Chapter 13: The Fight

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Third Person POV

Y/N was in his dorm, getting his weapons ready. Ready for the flight between him and Chris.

???: You sure you're ready to fight him?

Y/N turned around to see Amelia standing at the door, crossing her arms as she looked at him.

Y/N: Yes. If all goes well, I would have my revenge.

Amelia: What if the white fang are there?

???: That's why we're going to be there.

Amelia looks to the side and sees Death-Gun.

Amelia: You're going to?

Death-Gun: Why not? Want to see the beat down of a white fang member.

Y/N: I'm ready. Let's go.

???: I'm coming too.

Y/N turns to see Ilia with her sword in hand.

Y/N: Fine. Stay out of trouble. If any interference, kill them. 
He said as he grabs her sword and twin daggers before walking out. Ilia and Amelia all followed as he walked into a bullhead, heading to the place where Death-Gun was holding Chris's little sister. 


Y/N, Amelia, and Ilia all arrived at the area where Death-Gun told Chris to meet him at. As the three arrived, they saw Death-Gun standing there with Chris's little sister tied up. 

Death-Gun: You've made it. 

Y/N: Is he here? 

Death-Gun: On his way. 

Y/N: Amelia. Ilia. Watch the perimeter. Make sure no one enters except Chris. 

Amelia/Ilia: Got it. 
They said as they walked away to secure the perimeter. 

Death-Gun: So you ready to fight your old comrade. 

Y/N: He's no comrade. Nothing but a mere obstacle. 

Death-Gun: I see. 

Chris's little sister: P-Please. 

The two mercenaries looked up to see the little sister looking at them with tears in her eyes. 

Chris's little sister: Please d-d-don't k-k-k-kill him. Y-Y/N. 


Y/N suddenly punches Chris's little sister, knocking her out. 

Death-Gun: That was unnecessary. 

Y/N: Her talking was unnecessary. 
He said as he sat down, sharpening his weapons. 


Death-Gun looked at his visor on his forearm. 

Death-Gun: Welp. He's here. This is going to be entertaining. 
He said as he dissappears into the dark. 

Y/N: Good. 

Y/N sat there in front of Chris's little sister as she was laying on the ground while he waited. Not long, he hears someone waling towards him. He then looks up to see Chris with her sword out. 

Chris: So you're the one I'm fighting. 

Y/N: Isn't it obvious. 
He said with venom. 

Chris: I win, she's mine. What if you win? 

Y/N: That's my decision only. 
He said as he slowly gets up, readying himself. 

Chris: But first. Why did you kill my friends. 
He said with venom as he clenches his fists. 

Y/N remains silent as he brings out his twin daggers. 

He yelled, demanding an answer. As he stood there, he was suddenly kicked across the room. Chris slowly gets up as he held his stomach in pain, while blood dripped from his mouth. 

Chris: W-What the fuck was t-that. 
He said out loud as he got up. 

Y/N: That was reminder from my sister. 
He said with venom. 

Chris: What? 

Y/N grazes Chris across the cheek, purposely missing him. Chris stood there in fear, knowing the unknown man is being serious. 

Chris: W-What do you want? 

Y/N: Your head. 
He said as he charged at Chris again. Chris starts to charge at Y/N and their weapons clash. The clash echoes throughout the area as the three mercenaries watched from afar. 

Amelia: Why isn't he killing him yet? 

Ilia: Y/N. 
She said as she watched fight his former friend. 

Death-Gun stood there in silent as he watched the two fight. 

Chris threw a slash at Y/N but Y/N slashed his leg, making him go to a knee. 

Chris: T-There is only one man I know that fights like that. 

Y/N smirks under his helmet and throws a hard kick at Chris, making him fly into the wall. As Chris slowly got up, his little sister slowly woke up. 

Chris's Little Sister: No! Don't hurt him! 
She begged. 

Y/N ignored her pleas and slowly walked towards Chris as he struggled to get up. Chris sees Y/N walking towards him with his twin daggers in his hand. Chris throws his sword at Y/N and it impales him. Y/N falls onto the ground as Chris looked at him with shock. 

Chris: I-I did it. Haha! I did it! 

???: No. You didn't. 

Chris slowly turns around and sees him again. He sees Y/N holding a dagger to his sister's neck. Chris's eyes are immediately filled with fear as he sees the unknown stranger holding a knife to his sister. 

Chris: No. Please. Anything but that. Let her go. 
He pleaded. 

Y/N: Now you're pleading huh. I expected more from you Chris. 

Chris: How the hell do you know my name. 
He said, alarmed. 

Y/N: Oh. I know many things about you. How the many innocent human lives you've taken. The innocent wolf faunas family you've taken. 

Chris: SHUT UP! 
He yelled. 

Y/N: Uh. Uh. I would be careful if I were you. 
He said as he dragged the dagger across Chris's little sister's neck. 

Chris's Little Sister: P-Please Y-Y/N. 
She pleaded. 

