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 Squaw's Leap


More action at the jock-over ...

I watched Jason and Braden out there on the leap from the cover of the trees.

Minutes before, practically buried in the guys myself, I saw Jason grappling to pull Braden out of the pile-up of horny jocks. Carey had ripped my shirt off and was feeling me up all over and kissing me like a maniac, carrying on about how much he missed me. I was surprised because his mouth tasted like tobacco, and he wasn't a smoker. None of us smoked. Dino was attacking my bottom half, struggling to pull my shorts down. But he was unable to wait and shoved his hand into my briefs to grab my dick. So I had to fight them both off me just to get back up to my feet.

I stumbled away, pulling up my shorts as I watched Jason pull Braden roughly by the ear into the stretch of woods that led out to the leap. I had no idea what the hell he was doing. He looked really angry, but I didn't know why he'd be angry at Braden. We didn't really know him that well. He wasn't a jock and we'd never really hung around with him.

I followed and watched as they kissed against the cliff. That sure surprised me. I wouldn't have expected Jason to want to fool around with Braden, but he was totally into it. It looked sexy as all hell too. I loved watching hot guys making out, and they sure were hot. I had to admit, Braden was beautiful. Maybe not as built as most of the jocks, but handsomer than most of them, almost as good looking as Carey.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but then Jason yelled at Braden and I heard that real clear. Braden was turning Carey on to drugs. Weed and painkillers. Jason was pissed at him about it, but he'd obviously had to squeeze in a little making out too. He couldn't resist it. I probably would've laughed about it had it not been so upsetting to hear about Carey.

No wonder Jason had that panic attack in the car earlier. He'd been texting with Corey and Corey had probably told him that Braden was giving Carey drugs. Then I brought it up to Jason that he was probably desiring older men because he missed his dad. With all the other stresses on his mind, that had put him over the top.

Fuck. We couldn't allow Carey to become a stoner. I wanted to throw Braden over the leap too.

I watched as Jason let Braden go and he ran past me on the path. I wanted to jump out and grab him, give him a piece of my mind too. But I checked myself and stayed put figuring Jason had scared him enough.

Then I walked out onto the path. Jason had turned around and was looking down at the lights of town below. I called out softly to him so he wouldn't be startled.

"Yo, it's me. Johnny."

Jason turned to look as I stepped out onto the leap. He smiled at me. "Hey, I thought you were in the dudepile."

I walked over to him and put my arms around him. "I was until I saw you pull Braden out and drag him down here. Then I followed. I heard that last part when you yelled at him. The fucker!"

Jason wrapped his arms around me too. I was happy to feel he wasn't trembling. He was pretty calm considering what had just gone down.

"Yah, he's been getting Carey high all week. Dude's never even smoked a cigarette before. He definitely can't do pot and narcotics well. Oxys. Braden's been giving Carey oxys. The asshole. Carey was so fucked up last night his mom and dad almost took him to the ER. Now they're pissed at him, figuring he's hooked on drugs."

"Damn. Carey was kissing me back up there and it sure seemed he tasted like tobacco," I said. "But now you mention it, yah, it was marijuana. They must've smoked some earlier."

"Right. That's why Corey was texting me on our way back to Kenton. Braden had lit up a joint. Corey was mad as hell, and the other guys too. None of us smoke pot. We'd be pretty shitty on the football field if we did. But nobody wanted to say anything to Braden, so Corey asked me to handle it."

"Sure, he's worried about his brother, like I'm worried about you, Jason. You handled it right, but did you have to handle Braden himself so much?"

Jason sighed and rested his head on my shoulder. "I couldn't resist. He's awfully sexy. And he felt real good too."

"I bet he did. But I thought you didn't go for girly dudes."

"I don't. Braden doesn't look girly, he just acts that way a little. And on him it's fuckin' sexy." Then he giggled in his own girly way. "It'd be like if you suddenly started to act like that, a little swish here, a little swish there. Ohmygod Johnny, would that ever turn me on."

"Dude, I'm not swishing anywhere, not even for you. Idiot! And don't be worrying about Carey. We'll take care of it. Nobody's gonna mess up our jockbro. Don't let it upset you."

