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PHOTO above - Trenton in his webcam video

Many thanks to everyone who commented about Trenton and asked for him to be a prominent character ...

"Ohmygod." Johnny was behind the wheel in the Chevy and his eyes swerved from the road to gape at me. "Trenton's coming over tomorrow night?"

I laughed at him. "Keep your eyes on the road, dude. Lotsa deer around here at night. Yes, he's coming over and he's gonna stay all night."

"Oh man ... no shit?"

I kept on laughing. He'd looked back ahead but he was struggling not to turn back to me.

"And he's never been with a dude before," I went on. "So we get to initiate him, like we did Danny. How'dya like that?"

"Whoa jeez ..." Johnny blew out an excited breath. "Turning on two hot dudes in two days? Mother huncher! We could make a career of it, huh?"

I slapped the dashboard and hooted. "You bet. We'll make southeast Ohio the queerest part of the nation. And when we get home now we can watch Trenton's JockBoyCam video. See if we like what he has to offer."

"Like? Are you crazy? We've seen him naked a million times and he's awesome. That gorgeous bod. He's one hundred-eighty pounds of pure muscle. I bet he doesn't have an ounce of body fat. Plus he's so-o-o-o frikken macho. And that big dick!"

"Huh? How do you know it's big? We never saw him with a hardon in the locker room."

"Well it's a pretty big softie, so I'm guessing it's nice and big hard."

"Haha. You guessed right," I chuckled. "It was hard when we were peeing and, yah, you're gonna like it."

"Wow, we're gonna have to rest up all day tomorrow for that, huh?"

"Oh yeah? What about football training, Johnny?"

He snorted. "Screw that. We'll train real hard when Trenton comes over."

Back at the restaurant I had told him and Ginny what happened in the men's room when Trenton came in. Johnny was really surprised, not having suspected Trenton of having any kind of gay or bi tendencies. Ginny was flat out shocked, once again questioning her gaydar, especially since she'd actually dated him.

When I told her how badly he was crushing on her, she really was flabbergasted. She couldn't believe it. But it only took her a couple minutes to start believing and then she couldn't stop looking over at him, casting him all kinds of flirty glances.

As he and his parents were leaving a few minutes later, he stopped by to talk to us. He was pretty cool too, considering that Ginny turned him to absolute mush. And Johnny had to hold her down so she wouldn't jump Trenton's bones right there in Bob Evans. So I gave her the JockBoyCam link. She might as well check out the goods, too, since she was already ready to eat him up alive. 

Damn. She was so excited. She'd never thought of it before – a bi boy. One who liked her and guys too. One who could get other hot queer or bi guys to join him and her for threesomes. And at the rate things were going, which we didn't tell her of course, it looked like there'd be a whole lineup of fellow football players he could choose from. Hell, most of the boys wouldn't mind Ginny being there at all in order to get Trenton.

But he didn't have to go that route with me and Johnny. He wanted us both. Together. No girls. And so did we.

We dropped Ginny off at home, warily looking around for a sign of Mark. But he was nowhere to be seen, thank God, because we probably would've wanted to beat the crap out of him. I sure would have. We thanked her for arranging the rally on the square and assured her we'd do everything we could to help get Trenton into her bedroom, which was rather infamous around town with the many dudes who'd sneaked in there for a night or two or several.

Then we took the Lexus back to my mom and dad's and played with Colt for a few minutes. Poor dog, he was totally wild seeing us. He really missed me and Johnny and, of course, running around up in the hills by Spirit Rock.

Then my mom got into her gestapo mode and made us sit down at the kitchen table. There was no layout of food waiting there to be eaten, so I figured it was something brutal again. Johnny and I looked at each other, wondering what was up.

"Johnny, don't look so scared," she said to him. "This is Jason's problem, although you are going to have to learn how to control him if you don't want endless troubles coming your way."

She leaned against the counter by the sink and looked at me. "I saw the video of you two and Dino talking to Coach Bailey on the square. Somebody uploaded it to your Facebook page, a couple of them. Complete with sound."

I groaned and rolled my eyes, tried to say something, but she cut me off.

