CHAPTER THREE, support through a difficult time

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Time has passed since then yet their bond still remained strong and growing stronger each day. When Robby had told Valentina he had to go get a probation officer she insisted she went with him, but he said he would be fine and that she didn't have to worry. Of course, she wasn't satisfied with that and ended up convincing him to let her come along. She wanted to be there for him no matter what. After all, she didn't want him to go through this alone. Robby couldn't deny that it was nice to have someone there to support him, especially when he knew it was going to be difficult. 

Having Valentina there was a comfort, and it made things seem a little less daunting. At first he didn't want her there since he didn't want to scare her off or put her through that. He didn't want her to think of him any different or feel burdened by his problems. But Valentina's insistence and genuine concern won him over. Plus her puppy dog eyes, they were very hard to say no to. It was a bit nerve-wracking at first, but having Valentina by his side made it a little less scary as they walked into the building together.

"You didn't have to come, Val." Robby mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets as they walked to the place after leaving the parking lot.

"Well, I didn't want you to go alone. Besides, I can keep you company." She replies, bumping her shoulder against his. She smiles at him, trying to lighten the mood. "Look, Robby. It's going to be okay." She reassures him, squeezing his arm. "I'm here for you, no matter what. You're not alone in this, I promise." She gives him a gentle, reassuring smile. "And after we're done here, we can go get some ice cream. My treat." She then adds, "Besides, lowkey been craving chocolate chip ice cream with Oreos and caramel." She grinned, knowing he couldn't resist the tempting offer. She ended her sentence with a playful wink, hoping to ease some of the tension Robby was clearly feeling. 

Robby glanced at her, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips despite the anxiety gnawing at him. It wasn't just the thought of the probation officer that weighed on him; it was the fear that somehow, all of this might be too much for Valentina, that she might see him differently. That it might scare her away. But she stuck with him this whole time and never wavered in her support. Robby couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude and affection for Valentina. She had seen him at his lowest and still chose to stand by his side, something he never thought he'

Robby smiles a little, her words bringing him a small amount of comfort. "Fine," He replies, chuckling a little. "Only because you're paying." He teased.

"That's what I thought." She laughs, shaking her head. "I'll wait for you while you get signed in." She reassured him, reaching over to give his arm a reassuring squeeze before walking over to the waiting room area. She sent him a reassuring smile when she noticed he looked slightly anxious.

The moment he walked in there, he could tell it was going to be a long, stressful day. As soon as the front desk lady asked for his information, Valentina noticed how uncomfortable and nervous he looked. She tried to send him reassuring smiles and comforting glances, wanting to make him feel less anxious and stressed. She just wanted him to be okay and not feel like the world was out to get him. He was already struggling enough, and she hated seeing him go through it alone. Robby was thankful that she was here. She was one of the few people who genuinely cared and understood him. He felt a lot less alone, and her presence was a welcome comfort. He appreciated how much she cared and wanted to support him. It made him feel seen and heard, and it helped ease his nerves a little.

Valentina could make the worst day seem like the best one. She was like his own personal sunshine. Valentina was the complete opposite of him. She was the good to his bad, the sunshine to his darkness, the happiness to his sadness. Everything good, everything pure. He didn't know how he became friends with someone so innocent and sweet, but he was thankful for her.

While Valentina was waiting for Robby, she looked around the place. She had never been to one of these places before, and it was kind of weird. She didn't know what to expect. Everything looked sterile and a bit depressing. There were a few people sitting around, waiting. They all looked kind of tense and nervous. She couldn't blame them. It was probably stressful having to go through something like this. The place wasn't that busy, a few people here and there waiting to go back to talk. The walls were a tan color, the floor white. There were chairs in a corner, and a counter right in front of them. There was a poster about donating blood, another one was about always reporting domestic abuse. There was a water station near the front door, and a coffee station was there as well. Valentina grabbed her phone out to start playing a game to pass the time, but as she was doing this, Robby walked back over to her with a clipboard that had some forms he had to fill out.

He sighs as he sat by her, their sides touching, "Sorry, this is gonna take a while. I just gotta fill these out, and then I'll be done." He said, giving her a look, "You sure you wanna stay? I mean, you don't have to. You can go if you want." He offered, but he secretly hoped she wouldn't.

"Don't be silly," She shakes her head, smiling at him. "I'm not going anywhere." She assures him, "Besides, I promised you ice cream, didn't I? I'm looking forward to it." She chuckled, nudging him gently.

"Thanks, Val." He sighs in relief, smiling a little, "For everything." He mumbled. He was so glad to have her as a friend, and he couldn't imagine going through this without her.

