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Photo above - Jacey's Twitter profile pic.

Photo at break - Jason tuxxed!

Okay. I know. I should've waited for Johnny to get up before I did any of that Facebook stuff. Before I took those naked selfies and uploaded them. I should have talked it over with Johnny first.

But I get so crazy. Sometimes I just have to do things here and now. I can't wait. To hell with the outcome. Especially now. I feel like I'm fighting for my life here. Who am I going to be? A dipshit wimp who lives my life according to the popular theory of how I should be and keeps my real life, and my lover, deep in a closet just so I can play football and be a sports celebrity? Or am I going to be a real man, a real person, a real human, and live my life as who I am – out, proud, authentic and free, and not hide my love away just to please religions, bigots, and haters?

I am so mother-fuck determined to be the latter. And I can't wait, not even a few minutes, to start putting it all into action. I want the universities to know who I am before they even begin any considerations. I want the whole damn world to know. I want the power, I want to feel the power in me, of being truly myself and fearless in the face of others.

It's like being on the lit-up football fields on all those cold autumn nights, the cheerleaders shouting, the crowds roaring, the adrenalin pumping through my veins. Ohmygod, the power within is so overwhelming. You feel like you can do fucking anything. You know in your heart that even if you don't win the game, you were out there being as strong and powerful and alive as a dude can be. And maybe that's marked me for life, but that's how I'm going to be – a man alive, being me, the real me and the best me I can be, and winning the game of life right here and now every minute as I live it.

I don't want to be a scaredy-cat loser, or even a winning celebrity others regard as a freaking science project, always worried about what's around the next corner, worried about what I say, what I do, who I touch and how I touch them.

I knew Johnny wouldn't mind. After all, he feels the same way I do. And I owe all this to him. If he hadn't forced the issue last Friday, I'd still be that old fearful Jason, stuffing the real me and my real feelings, pretending to be someone I'm not, looking forward to a fabulous fantastic future that would be, in reality, nothing but lies, lies, lies.

God bless Johnny. I love him. When he's holding me at night I pray that this high I get being his lover never ends. That I'll always feel this way. That the fire burning between us will continue to flare throughout the years of our lives ahead.


I had started a Twitter account for Jacey and I needed a profile picture for it, and some other pictures to tweet out when we started getting followers. So, after a quick breakfast, Johnny and I took more pictures. We did a naked football selfie of him by the bathroom door similar to mine for his Facebook profile and loaded it up.

Then we took a few pics of us together, but we needed more than just footballs to hide the boners we got from being naked together so early in the day. Johnny had to a hold a helmet and I had to use a set of shoulder pads to hide what, of course, everybody'd really want to see. We saved the pics for later tweeting except one, which we uploaded to both our Facebook pages.

Next we had to do the picture for Twitter. Johnny suggested that we dress up for it. "Heck, we don't have any clothes on for all the others. Let's cover totally up. Uncle Ted has some great suits and tuxes from when he was younger. He's about the same size as us. Let's go over there and play dress-up for the Jacey fans."

I brought along my phone because it had the timer app, and we went over to the house and raided Uncle Ted's closet.

As we were shoving hangers down the rack checking out all the vintage suits from the Eighties and Nineties, Johnny started laughing. "Ha. I'm surprised not to find Uncle Ted in here, right in his nice cozy closet. I guess he's still in it, at least as far as I'm concerned."

I knew it was bugging him that his uncle hadn't come out to him when they talked on the phone the other night.

"Maybe he's waiting till he gets home to talk to you about it?" I suggested. "Or maybe he's not queer. Maybe he just hangs around with Strike. They could just be friends. "

Johnny shrugged, pulling out a beautiful black tuxedo. "I doubt that, Jason. Straight men tend to have women around. They like them."

He had me there. "Yup, you're right. When I was pretending to be straight, I always had one."

Johnny shot out his arm and punched my shoulder. "And you had me too, you lucky fucker, waiting in the damn wings."

I grabbed a really classy-looking black tuxedo and followed him out into the bedroom. The house was similar to my mom and dad's but really cluttered up with authentic Victorian furniture. The bedroom was big but there was hardly enough room for us both to change because of all the furnishings.

We kept laughing and joking about Uncle Ted as we got dressed, adding shirts and ties and a vest for me, but we had to admit that not only did the man know how to decorate a Victorian house, he also knew how to fucking dress.