"Don't go excusing your behavior. I understand how you feel and I agree with you. But you have to think before you say things, Jason. You not only dared the universities to take it or leave it – you – but you also showed them how volatile you can be. Ready to blow up in a few seconds. You know damn well they'll see that video, and who knows what they'll think of it. And they'll be watching every single move you make now.

"And, ohmygod," she added, pulling out a chair and sitting down across the table from us. "Wait till your father sees it. Mount Vesuvius will erupt once again and Pompeii will be covered with lava worse than the last time. I know you don't care about upsetting him, but think of me at least. I still have to live with him."

Johnny had his hand on my thigh, pressing hard. I knew he was warning me to stay cool. And I did. I wanted to tell her how upset I was. That I'd been crying out in the driveway earlier in the day in Johnny's arms. I wanted to tell her that Mark Rydell had tried to kill us and that it was really a miracle we were still alive. I wanted to tell her that the Cleveland Mafia was watching our backs, that we were in danger, and it was real, and that I was so fucking afraid something bad was going to happen. But I couldn't say anything about that. It would only make her feel worse!

So what I said was, "I'm sorry, mom. I'll be careful what I say and do."

And Johnny said, "I'll be tougher with him, Mrs. Landon. I won't let him do all this crazy stuff anymore."

And then we just about ran out of there.

And now, in the old Chevy as we turned down Johnny's street, I said, "No wonder queer dudes are obsessed with sex. Every other aspect of their lives is full of shit."

"You're right, Jason," Johnny agreed. "But let's cool it a little bit, huh? Let's just chill for the rest of the week. No more media. Shut it down for a few days. We're going to Columbus on Friday and we can have a really good time there. Let's just enjoy ourselves, okay?"

I knew Johnny wasn't crazy about the social media and the whole Jacey thing. He'd given me his phone because he couldn't stand all the constant calls and messages. In so short a time it had grown so big, and I wasn't crazy about dealing with it either. The sheer volume made it a chore, but I knew I was obsessed with it and couldn't stop.

I forced a laugh for Johnny. "All I wanna do is go home and watch Trenton's video, make out with you, check the latest messages, and then you can knock me out like you did on Saturday so I don't have to think about anything for a while."

He reached over and gently jabbed my chin. "Gladly. That was fun, babe. I love having you all to myself when you're totally out and don't know what the hell I'm doing to you."

Later, Johnny was in the bathroom and I was sitting in front of the computer waiting for it to boot up so we could watch Trenton on the big monitor screen. When it did, I clicked open Mozilla and typed in the URL for the video as Johnny pulled a chair in from the kitchen and sat down next to me.

He put his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek. "Feel better than you did earlier today?"

I nodded. "Yah, that rally cheered me up. It's nice to know so many people are behind us. I just don't know what's wrong with me, though. I keep focusing on the crap instead of the good."

"Well, let's focus on Trenton now," Johnny suggested. "Wow, look at him."

The site had loaded and it showed a shirtless Trenton in tight low-riding beltless jeans standing in front of his webcam in his bedroom. He was in a sexy pose showing off his muscles. You couldn't see his face but I sure recognized the body. I'd memorized every inch of it watching him in the locker room over the years. It wasn't moving, though, because the website logo and membership window were superimposed over it.

"Fuck. It wants a user name and password," Johnny said. "We'll have to join."

"I already belong." I typed in the required information in the empty fields. Then I clicked the box and the window disappeared.

"So you watch these dudes a lot?" Johnny asked as an arrow appeared in the middle of the screen.

"Yep, for a couple years now."

"And all that time you were pretending you weren't attracted to me?"

"Jeez, Johnny." I looked at him and felt like I'd never forgive myself for that. "I was an asshole. The biggest one who ever lived. I'd watch these dudes online and then I'd go to bed and dream of being with you. You can knock me out tomorrow, too. And the day after. I fucking deserve it."

"Don't be so hard on yourself." His chin was resting on my shoulder. "Almost everybody's like that. Look at our friends. Everybody just sitting around waiting for ... who knows the fuck what?"

"For us," I said. "We're the catalyst that's got them all going. We sure started something and who knows where the hell it's gonna end up?"

