#29 B&B

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"Nivin said he's in love with that girl, I think you should forget about that boy now, they are going to get engaged soon"

Papa's words swirled around me.

Neev is out of his senses! how can he be so blind! I was even ready to break my engagement with Rohan for him!

Engagement with that nobody? he sure is out of his mind!

I crushed the paper in my hands.

I have to do something! I can't allow this!

*   *   *   *   *


I looked at the beautiful ring on my finger. My heart is beating like crazy, I was consumed by so many emotions that it was paining me physically.

"So what have you decided?" I heard the voice from behind and tightened my fist.

"So it was just a fling? I want to talk to him directly, I am not someone who needs any charity" I said angrily and started to walk out.

I don't want even a penny from you, I am poor, but I have self-respect.

"Stop her!" I heard the order and panicked.

Someone pushed me to the wall and I hit my head. Pain shoot through my body.

I couldn't even see anymore, I was feeling dizzy. I heard voices around, but nothing is making sense anymore, I touched my head.

Blood!...oh God! I  am bleedin-

Next thing I know, I lost my balance and slipped, I know the steep stairs and tried to hold on to the railing barely.

"Hel...help me...please..."  I said, but nobody moved. I started to lose my grip and fell down the stairs.


I opened my eyes in shock.

I was still in the bed, drenched in sweat.

I touched my head, but nothing was there.

"It's...it's a dream,"  I said, but my whole body is shaking like I really have fallen down.

I could actually feel the pain! It felt so real!

"It's...a dream,"  I said again as my door was pushed open.

"Priya?" My auntie and uncle was in front of me. "what happened? I thought I heard you crying?" Auntie said.

"It's...it's just a dream," I said.

"What did you see?" uncle take a step forward.

"I...l..hit...my head... I..." I was still trembling from head to foot.

"It's probably the accident, don't worry-"

"No, it...was different... I think I was in an office room? I dunno.." I whispered.

Uncle and Auntie looked at each other.

Why are you worrying them Priya?

"It was just...a dream, don't worry about me",  I said. "I am sorry if I woke you up, please go and sleep, you have works tomorrow," I said again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yea, please take rest," I said.

"We will see the doctor again," Auntie told me.

"Yea, that's right, and you should tell us if something like this happens again! or if you are getting any glimpses from past, you have to discuss it with your doctor," Uncle said.

I smiled at them.

"Thank you so much for your concerns but it was just a nightmare, so don't worry," I said.

I am really glad someone is with me during this tough days...

"Are you sure?"

"100 percent!" I said firmly.

"okay," Uncle thought for a moment. "Auntie will stay with you for a few days now"

"There's no need, you shouldn't take leave because of me! you are too busy and you can come home only on weekends, you can't-"

"Nonsense! Priya, we can't just leave you here" Uncle said.

"Yea, I will take a few days off, I want to make sure you are completely healed first," Auntie said.

My eyes started to fìll.

"Thank you and...I am sorry for erasing all those...memories" I said, my voice slightly shook. "I will...work hard and...recover all of my memories fast, I promise you!"


I looked at the invitation again.

A masquerade ball?

I reread the name.

it's addressed to me alright!

"Here you are Riya!" my heart jumped at his voice.

"Neev!" I said, getting up from the roundtable, his eyes moved to the invitation card.

"I see you get the invitation," he said while taking my hand.

I forgot everything and my mind focused on our intertwined hands.

Nivin seemed to be carefree around me these days, especially after that kiss...

Don't go there Riya! you are hallucinating!!

But I could really feel it, something has changed between us, I am sure he could feel it too.

I looked up at him.

"Walk with me," he said, his eyes looking deep into mine.

It was half past eight.

"You are home early today" I stated.

Neev is late most of the days, working hard on the project, I think he could do anything if he's determined and put his heart to it, even grandpa don't get irritated at him these days.

he smiled at me, in that way which always makes my heart go out of my control.

"I wanted to talk to you," he said and my heart went overdrive again. "Grandpa said he's going to announce our engagement this week"

"Mm.,"  I said.

