💚Sofia's POV (The Sleepover)💚

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We all were at my house for the sleepover currently watching a movie we were watching The Parent Trap which is a classic and one of our childhood favorite movies , then we were going to go on a Netflix Marathon of Stranger Things which will probably give some of us nightmares when we go to bed  but not me because I love anything thriller or horror.

"I can't believe they made her go skinny dipping at night I could imagine it would be freezing cold" says Val "If I was her I would be like nope!". Maddie says 

"Shhh" me and Lola say at the same time , as the movie goes on we eat caramel popcorn and laughing at all of our favorite parts.

Suddenly we hear a thud from downstairs "Mom! are u ok" that's my mom's voice me and the others hurry down the stairs to see what's going on when I see my Mom help my grandma up from the ground with my Dad and older brother Alan at my mom and grandma's side with concerned looks on their faces.

"Mom what happened" ... 

"your grandma just tripped on the stairs but I think she will be okay"

My Mom asks grandma to stay calm and if she's experiencing any pain and where it is ."I'm pretty okay but my ankle hurts" my grandma says with a pained face expression.My mom guides my grandma  to the door and uses her arm to support her 

"I'm taking grandma to the hospital I"ll be back" 

"Ok mom bye" I say with a sad and concerned look on my face.

"You guys can still continue your sleepover  and Sofia don't worry your grandma will be okay" my dad said with a reassuring smile. 

"Okay Dad" I walk up the stairs with the rest of the squad all of them comforting me and assuring me "Don't worry guys I'm okay" I say with a fake smile 

I could tell Valerie  already knew I was faking but she let it go then whispered "you can tell me anything you know that right?"

 "yeah" . 

On the inside I was worried  about  my grandma "Hey guys I"ll be right back you can start the Netflix " as I walk into my room I close the door and head over to my hp laptop and search up on Google what happens to old people when they fall down the stairs? It sounded terrible 

blood clots , hip fracture , bruises! Tears rolled down my cheeks because I loved my grandma she was very close to me and was like a 2nd mother figure after my Mom to me and I didn't want her injured or anything bad to happen to her.My family barely go to church mostly on Christmas and Easter but at that time I felt that I needed Jesus in this situation "Jesus if your there and real please help my grandma and make sure she's okay" .

Somehow that made me a little better.The door opens and Valerie walks in "Sofia are you ok " she says seeing me sitting on my bed and comes over sitting down next to me. " Not really I guess but now I feel better giving reassuring her but she gives me a huge hug anyway.

Lola and Maddie burst into the room "Aren't you guys gonna watch the movie one of the best parts is coming ...  says Maddie

 , O my gosh are you okay Sofia" says Sofia with an concerned look probably seeing me looking like I just cried because I did . I nod but Lola  and Maddie just join me and Valerie's hug and turn it into a warm group hug.

I have the bestest friends ever .The sleepover ends off with us singing Never Ending Story ,  🎶Never ending storyyyy ahhh ahhh 🎶 . Then we go to bed me with a smile on my face . I really have the bestest friends I could ask for.

A/N And that's all folks for this chapter what do you guys think will happen to grandma will she really be okay or not? but you"ll see what happens in the next chapter Thank you for all who have been reading also if I get at least 3 comments saying I should publish the next chapter I will Love y,all ❤️❤️ ✌️

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