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VIDEO above - PHOTOGRAPH, Ed Sheeran

A media surprise awaits Johnny and Jason at the hotel ...

As the car turned into the hotel parking garage, Shondo asked, "Johnny, who's this mysterious date you have tonight?"

Johnny groaned. "Ha. Ask lover boy over here," he tossed over his shoulder.

Shondo chuckled. "Okay. Hey, lover boy, who is Johnny's mysterious date?"

I explained without getting too much in detail. Just that Channing was an online fan who'd written to me and who had a crush on Johnny.

"And you're pimping your boyfriend out to this dude?" Ernie butt in, his tone of voice making it clear he didn't like the idea.

But I knew how to soothe dude's ruffled feathers. I gave him a sweet smile. "Channing is the quarterback at Canton Garfield High School."

"Oh jeez," was his quick response. "I guess that's different then, huh?"

"What the fuck difference does that make?" Shondo wanted to know.

"Canton Garfield consistently has some of the best high school football teams in the state. Like for the last eighty years," Ernie explained. "They were number three last season. So dude is obviously somebody we want to know. Especially if he's queer."

Shondo snorted. "Yah, he must be queer if he's got a crush on Johnny."

Shondo had gotten rooms for us at the Sheraton through his older sister Brinda who worked there and lived here in Columbus. The hotel was located right in the center of town next to the Ohio Statehouse in Capitol Square. Always a busy place because of the nearby government offices and convention center, the hotel was one of the city's finest, a favorite of politicians, businessmen, and convention attendees alike.

The garage was just about filled up and we had to park on one of the upper floors next to two big CNN vans.

"I wonder what CNN's doing here?" Johnny said as we climbed out of the car.

"Whats-his-name is here for the weekend," Ernie said. "You know, that hot news dude who came out as gay. They were talking about it on TV just before you guys picked me up."

"You mean Daniel Random?" I said. "Fuck. He's awesome. I'd sure like to run into him."

"Why's he here in Columbus?" Johnny asked as he opened the trunk so I could get our bag.

"I was watching it too," Shondo said. "Ohio figures prominently in the Supreme Court case, so they want to cover the response here to the legalization of same-sex marriage. Random's going to do his news show from here tonight and then interview people around town. And emcee the parade for CNN tomorrow."

"Then for sure we'll see him." Johnny led the way to the garage elevator. "If not here at the hotel, then at the parade. I really admire that dude. I think it surprised the hell out of everybody when he came out."

We carried our bags down to the lobby. While Johnny and Shondo went to register and Ernie went in search of a men's room, I sat down by our gear on a couch in the center of the lobby. It was big and modern, several storeys high with balconies and connecting bridges and a variety of shops all around, including a Starbucks.

I started scrolling through my phone to see if there were new messages, and there were plenty. I could just imagine the tone of them with our sex video now on display for everybody in the world to see. But of all the things threatening to harm us and worrying me, that wasn't one of them. I was proud of the video. Johnny and I were hot dudes and anybody who'd watch it for the right purpose, to get turned on, would surely enjoy it.

But I cringed thinking about my mom seeing it. Which she definitely would when she found out about it. Ha. She'd probably say that she liked Johnny in it, but not me,  just to bust my balls.

There was a pile of luggage and what I figured to be carrying cases for media equipment on a luggage cart across the lobby. A man and a woman were standing by it, chatting. It looked like they could be the CNN crew, or part of it, although the man definitely was not Daniel Random.

I also noticed several young women, about nine or ten of them, present in the lobby in twos and threes, a couple of them alone. Four had just walked into the lounge bar near the street entrance leading to the square. They looked to be in their mid to later twenties and were all exceptionally good-looking – beautiful by any standard, hot and sexy, and glammed up to the max.

They were alike in many ways but the one thing that banded them together was unusually colored hair. I'd never before seen girls with such hair coloring, at least not professionally done like theirs had to be. There were blue, green. magenta, orange, gold, pink, silver, gray –some bright and vibrant, others soft and pastel, and some with streaks of other coloring blended through.