He clunked his forehead against mine. "I'm not upset. I feel great. That little chill pill did the trick. I gotta get me a supply of my own."

"I'm so happy to hear that, Jason."

If the tranqs fixed him up, jeez, that was awesome, and a quick solution to the problem. I pulled him close and kissed him, our bodies crushing together. And it didn't even take a minute, we were both totally turned on, our bulging crotches grinding against each other.

"Wanna go back to the dude sexplosion?" I asked him.

He laughed at my choice of words. "That sure describes it, a real Kama Sutra show-and-tell, huh? But nah, I just want to be with you, Johnny. There's something I'd like to do though."

My hands slipped up his back under his shirt. "Anything you want, babe."

He looked out toward the edge of the leap. "Could you, like, fuck me?"

I laughed. "I can more than like fuck you. I can totally fuckin' fuck you."

He jutted with his chin. "Out there? Right on the edge?"

Yikes. He sure must be feeling good. "Be serious, dude. You know how we get doing that. We'll roll right off."

He pressed his crotch tighter to mine. "We can control ourselves. We'll be careful."

I had to come up with some kind of argument. "Your mom said to stay off the leap."

"We're already on it, so the hell with that. And I bet if my dad had wanted to fuck her right here when she was eighteen, she would've done it."

"Ohmygod Jason. What a thing to say about your mother. But you're right. Who could resist the mighty Thor way high up on a mountain top?"

As we moved out toward the edge, Jason asked, "Do you remember the last time we were here?"

I snorted. "Pfft! I sure do. That was probably the night I fell in love with you."

It was six years ago and we were twelve years old, our first year in the Boy Scouts. We'd come here with the troop to Squaw's Leap for a weekend camping trip. We'd been friends in school then, but not as close as now, and we'd played together on Junior Football and Little League baseball teams. But that weekend, because we had to share a tent together, we both found out just how alike we really were.

Jason was chuckling. "Remember how we snuck out here in the middle of the night and Mr. Westfield found us and had a fit?"

They had told us over and over again not to go out near the edge of the leap, but when we'd sneaked out of the tent and came down here we were sitting with our legs dangling right over the edge. The troop leader caught us and stupidly shouted at us from behind.

"He was a freakin' idiot," I said. "He scared the hell out of us. We could've fallen off."

We were near the edge now, about twelve feet out from the cliff. It always gave me such an exhilarating feeling being here, like flying on a big stone magic carpet, surrounded on three sides by nothing but open air.

"We should've fucked that night when we were out here five years ago," I said.

Jason snorted. "We were just kids, Johnny. Way too young for that."

"Bull. I was totally horny that whole weekend. I had a raging boner both nights in that tent with you."

"You fucker." Jason pulled me close and kissed me on the cheek. "So did I. I guess that's when I fell in love with you too. You were constantly on my mind all the time since that weekend."

"Yah, while you pretended to be straight for six more years and made me drool after you like a puppy dog."

Jason lowered himself to the ground and pulled me down alongside him. "And I'll spend the rest of our lives together making it up to you. Like now."

He unbuckled his belt and pulled off his shorts and briefs, then helped me do the same. I was naked now and I helped Jason to pull his shirt off so he'd be naked too. We sat there with our arms around each other's backs, our boners pointing up at the stars.

"No Mr. Westfield to bother us tonight," Jason laughed.

"Right, but there's a wild pack of horny dudes not far away."

"Don't worry about them. They'll be busy for quite a while yet."

Then Jason leaned forward and, pushing his legs behind him, spread out onto his stomach facing the edge, which was only about three feet ahead.

He looked up at me. "I want my head out over the edge, like you're fucking me on top of the world and I don't give a crap what anybody down there thinks about it."

He started crawling toward the edge.

"Jason! Please! Be careful."

"I will. There's a tube of lube in my shorts pocket. Get it, huh?"

I grunted a yes, adding, "This stone is smooth like slate. It's hot and we're sweating. We have to make sure we don't slip and slide."

"Stop worrying. We'll be fine."

I grabbed the lube from inside his pocket. "What the fuck? You're the one who's been worrying something's gonna happen to you, and scaring the hell out of me about it."