I clicked the arrow and Trenton started moving, bicep-flexing  so you could see his amazing arms and chest and wish you could touch him.

"He is so awesome," Johnny sighed, nibbling on my ear. "Look at his waist. It's so small. Gotta be twenty-nine inches. We wear thirty-one and he's slimmer than us."

"But his arms and chest are as big as ours," I put in as Trenton stepped back and we could see his face and his legs. "God, he must not eat at all to be that slim. And that bulge in his jeans ... yow!"

"Yo dudes," Trenton was saying, grinning at the camera and tossing his head a little so his high-combed pomp would shift and sway. "My name is Trent and I play fullback on my high school football team somewhere deep in the American Midwest."

He laughed, sticking his thumbs in the two front belt loops of his jeans. "Real deep, let me tell ya, bros, cuz I don't even know any guys here who dig other guys. So I'm hoping you'll like me and send me a message at trent-at-jock-boy-cam-dot-com. And if you have a vid here, let me know about it too, huh?"

"Sexy fucker," Johnny hissed. "Ginny's right. What a bunch of sluts we guys are. You never saw him on this site before?"

"No. I had no idea. What a major secret this is. Trenton, of all people, a webcam boy on the Internet."

"I notice he's going by Trent," Johnny pointed out.

"Right, and he was always so fussy about us not calling him that. Always said he didn't like it."

Johnny smirked. "Maybe 'Trent' makes him feel anonymous online. Look."

Trenton was rubbing his crotch and it was rapidly turning into a monster bulge that the jeans were not built to contain.

"Wanna see what's in here, dudes?" he asked, his expression bland, his voice husky, one eyebrow cocked.

"Damn. He acts so badass like that," Johnny groaned. "He's got that real-down-muthafucka swagger."

"Tell me about it. Vinnie ought to hire him into the Mafia."

We watched with bugged-out eyes as Trenton unzipped the tight jeans and then suddenly pulled them down, his hair tumbling toward the camera as he bent over. Then he flung his head back up, his hair swooshing back uptop his head, and he kicked the jeans off his legs, leaving him in a pair of tight sexy white boxer briefs accented by the monster bulge.

"Whoaaa," Johnny barked as I, at the same moment, cried, "Jeezus!"

"Whaddaya think, boys?" Trenton was asking, his splayed fingers moving slowly inward along the low-riding waistband of the briefs.

"I think your muscular thighs look good enough to eat," I couldn't help but respond.

"And that bulge in your boxers, dude," Johnny joined in. "I wanna bite it."

Trenton was laughing. "Maybe if I pull these down a little bit," he mused, gripping the sides of his briefs with his thumbs and pulling them down a couple inches right to the top of the now visibly throbbing bulge.

Then he placed his left hand right on the bulge and jiggled it up and down. He grinned again in his devilish manner.

"Anyone want a bite?"

"Yah me," Johnny snarled, his arm moving down to my waist and his hand slipping over to feel up my abs. "And I don't wanna wait until tomorrow night."

My dick, already ridiculously overstimulated today, was stiffening again and I had to squirm around in my chair to give it room in my pants to grow.

"You know," Trenton was taunting us, "I could spend the next couple of minutes slowly revealing my pretty surprise package here or I can just go swoosh ..." he made a little movement with his thumbs ... "and pull these briefs down real fast. Whaddaya think?"

"Real freakin' fast!" we both shouted at him.

"Yo dudes. You got it," he laughed and ... swooosh ... pulled those boxers right down like a lightning strike.

And his big gorgeous dick popped out right at the webcam.

"Ohmygod!" Johnny's eyes were popping. "Look at that. And he's uncut too. I forgot about that. I love foreskins."

"That's cuz you don't have one," I laughed.

"Either do you, bud. But we'll sure have a good time with his."

Trenton was grinning, stepping out of his boxers, his erection bobbing, his balls shifting as his thigh muscles twerked as he moved his legs.

"He must've shaved for doing this video," Johnny said. "Except for a little pubic hair, he's smooth all over like Dino."

