Chapter 32: Lionheart

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Third Person POV 

S/N, Ilia, and Team RWBY were sitting in a bullhead on their way back to Beacon Academy. 

Ruby: What is this "Fall of Beacon" thing? 
She asked. 

Yang: Yeah. What does that mean? 
She asked. 

S/N: I-I-I-I-Its..
She struggles to answer as she holds her head in pain. 

Ilia: The attack on Beacon. 
She said. 

Blake: H-H-How do you know? 
She asked. 

Ilia: Sienna showed me the plans they had when she searched the dead white fang members. 
She answered. 

Flashback Ilia's POV 

I was sitting outside on the stairs of the house as I sighed, feeling tired. 

???: Didn't expect you to be out here? 
I heard her voice. 

"Lady Sienna." 
I said as I looked at her. 

Sienna: Drop the formalities Ilia. 
She said as she sat by me. 

"I thought you'll be inside with the Belladonnas." 
I said to her. 

Sienna: Can't after finding out what their plan. 
She said. 

"What plan?" 

Sienna: This. 
She said as she took out  a scroll. 

The scrolled show steps from the beginning to now. 

Sienna: My death was only a set up in their plan. 
She said. 

Sienna: They were planning to use my death to make the faunas rage a war against the humans. 
She said as she looked at me. 

Sienna: S/N was brought back as a bargaining chip and a spy. 
She said. 

"S-S-S-So all of this....."

Sienna: This was all apart of the plan.

"S-S-So how are we going to stop this?" 
I asked her. 

Sienna: You girls go back to Beacon while the three of us stay here to take command of the white fang. 
She said. 


Sienna: Ilia. 
She said as I looked at her. 

Sienna: Look after Blake and S/N. 
She said. 

Flashback Ends 

I looked at S/N and saw that she was laying her head on my shoulder. I turned my head to look at Blake and saw her asleep. 

"I'll try my best." 

To Death-Gun 

Death-Gun was standing in front of Sienna as he held his gun in hand. 

Death-Gun: What is it. 
He said as he looked at her through his mask. 

Sienna: I have a contract I need. 
She said. 

Death-Gun: Name and Price. 
He said. 

Sienna: Adam Taurus. 1 Million Lien. 
She answered. 

Death-Gun: Hmm. Any others. 
He said. 

Sienna: Corsac and Fennec. 
She told him. 

Death-Gun: How much. 

Sienna: 150 thousand lien. 
She said as she looked at him at the eyes. 

Death-Gun: No payment if not completed. 
He said as he slowly turned around. 

Sienna: Tony. 
She said a name. 

Death-Gun: That is not my name. 
He said as he looked at her.

Sienna: Don't need to hide yourself. 
She said to him. 

Death-Gun: Tony died a long time ago. 
He said as he disappears into the dark, leaving Sienna there alone. 

Sienna: Tony. 
She said as she thought of him. 

To Y/N 

Leonheart was in his office as he was sitting in his desk while a man in a trench coat was talking to him. 

???: Mistress isn't fond of you right now Leo. 
He said as he looked at him. 

Leonheart: I-I'm trying my best. 
He said in fear. 

???: Mistress doesn't care if you're trying your best. She only wants the best in business. 
He said. 

Leonheart: I know. I know. 
He said. 

???: Good. Wouldn't want to disappoint her. 
He said before walking out of the room. 

Leonheart sighs as he holds his head in relief. 

Leonheart: I just need to wait for those three to get into the system at Beacon. 
He said with fear in his voice. 

Leonheart starts to work on his plans and check the school until he heard knock on the door. 

Leonheart: Come in. 
He said. 

The door slowly opens and a student walks in, wearing a school uniform and a handgun strapped to his back. 

Leonheart: How can I help you? 
He asked. 

???: Are you the headmaster Leonheart? 
He asked. 

Leonheart: I am. 
He said. 

???: Good. 

Leonheart: Good? 

Before Leonheart could do anything, he grabbed by the throat and brought onto the ground. 

Leonheart: W-W-What are you doing! 
He yelled as he looked at the boy. 

