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Speaking - (person) hello

Yelling - (person) HELLO HOW ARE YOU!

Whispering - (person) Hey can I get the answer for the quiz

In head - (person) 'did I leave the stove on'

Sacred gear talking - (dragon) [hello there]

Timeskip - time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur writing this book

Note - im not gonna make rias or akeno a bad person in this story only issei.


Third person

It's another bright day in the town of kuoh we see students walking along the sidewalk as they chat with there own group of friend each one unique in there own way. We have first the gossip group were all gossip gets to them one way or another, the sports group were they talk about all types of sports the advantage and disaventges of each sport, the kendo club talking about there next match, the speaker club chatting with all the group's to see what they can say on announcements, and finally the occult research club or the ORC as it is the most popular club. The reason why is because of five individuals which are akeno himonji and rias gremory both called queens of kuoh along with sona shitira, koneko toujo the kuoh academy mascot, the Prince of kuoh kiba youto, and finally yami the knight of kuoh academy. Yami is friends with everyone in the occult research club, yami is a second year who shares the same classroom as the perverted trio which they despise him. The reason being is because yami stopped all the antics of the perverted trio no matter what they were since forth the female population of kuoh has dubbed him the knight of kuoh since they can always rellay on him to be there knight in shining armour. Now currently walking along the sidewalk is yami while talking with all type of groups as he is a very famous person within the school. As each student got near the front gate they were baffled at what they saw issei hydoudo the most perverted person in school talking with rias gremory one of the queens of kuoh, as rias saw yami she smiled and walked over to him

(Rias) Yami it's nice to see you this morning.

(Yami) As the same to you rias now is this the new club member?

Rias nodded as she turned to issei with a smile

(Rias) yes yami meet issei hydoudo and issei meet yami sou

Issei looked at yami and was a little mad about it how rias was all friendly was him

(Yami) well its nice to meet you issei. I'll see you prez after school i gotta get to class before the girls sorrund me again

Yami said as he started to walk away as a group of girls followed him making issei only madder. As rias giggled she looked at issei

(Rias) don't worry issei soon you will full fill your dream all you have to do is work for it.

(Issei) I know but girls swoon over him and what does he do? Ignore them I mean come on he is living any man's dream!

(Rias) well issei not everyone has the same dream as you. Yami dream is to protect the ones he loves by doing anything to protect them now come on the first bell is about to ring.

After that rias and issei started to walk to their separate classes while in a tree not fair away from were rias and issei were standing was a wolf watching the front gate.

Time skip brought to you by chibi yami and zoom playing fetch

It is now the end of the day, we see yami packing up his things as issei sits there at his desk as yami walked over to issei desk making issei scoof at his approach.

(Yami) pres told you somone would come pick you up right?

(Issei) ya so what?

(Yami) well since were going to the same club I might as well-

Yami was cut off as he heard girls screaming outside the classroom as both yami and issei looked towards the door they saw kiba yuuto entering making issei groan while yami smiles and approaches kiba.

(Yami) hey Prince what does his highness want from this lowly class?

(Kiba) only fetching my noble night and his squire

Both kiba and yami shared a laugh while the girls fangirled outside of the classroom as yami turns to issei.

(Yami) come on issei let's go prez is probably waiting

Issei huffed as he got up and followed both kiba and yami towards the school building, on the way girls were whispering about how issei is following two most popular male students in the entire school. Once the trio arrived at the old school building kiba lead the way inside, once inside the main room of the orc we see koneko siitting on one of the couches eating a chocolate bar, while akeno is standing behind a desk. yami sat down next to koneko while she is eating a chocolate bar. While kiba leaned against a wall issei grew a perverted grin once he heared a shower going.


(Koneko) ya dont get any ideas pervert

Koneko said coldly to issei as she kept eating her candy. Akeno who was standing behind rias desk walked over to the spar door in the room as she placed down a female uniform next to the door and gently kncocked on the door

(Akeno) boucho i have a new pair of clothing for you

There was a muffled voice behind the door as akeno smiles and goes back to standing behind the desk. As akeno turned towards yami with a smile.

(Akeno) yami boucho wants you to go deal with a stray devil and after to go do your contracts with your regular clients.

