Chap. 2 - L.O.C Vs A Phoenix

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Speaking - (person) hello

Yelling - (person) HELLO HOW ARE YOU!

Whispering - (person) Hey can I get the answer for the quiz

In head - (person) 'did I leave the stove on'

Sacred gear talking - (dragon) [hello there]

Timeskip - time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur writing this book


{L.O.C is lord of cinder}

Third person

After riser agreed to fighting yami in a duel sirzech had teleported them to a empty arena. Yami took this chance to switch his sword to wolnir holy sword as yami put back on his helmet, he then switched out his sword with his a black knight great sword. As yami looked towards riser as he held a smirk on his face.

(Riser) Riser hopes you are ready to die!

Yami chuckled as his armoured changed to his fallen knight set while swtiching his sheild to golden wing crest sheild.

(Yami) You know riser we fought once before remember?

(Riser) Riser remembers that fight! It was decided that it was a draw to which riser vowed to get revenge on you!

Yami smiles as riser summons two fire balls and chucks them at, yami uses his shield to parry both one fire ball then rolls out of the way of the other one, yami then starts running towards riser with his black knight Greatsword drugging across the ground, once yami was close enough he did a up wards slash, while riser tried blocking with his arms only to have both arms cut off in one swift movement.

As riser screams out in pain yami chuckles as he punches riser in the face with the end of his shield, effectively smashing all his teeth in while sending him into the arena walls, as yami slowly makes his way towards riser, Ravel Phoenix flys infront of yami with her arms rised.

(Ravel) Please yami! I know my brother is a bad person but please spare him! I know he can change!

Yami thinks for a little as he sighs turning around he starts walking.

(Yami) I will Ravel Phoenix, but make note of this if your brother challenges me next time I will not grant such mursey.

Ravel nodded as she runs over to her brother as everyone is teleported back to the ball room, sirzech walks up to yami with a case.

(Sirzech) Yami sol, you have proven your strength to be greater then a high pure blooded devil, you have proven your knowledge to be greater then that of Sona sirtri, I Sirzech Lucifer here by grant you your own peerage.

Sirzech then opened the breaif case to reveal black chest pieces,  as yami was reaching for the king piece a sudden shout stopped him.

(Rias) YAMI!

Yami turns towards the source of the voice to see Rias gremory and her peerage looking at him with eyes of shock.

(Yami) what?

(Rias) please don't accept the peerage......I'm sorry for what I did.....Please don't leave me

Yami took one look at rias before grabbing the king piece and shoving it in his chest, a black aura sorunds yami as he looks at rias.

(Yami) Listen here Rias the moment you and the other two betrayed me is the moment I started having you, I will never join back into a power hungry bitch peerage.

With that yami teleported along with zoom, millicas and graifya, sirzech looked at rias and her peerage as is eyes flashed a tint of black and red.

(Sirzech) My office now all of you!

Time skip brought to you by chibi yami and a chibi millicas and chibi zoom playing at a dog park.

We now currently see sirzech sitting behind his desk with graifya by his side, in front of him and his wife are rias and her peerage members.

(Sirzech) Rias I want the full truth this time, no half baked stories, no half skinny dipping , no bad Arthur jokes, the full story of why you felt it was neccisorly to betray yami?

{Hey! My jokes aren't that bad =___=}

Rias looked down as she started to talk tell the story.

(Rias) I didn't want yami to leave my peerage, I was afraid that if he passed the trail of becoming a high ranking devil he would change, I....*sniffles* Just wanted to keep yami the same as I known him.

(Sirzech) Rias I understand that you treat your peerage members like family, but that is no excuse to kill one just because he has surpassed you, now as of this moment yami is officially out of your peerage, you and your peerage are to be under supivison from sona peerage along with sona gaining full control over kuoh.

(Rias) I understand

As rias turns to leave with her peerage graifya receives a magic call, she nods her head as she smiles and turns to sirzech.

(Graifya) Sirzech, millicas is starting to develop his destruction magic with the help of yami.

(Sirzech) that is great and confusing news? How is he teaching him to control the POD magic?

(Graifya) well he isn't, he wanted you to teach millicas that as a father son bonding time, all yami is doing is showing how he conjures up magic.

Sirzech smiles as he nods and starts filling out some paper work

With Yami and Millicas

Currently we see yami in regular clothing standing a few feet from millicas who is currently conjuring a small ball of POD magic, yami smiles he noticed zoom laying down on the back porch and start to fall asleep.

(Yami) your doing good Millicas, just a little more and you will be able to fully conjure your POD magic.

(Millicas) I know uncle yami, but it's just hard I know my father is a great POD user himself and I just wanna be like him.

Yami smiles as he walks over to millicas and rubs his head messing up his red hair, millicas smiles as he looks towards the back porch and his smiles widens.

(Millicas) AUNTIE SONA!

Millicas says as he rushes and hugs sona who smiles and returns the hug, yami smiles glad millicas is smiling and curious to why sona is here.

(Sona) Well good afternoon millicas, I came to ask uncle yami a favor can you go play with auntie tsubaki, while me and yami talk?

Millicas nods as he runs into the house, sona then turns her attention to yami as he spreads his arms.

(Yami) come on I know you missed them.

Sona blushes as she walks over to yami and hugs him holding him tight, yami wraps his arms around sona and rubs her head as he feels water hitting his clothing.

(Sona) I *sniffles* thought you were gone *sniffles* how did you survive?

(Yami) A story for another time, just hug for now

Sona nodded as she hugged yami closer.

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