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PHOTOS - Dino smooth ...

I wanted to punch Coach Bailey's lights out for upsetting Jason. He was the team's star player and Kenton High wouldn't have any chance of victory without him. We had come in second place in the southeast quad-county conference last year, third the year before, and we had every reason to believe we could win it this coming season.

But Coach Bailey never gave Jason the kind of treatment he deserved, and the way he'd acted on the square was pretty much the same as he always did. Like Jason was the stereotypical dumb jock and needed to be led by the nose.

"Bailey's just a dick," I told Jason as we followed Dino's black pickup truck south on the Columbus Road. "Don't let it get you goin' all wacky. Don't let him ruin our date."

He'd been sitting shotgun with a grim expression on his face, but he inched closer to me now and replaced it with a smile.

"I'm all right, Johnny. I guess not being around him all these weeks made me forget how exacting he can be about every little thing. What a prick! How could he even bring up that crap? He knows we're popular and people will talk no matter what we do."

"Right," I agreed. "It's like Lil Wayne or Miley Cyrus. Good or bad doesn't matter, just so people are talking about you - that's what counts. If we play ball this season, the crowds will be bigger than ever just because everybody's talking."

"You bet your ass they will," he gruffed. "I'll make sure of it."

I looked over at him. He looked so pretty in his pink shirt I wanted to kiss him. "Whaddaya mean by that?"

"I dunno." He placed his hand on my thigh and began rubbing up and down. "I'll think of something. Bailey wants to make a big deal about me and you? I can make an even bigger one."

Leaving one hand on the wheel, I grabbed his wrist with the other and squeezed hard. "Don't go bonkers, dude. That's one of the reasons he's so antagonistic toward you. You tend to act before you think."

He rested his head on my shoulder. "Don't worry. I won't bonk out. But I won't stand for anybody saying anything bad about you and me, Johnny. I just won't. He's worried the universities are gonna find out I'm queer and in a relationship with you? Well, I'll make damn sure they do. And they can go fuck themselves too."

There was a sneer on his lips as he continued. "Who needs them? I really feel that way. Fuck 'em all. We can go out to L. A. and become porn stars or even hustlers on Hollywood Boulevard before I'll pretend to be straight just to please people or institutions."

I cringed hearing that, knowing he probably already had some plan in mind. But I didn't say anything. He was dead set that no one was going to bully us because we're queer and get away with it. And I agreed with that.

And I knew I had to lay off trying to boss him around. He was beginning to think of me as 'Johnny Alpha'. He'd actually called me that a couple times. And he was right. I really did want to be his total master, keep him on a leash and chain and have him obey my every command. Hell, he was the most beautiful muscleboy in the whole world. Who wouldn't want him as their personal love slave? It was a perfectly normal desire, as far as I was concerned. And he was more than willing.

But he was too strong-willed to actually do it for any duration, and I knew if I pushed too hard he'd fight back. And I loved that part of him the most, his toughness, the way he stood up to his dad and just a few minutes ago to Coach Bailey. And I was so glad we were on our way to Dino's house. Being with him would sure help keep Jason's mind off these things beating against us.

Our phones were blowing up. Calls and texts were roaring in from friends who were getting the pictures the fangirls had taken at the square. I gave my phone to Jason so he could deal with them and I could drive.

Corey called and wanted to know what we were doing at Starbucks with Dino, and why he was holding our hands on the table. Ernie called and wanted to know if Coach Bailey was yelling at us. Said he looked mean and nasty in the picture he'd gotten. Jeannie texted Jason, all pissed off because nobody had ever fanned them on their dates, took pictures and sent them around town. Strike sent him a text with a lot of LOLs in it, saying Bailey looked like he'd just swallowed a sour lemon, or maybe got one shoved up his ass.

When Dino pulled off the highway onto the private road his parents' house was on and we followed, Jason silenced the phones and tossed them in the glove box.

"Screw this, Johnny. Looks like we'll have to hire a secretary to keep track of everything. I guess when you're actually famous you just let it all pile up and ignore it."

"Right. Who's got time for all that? You can do it later."

I followed Dino's truck down the narrow wooded road that led to his house and then, beyond it, the hills on the southern edge of town. The sun was lowering, almost near sunset time, and it was darker in the woods than out on the Columbus Road. After a couple minutes Dino turned into a big circular drive off the lane and pulled in front of the big modern house.

It was similar to the house where we'd attended the party the other night - stone, glass, wooden beams, peaks, a wing here and there. Dino's family had a lot of money and, because of the rumors, everyone wondered where it came from. Nobody seemed to know what his dad did for a living and, of course, no one ever dared to ask.