We looked at each other admiringly when we were done and checked ourselves out in the ornate free-standing mirror.

"Wow, this is awesome," I said. I was so impressed. "I had no idea we could look like this."

Johnny looked so beautiful in the dark tux and tie that I wanted to do some real serious fooling around with him right there and then. And me? Jeez, I know I'm awfully conceited, but whoa. In the classy tux, white silk vest and bow tie, I looked like I was going to a Hollywood premiere.

Johnny thought the same exact thing. "Dude, you look like you're going to emcee the Oscars."

I grinned and straightened the bow tie in the mirror. "See! Do I know what I'm talking about, or what? Who the fuck needs football? You and me, no matter what we do, we'll catch everybody's attention and come out on top."

We went out into the lovely parlor and took a whole bunch of pictures, together and alone, using a couple wine glasses and a book for props and taking advantage of the antique furniture. When we were finished I grabbed Johnny and held him in my arms. I was so used to him with hardly any clothes on that I couldn't believe how good he looked and felt in a suit and tie.

"You are fucking yummy, dude." I gave him a quick kiss. "If these weren't your uncle's clothes, I'd totally molest you right now, all the way, without taking a stitch of them off."

He kissed me back and pressed our aroused crotches together. "We'll have to buy our own tuxes like these down at the thrift store and do it." Then his expression grew serious and he added, "We can dress like this when we get married. And get a wedding cake with two grooms on it. That is, if any bakery here in Kenton will make us one."

"Fuck." That made my anger rise. "Who needs bigoted redneck bakers? We can make our own damn cake."

And that made me lose it. I couldn't control myself anymore. I started kissing the hell out of Johnny. I didn't care if we slobbered and messed up the tuxes. We could take them to the dry cleaners. He was not going to get away from me looking that good. No way.

I slipped my hands under his jacket and started feeling up his hard muscular torso, his shapely lats that protruded under his arms and narrowed down to his slim waist and sexy hips. His pecs, firm and round and nipples erect as my fingers caressed them. I kissed his lips and his nose and his eyes as my right hand went down to his crotch and palmed the throbbing bulge there, while my left hand slid around back and grabbed his butt, cupping the underside of his cheeks.

He kept trying to find my lips with his own, but it was like my mouth wanted all of him, not just lips. I was out of control, licking his cheeks, his chin, his neck, back up to his ear, sucking on it. The feel of him in the clothes was driving me crazy, and the fact that his whole luscious body was covered by them was maddening and yet, at the same time, fucking thrilling. I wanted to tear them off, piece by piece, yet the clothes themselves were so sexy I had to leave them on.

It was like a whole new Johnny, tempting me out of my mind. And I barely knew the old one yet. Why did I ever think you had to take your clothes off to have sex? I wanted to fuck him right through the sexy black wool of the tux he was wearing.

"Jason," he gasped. "Take it easy."

"Yah right, forget about that, babe."

And I picked him up by his butt and carried him across the room to a gold brocade-upholstered divan with tassels all around its edges and threw him down on it. I watched him looking at me as I knelt down beside him. His eyes were wide and wondering, a little scared like he didn't know exactly what I was going to do, but excited and every bit as smitten with me as I was with him.

I held his face in my hands as I slowly crawled up on top of him. "I think I'm more turned on by you than I've ever been. You're not just Johnny Football, not just a hunky jock. You're a handsome grown-up man. Both of us. We're not held back by what we've been, Johnny. We can make our life together whatever we want it to be."

I was totally on him now, all his hunky manliness beneath me swathed in the dark fabric, his throbbing erection pressed against mine. His arms came up around me as mine slid down beneath him and we pulled at each other with all our strength, the way we often did, as if we could squeeze ourselves together into one.

I sunk into him as he began to kiss me now, exploring my face and neck with his lips, his eyes open, watching me as I began to undulate on top of him, moving my cock over his, back and forth, back and forth, the slip and slide of the fabric adding to the friction and sending jolts of sensation up through my shaft which tingled back throughout my entire body.

"Jason!" he hissed in my ear. "We shouldn't. We really shouldn't ..."

