road a few years ago. We had to go through several of the rooms to get to the den, and Carey was gaping at all the period furnishings.

"I always wondered why it looks like really old people live here," Carey said. "Like a couple of great-grandmas. Everything's so old-fashioned."

"My uncle's a Victorian freak," I explained. "He renovated the house back to its original condition and furnished it like it would've been decorated in the 1880s."

"Cripe." Carey made a face. "There's gotta be a ghost in this house somewhere with all this stuff from the past."

I laughed at him. "No ghosts, dude. Just a boring old house where nothing much happens. There's been more excitement here in the last two days than in the previous eleven years I've been living here."

We got the two rifles from the rack on the wall and hurried back outside. Jason and Corey were just then running out of the woods. It looked like they still had the bear chasing after them.

"Jeez, Johnny," Jason shouted.

"Carey! I thought we were gonna get killed," Corey cried.

They were all riled up and couldn't tell us fast enough all about it. Carey had to take his brother in his arms and comfort him, the boy was so shook up. Jason wasn't quite that moved. After all,  he was a hunter and had experience dealing with bears, but I knew it had gotten to him too. He sat down at the picnic table and checked the rifles. I knew how to use the firearms but didn't particularly like to, and seldom did.

I flipped the burgers then gave Jason and Corey each one of the tank tops I'd brought down.

"Time to cover it all up, boys," I told them. "Sex Ed has been postponed till later."

Jason and Corey stole glances at each other, and I could see them both trying to stifle grins.

"And exactly what were you two doing when the bear came along?" I asked, pointing the spatula first at Jason and then at Corey.

They looked at each other and burst out laughing, Jason with that giddy girly giggle and Corey almost as bad. I looked at Carey and rolled my eyes. It was apparent that those two were in their own little world, so I figured that Carey and I better get into one of our own too.

"C'mon over and help me, dude," I told him, and he left his brother's side and came over by me.

Together we finished cooking the burgers, and I paid all kinds of attention to him to make up for the interruption by the call from Jason about the bear. I kept touching him, feeling him up, giving him a sneaky little kiss now and then. I doubt if Jason and Corey even noticed, as if they'd even give a shit what we were doing. But Carey definitely liked it.

We set the table with plastic dishes and utensils, got out the rest of the food and some beers and sodas. Jason finished his inspection of the rifles, then called the ranger station a couple miles to the east in the hills to report the bear. Then he and Corey arm-wrestled and made eyes and silly noises at each other until it was time to eat.

We had the rifles set at the end of the table, right within reach, in case the damn bear came barreling out of the woods at us. It had happened to me once before right there at the picnic table, and scared the hell out of me. We ate like pigs. After all, we were young growing jocks. The twins were eighteen, too, a few months older than Jason and me. They'd had to start school a year late when they were boys because they'd been small and weak their first years, but you'd never know that looking at them now. We drank mostly beer, as guys tend to think it makes them horny. I had only one. I was horny enough as it was. Obviously.

I asked Corey where they'd gotten the baggy jeans. He and Carey hadn't been big enough to actually wear them ten years ago when they were in style.

"At the Thrift Shoppe down on the square," was his reply. "Carey bought them. He gets a lot of our clothes there."

He was sitting across from me next to Jason. They looked like they were on their honeymoon. I wanted to remind Jason that we were still on ours. I was thinking that maybe he was enjoying this just a little too much. Carey was sitting next to me, his leg planted firmly against mine. He was enjoying this entirely too much, too.

Ahh ... the young and the horny.

Wasn't that the name of one of those classic novels we have to read in school ... ?

"I go to that store often," I said, keeping the conversation going. "They have a lot of the older Abercrombie and Hollister and American Eagle clothes. It's too far to go to Cincinnati or Columbus to the malls that have those stores. The newer styles aren't that much different anyway."

Jason tore his eyes away from Corey to look at Carey. "What happened to the New York agency that was interested in you after you won the model contest at the Cinci mall?"

Carey took a swig of his beer, a big smile on his face. "I have to go to New York and make a portfolio with one of the photographers they work with. Then they can start booking me. I'll probably go after football season, maybe during Christmas vacation. They said they can get me in with Abercrombie."

"They sure could," I agreed. "You look just as good as any of those guys in their catalogs or online. Except you're better built."

That made him happy, and he increased the pressure of his leg against mine. "I want to take Corey, too. Abercrombie does twins a lot and they'd probably really like us both. I think we're hotter than any they've had, except maybe those Carlson twins from a few years ago. You still see their pictures everywhere."