He was an only child and he'd been spoiled rotten all his life, showered with everything and anything a boy could want and more. But he was a good guy and everybody loved him despite all that. His older cousin Vinnie was single and had his own even-bigger house a couple miles away. Supposedly, the men in town all gossiped, it was often lived-in by some of the Bada-Bing! girls. Vinnie looked like Dino, older and not as handsome or as well-built, but still a really slick dude. The kids in the area all called Vinnie 'Kenton's Michael Corleone', after the character in The Godfather.

We got out of the vehicles and Dino raised his hand in the air, his phone gripped in it. "This fucking thing is ringing off the hook," he laughed. "Okay, I know, iphones don't have hooks, but my mom still says that from using the old-fashioned phones. Pictures of us on the square are circulating everywhere already. Everyone's gonna think I'm queer too, hanging around with you guys."

We followed him up the steps to the big front doors.

"Maybe you'll have to come out?" Jason suggested.

"Whoa ... no way." Dino typed a code into an alarm panel set in the stone aside the doors. "My mom's an old-fashioned Italian Catholic. She'd go crazy. They actually think you're gonna go to hell if you're queer. The only reason my cousin in Cleveland was able to come out is because his mother's dead."

"Ouch." I croaked as he opened one of the double doors. "That doesn't sound promising."

Dino shrugged, ushering us into the house. "Hey, I'm not worried about it. I'll do what I gotta do when the time is right to do it. Meanwhile," he shut the door behind him, "I can't believe you two dudes are here in my house!"

He looked so excited that Jason laughed at him. "Dino, we've been here plenty of times before."

"Yah, but never when I could just jump right on you."

And he did exactly that. He jumped right on us, like a flying tackle. An arm around each of us, his weight pushed us backward out of the entrance hall into the huge living room. Only because Jason and I were big and strong and used to it, the impact didn't knock us down. We stumbled back toward a big pit-like sofa and he was scrunching us together as we fell back onto it.

We were half-prone half-sitting with big beautiful Dino right on top of us. He went for Jason first and I watched bug-eyed, my heart thumping, as he kissed him so rough and passionate it looked like it hurt. He pulled him so close, and me too, that I could hear both their hearts beating as loud as my own.

Dino pulled back a moment leaving Jason wide-eyed and breathless, undeniably longing for more.

Dino gaped at him. "Dude! Ohmygod, I fuckin' love you."

And he kissed him again, a literal attack, his mouth devouring Jason's like he was trying to climb into it, all the time his big muscular arm holding me so tight I could hardly breathe.

My face was touching both of theirs. I felt the kiss too, although I didn't try to join in. The clinch alone with those two hot bods weighted down on me was more than enough to get my head spinning. And I wasn't surprised he'd gone for Jason first with such gusto. I'd always noticed he'd look at Jason far more than at me, and it was obvious now that Dino had a huge crush on him.

I heard Jason gasp for air when Dino finally pulled away again, and he drew in a couple big gulps. Then Dino looked at me, nudged my cheek with his nose. There was a sexy huskiness in his voice as he said, "And you, Johnny. I fuckin' love you too."

He pressed into me even stronger, his hard chest crushing mine, his throbbing bulging crotch humping mine. Jason's cheek was against mine as Dino kissed me - gentle and sweet, not rough like he'd kissed Jason. His tongue was probing and I sucked on it, my mind reeling. I was wrapped in a cocoon of hyper-masculinity, ready to swoon from it, tasting coffee on Dino's breath and the cafe mocha flavor he'd just gotten from Jason's mouth.

Ha! If Starbucks only knew.

Then suddenly Dino let us go and he jumped up and was standing there in front of us heaving heavy breaths, gazing at us passionately, a big bulge in his tight jeans in front.

"Jeeezus," he laughed. "If we keep that up we'll all come in our pants in about three minutes."

"No shit," Jason agreed, pushing himself up into a sitting position and dragging me along with him. "But you're so awesome hot, dude, we'll all come again in another three minutes."

Dino knelt down in front of us, his beautiful face and dark eyes searching ours for ... I didn't know what. Like he wanted something, something important. Big. Meaningful. Like the fucking Word of God or something equally significant.

"What is it, Dino?" I asked. "What? What do you ...?"

I could never describe the look on his face when he whispered, "Please, you guys ... tell me you love me!"

Oh man, we should've known. He'd said it to us. He wanted to hear us say it to him.

"Sorry dude," I groaned, leaning forward to encircle my arms around him as Jason did the same. Our faces held his in between ours. "I love you, man. Of course I love you."

Jason was kissing his face up and down. "Damn, me too. I love you, Dino."

