Chapter 11: Unsuspecting Reunion

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Third Person POV 

F/N stood in front of the stranger that attacked him along with Amelia and Death-Gun. 

F/N: H-How? 

F/N: Y-Y-Y-You're a-a-a-alive? 

???: W-W-W-Wolfie? 

F/N lowered his sword as the stranger lowered her whip. 

F/N: How are you alive?.................Ilia. 

Ilia: Wolfie. 
She ran and brought him into a hug as tears streamed down her eyes. 

Ilia: W-Wolfie. 
She said as she held onto her best friend, crying onto his shoulder. 

Ilia: Y-Y-You're a-a-alive. 
She cried onto his shoulder. 

Ilia: T-T-T-They s-s-said y-y-y-you w-w-were dead. 
She continued to cry onto his shoulder. F/N held her close as he had tears of his own. 

F/N: I-I-I missed you. 
He said as he held her close. 

F/N's POV 

I held her close. The one thing I lost. Ilia. I held her close as I felt her arms wrap around my neck, crying on my shoulder. I looked at her as she looked at me with her red puffy eyes. 

"How are you alive?" 

Ilia: Black Coffin saved me. 
She answered. I felt grateful for those in that mercenary group. 

"How? I saw Adam pierce you through your stomach." 

Ilia: They had someone use their aura to heal me. 

'I'm so glad you're okay." 
I said as I felt tears running down my face, looking at her. 

Ilia: I'm glad you're okay too.
She said as she brought me into a hug. 

Ilia: They said you *sobs* were dead. I-I-I hunted them *sobs* down e-e-ever s-s-since t-then.
She said as she started crying. 

"I'm right here. Let's go." 

Ilia: Where? We have nowhere to go. 

"To Beacon." 

Ilia: What! Our enemies! 

"We're enemies with both sides. I rather prefer to work with Beacon and bring down Chris and Adam." 

Ilia: Fine.....But I'm staying with you. 
She said as she held my hand. 

"And I'll make sure nothing will happened to you." 

To Beacon Third Person POV 

Amelia and Death-Gun ran into the medical room as Death-Gun laid Blake onto the bed, healing her. Amelia stayed in the back watching Death-Gun heal her. 

Amelia: Why is she so important? All she's been doing is pestering F/N. 
She said to herself. 

Death-Gun: Amelia hand me the stitches. 

Amelia reaches for the stitches and hands them to Death-Gun. Death-Gun begins to stitch up Blake while she watches. As she continued to watch, the door suddenly opened revealing Ozpin. 

Ozpin: What is the meaning of this? 

Death-Gun: Healing the student that interfered with mercenary business. 
He said harshly to Ozpin. 

Ozpin: And why would you attack her? 

Death-Gun: First of all. We've never attacked her. Another mercenary followed us and attacked F/N and Amelia. Your student here, jumped in front of Amelia. 

Ozpin: Oh. 


Ozpin and Death-Gun turn around to see Yang holding Amelia by the throat as her red eyes stared into Amelia's. Amelia gasped as she tried to get out of Yang's hold. 

Ozpin: Ms Xiao Long calm down! 

She yelled at Amelia as she struggled to breathe. Suddenly a whip wrapped around Yang's throat and she was yanked into the ground, making her drop Amelia. Death-Gun and Ozpin turned to see F/N with Ilia. F/N had a look of anger and killer intent as he stood in front of Yang as she got up, coughing. 

Yang: The hell was that? 

She looked up and saw F/N's eyes. Full of killer intent. Full of Anger. Yang charged at him using her semblance. F/N mimics Yang's and grabbed her by the throat. Yang stopped as she struggled to get out of F/N's grip. 

F/N: Let's make this clear. Amelia and I never attacked Blake. And how dear you attack her. 
He said. Yang threw a punch at F/N and it connected. However F/N wasn't fazed. F/N headbutted Yang causing her to stagger back. She charged at F/N again but he kicks her down, bringing her down to a knee. She threw another punch but F/N dodged and kicked her at the side of the head, making her hit the ground hard. F/N planted his foot onto Yang's throat and pointed his sniper at her head, ready to end her life. 

Ozpin: ENOUGH! 
He yelled, knocking F/N back. 

F/N fell back as Ozpin looked at him with angered eyes. 

Ozpin: Do you have any idea what you were going to do! 

F/N: Disposing someone of wasted potential. 
He answered harshly as he picked up Amelia bridal style. 

F/N: Ozpin. Be happy I haven't attacked Atlas yet for their decisions. Faunas Slave Labor. I've seen it all. And Laughing Coffin kills those that discriminate. 

Ozpin: I could have crack your group down. 

F/N: Then what? White Fang spread. You have no one else to crack down on the radical white fang members. You say you want to crack down white fang and yet you keep the humans that helped form the white fang. 

Ozpin walked up to F/N, about to beat him with his cane. Death-Gun stepped in front of Ozpin, stopping him. 

Ozpin: Get out of my way. 
He said as he tried to get to F/N. Death-Gun grabbed his shoulder and Ozpin threw a punch. Death-Gun dodged it and kneed Ozpin in the gut. Death-Gun grabbed his head and smashed it into the ground. 

Death-Gun: Let this be a reminder what happens if you piss me off. 
He said as Ozpin laid on the ground. He got up and walked out of the room, leaving Ozpin with F/N, Ilia, and Amelia. 

F/N: Let's go. 
He said to Ilia and Amelia. 

F/N, Ilia, and Amelia walked to his dorm. They got to the room and F/N sat on the bed as Amelia laid her head on his shoulder. 

Amelia: Why is she here? 
She asked as she pointed to Ilia. 

F/N: She is one of the few friends that didn't betray me. 

Amelia: As long she doesn't hurt you. 
She said. 

Ilia: And who are you? 

Amelia: Amelia. Someone that F/N saved from the white fang. 

F/N: So Ilia. Who was able to save you? 

Ilia: Someone high in Black Coffin. 

F/N smiled, knowing someone in black coffin saved her. 

Amelia: Black Coffin? Isn't that that the group where he's from? 
She asked F/N about someone they know. 

Ilia: You two know someone from Black Coffin? 

F/N: Yes. 

Ilia: Who? 

"His name............Death's Mist." 

BOOM! Here is Chapter 11 of Betrayed(Faunas Male Reader X Blake Belladonna)! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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