Oh God! don't start to blabber now or you are going to get caught!

"I am invited to a masquerade ball for the first time! I  am curious about it yet worried, I mean, it's conducted by the university and I am still worried about people there" I blurted out.

You see, I am still nervous about the whole engagement thing, I can't still talk about it freely.

Neev sighed.

"We are going to get engaged, Riya, even though it's not officially announced yet, all of our friends know it by now, of course, they will invite you!" he said. "And I want all of them to accept you too" he added.

My heart skipped a beat again. Neev has started this kind of statements now, which I can't seem to reply and he was cool about it.

Don't ever forget it's a fake engagement Riya, so don't get your heart more involved than it already is!

"You looked a bit worried, what happened?" I looked up at him.

"You can read me now?" he asked, then frowned slightly. "I told Nirosha to tell Rohan what she did to Naina"

"You threatened her?" I asked.

"I just warned her" he shrugged.

"But why the party then?" I asked confused.

"It's an annual party for alumni, no big deal there, I just told her I am not going to wait much longer than that," he said.

"Do you think she's going to tell him-"

"Shhh.." Neev touched his index finger on my lips and I stilled.

His eyes lingered on my lips for a moment and I moved back slightly.

"Neev.." I said, he's doing this regularly now, making me feel all hot. Whenever his eyes focus on my lips, it reminded me of our kiss.

He smiled. "okay," he said, taking his hands back and running his hands through his hair. "Okay, Riya, let's just concentrate on ourselves now," he said, now looking back at me.

He took the invitation away with his free hand and placed it on the table, he started to walk with me.

"Where...where are we going?" I asked, trying to hide my feelings.

"There's a lot of places in Aldricks you haven't seen yet," he said.

And he was right, he took me out through the garden and we walked through the trail that was left through the trees.

Our way was lighted all the way and it looked so magical under the moonlight.

"I never thought it's so beautiful here!" I exclaimed and Neev chuckled, the sound filling me with warmth.

"I am glad you liked it," he said.

"I loved it Neev," I said, now looking around happily. "I never noticed it before-" I stopped in my track.

Neev has pulled me to a clearing, under the shade of a tree.

The whole area was covered in hanging stars in different colours, it was tiny shining stars, but there were thousands of those in there, hanging from the tree, creating a magical world.

And just underneath was a picnic table, already arranged beautifully.


I looked at her sideways, she was still frozen in her spot, her eyes wide, her mouth slightly open.

I smiled.

"So, do you like it?"

She turned to me.

"Neev! you...you arranged all of these?" she asked.

Now it's my turn to feel uncomfortable.

"Yea...we...I thought we should...You know, get to know each other...a bit" I said.

She looked positively shocked now.

I am getting nervous now, I haven't done these sort of things for anyone before.

"I mean, our engagement party will be there and we need to know...things...about each other," I said.

"Auntie Alice made you do this?"vRiya stated, still looking around.

I pulled her to face myself.

"Why? I can't arrange this for you?" I asked her and she blushed slightly, making me smile.

"No, I mean...we are not really getting engag-"

"Shh.." I touched my index finger on her lips for the second time that night, or I have a feeling that she's going to start ranting again.

"I hope you will just enjoy our date today, no questions, no worries"

She looked down at her sweatpants and top.

"I am not even dressed and you didn't even warn me before!" she exclaimed.

"You look good being yourself Riya, you don't need to get dressed up," I said sincerely.

She's cute and adorable. I like that about her.

And I love to make her surprised, I love the way her eyes get widened and the way she blushes.

I was still in my formal clothes. I removed my jacket and wrapped it around her.

"Come on" I guided her to the table and pulled the chair out for her.

She was still looking like she's in a trance.

I take the opposite chair in front of her.

"You came early for this?" she said.

"I told you, I wanted to get to know you more"

"I pretty much told you everything about me," she said.

"Not everything, I want to know about things you like, about your dream like that," I said.

Yes, when  I said I want to get to know her, I really meant it. I know I am attracted to her and I am curious to know where it would lead me.

You know you are behaving weirdly Nivin!