"Yeah, just his crotch and his face have hair. He always has that three-day stubble on his cheeks."

Johnny's hand went down to my crotch, feeling up my own bulge. "You mean he whipped his dick out, hard like that, in the men's room and you didn't want to fool around with him?"

"For cryin' out loud, Johnny. It was in Bob Evans. My mom wants me to behave. We could get arrested."

That'd sure be a helluva situation to explain to my mom. I could just hear myself saying, 'We were just peeing, mom, and we suddenly both got instant boners. For no reason at all. Really.'

To which she'd reply, 'Yes, Jason. That part I can understand. But why was his boner up your rear end when the cops busted you?'

What? Johnny wants me to behave, too, and then he wonders why when I do? I had to laugh that he'd consider Trenton to be an exception.

Trenton was muscleboy posing again, flexing his biceps and turning his hips so you could see his boner from all angles. Then he smoothed his hand down his chest to his abdomen and slid a finger down the deep indentation between his rows of abs.

"Yowww ..." Johnny groaned. "You could slurp up ab shots on him."

"Yah, among other things," I agreed. "Dude is just one mondo slurp fest."

"You wanna see my ass?" Trenton asked, his voice hard and bad like Sly Stallone, yet ridiculously sensual because he was so hot and sexy naked.

"Yes, you son of a bitch," Johnny growled at him. "Whaddaya waitin' for?"

"He is definitely a total tease. Look at him, just standing there grinning." I wanted to jump right in the monitor and beat on him. Or kiss him. Or turn him around and fuck him. But I just moaned, "All right, Trenton, show us already."

Johnny chuckled as Trenton slowly turned around. "It's not like we haven't seen it before. I know I totally check him out every time in the locker room."

"Me too. But we have to behave in there. It's not like we can hoot and holler at him like this and ... holy shit wahoo!"

Trenton had completed his turn and there was now a splendid full view of his broad muscular back and his totally to-die-for round-cheeked humpy butt. We were both deadly quiet as he bicep-flexed for a back musclehunk view, then slowly bent forward and spread his booty cheeks with his hands.

Johnny was gripping my dick so hard it hurt.

"Ohmyfuckinggod," I blurted out. "I wanna get my face in there, Trenton dude. All the fucking way."

"Like you did with Corey?" Johnny laughed.

"Right. And that's just the beginning. Ain't no way even a bear's gonna get my face outta Trenton's butt once I get it in there."

Johnny loved hearing me talk dirty. He was tousling my hair and jabbing me. I was all turned on again, and my dick was bent because it had gotten so big, scrunched up in my underwear and pants. My balls were aching again too. If I kept up all this stimulation with no release, Johnny'd have to take me to the emergency room.

I pushed my chair back and stood up, shoved my hand down my pants front to adjust my dick and give it some wiggle room. Seemed like I'd been doing that all day long.

Johnny looked at me and cracked up laughing.

"Hey, it's not comfortable having boners with clothes on," I told him. "Especially with you squishing it too. Damn. There, that's better." I pulled my hand back out. "And anyway, this is nuts. We're watching some dude online when we have each other totally in the flesh right here."

"He's not just some dude. He's Trenton."

"Right. And he's gonna be here tomorrow night, live and in person. And we can totally molest him and eat him up. For now, I wanna molest you and eat you up. You're way hotter than him anyway."

Johnny raised his brows. "You really think so?"

"Damn right I do. You're hotter than him and Dino and Danny, even Carey and Corey and Ernie. And they're the hottest dudes in the whole fucking country. God only knows how they all ended up here in Kenton."

"They ended up here so you and me could have hot friends." Johnny stood up and grabbed me, pulling me into him. "So you're gonna tune out Trenton for me?"

"Yah, fuck him." I looked back at the monitor and Trenton was now crawling on his bed with his hot butt in the air. Yeesh! Fuck him was right. But I had Johnny right here and his butt was even better. And I hadn't had my face way up him yet. And I wanted to fuck him too.

"But I want to record us," I said. "Where'd you put my laptop?"

I'd brought it with me when I moved in but let Johnny put it away because his PC was set up and I liked the big monitor better.