We were snuggling like that, telling him all kinds of sweet things he'd apparently been craving, starving to hear.

"It's been so crazy these last few years," he was saying. "Damn it! Dating all the girls, listening to them, over and over, how much they love me . Fucking them, letting them suck my dick. But all the time wanting to do it with guys, not girls. You two guys especially. And like Ernie. And, oh man, those Connors twins. I'd get so horny just thinking about them."

"We know," Jason said to him. "We went through that too. It's not easy growing up queer in a world that frowns on it. But everybody loves you, dude. And desires you. You gotta know that. Ernie and the twins? Shit. Go for it, man. Who knows what might happen?"

He pushed back so he could look at us. "What? Whaddaya mean? They're queer? They're out?"

"Jason and I are the only ones out," I said. "But in some cases it's best just to trust your instincts."

Dino laughed. "Whoa. I'll make damn sure I do when it comes to them." Then he frowned. "Sorry, buds. I didn't mean to be so emotional. But hey, I'm Italian. You know how we are. And I thought I was the only queer dude on the whole freaking football team and ... fuck ... it made me really mental these last couple years. And ... lonely."

The shrill squawk of his phone broke the intensity of the moment. He grinned and pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the screen.

"Just another text," he shrugged. "Probably pictures from the square. I'm just gonna silence it for now. We're busy."

I nodded. "That's what we did. They'll be ringing all night."

He shoved the phone back in his pocket and grabbed us each by the hand. "C'mon. Let's go out to the hot tub. See how these hot bods of ours look together in a nice wet heap."

We followed Dino through the quiet house, Jason and I grinning expectantly at each other. I was real sure he'd forgotten all about Coach Bailey by now. At the back was a big family room and Dino pulled us through there and out the back glass doors to the big redwood deck. At its end was an above ground swimming pool with decking built around it, and right alongside it the smaller whirlpool, similarly built into the deck. The area was surrounded by a tall hedge of evergreens and the rolling hills could be seen beyond them.

"Take your clothes off and get in," Dino said, flipping a switch on a storage unit next to a built-in barbecue grille that set the whirlpool whirling. "I'll go in the house and get some towels."

He went back in the house and we walked over to the hot tub. Jason looked at me and chuckled. "I guess we're getting naked. We wore bathing suits the other times we were here."

"We don't have any to change into," I reminded him as I pulled off my shirt. "So naked it is. You can always keep your underwear on if you don't want to be naked with me and Dino."

"Yah, like I'd miss out on that." And he whipped off his pretty pink shirt and tossed it on a nearby chair where I'd put mine.

We took off our shoes and shorts, then peeled off our briefs. Jason's cock still looked suspiciously swollen.

"Wow, Dino must've really excited you," I laughed at him.

"He sure as hell did." He grabbed his dick and hefted it, as guys have the habit of doing. "Man, did you see how he kissed me?"

"I sure did. And I could feel it too." I stepped onto the top rung of the whirlpool ladder, holding onto the rail. "In fact, I think they were able to feel it all the way down to Cincinnati."

Jason did his girly giggle. "I guess he sort of likes me, huh?"

"Likes you?" I stepped down further into the hot swirling water. "I'd say he's nuts about you. If you get tired of me, I'm sure he'll gladly take my place."

Jason pushed my shoulders from behind and I went flying into the water with a splash.

"I wouldn't trade you in for a dozen Dinos!"

"A dozen of me? Whaddaya want with a dozen of me?"

We both turned, me from the center of the hot tub now, to see Dino stepping back out onto the deck carrying a stack of towels. He saw Jason standing by the ladder totally naked with his dick semi-hard and I thought his eyes were going to pop out.

Jason grinned at him. "I was just sayin', we'd need a dozen of you to keep all the guys on the football team happy."

Dino set the towels down on the deck next to the tub. "Nah, just pass the one me around, boys. I'm sure I can make them all real fuckin' happy."

He pulled off his tank top and bent over to take off his shoes. Jason lowered himself into the tub and came over by me. We sat down on the seating ledge and watched Dino as he tossed his shoes aside and straightened up. He looked so amazing, his chest and abs and lats so defined and sculpted. There was something about him so different and special, but I couldn't figure out what it was. I was mystified.

He unlatched his jeans and pulled them down. He was going commando, no underwear, and his cock tumbled out, still somewhat gorged from before. When I saw that he had no pubic hair I realized what was so different.

"Ohmygod Dino," I blurted out. "You got shaved!"

Jason's mouth dropped open. "Whoa, dude. Fucking awesome. No wonder you look so amazing. All the body hair is gone."