(Yami) alright I'll see everyone later

Yami said as he stepped into a white circle and in a flash of red light disappeared, while rias stepped out of the shower room drying off her hair

(Rias) ahhh welcome issei please sit I'm sure you have questions but let me tell you what you are now.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi yami doing contracts

After rias was done explaining what issei was now rias smiles and decided to introduce the rest of her peerage.

(Rias) you see issei I have my queen akeno, my knights yami and kiba, and my rook koneko and now you are my pawn taking all eight piceses

{Real quick I'm changing the piece yami has}

(Issei) I get that but I have a question?

(Rias) what is it?

(Issei) where did yami go exactly?

(Rias) ahhh well that's simple he went to go do packs or contracts for people around kuoh since we co-own kuoh.

Issei nodded as yami is seen teleporting back into the room while stretching his arms

(Yami) ok prez I'm done with all my contracts for today I'm gonna go train

Yami turned to leave but was stopped by rias

(Rias) actually yami could you please take issei to help him with a pack?

Yami turned around with a rised eyebrow

(Yami) um sure rias but do you think he will listen to me?

(Rias) yes he will I know you two have been at odds ever since you meant but trust me I know you two can get along with each other.

Yami sighed as he looked at issei

(Issei) no...I refuse to go with him

(Yami) stop being a baby and come on ill show you how to use magic and etc

Issei groaned as he got up and walked out of the room with yami. Rias sighed and looked towards akeno who was pouring some tea

(Rias) Akeno do you think yami will actual leave me?

(Akeno) thats a tuff question rias he is a mid-class devil who can go toe to toe with noble pure blooded devils even your cousin complinments about his strentgh.

(Rias) yes once he gets his own peerage do you think he will become the next lucifer?

(Akeno) i dont know

While talking issei stayed back a bit bearing everything he grinned making a plan in his head.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi zoom and yami sleeping

Its been a week now since issei has been resuracted into rias peerage and had been training with yami. During that week issei has unlocked his sacred gear, while he also convinced both rias and akeno into betraying, yami boosting about his own power. Now it is saturday as rias ordered yami to go kill a S class stray devil in the outskirts of kuoh, we now see yami walking towards an abandon house having summoned Gevul gral, he steps into the house while zul talks with him

(Zul) [I dont like this yami, first rias has been acting strange lately, second i dont trust that new pawn, third i dont sense any magic presence except ours.]

(Yami) 'i know what you mean Zul but trust me i have faith in my king and give it time im sure issei will gain your-'

Yami was cut off when a yellow lighting bolt came through his stomach. As yami eyes widen the lighting bolt disapered he fell down onto his knees while looking up he eyes widen more. There stood akeno in her presitess outfit with lighting coursing through her fingers as rias and issei were seen behind her.

(Yami) *weakly* w...hy?

(Rias) its becuase yami you would have betrayed me once you gotten your own peerage now die off.

Rias said as she walked towards yami activing her POD around her hand. Then shoving her hand through yami chest as yami couhed up blood getting some on rias face. Rias slowly took her hand out reveling a red knight chest piece as yami fell onto his back blood going all over the floor. Rias walked back over to akeno issei as she teleported away leaving yami alone.

(Yami) *weakly* im..... *coughs* sorry zul i coudnt *coughs more* live longer with you


(Yami) *weakly* how can i with you yelling like that *coughs*

As yami closed his eyes zul used her dark magic to transfer yami soul into a new realm leaving his body lifeless on the ground.

Two days later still third person

As news spread like wild fire about yami death the devils were all depreseed the ones who took it hard were the sitri family, phoenix family, and the gremory family. Sona and serafall both loved yami becuase he helped them alot, the phoenix family daunter ravel phoenix was devasted she had grown feelings towards him gaining approval to marry him, the gremory was the most devasted since sirzech saw yami as a brother, while zeoticus ane venelana were sadden hearing a person they considered a friend dead, while grafiya was sad becuase he would help her with millicas and chores around the gremory and lucifer mansion whenever he got to, as for millicas he wasnt told about yami death yet since he was the most attached to him seeing him as a older brother. Now the three families are burrying yami in the gremory graveyard as millicas was finally informed of his death he grew in a dispressed state. But unkown to the entire devil community yami was alive and in a new world were he started to train until no end.

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