"Record us for what, Jason? You're not gonna send it to JockBoyCam. That's all we need is a sex video of Jacey online. No way could we keep that secret."

"No  way, I'm not gonna put it online. Then for sure my dad would kill me."

I hugged him. It made me feel so warm and fuzzy the way he was so concerned about me doing stupid things. Like, he really cared about me. He did. It was true. And it was also true that I did do stupid things. Oh how I was beginning to realize that.

"I wanna record it for us, Johnny. So we can sit here and watch ourselves and get all excited over how hot and hunky we are. And we can give a copy to Ginny. She'll keep it secret. We can't have pity sex with her. That's just not cool. But we can give her a video of Jacey doing it. She'll like that."

He looked at me a moment, not knowing what to think. Then he nodded. "Okay, but no files going out over the Internet. If somebody got a copy of a Jacey sex video ..."

"I know. I know," I stopped him. "It'd be on Headline News by evening. I'll put it on a flash drive for Ginny and it'll be a file just on my laptop. Nothing more."

Johnny got the laptop from the closet by the bathroom where he'd stored it, and I set it up on one of the kitchen chairs facing the bed so it'd catch us standing or lying down. We turned on all the lights in the apartment so it'd be nice and bright, and we covered the bed with a white sheet so our tanned bodies would show up razor sharp against it.

Then I clicked on the video program and we stripped down to our underwear, nice sexy white bikini briefs. I clicked on the webcam page and there we were in the little window that popped up on the screen.

Yah, we sure looked hot!

"Move over, Trenton," I laughed. "Johnny, look at us."

"Yah, I like those two dudes. Are we really that sexy?"

"You bet we are. I'm gonna start it. Now don't forget, we're like fucking class A porn stars."

I clicked on start and slipped my arm around Johnny's shoulders, my other hand on his abs, rubbing slightly. Then I raised it in the air with the first two fingers held up in the peace sign.

"Deuces, everybody," I said with a big smile. "My name is Jason. Friends and fans call me Jason Quarterback. And this hot freakin' hunk here is Johnny, also known as Johnny Football."

I smooched him on the cheek. "Say hello to everybody, Johnny."

He stared a black look at me. "I thought everybody  was not gonna see this."

"You know what I mean. Everybody who is gonna see it. Like just three people. Me, you, and that sweet blonde bish we like."

He gave me a scornful look then forced a smile, wrapped his arm around my back, and looked back at the camera.

"Yo everybody," he greeted. "We're just two everyday jock dudes from a small town in Ohio. Some of our fans ship us as Jacey, and we like that. Cuz we're lovers, too, and we're really working on that old romantic concept of two people becoming one."

He was so cool, Johnny was. I would've never thought of saying that.

Our briefs were totally bulging now and I slid my hand down to palm the bulge in Johnny's.

"What a big surprise package he's got here, huh?" I said, hefting his junk up and down. "Oh man, wouldn't you like to feel this too?"

Johnny was so quick. He grabbed me by the waist, moved me in front of him with one swift yank, and pulled my briefs down to my knees before I even knew what was happening.

I saw the astounded expression on my face on the screen and then his arms were around my chest holding me, his chin on my shoulder, and he was laughing.

"Talk about a surprise," he continued. "Look at dude's big hot dick. Can you believe I get to play with it all day and night, and get fucked by it right in my ass too?"

My throbbing erection was bobbing up and down right at the camera as Johnny was humping my butt from behind.

Then he spun me around and pulled me against him, his big arms wrapped around my back. My chin was on his shoulder as he was showing off my backside to the camera. I could just picture his lascivious grin.

"And look at this back," Johnny was saying as his hands roved up and down from my waist to my shoulders and back again. "I can get lost on it. It's like the Grand Canyon. You gotta take a boat ride down the middle just to see the whole fuckin' thing."

Yikes. Johnny Alpha was here totally taking over. I didn't know he'd automatically pop out if you put a webcam on him.

Next his hands were roving over my butt.