Dino had been covered with body hair - his chest, his back, shoulders, arms, his ass and legs. It had looked awfully sexy on him, too, but without it he was a dead-bang shoo-in for the Mr. World Beauty title.

He grinned, kicking away the jeans from his feet. "Nice, huh? They waxed me, took it all off, even under my arms." He raised his arms so we could see his hairless pits.

"And my ass, too," he went on, turning around so we could see. "I didn't even know what it looked like, it was so hairy. But look at it now."

We could've been struck blind by his rear-view beauty. His smooth creamy butt should be featured on the cover of GQ to give every fashionable young man the ultimate ideal to aspire to.

Jason went "Yow!" and grabbed onto my thigh.

Then Dino said, "And look at this, fellas, they even did my hole."

He bent forward a little and reached behind and spread his lovely cheeks. There it was, a butt hole that could launch a thousand ships, creamy white and totally hairless, crying out for proper and continual adoration.

"Ohmygod," Jason squealed, squeezing my leg hard. "I think I'm gonna die from this."

I myself was totally speechless.

Then Dino was climbing down the ladder looking like one of those gorgeous 1960s movies Hercules coming to get us, coming to really let us have it. And we were sitting there like good little boys, waiting for it. He pushed through the swirling waters as our dicks throbbed instantly up to complete and total attention.

"One of my cousins in Cleveland has a spa right there in Little Italy," he was saying. "So when I got up there the other day she said, 'Dino, why don't you let us wax all that hair off you? Hairy is so totally out, dude. Don't you know?'"

He chuckled as he neared us. "What do we know down here in Redneck Land about what's in and what's out? So I said okay, knowing she just wanted to get her hands all over me, the slut. But it turned out she had to have an assistant help her cuz it was such a big job. And he was a guy, a hot hunky gay one. And I kept getting a boner the way he was touching me everywhere. It was so ridiculously embarrassing. They just thought it was funny, laughed and laughed at me. But then they took me swimming the next day at a Lake Erie beach to show me off to all their buds."

By this time he was on top of us again.

"But I like it," he went on, kneeling down in front of us. He grabbed our cocks and held them tight in his strong hands. "So I guess I'll have it done regularly when I go up there to visit."

"Yes, definitely," I agreed, rubbing my palm over his pecs. "You are so majorly awesome all smooth and creamy like this."

He moved in closer, bumping his head up against ours. We wrapped our arms around him, pulling him in tight and feeling him up all over, everywhere we could get our hands. Which was totally damn everywhere. Stroking our turgid lengths, he kissed Jason, then me, then Jason, then me.

He was groaning. "You guys got me so blissed out. I gotta tell you something."

My left ear and Jason's right ear were squished together. Dino put his lips right on our cheeks next to them and began to whisper, "Now, dudes, you can't say anything about this to anyone. Ever. Because you know how we don't talk about my family and what they do."

We both nodded slightly, best as we could in that hot sexy position with the swirling waters bubbling around us and Dino jerking us off.

He went on, "I came home from Cleveland with Vinnie yesterday. My folks were staying on and I wanted to get home because of all the stuff going on with you guys. I was planning on calling you tonight. We had to stop at Bada-Bing! to take care of a couple problems and then he needed a hand at his house setting up a new computer."

He paused a moment, then, "So I was there when a friend of yours came to visit him."

"A friend of ours?" I asked, my left hand now stroking his throbbing cock. I couldn't imagine who.

"Yes. Vinnie asked me to leave them alone because it was a private matter. So I went to a different part of the house. But I'm a nosy bastard and I suspected it was about you two guys, so I sneaked back close where I could listen."

"Who the hell was it?" Jason wanted to know. "What did he want?"

"No names, lover boy," Dino whispered, then he kissed Jason hard on the lips as he stroked us slow and sensual. "But it just so happens he's a special friend of Vinnie's."

"What kind of special friend?" I couldn't help asking, even though I was pretty sure I already knew the answer.

He tightened his fists and squeezed our cocks. "The same kind we are," he hissed, moving his lips back to our ears. "He came to tell about the car that almost ran you over on the Athens Road, asked Vinnie to take care of it. Vinnie got all pissed off and your bud had to calm him down, convince him just to take care of the car, not the person who was driving it too."

"Oh fuck," Jason groaned. "He won't hurt him, will he?"

"Nah, he promised not to. But that car will soon be history. That you can be sure of."

I couldn't help picturing Strike and Vinnie and what a hot sexy couple they'd make, and I couldn't have been more surprised. I'd been wondering what Strike would be able to do about the car, but I sure as hell never expected anything like this.