One gal's was long and curly, a gorgeous deep purple with lighter shades of the same as highlights. She'd been sitting at a cafe table outside the Starbucks and had seen me looking at her. Now she was walking toward me and I couldn't help watch her. Her short tight silver dress looked like it had been painted on, and she walked with the tough swagger of a runway model on spiked silver heels that I knew I'd not be able to walk ten feet in. She was really pretty and I imagined Jeannie looking something like her in seven or eight years from now. Had I still been pretending to be straight I would've made a big deal of her in my mind like I'd just done a little while ago about Cabel.

I couldn't help smiling at her and nodding as she was walking by. She was looking right at me and I didn't want to be rude. Then I realized she wasn't walking by, she was walking toward me. And with such an excited look on her face. I had the craziest notion she was mistaking me for somebody she knew.

"Ohmygod. It is you," she laughed, stopping not three feet away. "Jason! You looked familiar from over there and I had to come and see."

I shot up to my feet, slipping my phone into my pocket, embarrassed because I didn't recognize her. "Jeez, I'm sorry. I can't place who you are. Do I know you from Kenton?"

"No, sweetie, we've never met." Her eyes were dancing with mirth. They were violet and matched the shades of the hair perfectly. "My teen cousins live in Kenton and they were sending me your tweets, you and Johnny, because they know I love gay guys. So I followed you myself on Facebook and Twitter. I knew you guys were coming to town this weekend but I never dreamed I'd actually see you."

I was so surprised I hardly knew what to say. "Wow, you sure don't look like the fangirls we see at home. Are you a model?"

"Don't I wish. Just a working girl. I have to meet a client here in a few minutes. My name's Rachel."

She was carrying a small glittery clutch bag in her right hand and she transferred it to her left so we could shake hands. Her touch was soft and gentle, but confident and firm.

"It's really a pleasure to meet you, Rachel. It's awesome to be recognized up here in the city."

"After all those hot pictures you sent, I'd know you and Johnny anywhere. Come on, I want a hug."

She was almost as tall as me in her heels. Her scent was sweet and intoxicating as we hugged and it sent me flashing back to the romantic delights of being with a girl.

She sighed and said, "You're so big. In the pictures you still look a little boyish, but you're quite the man. Where's Johnny?"

"He's registering for our room." I looked over at the counter and saw he was on his way back, eyeing Rachel up and down with a lift of his brows. "Actually, here he comes now."

We pulled apart as he walked up to us.

"Picking up girls again, are you?" He couldn't hide his amused smile.

The woman just about attacked him. She grabbed his arms, going right for the biceps. "If only! I'd love it if you guys were picking me up. I'm Rachel, one of your followers. I'm here to meet someone and noticed Jason sitting here playing with his phone. I can't believe I got to see Jacey in person. And touch you both. You guys are so freaking hot in the flesh."

She demanded a hug from Johnny and he chuckled as he pulled her close, rolling his eyes at me.

"I love your football outfits," she sighed as they pulled apart. "Guys are so sexy in those tight pants. I'll never be able to watch the game again without thinking of Jacey."

"You're pretty awesome yourself," Johnny complimented. "Like a Hollywood star on the red carpet."

Her smile was eager with delight. "Thanks, sweetie. But at Xanadude, where you're going tonight, the boys hardly notice me. It's guys like you they're looking to see. And hit on, of course."

"Do you hang out there?" Johnny asked.

"Yes, two-three nights a week. It's the best dance club in town. I'm a girlfag. That's what Cosmo magazine says to call us girls who love boys who love boys. There's a bunch of us who hang out there."

She checked the slender silver watch on her wrist and added, "My date will be here soon. Can I get a couple pictures?"

We agreed and posed for her while she snapped us with her phone. Then Johnny and I took turns photographing her with each of us.

She slipped her phone back into her little purse. "I'll put a couple of them on your Facebook pages. I ...ohmygod."

Shondo had walked over, and when he saw Rachel he laughed and slipped an arm around her, hugging her. "It's you! Damn, whaddaya doin' here?"

"Shondo! What a surprise! I'm working. Got a date. I follow Johnny and Jason online and recognized Jason sitting here. Are you hanging out with them?"

"Yah, we're going out to the club later." He turned to me and Johnny. "Rachel's a good friend of my sister Brinda. I go dancing with them at 'the dude'." He laughed. "First time there I realized right away it was the right place for me."