Yes, but I feel happy around her, it is for the first time in twenty-six years.

She stared at me for a minute. "You are the same Nivin Rosh Aldrick I have met before, right?" she said.

I chuckled.

"Not the same, I think," I said. "I am a bit different, I have someone who believes in me and someone to protect for the first time,"  I said, my voice turning serious this time.

Riya's eyes filled all of a sudden.

"Thank you so much," she whispered. "You don't know how much those words mean to me." she stopped.

"Let's just enjoy the night," I said. "let's forget about everything else"


It was the most wonderful night in my life, Neev was a real gentleman, sweet and caring, he was open too, not wearing that cold mask.

And I think I can't ever go back now, I am falling deeper and deeper.

We talked for a long time and as soon as I was feeling slightly tired, he takes me back.

Neev takes the poolside stairs so that we won't bump into anyone unnecessarily and he walked me the whole way to my room.

"I have a nice time, Neev, thank you so much," I said as soon as I turned to face him.

But Neev takes hold of my hands again and pulled me to him.

"Neev!" I gasped slightly as he kissed me on the forehead, lingering there for a moment.

And I thought my heart will burst.

"Riya, I think...I like you" he said to a shocked me.

Warmth spread all over me.

"I...I like you too" I said, my whole body trembled as I admitted it.

I don't just like you, I love you Neev...

"I mean, I like you as a man" he added. "I am actually glad I am getting engaged to you, I...I want to take small steps with you" he said.

My eyes widened. He chuckled again, then leaned to kiss me again.

"Good night, sleep now, we will think about it afterwards," he said before guiding me to the room.


"Yea...good night," I said quickly and he nodded, walking back.

Sleep? yea sure!

*   *   *   *   *


"Make sure you attend the ball Rohan," Nivin told me.

It was breakfast time and everyone was starting to come.

"I have something to do tonight, I don't think I can-"

"Nirosha said she has something to tell you," he said.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Just take care of Riya, Neev, don't get distra-"

"You don't have to worry about it, I have no lingering feelings for Nirosha," Nivin said confidently.

I nodded. I don't know why I am feeling protective of Riya.

She just reminds me of Naina, that must be it, I know grandpa wouldn't think twice about hurting her.

"Good morning" Danny came to the table and sit beside me.

"So how was your date?" He looked up at Neev and he smiled, I take a second look.

Yea, Neev smiled as in smiled genuinely.

"It was good, thanks for your help," he said.

"What did you help with Danny?" I looked at him.

"Hanging those stars! Of course! He didn't need any help from house staffs and he had worked too" Danny said. "so I helped his planning team"

"And he robbed me off," Nivin said.

"Don't exaggerate brother Neev! It was nothing for you!" Danny laughed.

"Don't tell me-" I started

"Yea, that's right, I am getting a bullet as soon as I get my license," he said.

I sighed.

"But you shocked me, brother Neev, I never thought you will ask me something like this!" Danny exclaimed.

"Something like what Danny?" Riya came and sit beside him. "Good morning" she looked around.

"Your date! how was it Riyechi?" Danny asked and she turned red.

Danny, Neev and I chuckled at her.

"It was good" she murmured and we laughed.

"And you are welcome to sit here," Neev said unexpectedly, pointing towards the chair beside him.

Riya's eyes widened a little.

"Go on" I encouraged, smiling at her discomfort.

"Don't make me uneasy Neev!" she said.

Neev came all the way over to the other side and grabbed her shoulder.

"Neev!" Riya hissed, her face was still red, she looked embarrassed.

Danny and I cracked up as Neev dragged her to the seat beside him.

"Everyone already knows we are going to be engaged and we have a party to attend too, so you are stuck with me," Neev said.

Neev is changing!

I watched him in wonder. I never thought I will see him like this! I  thought we are going to lose him forever! Riya is the right person for him!

"Neev, grandpa-" Riya started.

"I want him to see too" he shrugged.

"Don't aggravate him" she said.

"It was his idea to get us engaged, so there's no problem," Neev said.

"You guys are all here already?" Mom came to sit with us, she looked at the clock.

