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The boys awake to a wonderful day that quickly turns into an unexpected nightmare ...


Johnny and I made love deep into the night, then fell into an exhausted sleep in each others arms. Then we awoke later and did it all over again. It's all a blur to me now, a surreal memory of a night of love that I'll carry in my heart all my life.

We tried different acts - there are so many different ways to do it. We laughed out loud that some people claim two males together is unnatural, an abomination. Like, what are they fucking talking about? Two dudes loving each other is so beautiful, so pleasurable, so natural, and there are so many ways we fit together perfectly it would take us forever to try them all.

Why don't they know that – the dummies? Why do they think God doesn't know it? Why do they think God doesn't like us? He's the one who made us this way. We sure didn't ask for it.

What? Does God send you an email or a text when you're eleven or twelve giving you a choice of being straight or gay? Huh?

I sure the fuck didn't get one.

When I finally awoke late in the morning, Johnny still wrapped in my arms, I just lay there holding him and listening to the birds chirping out in the woods by the hillside. I loved it, holding him like that when he was asleep, just watching him at peace, knowing he felt safe and content and so trusting to be with me.

That's one of the most amazing things about really being in love – trust. You give it completely to your lover. And he completely trusts in you, too.

It was late when we actually got up from the bed and reality broke its way into our little paradise. It was almost ten o'clock and I had to take my mom grocery shopping at noon. We took a shower together and had to fight the urge to have sex all over again. We were totally chronic over each others' bodies, having been drooling over them for so long and now being able to touch and feel and kiss and lick them all over, and anything else we wanted. I wanted to put Johnny on a leash and drag him around with me everywhere. I didn't want to let him out of my sight for a minute.

"I wish I didn't have to take my mom shopping," I told him after we ate some breakfast and were getting dressed. I had to wear some of his clothes because I didn't have fresh ones of my own. "We could work out this morning."

Pulling a t-shirt over his head, he laughed. "We worked out all night. How much exercise do you want?"

"Mass quantities of that kind," I said. "But I meant with the weights. And then we could run up and down the hill in back, and then practice passing. I want to play football with you so bad. And tackle you hard and rip your clothes off and ... and fuck you right there and then. Right out in back behind the garage."

Johnny pulled on a pair of cargo shorts. "You really enjoyed fucking me last night, didn't you?"

I must have grinned from ear to ear. "You bet! Damn, I'm surprised I didn't pass out from it. It was never anything like that with a girl."

"Yah, it isn't. Not when you're queer." He pumped out his chest and flexed his biceps. "You need the real thing – a hunk like me. And if you think that was something, just wait till I fuck you."

We hadn't gotten around to that last night. Not enough time to do everything.

I walked up to him to him and fondled his bulging biceps before he had a chance to relax his pose, then wrapped my arms around him.

"I can't wait," I said, kissing his nose. "I hope I enjoy it as much as you do."

Johnny laughed and pushed me away. "I'll make sure you do. But for now, you'd better go. If we start making out we'll end up in bed again. You don't want to keep your mom waiting."

I nodded, wanting to grab him again. But I shoved my hands into the pockets of his shorts I had put on.

"You're right. It's the only thing she and I do together these days," I said. "Our weekly date at the grocery store. She likes to go to the big one up the Columbus Road, and it's too far for her to drive there alone. She doesn't like to go away from town on her own any more."

"Are her nerves getting worse?" Johnny asked.

"Yah, a little. The meds help, but I don't know what's happened. She was bad before, but not like this. She says it's female problems and getting older. She gets pretty freaked out at times."

"Then she'll be waiting on you," he said as we walked toward the stairs. "Text me later, or call. You can come over and we'll do that football thing you suggested behind the garage. And you can stay overnight again."

"Don't worry, dude." I kissed him on the cheek. "I'll be over here every night. You'll get so sick of me you'll start locking the door."

He pushed me toward the stairs. "Go on, get out of here. I'll never get sick of you, Jason. You can bet your life on that."