I was wondering why Rachel had said she was meeting a date but yet was working, when Ernie joined up with us again.

"Dude." Shondo threw his arm around Ernie's shoulder and drew him in. "Rachel, this is Ernie. Ernie, Rachel. She's Brinda's friend we go dancing with."

Ernie was giving the woman one of his lascivious grins. "Whoa girl, look at you. I guess I'm not down home on the farm anymore."

Rachel grabbed his extended hand and shook it. "You don't look like you've ever been near a farm. Shondo told me all about you. You two make such a hot couple." She looked around at all four of us. "You guys are breaking my heart. What's a girl supposed to do? All the really hot guys are gay."

"You've got the right idea, sweetie," Shondo said. "You hang out with them. And some of them are bi. You can always get it goin' on with them. Ernie is, sort of."

She looked at Ernie with even more interest than she'd already been showing. "Sort of?"

His smile roved up and down her. "Yep, and more than enough so we could have a real good time."

Rachel rolled her eyes and fanned her face with her hand. "Whoo! You boys are totally killing me." She shrugged and went on, "But at least my date tonight is a real hottie, even enough to keep my mind off you four. But let's get together sometime and hang out, okay?"

"Definitely," Shondo agreed. "We'll get together at the club some night. These guys'll love Brinda too. We'll make some real noise, huh?"

"Great idea. When I talk to your sister tomorrow, I'll mention it." She looked back to the table by Starbucks where she'd been sitting. "I gotta run, boys. My date will be here any second, and it's not cool if I'm with others when we meet up."

She hurriedly half-hugged each of us and gave Shondo a quick little smooch on his cheek. It left a pretty pink lipstick smudge which looked sexy as hell on his tan skin. Then she whisked away with a musical 'See ya, boys!' and went back to the cafe table by Starbucks.

"Yowza. Hot stuff, huh? Why does she say she's working if she has a date?" Johnny asked Shondo.

"Yah," I added. "What's up? She told me she was meeting a client."

"She's an escort," was dude's response. "A high-priced call girl. This downtown's always full of politicians and businessmen, so there's a booming trade in it. She's one of the Rainbow Girls. You see a lot of them here. Their trademark is the different colors of hair you seldom see anywhere else."

"I saw a few more of them while you guys were registering," I said. "Man, I'd like to see her date. She said he's a real hottie."

"Probably a mayor or a senator," Ernie mused. "Maybe a performer, a movie star. They make a lot of movies now in this part of Ohio."

"Yah, like Chris Hemsworth or Channing Tatum," Shondo mused dreamily.

"Or a lobbyist or a corporate CEO," Johnny added. "How nice, huh? Wife and kids snug at home and a hot babe to get it goin' on with for the weekend."

Shondo urged us on. "Let's get going. I think she'll be embarrassed if we're watching when her date arrives."

"Right." Ernie picked up his gym bag. "Let's check out our rooms and then figure where we go from there." He looked at me and Johnny with a calculating expression. "Although me and Shondo pretty much know what we want to do now."

Johnny chuckled and rolled his eyes at me, grinning. I guess we didn't have to guess about what they had in mind. After all, they'd just watched the Jacey sex video a little earlier.

We crossed the lobby to the bank of elevators and hurried onto one that was loading, squeezing into it just as the doors closed. Inside were an older couple, two men and a woman who looked to be in their thirties, and a porter and a luggage cart. We spread out along the wall and I went to push the number eighteen button for our floor but it was already pressed and lit up.

Johnny nudged me and I looked at him and followed his gaze ahead as his chin jutted forward. The two men and the woman were standing directly across from us. One of the men and the woman were the ones I'd seen in the lobby, and I'd been right, they were part of the CNN crew. The other man was Daniel Random.

His companions were in an animated conversation, but Random stood there with his hands in his pockets looking over at me. He was reading the lettering on the front of my tank top that spelled out 'Kenton High'. Then his eyes raised and looked directly into mine and I felt myself flinch. He was a ridiculously handsome man, like a hot Hollywood star. Near perfect symmetrical features, blue eyes, shaggy raven black hair, a charismatic smile - they seemed to put a spell on everyone.