"Well I'm not worried now, lover boy. I'm alive and feel totally awesome ... and I love you! And ... wahooooo!"

Jason was gripping the edge with his hands, his face out over it and his shout echoing out in the vast valley below us.

My heart was pounding as I crawled up to him. It was a three-hundred foot drop down to the creek below. I didn't want us to end up down there. But I was so fucking happy. This was the real Jason I loved, back so strong I hadn't realized how much I'd been missing him. It was like when we ran out onto the field at the beginning of a football game. He was all hepped up, raring to go, ready to win the game and fucking dance in the end zone.

I plopped down on his back, my hands on his shoulders, my head next to his as we looked at the twinkling lights of Kenton and everything around it.

"You'd better not shout," I whispered in his ear. "Your mom will hear you."

He snorted a laugh, then wailed, "Hey mom! I'm up here. Johnny's gonna fuck me up on the mountain. I love him, mom!"

I bit his earlobe. "You crazy nutbag."

I was so pumped to see him like this again, like that night last week down by the river when he was just totally his powerful real self. I was so happy to be here on top of him way up on top of the world we lived in.

"Hey everybody down there," he kept on shouting. "I love Johnny Sands! He's my lover and I'm gonna marry him and I don't give a mother fungus hoot about any of you bigot assholes who don't like it."

I was grinning happily to myself, my nose ridging up and down his neck as I humped him, my dick riding along the deep valley between his butt cheeks.

"Oh ... oh! Johnny I like that," he was shouting. "Ride me Johnny ... you ... wahoo! ... you big hunky cowboy. Get that thing inside me dude. I want it in me ... all of it!"

"Okay okay. Wait a minute."

I pushed up and grabbed the lube from where I'd placed it on the ledge, opened it, and then parted Jason's humpy cheeks. I squeezed a dollop of the jelly onto the pretty puckered hole there with its sexy curly blond hair. I began rubbing it in, up and down and around and round with my fingers.

Jason squealed and began to groan. He arched his butt up to press against my fingers. "Oh wow Johnny! That's the total ... whoa ... oa ..."

My heart was banging, my dick was throbbing, playing with his gorgeous ass up here on the mountain. I stuck my middle finger into him, pushing it up as far as it would go, then jiggled it around, pressing it against his prostate gland.

"Ahhhaahhh ... ha ... ha ...ahhh!" he yelped, banging up at me. "Yohhhmygod. That feels so good. And this stone ledge is so smooth, dude. Rubbing my dick on it is like humping silk."

Keeping my finger up his butt I squeezed some of the lube on my dick. "If this ledge had a butt hole, babe, I'm sure you'd be fucking it."

He was squirming his butt almost up to my face. "C'mon dude! Get your finger out and put your dick in there. It's bigger. Way bigger. And feels so x million times better."

"Just a sec, hunk baby."

I was lubricating myself and let out a "Yow!" and a "Whoa!" The touch of my hand on my cock with the slippery substance was incredible. I couldn't wait for what it'd feel like inside Jason.

I positioned myself and began to push into the incredibly beautiful muscleboy jock with his head hanging over the edge into oblivion. He was a sea of brawn and muscle, an orgasmic terrain on which to ride like a hawk in the wind while lost in the exquisite passion of our manly love.

I was being slow, gentle and sweet, as sensation flooded up from my groin throughout my body. But Jason was wanton, greedy. He kept pushing up at me, so eager for it, wanting it, pleading for it.

"Johnny! Come on, give it to me hard. I want it all!"

And so I did. I was all the way in, then almost all the way back out. In again, as tight as could be, sliding so smoothly, in and out, again and again. Tingling sparks and jolts of pleasure flowed through me along every nerve line, firing me hot and breathless, spinning me out as I slapped against him and he pushed up at me wanting more, more, more and more ...

Jason was fucking me way more than I was fucking him. A hyper-manic rhythm jelled between the two of us and we gasped and groaned and pushed frantically up and down, up and down ...

I stretched out totally on top of him again. My face was next to his, cheek to cheek, hanging over the edge.

"Damn it fuck," I cried. "Jeezus, Jason Landon, where the hell did'ja learn how to do it like this?"

