Chapter 3

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Several hours later dinner was served, toasts and speeches were finished, and everyone started mingling and dancing. '... should be looking to settle down yourself,' Aunt Mary lectured, 'you aren't getting any younger you know.'

I rolled my eyes in exasperation before smiling. 'Well, as soon as they legalise gay marriage, my girlfriend and I will be happy to make that commitment.' I ignored the overdramatic gasp of shock my aunt emitted.

Taking my drink from the bar I started walking back to the table grumbling to myself. Aunt Mary wasn't the first person to give me the settling down lecture tonight. 'Jessie?' Greg smiled as he came to stand next to me taking my hand, 'come dance with me. I'd like to get to know my sister-in-law.'

I let Greg relieve me of my drink and drag me out to the dance floor. I looked over my shoulder to find Sharnie chatting and laughing with friends. 'I doubt Sharnie really wants us getting to know each other, or she would have introduced us before the wedding,' I mumbled, Greg unable to hear me over the music.

Once on the dance floor, Greg turned me into him and started dancing. I was shocked at how well he moved into a gentle waltz. 'Did ballroom as a teenager,' he laughed when he saw the look on my face. 'Always been handy with picking up chicks.'


'So, Sharnie told me you two had a falling out some years ago and you've not been close since,' Greg started fishing immediately. 'Must have been some falling out for twins to barely have any contact?'

'We are only twins because we shared a womb thirty years ago,' I answered a little spitefully. 'Other than that we have nothing in common.'

'Wow!' Greg looked a little shocked. 'Definitely a huge falling out. I've seen the photos at your parents' house, Jessie. You were close. Now you could be worst enemies.' I frowned. Up until we were teenagers we had been best friends. After that, the photos were all posed for our parents' happiness.

'I know Sharnie has tried to extend the olive branch several times,' Greg continued examining the obvious unhappy thoughts cycling behind my pale blue eyes. 'I also know that you are only here today because Margaret begged you to come.'

'Well, you seem to know a lot.'

'What I don't know is what made you hate my wife so much?'

'Well, as you said,' I stopped dancing and stepped back, 'I'm here because Margaret demanded I attend. She also requested I play nice, and I have no reason to dredge that shit up. If Sharnie hasn't told you by now, I daresay she doesn't want you to know. Anyway you have it all wrong. It's Sharnie who hates me.' Greg's eyebrows lifted in curiosity. I smiled, 'Do you know how hard it is to be the centre of attention and constantly have the spotlight when you have siblings, let alone a twin, who is sportier and more academic?'

'Right,' Greg pouted, a little put out. 'So you are the bitch Sharnie described after all.' I laughed, not surprised my sister would make me out to be the bitch.

'Let's be frank, Greg. This will probably be the last time we see each other until the next big family function. Where is the point in us getting to know each other when I have no intention of being part of your wife's life?'

I went to walk off but Greg caught my wrist. I looked over my shoulder at him, giving him a very unpleasant look at his grip on my arm. 'She did something really bad for you to hate her this much,' Greg observed, 'I have a right to know just what sort of woman I've married.'

I stepped back into Greg, leaning in till my lips touched his earlobe. He shuddered as my breath slid down his neck. Over his shoulder I saw Sharnie watching us warily, saw her eyes grow tight at my proximity to her husband, the nervous fidget of her hands on her drink as she watched our interaction.

'What happened between Sharnie and I is in the past,' I spoke quietly into his ear, 'and that is where it is going to stay. I'm not going to dredge it up and I can assure you that she isn't going to either. But I want no part of her life because I will not let her hurt me like that again. As for you ... you've married her now. It's too late, so why go looking for landmines? It was nice meeting you, Greg.'

I stepped away walking straight to the bathroom to hide the tears that were threatening to escape. God, ten years had passed. I thought I'd dealt with it. But of course if I had moved on from my sister's betrayal, if I had overcome the hurt, I would have come home from my self-imposed exile by now. Wouldn't I?


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