Chapter 3: Encounter

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5 days after freeing Amelia and training her

Beacon Blake's POV

My heart grows heavy every day. Every single day. Not a single hour or day goes by without him. Going through my mind. All the times we had together. The childhood we had. I can't stop thinking about him. He was the only one logical about the revolution. Now he's dead. Because of me. I couldn't help it.

"Y-Y-Y/N. I-I'm s-s-s-sorry."
With tears falling down. I took out the photo and Gambal Shroud and placed them right next to each other. I couldn't help but cry louder and louder as I looked at them. Y/N. Ilia.

"I-I-I *sniffles* miss you two *sniffles* so much."

I looked at my weapon. The stainless steel. The very weapon I ripped through him with. I couldn't get my mind off of that very day. The very day I killed him.


I cried louder and louder as I heard his last words repeat in my head.

"I'm sorry Y/N! I'm so sorry!" I yelled as tears poured down from my eyes.

???: Blake? Are you okay?

I wiped my tears and turned around. There I saw my team.

"I'm okay Ruby. What is it?" I lied.

Ruby: Oh. It's just that Ozpin wants to see us.

I got up and we started to walk to his office. I can't get my mind off of him. Him in his puddle of his blood. His eyes draining of life. I struggled to hold back tears as I thought of him. Him. My best friend. And the one I killed. All because I thought he betrayed us. It wasn't long til we got to his office.

Ruby: You called for us?

A man turns around in his chair and looks at the four of us.

Ozpin: Yes. I want you four to retrieve this assassin for this school. A friend of mine knows his destination.

Weiss: An Assassin! Why are we capturing one!

Ozpin: He has skills we need as huntsman. And I'm coming along.

Ruby: Okay. Let's do this.

Ozpin: Meet at the bullhead in 5.

We walked out of the office and headed to the bullhead. We all boarded it and it flew to our destination. I sat down as I held the photo of him. I tried to hold a tear back as I looked at him.

???: Oh. Whose that?

I turned to look and it was Yang.

Yang: Your boyfriend?
She said with a smirk.

"N-No. Just a friend."

Yang: You don't have to lie. You've been staring at him for a while.

"H-How d-do you know?"

Yang: I have my ways.

I looked back at the photo as I held tightly onto it.

"P-P-Please f-f-forgive me. I would do anything to get y-y-you b-b-back."


"Amelia. You ready."

She nods as she holds his sniper.

A/N: This will be Amelia's appearance. I don't own this!

Amelia: I should thank you. For taking me in and training me.

"This is what Laughing Coffin does."

We ran across the roofs in Vale. We continued running as the rain hit us. Birds flew over us as we ran through the rooftops. There it was. The White Fang base we're going to hit.

"You ready?"

Amelia: Always ready.

I smiled at her determination. I took out my daggers, throwing knives, and flash bangs.

"Here is the plan. You stay out here and take out anyone trying to escape. No civilians."

Amelia: Got it.
She said as she laid on her stomach, looking through her scope.

"I won't be long."

I ran to the roof of the building. I peered through one of the windows and saw 20 members in the room.

"This will be fun."

I backed away a couple of feet and ran it. I jumped at the glass and broke through it. I fell through the air and landed on one of the members, crushing his skull. The other members looked at me with fear and shock as they pulled out their weapons.

???: I-It's Laughing Coffin!

???: KILL HIM!

I smirked. I pulled out my flash bang and threw it. I ran behind another member and use his body as a shield.



The flash bang goes off and I pulled out my daggers. I cut ones throat and dodged every gun shot. I pulled out a throwing knife and threw them at 5 of them, killing them. I waited until they started to reload. As I heard their guns clicking, I ran out of my cover and continued to slash through 5 of them. One of them pulled a sword and tried to stab me. I grabbed his arm and slammed him down onto the ground. I grabbed his arm and broke it.

???: AHHH!
He screams out loud. I looked up and I saw only 4 remaining in the room. I looked over to the side and I saw the door opened.


I smirked. Seeing that Amelia was fulfilling her job. I took out my daggers and slit his throat. I got up and started walking to the last 4. They all aimed at me with their guns. I threw my throwing knives at 3 of them as the last guy fell onto the ground in fear. I grabbed him and held him up.

