Chapter 7-The Heather's POV's

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 A/N I decided to make this a special chapter on The Heather's and their point of views  you could technically skip this chapter if you're not really interested in their them and their lives , but I think maybe you guys will like this chapter :).

Hannah's POV: It's the first day of  high school and I already knew Hayley would want to take charge also  since Hayley and I met a girl named Heidi to be our friend , she was tall and attractive and had an attitude kind of like Hayley I was kinda feeling like the odd one out of them because I was more nicer to people but Hayley had a reason to be rude to others she used to be sweet and nice until her mom left her dad and her parents got divorced and she was full of a lot of negative emotions.

Well anyways I have to get ready , I get off my bed and walk over to the bathroom my hair in a messy bun wearing sweats.While brushing my teeth I hear my phone vibrating , probably a text from Josh my boyfriend he was the sweetest , a cute nerd and always sent me a good morning text.


Josh:Good Morning , Hannah  ❤️❤️😘

Hannah:Morning  , Josh 😘😘 hope your team won at the Math-a-thon yesterday  

Josh: Of course we did , not trying to brag though ☺️

Hannah: You're too modest for bragging 😂

Josh:True 😂😂

Hannah:See you later after our first day of high school?

Josh:Of course Hannah 😄

I take a shower and get dressed putting on an outfit Hayley bought for me when it was my birthday that she told me to wear on the first day , she always wanted to make a good first impression.

I walk downstairs to complete chaos , my dad running trying to kill a fly whirling around the room while my little 3 year old brother Thomas crying and covering his ears while my mom holds him trying to comfort him , my 10 year old twin sisters Noelle and Milan fighting over a hoodie and my older older Zeuk the only quiet one reading a book like he's the only one there and not noticing everything happening around him , typical.

"I fortunately I have slayed the deadly fly!" my dad says with unesseccary triumph and Thomas finally calms down.I'm mostly used to this chaos and greet mom and dad as I get some bread to make toast

"Noelle and Milan that's enough!" my mom says separating them and taking the overly stretched hoodie from all the pulling but they still give each other glares and go back to their seats and eat their breakfast.

After breakfast , Heidi in the drivers seat of her black Mercedes Benz and her mom next to her and Hayley in the backseat are already on our driveway waiting for me

"Hey guys" , I say to them 

"Hey Hannah" Heidi says to me flashing a smile at me with her lips , Hayley mostly looking out the window I had a feeling it probably had to with something that happened with her mom and Brooklyn , Brooklyn was mostly nice to me but Hayley always described her as a devilish little brat. I decide to mostly talk to Heidi and her mom who was really nice

Hayley's POV:It's morning at my mom's house and I wake up and shower , then getting dressed , it's the first day of high school and I feel like even as I was young watching movies like High School Musical I've always dreamed of finally getting into high school but I don't think it's gonna be like the movies life isn't a movie that's what I've learnt ever since I was only 8 and my mom left my dad resulting in a divorce I was an only child back then and didn't really understand what divorce meant but as I got older I started to understand what it meant.

My mom always expected a lot from me especially now that I have a younger step-sister Brooklyn and she always wanted me to set a better example for her even though we're technically not even related so I don't see the point.I go down for breakfast in my outfit I picked out months before school started

My mom had a maid to clean and cook and she was really good at cooking her name was Maria Alvarez but we just called her Maria she was also really sweet and kind.She made pancakes with fruit whipped cream and maple syrup and fried eggs and bacon on the side.

"Good Morning , Maria" I say to her with a bright smile 

"Good Morning , Hayley hope you slept well " she said smiling back as she was cleaning the kitchen.Brooklyn , my mom and my step-father David were already at the table eating and talking like one small happy family while I felt out of place like the black sheep of this family.

I take my breakfast and a cup of orange juice and sit down at the table everyone not really noticing I was there and just kept going on with their conversations kind of like that one person in a group chat that always gets ignored especially in a three way conversation.

I fake cough to get their attention

"Excuse me everyone but I just had to remind everyone that it's my first day of high school" as I emphasized the high school part

"Nobody asked" said Brooklyn as she rolled her eyes she was starting middle school and always acted like a brat

"Well nobody asked for your existence" I said back at her and she started crying crocodile tears she always wanted me to look bad in front of David and my mom especially my mom

"Hayley Elizabeth Ross you better apologise this instant" my mom said raising her voice , I can't believe she's falling for Brooklyn's act but I've gotten used to my mom always treating Brooklyn like her actual daughter even though I'm her biological daughter not Brooklyn.