???: Hmm. Leonheart. The coward that hides in plain sight. 
He said with anger. 

Leonheart: W-W-W-What are you talking about? 
He lied. 

???: Leonheart. The incompetent old man. The traitor. The deceiver. Is there a reason why you haven't responded to Ozpn's questions? 
He asked as black armor slowly forms around him. 

Leonheart: WHO ARE YOU!? 

???: Me? Y/N L/N. 
He said coldly. 

Leonheart: O-O-Oh dear god.
He said in fear as he backed up. 

Y/N: So you do know me. Hmm. Not surprising. 
He said as he walked to him. 

Leonheart: W-W-W-What is a student of Beacon d-d-doing here? 
He said in fear. 

Y/N: You damn should know why. 
He said before kneeing Leonheart in the stomach. 

Leonheart falls onto the ground as he holds his stomach in pain. Y/N grabs him by the throat and walks into a portal. Leonheart tries to pry Y/N's hand off of his throat but he was thrown into a tree. 

Y/N: She died because of you. 
He said with anger. 

Leonheart: I don't know who you're talking about. 
He said as he slowly got up. 

He yelled as he punched Leonheart in the stomach, making him fall onto his knees. 

Leonheart: I-I'm sorry that you lost her. 
He said before he was punched once again. 

He yelled as he stabbed a knife into Leonheart's  leg, earning a scream. 

Leonheart: P-Please! 
He begged as he crawled back in fear. 

Y/N: Those incompetent creates suffering for those around them. 
He said as he walked towards him. 

Leonheart: P-P-P-Please. 
He begged. 

Y/N: Amelia was apart of the Mistralian county. Yet you did absolutely nothing to find her. 
He said as he kicked Leonheart's face, causing a tooth to come out. 

Leonheart: P-P-Please. I-I tried! 
He yelled. 

He yelled he strangles Leonheart. 

Y/N: My brothers and sisters died because of your incompetence. Amelia died because of your incompetence. 
He said as he tightens his hold. 

Y/N: But because of you, I have this. 
He said as a blue aura forms in his hand. 

Leonheart: W-W-W-What is that. 
He said in fear. 

Y/N: The one thing I need to end her. 
He said as he got up. 

Leonheart grabbed a branch and threw it at Y/N. Y/N dodged and threw Leonheart at a tree, impaling him onto a branch. 

Leonheart: AHHHH! 
He screamed in pain as he held onto the bloody branch. 

Y/N: You'll be the perfect message. 
He said as he stood in front of him.

Leonheart: W-W-What? 

Not receiving an answer, Y/N punched through his chest and ripped out his heart. His heart still pumping as he held it in his hand. Looking at his dead body, Y/N crushes it. 

Y/N teleports back to Haven Academy and drops Leonheart's dead body onto the ground but cuts his head off. 

Y/N: This'll be their message. 
He said as he puts it on the desk. 

Y/N walked to the windows and stood there as he overlooked the school. 

Y/N: They have it so easy. 

As he looked at the window, Amelia hugged him from behind as she smiles. 

Amelia: You got so much stronger. 
She said as she touched his armor. 

Y/N: Without you, there is no point. 
He said as a tear ran down his cheek. 

Amelia: You'll never be at fault. 
She said as she kissed his cheek. 

Amelia: Please Y/N. 
She begged him.

Amelia: Move on. Don't let me become your prison. 
She begged him as she hugged him. 

Y/N slowly looks down as Amelia held onto him. 

Amelia: Please. Don't be sad. 
She said. 

Amelia: Because I'll be here. 
She said as she touched his heart. 

???: Y/N. There on their way to Beacon. 
He heard Death-Gun's voice. 

Amelia: Please. F/N. Please move on. 
She begged him. 

Death-Gun: Come in. 
He said. 

Y/N: I'm on my way. 
He said. 

Amelia: Go Y/N. Go to father. F/N. 
She said as she kissed his cheek. 

Amelia: Go to him. Death's Messenger. 

Here is chapter 32 of Betrayed! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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