But I was too far gone, and in another few seconds, so was he. He began to move in unison with me, back and forth, faster and faster, pressing harder and harder against each other, our erections on fire, feeling each others' but teased by the fabric, teased in a way that drove us up that proverbial wall - pleasure, annoyance, delight ... madness! Shivers and streaks were sparking up my spine and arms and legs as a flood of sensation began to overwhelm me and the heat of desire grew so strong our mouths fastened together as if we were holding on for our lives.

I heard Johnny moaning deep down in his throat as he kept arching up trying to get closer to me, as I was pressing down trying to get closer to him ... and then, suddenly, our mouths popped apart and we sucked for air as we both cried out in whooping gasps as our passion erupted in spurts and spurts of our manly juices pouring out into the glorious sexy fabric of the vintage tuxes between us.

Panting, we looked at each other in wonder. It was like a new discovery. Like we hadn't known that each day could bring something new to our lives. That each day could bring us another surprising out-of-this-world way to love each other.


When we got back up to the studio we were hooting and laughing, acting like idiots over what we'd done, wondering if we should tell the other guys about it because it was such an amazing way to have sex. We brought the tuxes with us and Johnny tried to clean the crotch areas of the pants as best he could so we wouldn't have to be totally embarrassed to bring them in to the dry cleaners.

"If they get any inkling what happened," Johnny was saying, hardly able to stifle his laughter, "then they'll tell everybody about it and none of the dry cleaners will take our clothes."

I hooted. "So what's new? We already know there's bigoted professors, like Mr. Connors, bigoted insurance men like my dad, bigoted coaches, that's for damn sure, bigoted bakers too. Hell, they have them all over the freaking country. So why not bigoted dry cleaners?"

"Well, we can always say we spilled glue on them," Johnny suggested.

"Yah, sure. Like who uses glue when they're dressed up in a tux?"

"Well, you know."

"No, I don't know." I was still laughing. Glue? "They probably get spoojed-up clothes all the time anyway."

"Right. But ours is queer spooj, dude."

"Which makes it all the better. Dumb fucks that they are, if they don't know that."

I let him finish up the cleaning and uploaded one of the tux pics to Twitter and did more work on Facebook, announcing our Twitter page and posting a link, and dealing with more messages, notifications, and friend requests. When Johnny was done with the tux pants he checked out his recent phone calls and texts. Like me, he had them from everybody, including Ernie, Carey, Emma, and Ginny.

Ginny wanted us to meet her at Starbucks this afternoon at four. She promised to have as much of the cheer squad there for pictures as she could round up. She loved all the media blitz and figured pics with the cheerleaders would be a big boost. Johnny immediately called her back and said we'd be there, so I posted a message on Facebook announcing the event and inviting everybody to come.

The text Johnny got from Ernie made us stop and think. ~dude! thought ide cauz a sinsation w emma n take spotlght off u gyz a littl. but ges u 2 r 2 much 4 anybdy 2 top! lol.  luv u dudes espesh whn in da middl ~

And one from Uncle Ted got us hooting. ~whaddaya boys doing huh? hope the villagers havent uprisen and come with torches to burn the house down ~

We laughed at that, silly us, never dreaming that a few days later we'd both realize that we had indeed created a monster.

A little after noon, wearing only gym shorts and tank tops, we went down to the garage to work out. Johnny pulled the Chevy out and left the big door up so the whole place would be clear and bright, which helped when we did the calisthenics. On the side of the car bays was an additional area set with outdoor carpeting, a couch and table and chairs, and Johnny's workout equipment. We got right into it, straining and grunting, lifting, pressing, curling – pumping ourselves up as if we weren't big enough already and not hot enough already as we were.

Stay Hungry  is the bodybuilder mantra. You chant it over and over in your head as you're knocking the crap out of yourself. There's always that one more rep you can do to pump up your pecs a little bigger, make your biceps a little harder or your abs a little tighter. And never be satisfied with how amazing you already look. There's always that dude coming down the road who's even better, hotter, and going to knock you right off your pedestal.

I was spotting Johnny at the bench when the Connors twins showed up. We'd pulled the bench out onto the concrete floor so we'd have more room and I was guiding the bar back down onto the holders when they walked in the garage.

"Dudes!"Corey shouted. "You guys are nuts with all those pictures. You're already the talk of the town. Whaddaya, goin' for the whole country now?"

I looked over at them and my heart instantly began to thump. They were wearing the snug football pants again, cream-colored ones, with old 1950s-looking basketball tanks from Kenton High in the school colors, green and white, with the school name embroidered on them. They looked like visions out of a wet jock dream, and I grinned at them as I helped pull Johnny up to a sitting position.