"Just wanted you to know someone's got your backs," Dino said. "And now we can't talk about it anymore. Not at all. Never!"

"Right," I agreed.

"Gotcha," Jason assured him.

Dino pulled his head back a little. "How about we seal it with a kiss, huh?"

No problem there. We jumped at each other, just about clunking our heads together, by now all three of us so horny and turned on we were just about out of control. My left arm was now around Jason, my right arm around Dino, moving up and down their muscular backs, feeling their smooth velvety skin in the hot water. Dino wanted to kiss Jason more than he wanted to kiss me, so I left them to it and inched off around Dino's side, exploring his shapely pecs and rigid nipples with my hands from behind. I slid into position and humped his butt with my cock, hugging him tightly, feeling up his abs and his lats while he and Jason played sweet lovebirds.

It was obvious they had a mutual thing going, but I wasn't jealous like I'd been yesterday about Corey. I didn't care. I just wanted to fuck Dino so bad I could scream out, 'Stop all the bullcrap and let me fuck you!'

My dick was throbbing so hard it hurt, same as yesterday. Like, how horny can a dude be? All these hot hunky football players were going to drive me crazy. If Jason and I had to fuck our way through the whole team, shit, we'd be burned out by the time football practice started next week.

They were sucking face. I was humping Dino. I had his cock in my right hand now, stroking it. My left arm was wrapped around his chest, the hand playing with his right nipple. My dick was riding up and down the sweet crack of his ass between his butt cheeks.

The hot water swirled around us. The hum of the motor was a drug like the droning of bees. If I'd had a condom with me I would've slipped it right on and fucked Dino right there. But, as it was, I was going to come in another minute or two just doing what I was doing.

Jeez, I didn't realize I'd said all that out loud until Dino twisted his neck to say to me, "Sorry, Johnny. I want to fuck Jason. I hope to hell you don't mind."

Hey, who was I to mind? All I had to do at this point was sit back and watch them and let the teasing swirl and rush of the water finish me off.

I bit his earlobe and pushed away. "He's all yours, dude. I'm ready to blow any second now anyway."

I moved back and pulled myself up onto the rim of the tub, sitting there on the deck with my legs dangling in the water. The two of them parted slightly and looked up at me. My cock, pointing up at the evening sky, must have looked as glorious as the golden Lost Ark for, the next thing I knew, they were both right there in front of me sucking on me, taking turns. Jason then Dino. Jason then Dino.

Jason was a hell of a lot smoother. Dino was rough, a lot of teeth, but ... whoa ... it felt wild. He not only wanted to swallow my whole cock, it seemed he also wanted it to come out of his ears. I started howling and moaning like those guys in the porn vids. The constant changing from the one to the other was like a bursting firecracker up my ass. I felt like I was going to explode inside, outside, and everywhere.

Then Dino reached over to the pile of towels and pulled something out of them, a wrapped condom and a lube tube. While he took care of business, Jason kept deep-throating me as if he'd never seen or touched my cock before. He just couldn't get enough of it.

Then Dino was behind him again, one arm wrapped around him, his other hand holding Jason's cock and stroking, while he entered him.

The outdoor security lights had sprung on and it was like we were bathed in spotlights. Jason looked up at me, my dick in his mouth, his eyes rolling up behind his lids, as Dino pushed up into him. Then Jason was moaning loudly, almost a gurgle or a growl, and came all the way down on me, causing me to whoop out as Dino cried out, too, pulling back and shoving up into him again.

Talk about hunktopia. Jason and I never had to watch porn vids again. We were living them.

I fell back against the deck, prone, my arms at my side. Somehow my hands found Jason's and we held on so tight it hurt. With Dino's dick pounding up his ass Jason was giving me the most insane blowjob possible.

My whole body tingled and jolted with sensation, swelling up from my loins and swooshing about everywhere through my nerves and veins and bones and flesh. The slick moving wetness and vibration sheathing my cock was driving me to a frenzied pitch of passion.

And Jason and Dino, too. I heard them moaning and growling and whimpering until we all three cried out wildly in unison as a dudegasm beyond imagination pumped the living juices out of us.

I came deep inside Jason's throat, spurting like a cannon as Dino did the same far up into my babe's beautiful butt, while Jason himself spurted all over my legs, still dangling in the hot swirling rushing waters ...


Whew! Nothing like relaxing in a hot tub, eh?

Don't miss my always-in-progress book of sexy bxb and mxm one-shots and romantic short stories - HUNK SHOTS. More awesome hunks, shorter stories. Passionate, sexy, edgy, and always totally realistic.

Please vote and go on to read the next chapter ... Jason's naked football selfie!

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