"Anytime, Rob. I'm always here for you." She says softly, giving him a gentle squeeze. Her smile widens a bit. "Now, get started on those forms. The sooner you get done, the sooner we can go get that ice cream." She teased, causing him to chuckle a bit.

"Yes, ma'am." He joked, a smirk on his lips. He then turned his attention to the clipboard in his hands, but whenever he heard a door open, he looked up and his heart dropped at who he saw walk out of a room. Valentina had been looking around the room curiously when suddenly the clipboard was dropped in her lap when Robby stood up abruptly. She furrowed her eyebrows, watching him with confusion and concern as he walked over to a blonde-haired girl. Robby seemed upset, maybe even angry, but the girl didn't seem fazed at all. In fact, she actually seemed quite annoyed.

Then she started to connect the dots and realized with the small information she had about the karate dojos and the karate war going on that this was Tory Nichols. She didn't know Tory really at all. She just knew the rumors she's heard. She didn't pay attention to them really. She didn't like gossip or rumors, and she didn't want to judge someone before even knowing them. She assumed Robby didn't like Tory or was fond of her by the clenched jaw, the angry look on his face, and the way his hands clenched into fists at his sides. Tory didn't seem phased by his reaction though.

"Yeah, go ahead. They'll send you straight back to juvie." Robby unclenches his fists when Tory said that, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. Tory notices Valentina watching her and she furrows her eyebrows. "Who are you? His new girlfriend?" Robby was about to speak, but stopped when he saw Valentina stand.

Valentina stands up, walking over and standing beside Robby. She ignores her question and instead asks one of her own. "You're Tory, right? Robby's told me about you. I'm Valentina, his best friend. It's great to finally meet you." She smiled, reaching her hand out to shake Tory's hand.

Tory looks at her with surprise, not expecting for Valentina to be nice to her. "Uh, yeah, I'm Tory. You're...Nice to me." She stammered, narrowing her eyes at the dark-skinned girl.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Valentina tilts her head to the side, looking confused. She was usually polite and friendly, even to strangers, or at least she tried to be. It was the right thing to do. She didn't see the point in being rude or mean. "It's not a crime to be nice, is it?" She asks, a teasing smile on her lips. "Look, I know the whole karate rival dojo war thing is going on and I've heard rumors about you, but those are just rumors. I try not to judge people before I meet them. And you seem like a good person with a...Difficult past." She says softly, her gaze turning sympathetic. Tory scoffs, rolling her eyes. "You don't believe me. That's fine. I'm not trying to get you to. But I just want you to know that it's not a bad thing to have friends." She reaches into her bag, pulling out a pen and scribbling down a number. She hands it to her. "Here. You seem like you might need a friend. If you ever want to talk, call or text me. Okay?" She smiled kindly at Tory, placing the paper in Tory's hand and giving her arm a reassuring squeeze before letting go. 

Tory stared at the small paper in her hand, furrowing her eyebrows. She was dumbfounded. She was surprised by how nice Valentina was, but part of her didn't hate it. It was refreshing to be treated kindly, and not be judged. Valentina's kind, warm smile was something else. It was soft and sweet. Her eyes held sincerity and her words rang true. Tory was surprised to see her hanging out with Robby though Robby had mentioned his best friend a few times, she just never thought his best friend would be like Valentina. She seemed too innocent, too pure, too sweet, and too good to be mixed up with the likes of Robby Keene. 

She had never had anyone be so kind to her, especially not a stranger. She didn't know how to react. A part of her wanted to scoff and roll her eyes, telling her to go away. She wanted to tell her that she didn't want anything to do with her, that she didn't need her pity. But she didn't. Instead, she found herself tucking the paper into her pocket. Maybe she was desperate. Maybe she was lonely. Maybe she was tired of being alone and didn't know what else to do. Whatever the reason, she accepted the kind gesture. And, for a moment as she glanced back at Valentina hesitantly, she considered accepting the friendship as well. She didn't know how to handle a situation like this, and she was unsure what to say or do. Valentina had caught her off guard, and she was a bit thrown by her kindness and sincerity. She had a hard time trusting people, and Valentina was no exception. She didn't want to fall for the act, the façade. Everyone had a motive, everyone had an agenda, and she didn't want to play into their games. Even though Valentina didn't seem like the type, it was better safe than sorry. 

"Right," She mumbles. "Okay, well, um, it's nice to meet you too, I guess." She looks back at Robby with a shrug, changing the subject. "Looks like we're in the same boat." She said, referring to the fact that they both were here getting a probation officer.

Robby snapped himself out of the daze he was in. He had been shocked that Tory didn't start an argument or anything, but then again, Valentina was someone who had a way of disarming people with her kindness. Robby was still processing the unexpected turn of events, but he felt a mix of relief and gratitude. Valentina had managed to break through the tension with her genuine demeanor, and Tory seemed to be softening, if only slightly. 