"You baby you," he shouted. "You been teachin' me and I learn real quick. The hell with Jason Quarterback. Now just call me Jason Fuckerback!"

He turned his neck to kiss me and after that we became lost in our passion, senseless to all except each other and the hard ledge beneath us as it jutted out into space. I reached beneath him and grabbed his erection, fisted the turgid length of it and stroked it along with our own rhythmical movement. It was throbbing, ready to explode, the same as mine as it surged back and forth inside him.

Second by second, passion and sensation increased and heightened until we were kissing wantonly, sucking on each other, laving each other with our tongues, sighing and groaning into each other's mouths. The dam holding back the torrent of our passion was battered and bombarded, and the explosive moment of our climax arrived and we both soared into the bliss of release as our cries burst out into the night like the age-old mating call of the wild.

We lay there suspended in space and time, sweating profusely from our exertion, glued together from the sweat and our creamy juices as if we had truly become one. I opened my eyes and gazed past Jason's ear at the dark valley below, the twinkling lights of Kenton, and then up at the billions and billions of stars above.

"Fuck," I couldn't help laughing. "They must've heard us all the way down to Athens."

Jason twisted his neck and kissed me on the cheek. "Hey, just another way for us to announce our love to the world, Johnny. I hope even that freakin' Mr. Westfield heard us."

We cracked up laughing. The idea of it was so funny. The Boy Scouts were such a homophobic organization.

"The Scouts would so totally be proud of us, wouldn't they?" I jibed. "We're the absolute cream of their crop, and yet the very thing they despise the most. We grew up strong, athletic, manly, mature, totally All-American ... and ... fucking queer!"


We put our underwear and shorts back on and straightened up a little, but we both went back to the campfire shirtless. Had to use Jason's shirt to clean ourselves up a little. But that was okay, we'd stuffed other things to wear in our sleeping bags, just in case.

When we got back, the guys were all sitting around the fire on the grass and on the picnic tables. It looked pretty much like a normal high school jock get-together except that most of them were all over each other. Trenton wasn't there, but his boombox was belting out a wild dance mix of Adele's Rolling In The Deep.

Danny saw us first. "Yo everybody! Look at this. It's like a vision. Two hot shirtless dudes."

Dino had his arm around him and they were sitting on the grass. "Hey, it's Jacey, everybody's favorite hunkgasm."

"Where'd you guys go?" Corey asked from a table top, his arm around Harry. "We wanted to get our hands all over you two."

"Maybe later," I teased, looking for our sleeping bags. "We were over on the leap."

"Doin' what, huh dudes?" Harry asked, squinting at us with his usual grin.

"Johnny fucked me with our heads hanging over the edge," Jason told them. "We were looking out into space screaming as we came."

"Yeeoohhmygod!" Ernie burst out. He'd been laying on the ground holding onto Danny's muscular left calf like it was his lover. He jumped up and looked from Jason to me with his hands on his hips. "And you didn't call me? I would've gladly been second in line."

Jason sat down on an empty table top. "What for? To fuck or be fucked?"

"Hell, either one. A dude's a winner any which way with you two studs." Ernie walked over to the table and grabbed Jason and hugged him. "I've missed you guys."

I stuffed the soiled shirt in a plastic bag and put it in the bedroll, then tossed Jason a clean one. "You know you're welcome any time, Ernie. But you seem to prefer that sexy blonde girl on the corner of my street lately."

A couple of the guys snorted, a couple others groaned, and Dino said, "What? You're screwin' Emma Dean when you could be down the street with Jacey?"

Ernie tossed him a sneer. "Hey, gotta keep up that half of my reputation, dude."

Carey was on his stomach on the grass next to Braden. His eyes were glazed as he sucked on a beer. "What? Are you bi like Trenton?"

Ernie helped Jason put his t-shirt on. "Well, yeah. Some bruthas just gotta fuck white girls cuz we know it still annoys the crap outta people. And I'm one of the few qualifiers around these parts. But I'd really rather fuck white boys. And that's never an issue. Anywhere. Figure that one out. Brutha fucks white girls, it's like a crime. He fuck white boys, nobody gives a crap."

Danny snorted. "That's cuz they don't let themselves believe it's happening. And if they do, they don't care what queers are doing to each other anyway."