Straight male celebrities of all kinds, even athletes, claimed to have man-crushes on him. Women, even those who didn't particularly like gay men, were crazy about him. The joke was that he could read the phone book instead of the news and everybody would still sit and watch, totally enthralled.

He was tall, about six-two, built and muscular, thirty-seven years old, gay and out and proud, and notoriously single. I could've peed right in my pants the way he was looking at me.

He smiled and nodded, and I nodded back. Then he looked at Johnny, Ernie, and Shondo and he started chuckling softly to himself, his eyes coming back to me.

The elevator stopped at the tenth floor and the older couple stepped out. The porter pulled the luggage cart back and we all sort of shifted a little as the doors closed. Then the elevator shot up again.


Daniel Random spoke and the four of us shot to attention like he was our sergeant in the Army.

"Uhh ..." His hands were on his hips now as he looked at us. "I sort of sense a story going on here with you fellas. I've been told I have a nose for it."

His forehead wrinkled a little bit and his brows furrowed uncertainly, but then he shrugged and went on. "If I'm stepping out of line just tell me and I'll shut up.  But we're from CNN, here to cover Ohio's reaction to today's Supreme Court ruling, and also the Pride Weekend festivities. I'm thinking your story might somehow be related?"

I leaned back against the wall, not knowing what to say. Johnny and I were out but Ernie and Shondo weren't. I expected Johnny or Ernie to say something, but they didn't. Surprisingly, it was Shondo who spoke up.

"These two dudes here are your story," he said, pulling Ernie toward him and pointing to me and Johnny. "They're high school football stars from a small town downstate. They just came out to the whole community last week. Caused a big bang in town and on social media. There's even a sex tape a jealous douchebag jerk put on the Internet. And because of today's court ruling, they're gonna get married right here in Ohio."

Random's piercing eyes had settled back on me and Johnny and he was looking at us intensely. Yah, he wanted us. But I was assuming it was for headlines and not sex, like we were used to.

"Holy crap." the woman blurted before he had a chance to say anything. She was a pretty blonde, business-like, and she was eyeing us up and down eagerly. "Daniel, look at them. Hot high school jocks coming out and causing a sensation. These are the kind of gay boys most people never get to see, don't even know exist. We can have them on tonight's show, then do a feature, follow the story too. For weeks, maybe."

"Yes, we're definitely going to have to talk," the newsman said, grinning at us questioningly. "This is exactly what we need to tie in with today's good news and the big weekend."

The elevator had stopped at the eighteenth floor and the door opened. Everyone made a move and it was obvious we were all getting out. Johnny and I led the way and Random closed right in behind us and put a hand on each of us, on our shoulders, and guided us several feet away from the elevator.

"Linda," he said to the woman, "why don't you and Hal go on down to the suite. I'll talk to these fellas and make some plans."

"Alrighty." She stopped Ernie and Shondo as the luggage cart rolled out of the elevator after them. "You two boys don't want to be on the news? You'd both look awesome on TV."

Ernie smiled at her. "Thanks, but we're not out. And we don't want all that drama and commotion in our lives."

"I know. It's awful what goes on. Not everybody can deal with it."

"Besides," Shondo added, "those two are the real story. We're just the buds."

That got a laugh out of her. "You two could never be just anything."

"Find out about the sex tape," Hal, the other man, shouted over as they all walked down the hall following the porter and the luggage rack. "We need to know about that for sure."

"Gotcha."Daniel Random agreed. Then he looked back to us. "We've been up since early morning to cover all the action in D.C., then drove up here afterward. We have to do a live segment for Headline News later, next door in front of the Statehouse. The rest of our crew is setting up for it now. Then later we'll be at Xanadude, a gay dance club, getting reactions to the court ruling from area gays."

"We'll be there later too," Johnny told him.

"That's great. Then we can film you boys dancing and celebrating. You guys are like a gold strike. Can you come next door for Headline News? We'll introduce you and talk for about ten minutes. Ask questions. People across America need to see gay dudes like you. A lot of them still don't get it that most of us are just regular guys."

He kept his hands on our shoulders and arms almost the entire time he talked to us, except when we shook hands exchanging introductions. That was really unusual, but I sure liked it. I had no doubt now that he'd like to touch us a whole lot more. And with my current mania for older men, I was dying for it. But he was a respectable man with an important job to do, of course, and he finally let us go. Darn it.