???: P-Please d-don't kill me.

"I don't care."

I grabbed my knife and was about to kill him until I got a call. I groaned in annoyance and headbutted him. I grabbed my scroll and found it was from Amelia.

"What is it?"

Amelia: Um. We got another bullhead out here. Seems like its from Beacon Academy.

"Regroup at the front. Don't engage."

Amelia: Got it.

I went around grabbing my knives and pulled out my sniper.

"If they pull something, then there will be dead among the schools."

I walked outside and there I saw a man with grey hair. I kept observing until my eyes came upon her.

Grey hair: I'm assuming you're the one that's been causing these low crime rates lately.

I just stood there quiet as I glared at her.

White Haired: Answer him! You damn criminal!

Amelia: Hey whoa!
She said as she pulled out her sniper, aiming at them.

"Amelia. Don't."

Amelia: B-But.

"That's an order."

She slowly lowers her gun as the 4 girls lowered theirs.

Red Hair: Come with us. And we can talk this out.

"What if I don't want to."

Blondie: Then we'll beat you and bring You anyway.

"Sure. You can beat us. But what about them?" I said, pointing behind her.

A/N: I don't own this!

They all turned around and they all gasped.

Grey hair: I-It can't b-be.

I stood there with a smirk as they all stared at our leader.

Grey hair: D-D-Death Gun! These two are with you!

Death-Gun: Of course they are, you're a damn fool. Ozpin.

"So that's his name." I said to myself.

Ozpin: I-I d-didn't know.

Death-Gun: Of course you didn't. Now tell me what you want before I kill you all right here.

Ozpin: W-We were just c-coming to see w-who was causing these murders.

Death-Gun: So you came here to arrest my son and daughter.

Red hair: Son!

White Hair: Daughter!

Ozpin: W-We just wanted to recruit these two into B-Beacon.

Death-Gun: Fine.

Ozpin: W-What?

Death-Gun: You two want to go?

I looked at Amelia as she looked at me. She nodded and we looked back at them.


???: H-Help.

I turned around and I saw I left one member alive.

"Amelia. Deal with him."

Amelia: With pleasure.

Blake's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. I just saw these two murder a white fang member without any hesitation. I couldn't control my rage and I charged at them.

Yang: Blake! WAIT!

I grabbed Gambal Shroud and I was about slash at the girl. My blade came down but I saw someone else. I looked up and it was the one in red and black.

A/N: I don't own this!

???: What do you think you're doing.

"What do you think you're doing by killing an innocent white fang member!" I yelled at him.

???: None of them are. Including you.

My eyes grew wide as he said that. I suddenly felt a kick connect to my stomach and I flew to my team mates.

???: Don't think you're safe just because you're with Beacon.

Yang: You'll pay!
She yelled.

"Y-Yang. Don't."


"This will be fun." I said.

The blondie charged at me. I used my semblance to copy hers. As she was about to connect with my face I moved to my left and brought my fist to her face. She flew back and hit the ground.

"Surprising. I'll be taking your semblance." I said as she slowly got up. I saw her eyes change and her hair started to glow.

Blondie: You'll pay!

I smirked. I noticed the red hair and white hair started to charge at me as well. The red suddenly appeared in front of me. She brought her scythe down but I side-stepped and kicked her as she flew back. The white haired tried to launch herself at me but I copied the red head's semblance and used her speed to catch her. I sped behind the white hair and chopped her neck, knocking her out.

Red-Head: WEISS!

She charged at me again but I used her semblance and hit her at the neck, knocking her out. I turned around but I was suddenly hit in the face. I hit the ground hard as I felt my helmet come off. I used the red head's semblance and sped off to Amelia, getting some distance between us.

"That actually hurt." I said, touching my cheek.

Blondie: You'll pay for hurting my sister!
She yelled.

I looked at Blake and saw her look at me as tears fell.


"Whose the hell Y/N."
A/N: Reference?

Well here is Chapter 3 of Betrayed(Faunas Male Reader X Blake Belladonna). I hope you all enjoyed this! What do you all think so far?

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