I almost floated down the steps. It was like I didn't even have to touch the linoleum. I went outside, breathing deeply of the warm sunny morning. I loved where Johnny lived out here right by the mountain. It was almost solid wilderness from here all the way to Athens, just some rural routes in between leading to state parks and small lakes and sportsmen lodges. Hunting was very popular out that way, and deer and coyote often showed up in the yard here. One time Johnny had the crap scared out of him by a big bear that had lumbered out of the woods right at him.

I rapped my knuckles on the picnic table as I walked by and almost danced to the front of the garage. I was just about to jump in the air and click my heels when I saw my car. I blinked my eyes, then blinked again. Then I blinked a third time, stopping dead in my tracks.

I thought I was seeing things.

It was like the whole world came crashing down on me, right there and then. The magic bubble of our love burst like a massive bomb over my head, the fallout raining down on me. My body tensed, electrified, as I slowly walked the remaining distance to the car, my hands balling into fists, my heart thudding like it was going to explode as rage filled me up to overflowing.

My beautiful black Mustang sat there where I had parked it last night. But it wasn't black any more. Bright pink and lime green and neon yellow spray paint covered it all over. Words, flowers, swirls, and silly designs covered the hood and trunk, the roof, the side I was facing, even the windows.

Paint! Yes, paint.

And when I walked around the car, my heart banging in my ears, I saw that the designs and words were all over every inch of it.

And the words!

Johnny and Jason.

Butt boys.

Queers. Fags. Homos.

Fairies. Pansies.

Gay. Gay. Gay.

They were repeated over and over again, everywhere. The car looked like it couldn't be driven, there was so much paint on the windows.

I went majorly nuts and totally exploded.

"Johnny!" I screamed.

"Johnny! Johnny! Come down here."

A moment later I heard him up at the window. "Jeez, Jason. What the hell's wrong?"

"Look at my fucking car!"

Then a second later I heard him mutter, "Oh shit."

And I shut my eyes. I couldn't look at it any more. All that bright glaring paint. It looked like a hippie car from the 1960s gone mad. It wasn't 'Peace' and 'Love' and 'Make Love Not War' painted all over it – it was all anti-gay homophobic hate messages. All over my beautiful expensive car that my dad had bought me for my sixteenth birthday a little over two years ago.

Oh crap no. Dad! I couldn't even let that thought enter my mind. He was going to go totally crazy at the vandalism, not to mention the problem of what the painted words were saying.

I heard a noise and opened my eyes to look. It was Johnny, down here already, a shocked expression on his face as he looked at the Mustang.

"Look what somebody did," I shouted. "We're up there making love all night and somebody's down here spewing hate."

The next moment he was next to me, holding me, his big strong arms around me like a vice.

"Jason, I'm sorry. Just calm down, please."

I must have looked like a maniac. I sure felt like one.

"But it's paint. Paint! What am I gonna do? My dad will kill me. And if he sees what's written on there ..."

"It's horrible, Jason. I know." His grip on me tightened because I was trying to break loose. "We'll figure out what to do about it. We can talk to Strike. He does paint jobs and body work. Maybe he can ..."

I started struggling with him. "Let me go, dammit! It's that fucking Mark Rydell. I know it! He's the only one stupid enough to do such a dumb-ass thing. He only lives a few streets away. I'll go kill him. I'll break him in half, the son of a bitch! I'll ..."

"Stop it, Jason!" Johnny yelled at me.

Damn him, he was so much stronger than me. I couldn't break loose. That got me even crazier mad. I placed my foot behind his and pushed him back and tipped him, and then we both went tumbling to the ground.

I didn't realize I was crying, but my vision was blurred by stray tears. I went to jump back up as Johnny's hold on me had loosened, and his arm shot out and he grabbed my leg.

"You can't go over to Mark's," he shouted. "Damn you, Jason. Listen to me! You'll hurt him. You'll break his arm or a leg or worse."

I kept trying to get away but he was holding onto my leg. Finally, he jumped up and grabbed me around the chest again.

"Jason, listen to me. Please!" he kept on pleading.

"No! Fuck you too!"