"The world, Corey. The whole fuckin' world's gonna be talking before I'm done," I said as I walked around the bench to greet them.

Corey immediately threw his arms around me and pulled me into a sexy clinch. Carey managed to get an arm in there around my shoulders too.

"You always were a big showoff, Landon," he said, giving me a friendly hug and nuzzling me with his nose. "But naked selfies? Don't get me wrong, you both look hot as hell. But ... jeez. When our mom and dad find out about this, they're gonna forbid us to see you guys."

Corey was kissing my face. "Then we'll have to run away from home, Jason, and come here and live with you and Johnny. Think of all the fun that'll be."

"Just wait a minute on that idea." Johnny jumped up from the bench and joined us, slinging his arm around Carey and pecking both twins on the cheek."There's not enough room upstairs for four big lugs like us."

"C'mon, Johnny," Corey protested. "I seem to remember that we fit real nice and cozy on your bed."

"We'd never get any sleep," Johnny squawked.

"But we'd have a lot of good sex," Carey pointed out.

"And a couple of us could always sleep on the couch," I added. "When we actually want sleep, that is."

"Yah, I guess it'd be sort of nice," Johnny relinquished. "We'll be like one big happy homo fami ...."

"Whoa dudes," a big voice suddenly boomed from the doorway. "What the fuck? Huddle time already?"

We all jerked our heads to look and were pretty much startled speechless to see Ernie standing in the open doorway. His eyes were bugged wide, his mouth gaped open in a big O, and his hands rested on his hips with fingers spread out. The tight-fitting t-shirt and jeans he was wearing showed every bulge and curve of his luscious shapely body.

Flustered and uncertain, the twins both jerked to pull away, but Johnny and I held them firmly in place. They couldn't budge an inch.

I managed to find my voice. "Ernie. Yah, we're doing some huddle practice. Come on and join us."

"Fuck yeah I will."

"What the hell?" Carey's eyes darted from me to Johnny and back as Ernie hurried over. He tried to pull away again but Johnny held him on the spot.

"Just stay where you are," he muttered as Corey sank into me, like he was afraid of what Ernie might do.

What Ernie did do was try to wrap his big arms around all four of us.

"I must've died and gone to football heaven," he said. "And I ain't even gonna say wassup 'cuz I figure I already know wassup. And I sure am one happy young Jones because of it."

"Whaddaya mean by that?" Carey grunted at him, trying to push Johnny into me so he could get away from Ernie.

But Ernie was more interested in Corey anyway and kept trying to get at him best he could. Corey looked terrified and was speechless, squirming just like his brother. It was almost amusing to see them squirm. You don't often get to see jocks squirm. But they didn't know Ernie was queer and they had no idea what was up with him.

It looked like Ernie was trying to pull Corey right inside himself, but he paused a moment to rest his forehead against Carey's and answer his question. "I mean I came here to visit our buds Jacey who are coming out to the world as queer. And the first thing I see is them huggin' up you two baby doll hunks who can make a dude climb up the fucking wall just thinkin' 'bout you. Like I've done a thousand times myself 'cuz I'm pretty much just as queer as Jacey."

Well, that was a hella way of saying, "I'm queer, buddy, and it looks like you are too."

"What? You?" Carey's face contorted in surprise. "Wait a minute. We just heard you've been fucking Emma down-on-the-corner up to the moon and back."

"Not that far, sweetie." Ernie was talking to Carey but his eyes and hands were on Corey. "Sure, I still go for a hot blonde girl now and then. But no way near as much as I been hankerin' for a certain pair of boom-titty-boom-boom jock twins I dream about two-three nights a week."

Then Ernie lost it, and he dove right in on Corey, pulling him tight so fast and hard it was like we could hear Corey's bones crush. He kissed him, clamping his mouth down on dude's like a vice. Corey squealed and squirmed for a few seconds, then grabbed onto Ernie like he was climbing a goal post and kissed him back like he'd been saving it up for years.

"Yowza," I heard Johnny grunt.

"Now wait a fuckin' minute, Ernie," Carey was saying, trying to pull them apart.

Johnny and I had to grab Carey and pull him a few feet away. We held him there so he'd leave the other two alone.