"They're totally awesome," I said. "But they're not identical like you two. And identical with the different hair is really original. And sexy. Do you want to go, Corey?"

He shook his head. "Not really. Being a model doesn't interest me, although we could do it part time while we're in college and make a ton of money. The only real plus to it for me is that half of those male models are queer, and it'd be a great way to meet guys. Carey and I have to start meeting other queer guys."

He looked at me and then at Jason. "You two can go together and it's okay. You can even get married in other states, maybe soon here in Ohio. But Carey and I are brothers. They'll never allow that. We had to put a stop to it anyway. It's too fucking crazy at this age now. We gotta be able to meet other dudes."

"You'll meet them in college," Jason said, flinging his arm around Corey and squeezing his shoulder. "Queer and bi guys will be all over you two. Probably straight ones too."

Corey groaned. "But that's a whole year away. And who the hell can we meet here in Kenton?"

I wanted to say, 'You'd be real surprised,' thinking of Ernie, but I didn't dare mention it.  I told them how the girls all liked the idea of Jason and me together, and added, "They'd absolutely die over you two together."

Carey grunted. "We don't even date girls. And we can't come out as gay. Our dad would kill us. His whole life is about religion. He's as strict about it as some of those fanatic pastors at those crazy churches that protest against gays as a hobby."

Mr. Connors was a professor of world religions at Ohio University over in Athens. We'd often heard how strict he was, even so far as teaching them Latin so they could study ancient texts, and other impossible ideals they had to live up to.

"He'd never in a million years accept us as queer," Corey said. "You should've heard him carry on last night after he talked to your dad, Jason. It made me cringe what he said about you. What a miserable fuck it all is."

"Which is why Corey and me need to have boyfriends," Carey said, flinging his arm around my shoulders. "Secret ones, that is. You can be mine, Johnny."

"And you can be mine, Jason," Corey laughed, snuggling up to him.

It was obvious how Jason felt about the idea, there was a big happy grin on his face. Then they were all looking at me with questioning eyes.

"Jeez, all right. Yah, I like the idea. But only as long as we're all four together when any of this goes down. Jason and I are lovers. We only fool around with other guys when we're both in on it."

"That's totally cool with me," Carey approved. "Menage a quatre! Hey, I know my French."

Corey slammed down his can of beer. "Then maybe we should start practicing?"

I feigned utter disappointment. "So that's it, huh? You guys came here just for sex?"

"You bet your hot ass we did," Carey grunted, squeezing me hard. "And if you keep putting it off any longer, I'm gonna fucking strangle you."

Without further ado, we ended our meal. Jason and the twins carried the leftover food and drink upstairs, and I cleaned things up by the grill. Then I spaced apart the charcoals so they'd die out and looked back to the woods wondering about Colt. Jason was just coming out of the door again from upstairs.

"What about the dog?" I asked.

He looked around to make sure we'd taken care of everything. "Don't worry about Colt. He'll come back. I'm sure he's having the time of his life messing with that bear. He probably led it all the way over to West Virginia."

"Good. I sure don't want the thing around here. I guess we'd better get back upstairs to the twins then, huh?"

He grinned eagerly. "Time to make those hotties happy."

We got the rifles and just about ran up the stairs. Carey and Corey were standing in front of the big TV looking around as if they'd just been beamed up there like on Star Trek and didn't know where the hell they were.

I couldn't help laughing. "You guys look lost."

"Umm ...," Carey hesitated. I don't think I ever saw him look unsure of himself before. "I guess all of a sudden me and Corey got sort of ... uh ... shy. It's always been just me and him."

Seeing Carey look vulnerable and not sure of himself made him a hundred times more sexy to me. I wanted to grab him and love him up so he'd never feel that way again.

Jason stepped toward them. "Well, we gotta put a stop to that right now. I'll take you, Corey, and Johnny can ..."

I grabbed Jason and pulled him back, then started dragging him over to the leather couch.

"Johnny! Whaddaya doin'?"

"Over here. Sit down," I said, pushing him down on the couch.

I sat down next to him as he looked at me with an ornery expression.

Then I said to the twins, "Why don't you two do what you usually do at home? Start things out. Undress each other. Jason and I will sit and watch, and we'll see what develops."