"Look at this ass," he was saying to 'everybody'. "Did you ever see anything like it? And there's very fine curly blond hair all over it. Good enough to eat. Who the fuck said, 'Let them eat cake'? No way. Not when you've got jock butt like this at home. I get to eat it, and I get to fu ... "

I grabbed him around the back like he'd done to me and I spun him around so fast that we lost our balance and almost went toppling on top of the chair and laptop. We were grunting and laughing as we just barely managed not to fall, and I kept my tight hold on him, his back to the camera now.

It was my turn to pull his briefs down.

"Talk about butts. Look at this. Johnny's butt is like the continental divide. The glaciers from the Ice Age couldn't have worn it down. And he's got an official certificate from Hardboy Magazine stating he's a Level Five Power Bottom. Oh jeez lucky me, huh? And I ..."

Johnny pulled his head back from my shoulder and kissed me. Hell, we were naked, our briefs down around our knees, all hot and bothered from our unfulfilled make-out sessions with the twins at the back alley dumpsters, and from just having watched part of Trenton's video, which they could use on The Walking Dead to get those fuckers to run ... and our throbbing erections were scrunched hard against each other ...

Yah, what a hot sultry sexy kiss. And I got completely lost in it as Johnny moved me around a little so our sides were facing the camera and 'everybody' would have a really good view.

How sweet, I was thinking. He wanted everybody to see us kissing and grinding our crotches together in our hot passionate delirium.

When ... swoooooosh ...

And .... "Whoaaaa ...!" I shouted as, all of a sudden, my legs went flying up, my head and shoulders fell back, and I was lifted off my feet by Johnny's big strong arms. My head lolled back and I looked at the laptop. Johnny was standing there like a muscle-bound Tarzan, his stiff cock pointing at the camera, and me lolling in his arms up by his chest, my own boner almost bumping his chin.

I don't think I ever saw anything so hot and sexy before. I thought I was going to start hyperventilating!

I gasped. "What? Now you think you're King Kong?"

"I'm your  king," he totally growled. "And don't you forget it."

And to the webcam he said, "And now I'm gonna show you how I fuck Jason."

He turned and plopped me on the bed, then immediately grabbed my legs and pulled my briefs off, tossing them into a corner.

"You're not gonna fuck me, dude," I yelled loud enough for the microphone to pick up. "I've been crazy horny all afternoon and I'm fucking you."

"Yah right," came his laugh. "We'll see about that."

He kicked off his briefs and jumped right on me. And then we were fighting, really fighting, hot sexy fighting, skin to skin, wrestling, struggling, each of us trying to get ahold of the other and dominate him.

Wrestling naked with boners is not a good idea because you can bang them and twist them and crunch them, and it hurts. But at the same time it's so fucking erotic, especially when the goal is to overpower your musclehunk opponent and fuck his brains out.

Johnny managed to flip me over. He had my left arm pushed up my back and I was yelping and growling and laughing, too, and my dick was scrunched against the bed underneath me like it was going to break in half at any second.

I don't know how I did it, but I got him with my legs around him somehow and managed to get him off me. Then I twisted back on top of him and got him in a similar, but double, arm hold. He was grunting and yelping as my dick slid along that deep valley between his butt cheeks and I started humping away.

"How do you like that, Johnny Alpha?" I laughed. "I'm the big Kahuna today and you're just gonna have to take it."

He was looking at the camera grunting, groaning, growling ... but I was furious now, not with rage but with passion, and I grabbed the lube from the night stand near the bed and juiced us both up. Then I eased into him all the way to the root of my cock. My head was spinning and I slammed down flat onto him, my hands on his arms, my face next to his, my teeth biting his ear.

And I was grunting as I slammed and slammed into him, "You fucking Johnny Alpha! I love you; I lust you. I don't know why I even look at other dudes when I've got you ... you ... YOU."

And I was so pumped and hepped up that I'd overtaken him.

I didn't know it, of course, till later when we watched the video, that all the time I was going nuts on him he was looking at the camera winking, grinning, and laughing.

He'd let me beat him out so I could fuck him, and he was enjoying the absolute hell out of it!


PHOTO - swingin' Trenton.

NEXT - Johnny's shocking reaction to a late-nite phone call from Channing, the quarterback from Canton Garfield High.

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