I kept struggling with him and I got even more pissed that he was so much stronger than me.

"Leave me alone, Johnny. I'll ruin that douchebag bastard. Even his sister told him not to mess with us."

"Jason, look. We're fighting. Don't let Mark get us fighting with each other."

Johnny was right. We were pushing and shoving each other, and I was trying to beat him off me with flying punches he warded off like he was some kind of freaking pro. But I couldn't control myself. I let him have it with a powerful jab right square on his nose.

His head snapped back and he looked at me with an expression of utter shock, a wild fear flooding his eyes.

"Fuck!" he cried. "I am not gonna let you end up in jail. I want you with me."

And I barely saw the right hook that shot up at me from his side but ... oh, did I ever feel it when his fist hit my jaw. It was like being hit by a Mack truck. I saw a bunch of pulsing lights. Johnny, too, seemed to pulse and jump around like in a horror flick, then suddenly disappear. I heard a big roar and then everything flashed a burning orange, for just a second or two, and then a dizzying blackness overtook me.

The next thing I knew, I was snuggling cozily in Johnny's arms. My head was on his shoulder, my nose and lips up against his neck, my left hand on his stomach.

We were laying on the bed and we were naked.

I looked down at his chest. My hand slid up his rippling abs to his pecs and the feel of him sent me reeling. My cock was pressed against his thigh and it immediately began to grow hard. My hand slid down to his cock and it was already big and hard, and I clutched it.

"You awake?" I asked him.

"Yup. Just chillin'."

I felt his left arm pull me closer, and his right arm came around and the fingers of that hand slid up and down my side.

"We're still in bed?" I asked.

"Yah, it's late, but we're here."

"Thank God," I sighed. "Oh, dude, I had the worst dream. Somebody spray-painted my car with homophobic slurs. And I knew it was Mark Rydell and I was gonna go over his house and beat the crap out of him. And, jeez, me and you started fighting because you didn't want me to hurt him cuz I'd probably end up in jail. And then you knocked me out."

"It wasn't a dream, Jason," I heard him say.

"Whaddaya mean?"

"Doesn't your jaw hurt?" he asked.

I suddenly realized it did. In fact, it hurt like hell. And I was dizzy too, whoozy-like. I guess being naked with Johnny and holding his stiff dick had been claiming all of my attention.

"Yah, my jaw does hurt," I said. "Bad."

He turned his head and kissed my forehead. "I'm surprised I didn't break it. That wasn't a dream, dude. It happened. And I had to knock you out to stop you."

"Oh man," I sighed, squeezing his erection. "I guess this is better than beating up Mark and going to jail, huh?"

"Definitely. What's important is that you and I are together. Screw Mark. We'll take care of him somehow. But no way that it's gonna separate us."

"You're so smart, Johnny," I told him, slowly stroking him up and down. "And I'm such a jerk at times. I gotta learn to listen to you."

"You're not a jerk," he countered. "You just have a hot temper. But it makes you exciting. And I love knocking you out. We'll have to fight more often. It's so damn sexy. But inside and naked, and with boxing gloves."

I sure liked that idea. He really had hurt my jaw. It fucking hurt. It was throbbing now that I was waking out of the stupor. But Johnny was so distracting, I didn't care. The bulk of him, all that brawn and muscle, his smooth skin, the hardness of his erection in my fist. I'd have to remember from now on when I lost my temper that nothing was more important than this, us together.

"How'd you get me upstairs?" I asked.

"I carried you."

"Jeez, you're so strong."

I could feel his head nodding. "Yes, I'm strong and I'm tough and I love you to freaking pieces. I carried you to the bed here and plopped you down, took off all your clothes, and mine too. And I've been laying here playing with you like you're just a big jockboy toy, waiting for you to come to."

I felt myself grinning. "What did you do to me?"

"Just checked you out all over. Kissed you and licked you and nibbled on you everywhere. So cool in the daylight when you can see it all. You're so pretty and so blond, even down there. And so muscular and ... man, I could just do this all the time from now on and be so happy."