"Grandpa is running late," Danny said.

Soon Kamala finished arranging everything and we started.

I looked over at Neev and Riya, they looked happy together, I have never seen Neev this relaxed and carefree.

And I felt loneliness inside. My mind wandering to Naina automatically.

"Riya, Kiran said your dress is ready, just drop by her place before the party," Mom told her.

"You didn't have to go to so much trouble," Riya said. "I could have just wear any black or white in my wardrobe"

They are talking about the masquerade ball.

"All of your friends will be there, of course, you have to dress up," Mom told her.

Her face fell. I know she's not looking forward to seeing her friends from college.

"We all will be there too" Nivin assured her.

She smiled and nodded, then looked at me. "Do you have a date, Rohan?" she asked me, looking hopeful.

"I am not planning to attend," I said slowly.

"You should" Neev looked at me, I think there's something going on.

"Okay, I will see what she want to tell me then" I nodded.

But I can't imagine what Nirosha wants to tell me! It's not like we have been very close.

"Excellent! there's someone I want to bring to the party" Riya looked excited.

"You want to set me up with your friends?" I asked. "I am not much of a party person"

To be truthful, I am afraid of the college girls.

It's hard to get rid of them, they are whiny and clingy.

"She's more like my sister, I just want to make her come and attend the party," she said, I think I am hearing about this person for the first time.

"You are bringing Priya?" Neev looked at her. "yea, that's good, it's masquerade, she can actually come and enjoy" he said.

"She's refusing to go out, she can't refuse if I say I have already arranged a date for her! she can't stand him up!" Riya said.

"You hurt me Riya! you are using me!"  I said in a fake hurt voice.

"I am just borrowing your name, Rohan! you are free to do whatever you want" she winked.

I smiled.

"I miss it, the good old days!" Mom said.

"Auntie! you can come too! It's a masked ball and nobody's going to recognise you, we can just slip away before midnig-"

"Riya!" I exclaimed. "Don't give her ideas!"

"Please Riyechi!" Danny said.

"No Riya, I too don't want to see my son flirting around with girls," Mom said displeased a, and we laughed.

*   *   *    *


"I am not sure about this Riya! I think I shouldn't com-" Priya started again.

"We are going and that's it," I said firmly.

We were getting ready for the party. I had gone all the way to pick her up from her uncle's house.

We are currently with Kiran, our stylist, she was fixing Priya's dress.

"Both of you look gorgeous," Kiran said at last, taking a step back and watching us proudly.

I was wearing a white gown and Priya a black mermaid style gown.

The theme was black and white and we were both ready.

I looked in the mirror again.

"Should I really wear this tiara?" I asked them. "it's a bit-"

"It goes along with your dress Riya, you look like a princess, so don't worry"

"It looks good on you, Riya," Priya said.

I looked at her.

"You should really use a little makeup from now on Priya! you are a beauty!no one can recognise you even without the mask!"  I said, now walking around her.

It was true, she was looking like a whole different person, her features were sharpened and her hair was made curly, she looked beautiful and different.

"I am not sure about this," she told me again.

"Priya, just relax and enjoy the night, okay? And I don't want to make my friend a complete fool of himself when his date doesn't turn up"


"And we will come back before midnight, we will skip the unveiling event, so relax," I said.

"Okay, I will just enjoy tonight then," Priya said

"That's my girl!" I hugged her.

Ever since she said she is having that same nightmare, the one falling down and getting killed, I wanted to take her out to relax and forget her problems, but the opportunity never came, until now!

A masquerade is a perfect solution for her, she can attend the ball and enjoy herself, she can also keep her identity hidden!

"You know, I can't even dance," she told me. "but you are right, it's my first time outside and I want to taste the freedom" she smiled and I squeezed her hand.

She has barely started walking, she can take small steps and she'll get tired soon, but it was still an improvement.

Kiran helped us tie our mask and we were set to go.

Alice auntie had arranged our driver Manoj to take us there, Nivin and Rohan will be joining us at the party.

"Are you excited?" I looked at her, she nodded. both of us looked at each other and giggled.

"Let's go then!"


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