"Thanks to you for starting the fight." Robby remarked.

"And you for finishing it." Tory retorts, crossing her arms. "It's not fair, you know. Everyone else got to go back to normal, but here we are eating s*** while your girl-"

"Don't talk about Sam." Robby shook his head, interrupting Tory.

"She cheated on you." Tory reminded him, and Valentina sent Robby a questioning look, but decided not to press. She'd ask him about it later. She could sense the tension rising between the two, and she could tell that this was a sensitive subject. It seemed like Tory liked to strike where it hurt, and Robby was clearly hurting over his ex-girlfriend, or whatever she was. His hands clenched into fists again, his jaw clenching. It looked like he was struggling to keep himself calm. He was doing a good job at it, but it was clear he was getting frustrated. So Valentina placed a comforting hand on his back, rubbing soothing circles. She felt him relax a little bit, his muscles loosening slightly. He sent her a grateful look, thankful for her comfort and support. It made it easier to control his emotions. Valentina smiled softly at him, her hand moving to gently squeeze his arm before she stepped back.

"She made a mistake. Sam is a good person." Robby defended Sam.

Valentina sat back down, feeling like she didn't need to be in the conversation anymore. She pulled her phone out to play a game, trying not to focus on the conversation they were having. She was curious though and often her curiosity got the best of her. She knew that Robby and Sam were dating. She has met Sam a couple times and she always was nice and friendly. Valentina always enjoyed spending time with her. Though she wasn't sure what to think when she found out Sam had kissed Miguel when she was dating Robby. She had to agree with Tory, it sounded like cheating to her. She understood that Sam was a good person and made a mistake, but the damage was already done. She couldn't help but feel bad for Robby, especially when he found out about the kiss. It wasn't easy seeing someone you care about kiss someone else. And now here Robby was, defending Sam. It wasn't her place to judge, but she didn't get why he was defending her when it seemed like Sam had made her choice. It was still cheating.

"Yeah, she sure acts like it." Tory scoffs. "Just wait, she'll turn on you. Just like Miguel."

Robby shakes his head, glaring at Tory. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Then why are we both here? At least I know who I am. You're still pretending to be something you're not." Tory starts to walk away, but she pauses and glances back at Robby. "On the section about home life, just check off 'stable'. They don't care. They never come to check."

That gains Valentina's attention. She assumed with that news that Tory didn't have the best home life, but she didn't know it was that bad. Valentina didn't know her situation, but it sounded like it was a difficult one. She felt bad for Tory even though she didn't know her. She couldn't imagine having to deal where you would need a probation officer. 

Robby sighs, shaking his head. He watches as Tory leaves before turning his attention to Valentina. She's got her phone out, now playing a game of Candy Crush. Something that she got hooked on during the time she spent recovering from her back surgeries and all that time in the hospital. She had been trying to beat her high score and was close to getting a new one. She was too focused on the game that she didn't hear Robby call her name. She jumps a little when Robby sat down next to her, putting the clipboard down and nudging her.

"Earth to Val, you there?" He chuckled a little, looking at her with slight amusement.

Valentina's face turns red out of embarassment, a sheepish smile spreading across her face. "Sorry, I was playing Candy Crush." She chuckles, "I was close to getting a new high score." She explained.

"Yeah, I could tell. You were super focused." Robby shakes his head, an amused smirk on his face. "But, uh, sorry about that." He said softly, his tone a little apologetic. "I didn't expect to see Tory here."

"It's okay," She reassures him, shrugging her shoulders. "It's not really my business. But are you okay? It seemed like you guys didn't get along. I could feel the tension between you two. You didn't seem happy." She pointed out, glancing over at him with concern.

Robby sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's complicated." He replied. He was a bit embarrassed by how he acted in front of Valentina, and he felt a little guilty about it. He didn't mean to drag her into this mess.

Valentina nods, not bothering with pressing for more details. It was clear he didn't want to talk about it, and she wasn't going to force him. "I'm sorry, Rob. If you want to talk about it, I'm here. But if you don't, I understand." She said softly, sending him a gentle, comforting smile.

"I appreciate it, Val. I just don't really want to talk about it." He tells her, returning her smile with a grateful one. "But, um, thanks for being here. It means a lot."

"Of course. You're my best friend. I'd do anything for you. You know that." She spoke, and they share a smile. 

Valentina could tell there was still tension between Robby and Tory. There was an unspoken history there, and whatever it was, it wasn't a pleasant one. She didn't know their past and she had a feeling she probably never would. But she could tell it wasn't a good one. There was a lot of baggage, and she could only imagine how that must feel. She was glad that Robby had someone there for him, and she hoped Tory did too. She didn't know why she was so concerned about her, but she was.