We told him the basics of our story without getting into detail, and gave him the Facebook and Twitter information so he could check it out and they could make graphics for the TV show. And I gave him my phone number in case he had to call us. Media freak that I'd become, this was all thrilling me. To be on the Headline News ... whoa! I'd be sure to mention the possible football scholarship to Ohio State just to rub it in their face now that I'd made up my mind I wasn't going there. Fuck them all. They probably wouldn't want me now anyway, so the hell with it.

Then we walked down the hall in the direction of our rooms. Ernie and Shondo had already gone into theirs and Random's companions had found their suite and entered it. At the door to our room, Random lingered as Johnny opened it, as if he didn't want to go, or maybe he was waiting for us to ask him in. Not knowing what to do, we just said goodbye to him and went inside.

Johnny hooted as he tossed our bag onto one of the two big beds. "Damn, I think he wanted to come in with us."

I felt a tingling up my spine. "No kidding. Talk about a 'daddy', huh?"

"He's just the right age to be our dad."

"Maybe we'll have to put the make on him when we see him later?"

"Come on already, dude." Johnny walked over to the big window that overlooked the city. "We've got more than enough on the table for tonight – Ernie, Shondo, Channing, Cabel. What the fuck? That's not enough?"

But he didn't give me a chance to answer as he looked out the window. "Hey, this is cool. I've never been up this high."

I walked over to him and looked out at the sweeping view of the skyscrapers surrounding the square and the old Statehouse below.

I leaned against the sill. "I've never been up this high either. My dad's home office is in one of these towers, but not this high up. I bet you can see all the way down to Kenton from here."

We both looked south but it was flat city as far as we could see. The hills we lived in were far away from this big modern city.

I grabbed Johnny from behind and pressed into him. "I'm so happy today, babe. It's a week we've been together. And we can get married here in Ohio now. I made up my mind about college and football and we met a gorgeous hot dude who looks just like me. We're gonna be on TV too. Awesome, man. And later we'll meet Channing."

I could feel him stiffen. Fuck. It was still bugging him. I wrapped my arms around him and put my lips on his ear. "Johnny, please trust me. I just know. I have a feeling. You and Channing. It's ... it's the right thing. It won't change us. I know there's room for him somehow. I won't be jealous. I swear."

He spun around and grabbed me by the shoulders. "What the hell are you talking about? Jealous? I don't give a fuck if you're jealous. It's all your idea in the first place. You're goddam crazy. I just wanna shake some sense into you!"

He moved to shake me up but then thought better of it and stopped. His dark eyes flashed angrily. "You want me to fall in love with another dude? That's too fucking crazy, Jason. I just don't get it. Sure I love the other boys, like they're my bros and my buds. Not like they're my lover. You wanna do all that social media crap, make us famous, share other guys, go on TV, date Cabel cuz he looks like you – I don't care. You can do whatever the fuck you want. But I don't want to fall in love with another dude to make you happy. Damn it already, it's pissing me off!"

I didn't want to go through this again with him. He didn't know what I knew and there was no way I'd ever tell him. I couldn't even think about it. There was no way I could talk about it. I forced him into me, pushed him against the curtains and the wall.

I hissed in his ear. "Damn it! Trust me, please. I love you. And love isn't always easy. Just because it's me and you and we think we're so fucking special doesn't mean it's gonna be a snap. I don't wanna hurt you. But I love you so much I gotta do what I think is right. If you love me, you gotta trust me, Johnny."

All he had to say to that was an ornery grunt. He felt so good in my arms, the bulk of him, the heft, his beautiful shape. I just didn't know how to tell him anymore what I felt - that I wanted him to have somebody else who loved him just as much as I did. Because I was so fucking afraid ...

I pulled his phone out of his front pocket. It was turned off as usual. Sometimes I wondered why he even carried it. I turned it on and pulled him over to the window so the city would be out there behind us.

"Come on, smile dude." I pulled us close together and stuck my arm out to take our picture. "I'll send a tweet that we're going to be on TV."

He did manage a smile but he was pulling away a second later as I was sending the picture to my own phone.

