Chapter 25: Haunting Memories

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Mia's POV 

"Big brother." 
I sobbed as I curled into a ball, thinking about him. 

As I laid there, I saw Adam killing him in front of me. I felt myself struggle to hold back the tears, seeing my brother's dead body on the ground as his head rolled onto the ground. 

"I-I miss you big brother." 
I said as I felt tears roll down my cheeks. 

???: I'll kill you. 

I heard her voice go through my head. 

"N-No. G-G-Get out of my head." 
I said as I held my head in pain. Remembering what she did to me. 

What S/N did to me. 

Flashback Third Person POV 

Mia stood in front of S/N while she smoking from a cigarette. 

Mia: S-S-S/N? 

S/N: Who the hell's S/N. 
She said before charging at Mia. 


Mia and S/N clashed against each other as they stared into each other's eyes. 

Mia: H-How? I-I-I saw you die. 
She said to S/N. 

S/N: Good. 

Before Mia could answer, S/N kicked her in the stomach and she crashed against the tree. S/N charged at her with a dagger in her hand as Mia brought up her brother's staff. 

The two clashed against each other once more as they stared into each other's eyes. One with hatred. The other with fear. 

S/N: I'll kill you for taking my big brother away. 
She said with venom. 

Mia: What? Your brother? He's still alive. 

She yelled as she kicked Mia at the side of the dead. 

Mia staggered back as S/N charged at her. As Mia slowly recovered, S/N stabbed her in the side. 

Mia: AHHHH! 
She screamed loudly as she kicked S/N away. 

Mia: W-W-Why? 
She asked as she held her side. 

S/N: Isn't it obvious. It's for my big brother. 
She said with anger. 

Flashback Ends 

Mia: I-I'm sorry. 
She said as she started sobbing quietly. 

Ilia's POV 

"How could you?" 
I said as I sat on the couch, thinking about him. 

"How could you just leave?" 
I said as I felt her hugging me. 

Kali: Shh. It'll be okay Ilia. 
She tried to comfort me. 

I sobbed as I thought of him. 

Kali: Shh. It's okay. 
She said as she hugged me tightly. 

"I-I-I miss him." 
I told her. 

Kali: I know. I know. 

"H-He j-j-just left." 
I sobbed as I remembered the talk we had. 


"Please. D-Don't leave." 
I begged him as I held onto him. 

Y/N: Even after all I've done? 

"YES! I love everything about you!" 
I told him. 

Y/N: Even if I nearly killed Blake? 

"You're not a monster." 
I said as I tightened my hold on him. 

Y/N: But I am a monster. 


Y/N: I'm just as much of a monster as Adam. 
He said with a sorrowful tone. 

"But you're not!" 
I yelled at him. 

Y/N: Let go of me. 
He told me. 

"NO! I lost you once already." 
I said as I sobbed onto his back. 

Suddenly I felt him get out of my grip but saw his E/C eyes looking back at me. 

"Please. Don't leave us." 
I begged him. 

Before I could get an answer, I felt his lips against mine. I felt my heart beating fast as I slowly cupped his face. I felt his warmth slowly wrapping around me as we kissed. We slowly backed out as we looked at each other. 

Y/N: I love you. 

Before I could reply, I felt my vision go blurry. 

Flashback Ends 

"I-I miss him."
I told Kali. 

Kali: I know. 
Sh said as she continued to hug me. 

Third Person POV 

While the two were hugging each other in the living room, Sienna was talking to Ghira in his office. 

Ghira: So you said Y/N saved you. 
He said to Sienna. 

Sienna: Yes. From what I'm hearing, your daughter is in bed because of something from the white fang. 
She said as she looked at him. 

Ghira:'s a bit complicated. 
He said. 

Sienna: I'm listening. 

Ghira: *sighs*. Adam Taurus fooled Blake into killing Y/N. 

Sienna: We don't kill our own. 
She said with venom. 

Ghira: However... Y/N apparently somehow survived and now he's this......mercenary. 
He told her. 

Sienna: I see. So he was the one that nearly wiped out the vale branch. 

Ghira looked at Sienna with fear in his eyes as he stood before her. 

Sienna: I want to make a bounty then. 

Ghira: W-W-What? 

Sienna: I said. I want a bounty. 

Ghira :W-W-Who? 

Sienna: Adam Taurus and his followers. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was kneeling on the ground as he held his side in pain. As he knelt on the ground, he slowly looked up as his wolf ears twitched. 

Y/N: Why. 
He said with confusion. 

Looking up to see his beloved little sister, looking back at him with anger in her eyes. 

S/N: I'll kill you for killing my brother. 
She said as she took out her daggers.

Y/N: What? I'm your brother. 
He said. 

S/N: You're anything but my brother. 
She said as she charged at him. 


Y/N blocked her attack as the two wolf faunas looked at each other. One with raging hatred. The one with sadness. 

S/N threw a kick and Y/N skidded back as he held his side in pain. S/N charged at him and slashed at him. Y/N pulled out his sword and blocked the attack, trying to not injure his little sister. 

Y/N: Knock it off! 
He yelled at her. 

Y/N: I'm your brother! 
He yelled. 

S/N's POV 

I yelled as I slashed at him. 

I continued to slash at him as he continued to block every attack I threw. I threw another slash at him but he continued to block. As I threw another slash at him, he blocked it and slashed at me. 

As I felt the slash go across my cheek, a memory flashed through my head. I saw myself sitting on a dock as I laid my head on a boy's lap. And it was the boy in front of me. 

"What the fuck was that?" 
I asked myself. 

Target: I don't want to fight you. 
He said as he held his sword low. 

I yelled. 

Target: You're my little sister. 

I yelled as I charged at him. 

We clashed at each other once more as the wind blew through the trees. The leaves being cut through as our weapons swung through the air. Our blades clashing as we swung at each other. 


I dodged out of the way as I saw two more people. 

"Gr. I need to get out of here." 
I said as I ran. 

Third Person POV 

Y/N: S/N wait!
He yelled as he tried to go after but fell to the ground in pain. 

Y/N coughed out blood as he knelt onto the ground. 

???: Y/N! 
He heard a female voice. 

Y/N slowly looked up and saw someone with a cloak and sniper running at him while his eye sight was going blurry. Only muttering a name before go unconscious. 


Here is chapter 25 of Betrayed! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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