Valentina pauses before adding, "So, uh, what happened with Sam?" She asks gently. "You don't have to tell me that either, I just..I didn't know anything was going wrong with you two and now Tory claimed she cheated on you?" Her eyes held a worried expression. "What happened, Robby? Talk to me." She said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Please." She didn't want to push him, but she was concerned and wanted to be there for him. She was his best friend and that's what best friends did. They supported each other, no matter what.

Robby sighs, running a hand through his hair. He looks reluctant, but he gives in. "Yeah, apparently she got pretty cozy with Miguel while I was in juvie. I plan on seeing her later to talk about it." He muttered, a pained expression on his face. Valentina could see the hurt on his face and it broke her heart. She didn't say anything though. Instead, she pulled him into a tight hug. He stiffened a little, not expecting the hug, but he quickly melted into her embrace. It was warm and comforting, like all of her hugs. He leaned his head on her shoulder, relaxing as he breathed in the scent of her perfume — a mix of vanilla and something subtly floral. It was a soothing distraction from the turmoil he was feeling. Valentina held him tightly, her own heart aching for her friend. She knew this wasn't an easy situation, and while she didn't have all the answers or a perfect way to fix things, she was determined to offer her unwavering support. She rubbed his back gently, allowing him a few moments of peace and comfort.

"I'm really sorry, Robby," She whispers softly, her voice barely above a murmur. "It must hurt a lot. But whatever happens, you don't have to go through it alone. I'm here for you."

Robby's voice was muffled against her shoulder as he replied, "Thanks, Val. I don't know what I'd do without you."

She pulls back slightly, looking into his eyes with a compassionate smile. "You'll get through this. And if you need to talk, or just need a distraction, we can do that too. We've got ice cream to look forward to."

Robby chuckles a little, the warmth from her hug and her presence starting to lift some of the weight off his shoulders. "Yeah, ice cream sounds really good right now." He agreed, a small smile tugging at his lips. He was thankful for her, for being here, for everything. He was lucky to have her. She always knew what to say to make him feel better. She had a way of lightening the mood, of easing his burdens. She was the brightest star in the darkest night, and he was thankful for her.

Valentina smiles warmly at him, squeezing his arm affectionately. "I know, right? It's gonna be so good. We'll go straight after this." She assured him, pulling him in for another quick hug. She couldn't resist. She had to hug him again. She just wanted to wrap him in a big hug and keep him safe from the world.

After Robby had finished filling out the forms and they were ready for his appointment, they took him back. Valentina waited for him in the lobby, playing games on her phone. It wasn't long until he was coming out. She didn't have to ask how it went. She knew just by looking at him. He was tense, his eyes were narrowed and his jaw was clenched. She stood up, slipping her phone in her back pocket and walked over to him. She placed a gentle hand on his arm, a sympathetic smile on her face. He didn't say anything, just leaned his head on her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. She hugged him back, letting him have a moment to collect himself. After a few minutes, he pulled back, running a hand through his hair. He looked a little less tense now, and the anger had faded a bit. He still looked upset though. She could see it in his eyes. There was a sadness and hurt in them. She hated seeing him like this.

"Let's go get some ice cream, Rob." She murmured, linking her arm with his and gently guiding him out of the building. He followed without a word, letting her lead him. He didn't trust his voice right now. His emotions were all over the place, and he needed some time to process everything. Ice cream with his best friend would help with that. He knew she would listen if he wanted to talk, but she also wouldn't push him if he didn't want to. He appreciated that. She respected his boundaries and gave him space when he needed it. She was always there for him, and he was grateful for her.  

The drive to the ice cream shop was silent, but it wasn't awkward or tense. It was a comfortable silence. Once they got to the shop, Valentina got her usual, chocolate ice cream and Robby got his favorite. They sat at a table, talking about anything and everything. She kept him distracted and entertained, making him forget about his day. He appreciated it more than she knew, and he was thankful to have a friend like her. Valentina asked if he would wanna hang out at her house since honestly she didn't want him to be alone. She also didn't want him to wallow and let his anger get the best of him. Robby agreed and they drove to her house, and then the rest of the day was spent doing nothing. It was exactly what Robby needed, and he was grateful that Valentina knew that. 

Valentina was glad that she could help Robby out, and that he let her. Sometimes he didn't always do well with that, but today he was open and accepting of her help. It made her happy. She wanted to be there for him, and seeing him smile and laugh again was worth it. He'd been through a lot lately, and it was important for him to take time for himself and have some fun and relax. And Valentina was always happy to help with that. She loved spending time with Robby, and was glad that she could be there for him when he needed someone the most.

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