"Well, we all care a whole hella lot  who you are fucking," Dino laughed at Ernie. "And we're all waiting in line for our turns too."

I pulled on a fresh t-shirt and walked over to Ernie and bumped fists with him. I let him kiss me and give me some serious tongue. The guys cheered and whistled and hooted. Jason grinned. But I had to struggle to get away. I sat down next to Jason and Ernie plopped down right next to me on the table top.

"All three of us big lugs are gonna break this table," I warned him. "It's probably older than your grandma."

"No problem, hunk dude." He threw his muscular arm around my shoulder. "We'll just use it for firewood if it busts."

"Hey, no way," Harry growled at him. "My dad said if we bust up any park property I'll be grounded for a month."

Ernie rocked the table. "Aw, it'll hold us. Don'cha worry." Then he nuzzled my ear with his lips. "So Johnny, who's gonna get Trenton for tonight, huh?"

And here I thought he was all over me because of me.

"Whaddaya mean?" I said indignantly. "He's our date. Me and Jason."

"But he said he was with you guys last night. Whyn'cha give somebody else a chance, huh? You and Jason have each other."

"Maybe we'll auction him off to the highest bidder?" Jason suggested. "Where the hell is he anyway?"

"He went into one of the caves to clean up a little," Carey answered, slurring his words. He looked drunk, I noticed now, stoned. Either one or both. "We sort of creamed all over him a whole fuckin' lot. Good thing he brought other clothes."

They all laughed at that except for Braden. He hadn't said a word and he was gazing at me and Jason with a sullen expression.

"Yah, he was a real sweet cream pie," Ernie laughed. "We were lickin' him up all over."

I could feel Jason stiffen next to me. "Carey," he said. "What? Are you drunk, dude? You look plastered."

Carey took another long suck on his beer can. I'd never seen him drink like that, like he was really freaking thirsty. His mouth was obviously drying up and I knew it wasn't the beer he was high on.

He shook his head, his summer-blond curls fluffing. "This is only the second I've had. Jus' thirsty. Damn heat! Hey, there's beer in the cooler an' pizza and wings in those boxes. You guys hungry? Jus' help yourselves, man."

Sometimes it's funny to see your friends when they're stoned, but not him. We all sort of held Carey up on a pedestal because he was so damn good looking, was such a nice dude, and had won that model contest and had New York connections already. Everyone's eyes had looked at him as he spoke, and their expressions told me what was going on. I felt Jason move and he started to get up. I whipped my hands over to pull him back down.

"Leave it alone," I hissed at him.

"But he's fuckin' stoned," he hissed right back. "I told that fuckin' Braden ..."

I pulled his head close and kissed him on the lips to shut him up. "I said leave it alone," I whispered into his mouth. "Damn it. Don't start any shit. I'll take care of it."

He didn't answer but I could feel him relax and figured he'd listen. Then I pushed up and walked over to Carey and Braden, all eyes on me now.

I reached my hand down to Carey. "I gotta go take a leak. Come on with me, dude."

He looked up at me eagerly but Braden was staring me some nasty daggers. "Whaddaya need him for?" he asked.

"So he can hold my dick," I gruffed, with just enough force to let him know I didn't want to hear no shit.

To which he paid no attention. "Hey dude, I ..."

But I cut him right off as I grabbed Carey's hand and pulled him up. "Don't worry Braden. I'll bring him right back, all in one nice beautiful piece."

I pulled Carey away from there real quick. I knew that if Braden followed, Jason would follow him. And I didn't want any uproar going on. It never helped when there was a problem going on among a bunch of guys.

As we walked toward the woods leading to the caves and the summit, I had to put my arm around Carey to steady him. He was pretty loopy and I'd never seen him anything like this before. A path led over to the caves and I pulled him into the trees alongside it where we couldn't be seen. We stood there for a moment holding onto each other. Even after just being with Jason on the leap, it still felt awesome to be holding Carey.

"Damn, you are so sweet, dude," I said to him.

He smiled. "You gonna pee, Johnny, or kiss me?"

"I don't have to pee, so I guess it's a kiss."