I grabbed his arm, showing him the screen. "Look. Look at us."

It was a great picture, big smiles on our faces like we'd just won scholarships to Notre Dame, or maybe even Harvard and Yale.

"This is us, Johnny. Look how happy we are. Don't let this one thing ruin it." My finger flew over the screen. "Look, just tap here and then here and you get the picture. It's the first one. You can silence everybody, but keep the phone on and look at the picture. See how awesome we are together. Don't let something I feel in my gut has gotta be make you angry at me. Please!"

But he was still pissed off. I could feel him trembling as he slipped the phone in his pocket and pushed away from me.

He growled, "I gotta get outta here."

Then he started for the door.

"Whoa!" I jumped and grabbed him from behind. "You ain't walkin' out on me, dude."

"Fuck you, Jason!"

He turned and shoved me and I went flying onto the nearby bed.

"But ... Johnny. Ernie and Shondo will probably be coming over."

"Fuck them too," he growled, splaying his hands out as I moved to get up. "Just stay there. Don't make me knock you out like I had to last week. I'm really pissed off and I gotta get outta here."

"But where you goin'?"

"I don't know. Just call me when it's time to go next door for the TV show."

And then he was gone, the door slamming behind him. I couldn't believe he was so angry. We hadn't had a fight since last week when we'd first kissed up on the mountain in front of Spirit Rock.

Well, this really wasn't a fight. We hadn't actually fought. He was just mad. Pissed off. Because I was so fucking nuts.

I got up and began pacing back and forth along the window. Panic welled up in me because he was gone, a terrible empty feeling like he'd abandoned me. Like my dad had. I knew that wasn't the case. He was just upset and wanted to be alone. But it still felt like it, enough to get me trembling.

I pulled the little pill box out of my front pocket and placed it on the table in the front corner of the room. I knew I'd have to take one of my mother's little helpers if this feeling kept up. My heart was hammering and my breath was starting to come in anxious heaves.

One minute without Johnny and it felt like the whole world was falling down on me. I pulled out my phone for distraction and sat down at the table and my fingers started flying as I sent out a couple tweets to the Jacey fans.

~Here we are in our room in Columbus. Like a penthouse to us small town boys. #Jacey #dudelove ~

I included the picture I'd just taken of the two of us by the window. Then I grabbed one from last night by the campfire and sent that with...

~Jacey will be on CNN Headline News tonight. Live from Columbus with Daniel Random. #OhioPride  #SupremeCourt ~

I began scrolling through texts and other messages - so many comments already about the sex video. But I soon slammed the phone down on the table and jumped up, my heart was banging so hard it was scaring me. I kicked off my shoes, pulled off the tank top and football pants and folded them neatly on the table, scowling at my shaking hands. I placed the overnight bag on the dresser and grabbed a pair of gym shorts from inside it and pulled them on over my briefs.

Pacing again, I couldn't believe Johnny had walked out on me. He was so indulgent with me I just hadn't realized how much my hooking him up with Channing was bothering him. My heart was thumping so loud I could actually hear it. And it took me almost a full minute to realize it wasn't just my heart. Someone was pounding on the door.

I leaped across the room at it, ready to shout. Johnny was back! But when I pulled the door open, Ernie and Shondo were standing there. My big smile must've turned into a really let-down frown because Ernie said:

"Hey man, don't look so disappointed."

I forced the smile back. They were dressed like me, shirtless and in gym shorts and freeballing, by the looks of it, with nice big bulges just about shouting hello.

I pulled the door open. "Sorry. Come on in. I thought it was Johnny. You guys roaming the hall dressed like that?"

I walked back into the room, hugging myself, trying to calm down, hoping they wouldn't notice the shaking.

"Our room's right next door," Ernie said, following behind me. "No roaming involved. And it's not like the hall's full of people anyway. Where'd Johnny go?"

"Hey, whaddaya doin' like that?"Shondo was right behind him. He'd noticed. "Jason! You all right?"

Then they were on me, one on each side, holding me, hands pressing.

"What the fuck?" Ernie squawked. "You're shaking like an outboard motor."

Shondo's hand was on my chest. "Dude, you're heart's thumping way too fast."