Carey threw me a grateful look and took his brother in his arms. They began to pull each others' tank tops off. Hell, we might be big and strong and tough and hot-looking, and totally narcissistic know-it-alls, but we were still school boys, and it wasn't always easy to just jump into the more adult-like situations.

But Jason wasn't happy about it. "What the fuck?" he hissed at me. "I want Corey!"

He moved to pull away, but I pulled him back down. "Wait a minute. Let's get this going slow and easy."

He didn't like it, but he listened to me. We sat there on top of each other, my arm around his back. It was beginning to bug me that he was so gaga about Corey. And what I wanted to see the most was the two twins together. That totally turned me on just thinking about it.

"Just pretend we're not here," I urged them on.

"Yah, like we could fuckin' do that," Corey scoffed.

But he turned back to his brother and slipped his arms around him as they pulled each other close. His hands went up to Carey's shoulder blades and their lips met, and just the sight of their hot torsos crushed together sent shivers up my spine and sparks flying up my dick. Same thing must have happened to Jason because he jolted forward and I had to wrap my other arm around him to keep him down.

They kissed gently at first, so sweetly I could've swooned like a One Direction fangirl. They were like the ultimate poster boys. It was so freaking sexy. Then the baggy jeans dropped and they got their shoes off and the pants kicked away. They stood there like two eight-year-olds not knowing what to do next.  Jason was trying to pull away, but I kept holding him back. He was getting really annoyed. I thought he was going to punch me when the twins finally broke their kiss to pull each others' briefs down and their beautiful cocks came whomping out.

"Let me go, dammit," Jason growled. "I wanna get in there!"

I stared at him hard. "Not until you ask permission."

He looked at me like I was nuts. "What? Ask? Who?"

"Me." I kept staring. "You gotta ask me. Properly."

He looked at me in surprise. I was just as surprised, too, that I'd said that. But all I knew is that I was jealous, and he was only going to do this kind of thing and act gaga-silly about other guys if it was okay with me first.

"And who the fuck are you?" he snapped back at me.

I can't express how much that turned me on. The twins standing right there naked, and Jason ready to fight with me because I was trying to control him. I felt my cock throbbing and tingling in my shorts.

"Who am I?" I grunted back. "I'm the one in fucking charge here, dream boy. You got something you wanna do, you ask me if you can do it."

His eyes narrowed. "You're fucking jealous."

I stared back, unflinching. "You're goddamn right I am."

He tried to outstare me but it didn't work. I was stronger and tougher than him in every way and he knew it. A half a minute later his eyelids lowered and he cast his gaze downward.

"Johnny," he whispered, "can I go over there and get Corey? Please. I wanna fuck him so bad I can taste it."

"You sure can, babe," I told him. "Just one condition."

His eyes widened. "And what's that?"

"You gotta fuck me, too, after they leave later and we're all alone."

An expression of almost childlike wonder came to his face and he touched my cheek with his fingers, letting them linger there a moment. And then I knew I had him, under my control and in my fucking pocket, just the same as he had me. My jealousy felt stupid, and it was, but I knew if he ever loved another dude more than me it would kill me. And I had to know where I stood.

It was Jason's turn to surprise me. He stood up and pulled me up next to him and, instead of going over to the twins, he began to undress me, same as Carey had done to Corey. Slowly and sensually, as the twins stood and watched. Then I did the same to him, and he pulled me into his arms and kissed me, our big boners throbbing against each other.

He nudged my earlobe with his lips and whispered, "If you ever doubt me again, Johnny, I'll bust that alpha ego of yours into a million tiny little pieces."

Nothing I could've heard could have made me any happier. Or any more fucking hornier.

"For now, however," he added, "I'll leave it be. Because I love being a slave to you."

We walked over to the twins and it was like the naked dream of every queer football player. All that hot jock flesh. We all four just sort of gaped at each other. This one's cock and that one's ass, and this other one's pecs and, jeez, the twins' sexy ribs you could see right through their smooth luscious skin. And their slabs and slabs of abs with the sexy ridges down the middle that your fingers and lips just wanted to trace and touch right down to the pronounced V-shaped obliques and the pleasures of their waiting crotches below.

They couldn't get over Jason's blond hair, under his arms, topping his dick, and the slight peach-fuzziness of it on his butt and legs. They'd seen it before in the school showers, sure, but it wasn't the same as up close and personal like here in the studio apartment. In a male world dominated by dark body hair, it was almost an unearthly delight.

