Chapter 18: Regrets

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I felt the wind blow my hair as birds chirped through the air. I looked around and saw that I was at the same place I vowed to never return to.

???: Big bwotha.

I turned around and saw her again. There was S/N once again.

S/N: Big bwotha!
She yelled as she started running towards me.

She ran to me and held onto my leg like her life depended on it.

S/N: I miss you big bwova.

As I stood there, I felt tears slowly coming down as I looked at her face once again.

S/N: Big Bwotha?


???: Y/N. I-I'm sorry.
I heard Blake's voice again.

Third Person POV

In a room, Blake held onto Y/N's hand as he laid on a bed.

Blake: Y-Y/N. I-I'm sorry.
She said as she held onto Y/N's hand.

Blake: Please. I-I-I don't want to lose you again.
She said as tears slowly streamed down her cheeks. Blake laid her head on his hand as she quietly sobbed on his hand.

Blake's POV

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

"I-I-It was my fault."

"I-I'm sorry Y/n."

"Just please make it. I-I don't want to lose you again."
I begged. I tighten my hand around his, begging him to make it.

???: Blake?

I slowly turned to the door and saw my mother.

Kali: How is he?

I struggled to say as I felt myself losing the strength to talk.

Third Person POV

As Blake struggle to talk, Blake completely broke down and sobbed onto Y/N.

Blake: Y/n.
She sobbed onto her best friend's hand.

Kali comforted her daughter as Blake cried onto Y/n.

Blake: I-I-I-I'm so sorry.
She cried onto Y/N.

Kali: Shhh. It's okay.
She patted Blake's back.

Blake: N-No. No it's not.
She replied.

Blake: E-E-Everything. W-W-W-was m-m-m-my fault.
She said as she kept crying on Y/N.

Blake: I-I-Ilia. Y-Y-Y-Y/N. S-S-S-S/N.
She said as struggled to compose herself.

Kali: Shhh. Let it all out.
She said as she comforted her daughter.

Blake's POV

I held onto Y/N's hand as I remembered the very day. The very day I betrayed him. The day I was lied to. The day I trusted Adam over my best friend.



Y/N: If you don't believe me, then kill me. If you choose to Adam over your best friend. Then go ahead. Kill me. You all killed off my family. My mother. My father. Even my little sister! GO AHEAD BLAKE! KILL THE MONSTER THAT IS BEFORE YOU!

Flashback Ends

I felt more tears as I remembered the day perfectly.

"I-I'm sorry."

"I-I-I-I'm sorry."

As I sat there, flashes of our childhood memories flashed through my head.

Third Person POV

The room was filled with Blake's cries and regrets as Kali tried her best to comfort her daughter.

Kali: Shh. It's okay.
She said as she hugged her daughter.

Blake didn't listen as she held onto Y/N.

While the daughter and mother were in the room, her team was standing outside of the room.

Yang: Why is she so close to him?
She asked Ilia.

Ilia: Just their past together.

Ruby: S-So t-they're a-a thing?

Ilia: You could say that.
She said as she looked away.

Yang: Doesn't explain why he hates her so much.
She said as she glared at Ilia.

Ilia: If you want answers, then you can go ask Blake herself.
She said as she glared back at Yang.

Yang stood up as she glared back at Ilia.

Ruby: Hey. Hey. It's not a good time to fight. Blake hasn't come out out that room since the incident. If she's like this, let her be with him. And there's no point of fighting each other right now. Just let Blake be and we can go back to Beacon soon.
She said to her older sister.

Yang scoffed and went to another room.

Ruby: Whoo.
She said as she sat back down.

Ilia: Thank you.

Ruby: You're welcome.

To Yang

Yang was walking into the living room. As she walked through the room, she saw pictures. Pictures of young Blake with young Y/n. Then she saw another photo with a different family in it. Yang picked it up to get a closer look at it.

Yang: Y/N. The L/N family.

As Yang looked at the photo, she saw how both Y/N and Blake were smiling as they sat right next to each other.

Yang: If you were close, why the hell do you hate her so much.
She said as she clenched her fists.

Yang put down the photo but suddenly a paper fell off the table. Yang went to pick it up but saw something that made her eyes widen.

Yang: L/N Family Dead. No signs of Y/N L/N.

Yang stood there in shock as she read the title.

Somewhere Else

In a forest Death-Gun was kneeling on the ground as he touched a puddle of blood. Death-Gun touched the side of his forearm and it scanned the blood.

Death-Gun: Y/N's?

???: Where do you think he was taken.

Death-Gun: Tracks show at least there a group here.

???: It has to be that girl and her group.

Death-Gun: Could be Amelia.

Amelia: If she hurts him again.

Death-Gun: If she does...

Amelia: I won't let her hurt him. Never again.
She said as she gripped her sniper tighter.

Death-Gun: Let's go. We got a wolf to catch.
He said as he starts walking in a direction.

Amelia starts walking with Death-Gun as she had one thought in mind.

Amelia: Where are you master?
She asked herself as she thought of Y/N. Her savior.

Somewhere Else

In a warehouse, Adam charged at Chris as Chris stood in front of his sister.

Chris: Why are you attacking Mia!

Adam: You both are nothing but nuisances!
He yelled as he kicked Chris in the stomach.

Mia: Big Brother!
She yelled as she rushed to him.

Before she was able to get to Chris. Adam grabbed her by the hair as he held his sword in his mechanical hand.

She yelled as she tried to get out of Adam's hold.

Adam: I'll show you what happens when there are hinderances in the white fang.
He said as he got ready to slash through Mia.

Mia: Big brother.
She said with fear.

Chris immediately grabbed his staff and threw it at Adam. Adam attempted to block it but it sent him to the wall, letting go of Mia. Mia quickly rushed to Chris and brought him into a hug.

Chris: Shh. It's okay.

As Mia held onto Chris, Adam lunged at them with his sword out. Seeing this, Chris made a move. Chris immediately shoves Mia out of the way, taking the hit from Adam.

She yelled as she saw Adam stab Chris through the chest.

Chris: R-R-Run.
He ordered his sister.

Tearful, Mia sprinted out of the warehouse leaving Chris with Adam.

Adam: Taking a hit for her. Brave but foolish.

Chris: I guess Y/N was right. *coughs* You damn monster.

Adam: He and Blake were fools to not see that the faunas are superior.

Chris: I did too. *coughs* But seeing how you changed. You're nothing but another monster needing to put down.
He said as he coughed out blood.

Adam: I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.
He said as he pulled out his sword and slashed Chris's head off.

Chris's body fell onto the floor as Adam started walking away.

???: What do we do now Adam?

Adam: Find that little girl and kill her.

To Mia

Mia was sprinting through the forest as she tried to get far away from the place where her brother was fighting Adam.

Mia: Big brother.
She said to herself as she started crying.

Mia: Y/N. P-Please help me.

As Mia ran through the forest, she didn't notice someone running alongside her. This stranger had a cigarette in her hand as she looked at Mia running through the forest.

"Looks like the traitorous bitch is running."

"Looks like I'll have to deal with her."

















"Right Y/N?"

Here is Chapter 18 of Betrayed! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

What do you all think should happened NEXT?!

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