I had a secret motive for kissing him, but I would have wanted to do it anyway. He pulled me to him and kissed me hard, like a bang. He was frantic, wrapping his arms around me and trying to crush me right into him. I responded the same, so strong, and our mouths were pressed together in a wanton suck-and-eat-'em-up kind of kiss that got all my hormones banging real quick. His too. I Could feel our dicks growing as they pressed against each other.

I could also taste the marijuana on his lips and tongue and in his mouth, much stronger than before when I'd kissed him in the dudepile.

"Oh Johnny, you fucker," he slurred, talking right into my mouth. "Why the fuck can't you be my boyfriend? Dammit to hell. It feels so good to be with you. I still dream about us every freakin' day."

"Carey, Jason's my lover. Me and you is just not gonna be. You know that. But I don't want Braden fucking you all up either. When did you smoke another joint?"

"Oh crap, man." He was buffing my face with his lips, crushing his crotch to mine. "Don't be so worried 'bout it. Damn, everybody's so worried. The fuck? Can't I have sum fun? It's not like I'm gonna be doin' it all the time."

"You better not. Now tell me, when did you smoke last?"

"Aww fuck, Johnny." He squeezed me hard, like he was frantic that we never let each other go. "When Braden came back from bein' with Jason on the leap. Said Jason was makin' out with him, pulled him out there so he could kiss an' feel him up. We had to come here and smoke it. Corey gets all the fuck crazy pissed off. What the hell'm I supposed to do? I wanna have a goddamn boyfriend."

I tightened my arms around him too. "Not him, Carey. Not if he's going to keep doing this to you. Jason didn't want just to make out with him. He yelled at him for getting you stoned all the time. You can't keep doing it. You can't! We won't let you. Braden's gotta be an addict and you have to stop seeing him. Jason told him not to give you any more drugs and then he lit up and got you to smoke more weed right afterward."

"All right! Jeez, you're jus' like Corey and my mom and dad. I won't see him after tonight. I don't like feeling the fuck like this anyway. What the hell? Who'm I gonna go out with? Everybody's pairing up."

"There's Ernie and Trenton. They're not really going with anybody."

He pushed back and looked at me. "You think they'd go out with me?"

"Fuck. You must be stoned out of your mind. There isn't a queer dude in the country who wouldn't go out with you. And do a hella lot more too. And," I went on, "I've got a buddy upstate you'd flip for. He's hot stuff, Carey. Beautiful. And he's a quarterback at Canton Garfield. His name's Channing."

The hell with Jason trying to fix me up with another dude. I'd fix Channing up with Carey. Jeez, what a couple they'd make. The fangirls could call them 'Charey' and die over them day after day.

"Canton Garfield?" Carey croaked. "The quarterback? Thass the number three team in the state. I read about them in the Columbus paper. He's queer? How the hell do you know him?"

"From all that Jacey social media stuff Jason does. I haven't met him yet but I've talked to him and seen his picture. We're going to Columbus tomorrow night and I'm gonna meet him there, and I have pictures of you on my phone I can show him. Fuck, he'll come running right down here to meet you."

"You really think so?"

"Yah, I know so. There's no way that any queer quarterback in the country isn't gonna want to go out with you, dude."

He kissed me lightly on the nose. "Thanks bro. You and Jason are such good friends. You really care about all of us."

"We fuckin' love you," I told him, "and we're not gonna let anything bad happen to you. And drugs are bad, dude. You don't need them in your life. If Braden wants to fuck up his life, that's his problem. But none of us guys are gonna let it happen to you."

"And now," I added, pulling him back out toward the path, "let's go eat some of that pizza and wings. You need some serious food in you. It'll help bring you down back to normal a little bit."

But he tried pulling me back. "Can't we stay in here a little bit more and fool around?"

"Nah, c'mon dude. You need to sober up now. We'll all set up in the caves later to sleep. You can come over by me and Jason and we'll have some fun. I'm pretty sure Trenton will spend the night with Ernie.

"And you can bring Braden too," I added. "I'm sure Jason is dying to fuck him right in the ass, figuratively and literally too!"


Thanks for reading! More excitement at Squaw's Leap to come. And soon ... the amazing chapters about what happens on Pride Weekend in Columbus.

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