Chris's eyes widen as he hears his name. 

Chris: Y-Y/N? 

Y/N: Name's F/N. Y/N's long dead. All because of you. 
He said with venom. 

Chris: H-How are you alive? 

Y/N: Here's a hint. 
He said as he appeared in front of Chris. Chris reached for his sword but he was immediately kicked towards his sister, landing in front of her. Chris went to get up but was kicked back into the ground until he felt a cold steel across his neck. 

Y/N: Since you killed my baby brother. I'm going to kill you in front of your baby sister. 
He said as he held Chris by the neck in front of Chris's baby sister. 

Chris's Little Sister: N-No. P-Please. Not him. 

She said as tears streamed down her face. 

Y/N: You didn't stop what Adam did to S/N. Now you'll have to witness your brother's. 
He said as he reached for his twin dagger. 

Chris's Little Sister: NO! NO! NO! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU! 
She started screaming. 

Y/N held his dagger, ready to slit Chris's throat. 


As Y/N was about to slit Chris's throat, the area suddenly explodes. This knocks Y/N back, making him let go of Chris. Chris immediately runs for his sister while the other three mercenaries looked around to see the white fang surrendering the area. Y/N slowly gets up to see Chris untying his little sister as she held onto him. Y/N grabs his sword and charges at them. As he is about to reach them, he suddenly knocked back. He lands on a knee and sees the one person he wants the most. 

Y/N: Adam. 
He growled. 

Adam: You should have called us Chris. 
He said. 

Chris: Thank you. 
He said before leaving. 

Y/N: You. Murderer. Mass Murderer. 
He said as he got up. 

Adam: Pathetic human. Killing a faunas. Such a evil species. 

Y/N: Yet you killed your own. Not to mention, your parents were my first kill. 

Adam growled and charged at Y/N. While the two started fighting Death-Gun called on Laughing Coffin. Ilia and Amelia started fighting the white fang members and begin searching for Chris. 

Ilia: Amelia. Go help Y/N. I got this. 
She told her. 

Amelia nods and starts heading towards Y/N. 

Amelia's POV 

I started running towards where Y/N was last seen. As I ran, many of thoughts came into my mind. 

"Please be okay." 

"Please be alive." 

"Please. Please be okay." 

I reached the area where Y/N was fighting. I was relieved when I saw him okay until I saw...him.


I felt anger course throughout my body as I remembered what he did to me. My family. My brother. 

Third Person POV 

 Y/N continued fighting Adam as he kept dodging every slash Adam threw at him. 


Y/N smirked and kicked Adam at the side of the head, causing him to stagger back. 

Y/N: Come on. 

???: ADAM! 

Y/N and Adam turn to see Amelia charging at Adam as she shot her twin pistols at Adam. Adam dodges all the shots with ease as Amelia continued firing. Amelia charged at Adam as anger blinded her. 

Y/N: AMELIA! Stand back! 
He yelled at her. Amelia ignored his command and charged at Adam. Adam smirks at this and sees an explosive barrel. Amelia kept firing at him as he blocked it, absorbing the energy. As Amelia got closer, he hit her in the gut with the hilt and kicked towards the barrel. Amelia slowly gets up and sees Adam lunging at her with his sword ready to stab her. 


Y/N jumps in between the two, blocking Adam's attack. 

Y/N: Amelia get back! 
He yelled. He kicked Adam back and charged at him with his sword. 

Amelia reaches for her gun and carefully aims at Adam, trying to avoid hitting Y/N. 

Amelia: This is for my family. 
She said as she aims at Adam. 

Adam threw a slash at Y/N but was blocked by his sword. Adam turns and grabs Y/N. 


Y/N: AHH! 
He screams as he feels a shot go into gut. Adam kicks him to the ground and turns to see who was the one that tried to shoot at him. Y/N gets up to see Adam standing in front of a scared Amelia as she tried to pull out her knife. As she was able to pull it out, Adam kicked down near the barrel. Amelia tries to get up but feels his sword go through her. Y/N saw the very sight in front of him. 

Adam: Like them. You'll die. 
He said to Amelia as she looked at Y/N with tears coming down her face. 

Amelia: Y-Y/N. 

He yelled out in anger. He activated his semblance and sped in front of Adam. Adam reached for to pull his sword out of Amelia but was stopped. Y/N copied Adam's semblance with every fiber in his body, screaming out in rage. 


Y/N slashed Adam's arm off as Adam fell onto the ground screaming pain. Y/N immediately grabbed Amelia and sped away, using Ruby's semblance. 

Y/N's POV 

No. No No. 

"Amelia. You're going to be okay." 

Amelia weakly looked at me with tears in her eyes. She touched the side of my face as she looked at me. 

"I-I-I. L-L-L-L-Love y-you." 

BOOM! Here is chapter 13 of Betrayed(Faunas Male Reader X Blake Belladonna)! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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