He was so damn right. This was better than anything else. But then a sudden thought hit me. "Uh oh, what about my mom?"

"I called her. Everything's okay."

"What'dja tell her?"

"That we were practicing passing and you fell and hit your chin. I told her it was really hurting and you just needed to rest a while till it got a little better. She said you two can go shopping later when you feel up to it."

I squeezed his dick again and pressed mine against his hard muscular thigh. "You're so good with her. She's always talking about how wonderful you are. But what are we gonna do about the car, Johnny?"

He hugged me close with his left arm. "Don't worry about it. I called Strike and told him what happened. He said to bring the car in later and he'd figure something out. It probably has to be an insurance claim, and he'll talk to your dad about it. Possibly he can do it without your dad even having to see the car. He says he knows him and knows how to handle him."

I grunted. "Strike can handle anyone. I wish I had that talent, especially with my dad."

"Don't worry," Johnny told me. "We'll both handle him. You'll see. We can't let the world out there beat us down."

"You're right, dude. I gotta get a grip on that. So what are we gonna do now, just lay here and chill?"

Johnny laughed. "No. I'm gonna fuck you."

I pushed myself up on my elbow and looked at him. I squeezed his boner again. "Yeah? With this awesome dick?"

"Right. That's the only one I've got and I sure can't use yours. But you gotta sit on top of me and ride me like a horse. That's the way I always imagine it."

That sure made me happy. "Now you're talkin'!"

I scrambled up real quick and got on top of him in the position he wanted. I was kneeling with my knees on each side of him, my dick pointing right at his face. It got me so excited just being on him like that, I thought I was going to climax all over him before we even started.

"You know I love horseback riding," I laughed.

He grabbed the lube from the nightstand next to the bed and fixed himself up, grinning at me. "I know, lover boy. And you're gonna have a ride like you never had before."

Then he was maneuvering himself into me, slowly at first so it wouldn't hurt. But I was so hungry for it I sat right down on him, feeling his cock slide up into me so easy and so naturally. Hurt? No way, not me. It hit something up in there, which I later learned was my prostate, a male's G-spot, and it got me hollering and hooting right off the bat.

"Whoa! Jeez Johnny! No wonder you were making so much noise when I fucked you. Ohmygod!"

He didn't even have to move but, of course, no way did he stay still. I was bobbing up and down feeling his cock sliding in and out, banging on my G, my dick flopping wildly, sensations like I couldn't have imagined flooding up from my junk and my rear throughout my entire body.

Johnny was laughing, his hands on my thighs. "Dude, slow down. You're killin' me. I'll pass out if you keep this up. You shoulda been a cowboy!"

I leaned down to kiss him and slowed down like he wanted, easing up and down, grinding slowly on the way down, listening to his sighs and squeals, my cock rubbing on his abs and feeling like it was going to explode any second.

"Oh that feels so good." I whipped back up, meeting his upthrusts with my own downward ones. "Yahoo! I feel like those dudes on Bonanza on the western station. No wonder they're always on those horses."

Johnny snorted. "Wearing butt plugs too, I bet."

I let out another whoop as he thrust up into me and I thrust down at him. "I always wondered why the sons never got married. Ha! Who needs girls on a fucking dude ranch?"

"Not me and you, pardner. That's for damn sure."

"Oh fuck, Johnny. I feel like I'm gonna come already."

"Me too," he grunted. "Yowwww ... I guess we can't go and go for twenty minutes like the guys in the porn vids."

"Hell with those dudes," I just about shouted. "They're working. This is ... me and you  ... doing the real thing."

The next moment he was arching his back, moaning as he pushed up into me with all his might.  I thrust down on him and leaned down forward to kiss him as we both fiercely erupted into wild powerful dudegasms of bliss. I could feel him shooting up into me, gushing like a fountain as I blew out gobs of cream all over his abdomen, both of us moaning and sighing and grunting, and trying to kiss, hardly knowing at all anymore what the fuck we were doing ...


NEXT: The news spreads like wildfire and the whole town finds out what happened ...

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