We were all four sort of stunned. Nobody knew what to do. It wasn't easy just jumping into this kind of thing.  So I took it upon myself to take the plunge. I pushed Corey into Jason's arms and pulled Carey over to my bed. I could feel him trembling, but I was doing it too.

"You are one bombass hunk," I told him, pushing him down on the mattress, amazed by his flawless beauty.

I climbed right on top of him, grabbed his hands and held them behind his head on the pillow while I squirmed all over him, the touch of our bodies together sparking sensation everywhere. I kissed his pretty lips, ran my nose through his curly hair, wanted to crush our bones into each other so we could be even more together than was humanly possible. I gazed into his warm brown eyes and began to lick his face like I was a dog. He looked like he was in some hella kind of ecstasy.

"Ohmygod Johnny," he gasped. "You are so hot. So built. I can't believe this is happening. You and me. I could die from it, dude."

He started struggling. I knew he wanted to turn things around, get on top of me. Fuck me. But I wasn't going to let him. Not today. I was going to fuck him. And his struggling just made it all the more exciting.

"C'mon, Johnny. Let me get on top you. I wanna fuck you so bad. Your ass has been the center of my whole imagination for years."

I shook my head. "No way, butt boy. I'm the big daddy here."

"But I don't bottom," he protested, pushing at me all the harder. "Corey does."

"Bullshit. You trying to tell me you never let him fuck you?"

"Well, maybe ..."

I laughed at him. "That's what I figured. And today is 'well maybe' for me, bud."

It was like we were wrestling, he was trying so hard to flip us over. I let him get a little headway because it was so exciting. Wrestling naked with Carey Connors was like the All-American Boy dream, especially with our big hard erections. And I was definitely going to win it. I wanted to suck his dick but he wouldn't stop fighting me, so I put a stop to his attempts to best me and managed to flip him over onto his stomach. Then I slammed down onto him, my cock rubbing in the crack of his beefy butt.

Next thing I knew, Jason and Corey were there. I'd forgotten all about them. Corey stretched out on his stomach next to Carey and Jason climbed on top of him, same as I was on Carey.

I figured the bed was going to break, the four of us were almost eight-hundred pounds. We'd crash through the floor and land on top of the Chevy in the garage below.

But I didn't give a fuck if we did. We were all too far gone now to care.

"Hey, Jason Quarterback," I called to my babe. "What the hell you doing here?"

"I'm gonna fuck this baby doll's brains out, Johnny Football. That's what I'm gonna do."

"Yo, dude. I got me one just like him. Gonna do the same damn thing."

Laughing, we pushed up and knelt back in unison and pulled the twins gorgeous butts up toward us. Carey was grumbling but I slapped his right booty cheek in warning, saying. "Stuff it, dude. You'll get your turn."

Then I heard him snort a laugh and he wiggled up against me. Jason reached over to the nightstand and got two condoms I'd put there earlier. He handed me one and we ripped open the wrappings, tossed them aside, and slipped the condoms on. We added lube from a squirt bottle and grinned at each other, then looked back to the hunk butts awaiting. Probably because both of us had imagined doing this with the twins dozens of times, we sank right into it like old pros.

Jason had no trouble entering Corey. The boy was so hungry for it he probably could've taken on the whole football team. Carey was another story, proving his own top-worthiness. But I managed, easing into him like I was pushing my way into the Gates of Heaven.

Jason and I started pumping, slowly at first, then a little faster. We grabbed their cocks and then pulled both the boys up to our chests and held them there as we fucked them and jerked them off.

We were all four moaning, sighing, squealing – Carey even groaning. I knew he was loving it just as much as I was, and I knew I'd let him do the same thing to me ... next time.

He twisted his neck so we could kiss and our lips locked hungrily, passion pounding the blood through our veins. Flesh against flesh, hot and sweaty and zinging with sensation, we crushed and rubbed together as I slid back and forth inside him, feeling the heaving of his chest in my arm, the throbbing of his cock in my hand.

I heard our voices all reaching a frenzied crescendo, and we could not control the outcries of our delight as we all four came together - Jason and I, deep inside them. Carey and Corey shooting out spurt after spurt of warm seed up to their stomachs and all over our hands.

We kept at it for another minute or so. Like poetry in motion, we wanted it to go on and on and on. But eventually, our passion spent, Jason and I fell down onto each of our twins, breathing hard, kissing and hugging them beneath us as if we never wanted the freaking moment to end ...


Thanks for reading, everybody! Please vote on this chapter.

Next - jogging out on the Athens Road turns into DANGER.

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