I tried to push them off but they wouldn't budge. "I'm all right. Just a little shook up. Johnny got mad at me and left. I'll be okay."

"He left? Where'd he go?" Ernie demanded.

"Just out. He'll be back. It's not like he went back home." I pointed to the dresser. "The car keys are right there."

"What the hell's he mad about?" Shondo asked.

I was now sandwiched in between them and they were caressing me, trying to calm me down. "Aww... fuck. Just dumb shit. It's my fault."

Shondo was nuzzling my cheek with his nose. His long hair and braids were brushing my shoulders. "Because you made that date with Cabel tonight?"

"Nah, he doesn't care about that."

Ernie knew better. "Probably cuz you hooked him up with that dude from Canton, huh? Johnny doesn't want to date other guys."

He was holding me tight with his big strong arms, his bulge pressed against my hip. With the sexy feels from the two of them I was getting all turned on and my racing pulse was turning to one of stimulation instead of anxiety.

"Yah, I fucked up," I admitted. "I've got this crazy idea. I didn't think he'd ..."

"Forget about it," Ernie said, his lips rubbing temptingly against mine. "It doesn't matter. He'll get over it. Johnny's not gonna stay mad at you."

"But I can't stop thinking about it. It's making me panic. Damn, I should just take a ..."

"We'll fuckin' make you forget," Ernie muttered.

Then they were fighting for my mouth, kissing me and probing with their tongues. They both had big shapely lips, sexy just to look at, awesome to be ravished by. Yah, they were ravishing me with kisses. I was crushed between them, their naked chests hot against me, their bulging crotches grinding my own, their tongues darting in and out of my mouth.

Ernie grunted something unintelligible and they suddenly picked me up and stumbled over to the closest bed, my feet dragging along the carpet. Shondo grabbed the top corner of the bedspread and whipped it down, and I was thrown onto the sheet. Then they jumped on me with a grunt and an 'oof!'

They were on top of me, grinding and rubbing, feeling me up all over, kissing me with those sexy hot lips.

"Mppphg mgrphh mugrippl," I grunted, trying to say, 'Don't smother me.'

I pushed up at them. Oh yah, they were making me forget Johnny and everything else too. I couldn't breathe. All I could do was smell and feel hot man flesh and muscle.

Struggling, I managed to crack Ernie on the ear.

"Hey!" He pulled away glaring at me. "What the hell?"

I sucked in air through the side of my mouth he'd abandoned, then elbowed Shondo in the gut. With a yelp, he flinched back enough that I could push his face away.

I sucked in more air. "You guys are smothering me."

I tried to sit up but Shondo pushed me right back down. "You're lucky we don't just eat you right up, you beefy mother fucker."

As sweet as he was, he looked as tough and wiry as a porn muscle wrestler. He flipped me over onto my side and grabbed me from the front, sinking into me as he hissed, "I could kiss you from here to fucking infinity!"

And while he began that epic endeavor, with his lips all over mine and his long hair trailing all over my face and shoulders, Ernie slunk down behind me and pulled off my shorts and briefs. Then he did the same to Shondo and I felt his stiff cock and mine squish together, and it sent a ziztzing jolt of pleasure up my groin and throughout my body.

Then Ernie was behind me again, his hands on my butt cheeks, separating them. I jumped when I felt his tongue between them, right on my hole. Then it was licking me up and down, right there, up and down, up and down.

Shondo was working my mouth, his cock rubbing on my cock, Ernie's tongue was on my butt hole, laving it. Whoa, these dudes were definitely way fucking better than my mom's Valium.

Ernie was muttering, "Boom butty butty boom boom ... boom butty butty boom boom ..." Then his tongue inched up my spine, up to my shoulders. He must've pulled off his shorts too because his throbbing big daddy was now rubbing between my butt cheeks where his tongue had been a minute ago.

His breath tickled as he whispered in my ear. "Baby doll lover boy, I wanna fuck this awesome white ass of yours real bad. Whaddaya say? Make this young Jones real happy, huh?"

Just what I was afraid of. I loved that big boner rubbing my ass, but I sure as hell didn't want it up inside it.

I pushed Shondo away a little and turned my head to Ernie as best I could. "You're too big. We're going dancing tonight. You fuck me and I won't even be able to walk."