"Fine  , sorry Brooklyn" I said rolling my eyes obviously not meaning the sorry. I quickly finish my breakfast and rush out the door not wanting to stay in that hellhole anymore the only person who actually was nice to me and acknowledged my existence was Maria.

Heidi and her mom pick me up at my house in Heidi's Mercedes-Benz that she got for her 15th birthday in the summer.They were pretty rich just like my mom and my dad who were CEO's of huge companies.

"Hey Hayley" says Heidi , I stay silent not really feeling like talking right now

"Oh you don't want to talk ok that's fine" she says looking at the rearview mirror then starting her car and moving out of the driveway , the car ride was silent except for Heidi and her mom talking and directing because she only had her learners permit so she needed an adult over 18 with a drivers licence.

We reach Hayley's house and she says hi to us wearing the outfit I bought for her.

Heidi's POV:I wake up early for my morning jog and wear a tank top , shorts my ipod and airpods a bottle of watter and grab a hoodie in case it's chilly.My older brothers Alex and Brian are already up and in our driveway playing basketball 

"Hey little sis already up" says Alex while trying to dodge Ryan who was reaching to grab the ball from him

"I'm not little anymore Alex" I say rolling my eyes

"Keep rolling you're eyes like that and maybe one day they"ll pop right out" says Ryan laughing

"And maybe it'll also be the day you stop smelling like a rotting pig" I dart back at him , before he says anything back I start running to the park

"Byee" I say laughing then trying to catch my breath as I sit down near a bench taking a swig of my water bottle.

Then I start jogging around the park and stop to pet someones cute West-Highland White Terrier then it hits me that I forgot to take Charlie our golden retriever out with me but I'm sure Alex or Ryan will anyways.I check my pink apple watch and it's already 7:00 I start running back home to get ready for school.

I've already showered and changed in record speed sprinting downstairs for breakfast and decide on a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and an apple.

"Good Morning Mom " I say as my Mom  already downstairs eating breakfast dressed for work while my Dad is probably already at a early business meeting.

"Good Morning honey , I can tell you already went for your morning jog" she says smiling warmly her dimples showing but also being able to see her lines of wrinkles.

"Yeah and I'm hoping to join the high school track and field but I'm already in basketball , swimming , soccer and sometimes on the weekend karate and gymnastics so I'm not sure If I"ll have time for track and field" I say shrugging , my family was always into sports and my mom and dad were both athletes even my extended family did all kinds of sports , my older brother's one that was a senior and one already in college and playing for the college basketball team and dreaming to go pro.

My brother's run down the stairs talking loudly about who know what and make their breakfast devouring it like hungry wolves.

"Hey can you guys eat like human beings not hungry wolves that haven't eaten in days" I say laughing , Ryan takes a big slurp of his orange juice and is just about to open his mouth to talk when I say "well gotta go" and pick up all my things heading out to the driveway to my black Merceds-Benz

"Heidi , you know I have to supervise while you're driving" my mom says already out the door.

"Oh yeah" I say sighing because I still have to be 16 to get my drivers licence and finally be able to drive by myself.I drive over to Hayley's house me her and Heidi are friends with me now and we became friends since we went to the same summer camp during the summer  I liked Hayley's attitude she was sometimes rude to people but I think maybe she's just went through some personal things in her life she hasn't told me yet but that's okay.I also like Heidi for her kindness and charisma but she sometimes kisses Hayleys butt to be honest we even came up with a name for our friend group The Heathers it was Hannah's idea and it .

Hayley hops into the car with a frown on her face looking like she was thinking about something

"Hey Hayley" I say , she doesn't answer 

"If you don't want to talk ok that's fine" I say but on the inside wondering why she shut me out like that.We eventually get to Heidi's house and she get's in smiling and wearing a pretty tank top and jeans that I'm pretty sure my mom bought for me when she went to New York last year.

"Hey guys" says Hannah

"Hey Hannah" I say smiling at her , we drive to Crestview.

A/N So that's the end of this chapter about The Heathers and I hope you guys liked it , I'm also wondering if do you think it'd be better if I made chapters will all the squad's pov's or just each chapter one of their POV's say what you think in the comments and don't forget to click the star button to vote 🌟

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