"Cool it, dude," Johnny said. "They're just kissing."

"Yeah, what are you mad about?" I asked. "Ernie won't hurt him."

Carey was steaming. "What the hell? Why's everybody like Corey more than me?"

Johnny grunted a laugh. "C'mon dude. You're the better looking one. But he's the cuter one. And you know 'cute' gets them every time. That's just the way it works."

At that same moment Colt came flying into the garage whining and barking with excitement, and he started jumping all over Ernie and the twins. He'd been running around loose in the woods but must have heard the boys come up the drive. He was totally revved up, almost as much as Ernie.

"Colt! Cool it!" I shouted at him. "He goes nuts around dudes," I said to Carey, still holding onto him. "Johnny and I figure he's a queer dog."

Carey twitched his nose, watching Ernie and Corey wind down their intense embrace. "I don't doubt it. Seems everyone is queer around here."

And that's when Dino walked in the garage, as if right on fucking cue.

If we thought he looked good last night, today he could give just about anybody a couple heart attacks. He was wearing fitted white shorts and a white tank top with a red, white, and green map of Italy on the front. With his smooth tanned muscular legs, his bulging biceps, and his dark good looks, he looked like a walking ad for an Italian musclehunk porn video.

Colt flew right at him.

"Whoa, doggie." Dino yelped, trying to keep the excited animal down as he looked at Ernie and Corey with wide popping eyes.

They'd just pulled apart from their kiss, which Dino had to have seen.

"Damn, the dog sure likes you," Johnny said, scurrying around trying to catch Colt by the collar.

"Tell me about it." Dino backed away as Colt gave another lunge. "And Ernie sure likes Corey, huh?"

He was staring at the two of them with an inscrutable expression on his face, and Johnny and I almost burst out laughing at their reaction, Ernie and the twins. They looked like they'd been caught in the act doing something really naughty, and by the team co-captain, no less, to make it all the worse.

They had no idea, of course, same as we hadn't, that Dino was just as queer as the rest of us. Ernie squared his shoulders, puffed his chest out a little, and thrust up his chin defiantly.

"Wassup, dude?" he said in a challenging tone. "I was just saying hello to Corey, that's all. I just got here myself."

"In that case, bud," Dino smiled and spread out his arms, "come say hello to me."

Ernie and the twins looked at each other, then at me and Johnny, then over to Dino and then back among themselves. Ernie gently pushed Corey away and went to take a step forward, faltered, and then stood there like he was frozen in time.

I knew it was too much to process all at one time, all of us being queer. Yah, who'd fucking believe it and why the fuck hadn't we known about it for at least the last three-four years? I watched Johnny pulling the rambunctious Colt back away from Dino and I stepped over and jabbed Ernie in the arm.

"Go on, dude. Say hello to Dino. He's not gonna bite you."

Ernie gave me a you-better-not-be-fuckin-with-me look and walked over to Dino. I knew he was embarrassed. He would've turned red if he could. He spread his arms and they grabbed each other to hug. Dino was bigger than Ernie, but together they made a picture worth a thousand words, every one of them spelled f-u-c-k-i-n-g - h-o-t.

It was obvious that Ernie's only intention was to hug Dino, but Dino had bigger stakes in mind. He pulled in Ernie tight and drew him into a kiss so hot it gave us the chills and, I learned later, made every one of our dicks start throbbing.

"For Chrissake. Dino too?" Carey grunted.

"The whole football team must be queer," Corey hissed.

Johnny laughed, enjoying the spectacle. "If we're lucky."

And that's when we got another surprise to slap us totally upside our heads, even Johnny and me.

"Jeezus Christ, fellas! What the hell's going on?" we heard from over by the house.

We all turned that way to look, except Dino and Ernie, still lost in their kiss.

"Oh fuck," Carey blurted out.

"Ain't no way him too ... ?" Corey cried.

I agreed with Corey, but I don't think Johnny did.

"All right," I heard him mutter happily. "This I like."

Standing there in the drive by the back of the house was Danny Fenn, our other co-captain, our Den Daddy, sometimes substitute Mommy, and everybody's Best Bud Ever. And he was watching Dino and Ernie with startled confounded eyes as they broke their passionate embrace and their eyes focused right on him ...

PHOTO above - Danny

NEXT - Danny ... is he or isn't he?  And the Jacey rally at the Town Square.

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