He'd slipped his arms around me, between me and Shondo, and was crushing me to him so hard I was going to have trouble breathing again.

"Aw come on, Jason. I won't hurt you."

"Hey, gimmee a break. I'm new at this. Some other time, really. I don't wanna have to stay here in the hotel tonight sitting in a tub of hot water. Fuck my face instead."

A second later he was up on his knees and, ripping me away from Shondo, he flipped me onto my back. Grinning down at me, he squished a pillow under the back of my head. "Good idea, hunkbro. Jeez, I'ma hella love you, man."

Then his pretty big daddy was in my mouth, filling it, practically choking me, as he thrust back and forth, slowly, sensually, one hand holding my head, the other tweaking my left nipple.

The sight of him above me, all that coffee-brown muscle and brawn, his handsome face and glazed eyes, the big beautiful cock pushing in and pulling back, the feel of it as it filled me – jeez! I forgot all about Johnny's anger and the way it had made me feel as my head began to reel in ecstasy.

Shondo had slid down to my crotch and was sucking on my dick as naturally as if this was something we'd done plenty of times before. I would've let out a hoot of amused pleasure had my mouth not been so full. Surely this was a routine we'd all three seen plenty of times before in porn vids. But it was so amazing to actually be doing it ourselves.

I felt around with my right hand and found Shondo's cock. Thick in girth, it was cut, of a nice length, and throbbing as I began to stroke it. His I could've taken without discomfort or pain but, hey, why push it? I was just a newbie. And I had to go on television in an hour and later dance at 'the dude'.

With Ernie's dick in my mouth, Shondo's in my hand, and mine in Shondo's mouth, the sensations of pleasure coursing through me were overwhelming. We all three were groaning, sighing, grunting, and even sweating now in the cool air-conditioned room.

My left hand moved up between Ernie's legs to his butt and I cupped his beefy right cheek, my fingers sliding down into the crack. I began rubbing them on his hole, teasing him, and he let out a 'yow' and thrust at me even harder. I pushed my forefinger up into him and joined in the rhythm we'd established, up and down, in and out, pushing it as far as I could, tapping on the bump of his prostate and driving him into a frenzy.

"Aaaahhaaaa! You hunky slut," he yelped. "Ohmygod duuuuude."

I knew it wasn't long before I'd be coming, shooting up into Shondo's mouth. And I could feel the urethra of Ernie's dick with my tongue and of Shondo's with my fingers, and they were both gorged and swollen. Soon we'd be blowing our loads into and all over each other, our passion thundering to its awesome pinnacle.

My heartbeat had eased out to something more like normal, but now it skyrocketed crazily as I felt us being swept away with the rushing tide of orgasm rolling in upon us.

Instinctively, Ernie pulled out of my mouth and Shondo pulled his mouth off my cock. I let go of his dick as he scooted up even with Ernie and they grabbed on to each other with one arm each and formed a tent over me. They locked lips and began whacking themselves off over my chest while I did the same to myself with my right hand, continuing to shove my left forefinger up into Ernie's ass. Then all hell broke loose as Ernie and Shondo started shouting:



"Ahhaahhaa goddam it."

"Fuckit all baby front and back!"

And then they exploded in gobs of cum all over my chest as I, too, blew loose a flood of manly cream up onto them and down back onto me, uttering my own, "Ohmyfuckinggod dudes!"

It went on and on and seemed like the spurting muscle spasm would never end. But when it all did they both dropped down on top of me and we were again a hot hunky dudepile, sweaty now and sticky. And laughing and kissing and hugging each other hard and needy.

"Whew!" My head was spinning. But I knew I'd never be able to get enough of what we'd just had between us. "Wait till I tell Johnny what he missed."

Shondo was breathing hard. "Serves him right. However crazy your intentions may seem, Jason, he should trust you."

Ernie was sucking on me, trying to swallow my left ear. "Right, dude. Maybe he'll come around. What the fuck? He's gonna marry you. Trust has got to be a part of that ..."


What do you think? Should Johnny trust Jason's intentions on bringing Channing into their relationship? Let me know how you feel in the comments below.

NEXT: the boys on Headline News and later -  Cabel and Channing at Xanadude!

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