Chapter 33: The Attack On Beacon

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Third Person POV 

Y/N was in a shuttle as he held his sniper in hand while he held a radio in hand. 

Y/N: Hey. 
He said into the radio. 

???: What is it Y/N. 

Y/N: I know of their plan. Get the others to Beacon Death-Gun. 

Death-Gun: On it. Heard that they captured Roman. 
He told him. 

Y/N: Let me deal with him. I'll kill Adam and his supporters. 
He said before hanging up. 

As he sat there, Amelia laid her head on his shoulder. 

Amelia: Do what you must and I will always love you Y/N L/N. The "son" of Death-Gun. 

Y/N: I will avenge you and your family. 
He said as he clenched his fists before his helmet closed. 

Pilot: Hey kid. There is something wrong with Beacon. I don't think we can enter. 
He said as he looked at him. 

Y/N: No. Keep going. 
He said as he got up and held his sniper in hand. 

Pilot: But-

Y/N: Keep going or I'll blow your brains and do it myself. 
He said as he aimed at his handgun at him. 

Pilot: O-Okay. 
He said as he continued to fly towards Beacon. 

To Beacon 

Pyrrha stood in the arena, in shock as she stared at decapitated girl laying dead on the arena while the viewers looked at her in shock. 

Oobleck: Broadcast, what are you doing? Kill the feed! 
He yelled into his headset. 

Broadcast Operator: Something's wrong! We don't have control over the cameras! We can't even stop the broadcast! 

Oobleck: What!? How is that possible? 

Suddenly a red screen popped up as the viewers looked at it with confusion. 

Cinder: This is not a tragedy. This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust. Your safety. Your children. To men who claim to be our guardians. But are, in reality nothing more than men. Our academies's headmasters wield more power than most armies and one was audacious enough to control both. 
She said Ironwood slowly got up and walked away from the arena. 

Cinder: They cling to this power in the name of peace and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army, mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil. What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl? I don't think the grimm can tell the difference. And what, I ask you is Ozpin teaching his students? First a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honor and mercy. Yet I have witnessed neither. Perhaps Ozpin as though defeating Atlas in the tournament would people forget about his colossal failure to protect Vale when the grimm invaded it's streets. Or perhaps, this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces. Honestly, I haven't the slighest clue as to who is right and who is wrong. But I know that the existence of peace is fragile. And the leaders of our kingdom conduct their business with iron gloves. As someone who hails from Mistral, I can see assure you the situation there is.........equally undesirable. Our kingdoms are at the brink of war. Yet, we the citizens are left in the dark. 
She said as atlas soldiers started shooting the grimm approaching the school. 

Cinder: So I ask you, when the first shots are fired who do you think you can trust? 
She asked with a smirk. 

Cinder stared down at the academy as she saw multiple multiple groups of grimm approaching the school before looking down to see the grimm entering the city. 

Cinder: The city will burn. 
She said with a smirk. 

To Ironwood 

Ironwood: Ozpin. The girl.....I can explain.

Ozpin: You brought your army to my kingdom James. 
He said with hints of anger. 

Ozpin: Use it. 

Somewhere Else 

In a room, there was a girl with pink and brown hair walking with an unbrella walking towards a cell. The girl stops walking as she presses a button on the cell, opening it as a man slowly walks out. 

???:'s about time Neo. 
He said as he walked out and grabbed his hat before going to the console in the room. 

Neo: Let's go Roman. 
She said with a smile. 

Roman smiles and takes control of the ship to shoot down the other carriers. 


Roman slowly turns around and saw something that made his eyes widen. 

Roman: NEO! 
He yelled as he saw her standing there as she had a sword stabbed through her. A man in black armor as he looked at him. 

Mist: Look at that. The infamous Roman Torchwick piloting an atlesian ship. 

Roman: You son of a bitch! 
He yelled as he swings his cane at him. 


Mist blocked it as Roman struggled to fight against him. 

Roman: I'm going to kill you! 
He yelled as the woman smirked.


Roman gasped as he felt a cold blade going through his chest. Mist looked at him with his cold eyes before dropping his cane. 

Mist: Die with your dog. 
He said before ripping out his sword. 

To Blake 

Blake was in the courtyard in Weiss as she was fighting a group of white fang members with atlas drones. 

Blake was fighting a group of white fang members as she slashed through them but was knocked back by one but they were suddenly shot. 

Blake: What the? 
She asked as she turns around to see a group of people in black armor. 

Blake: I-I-It's you. 

Death-Gun: Of course. Why not help Y/N take down the white fang. 
He said as multiple members stood behind him. 

Member 1: Commander what are our orders? 

Death-Gun: Get the students to safety. 

Member 2: But sir. What about avenging Amelia. 

Death-Gun: What did I just say. 
He said with as smoke slowly came out of his mask. 

Member 2: Y-Yes sir. 
He said with fear. 

Death-Gun: Good. Now help the students. 

Blake: W-Where's Y/N? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Death-Gun: He's not with us. 
He told her. 

Blake: B-B-But he has to be. 
She said as her heart ached. 


Blake and Death-Gun looked to see an explosion near the mess hall. 

Death-Gun: Help the students. 
He said before going to kill the grimm around the school from a vantage point. 

Blake runs into the dinning hall and saw him once again as her eyes widen. 

Blake: ADAM? 

To Cinder 

Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury were standing on a roof as they overlooked the students fighting while screams were heard from below. 

Cinder: Beautiful. 

Emerald: It's almost sad. 

Cinder: It's horrendous. Focus on the atlesian knights. 
She said as she looked to Mercury. 

Mercury: Oh. I'm getting all of it. 
He said as he recorded the scene. 

Cinder: Good


Emerald/Cinder: MERCURY! 
They yelled as they saw Mercury choking while they was a blade in his throat. 

Emerald: YOU BASTARD! 
She yells as she shot at the man. 

Cinder: Who is he. 
She said as she looks to her. 

Emerald: Just get to the chamber. I'll deal with him. 
She told her. 

Emerald: I should have killed you then. 
She said as she shot at him. 

Emerald: Y/N. 
She said with anger.

Y/N didn't say anything as he charged at her with daggers in his hand. 

Emerald smirks as she uses her semblance but her eyes widen as she holds her head in pain. 


Emerald gasps as she feels a cold blade in her stomach before looking up to see another man in armor. 

Emerald: N-N-N-No. 
She said in disbelief. 

???: Burn in hell. 

To Ozpin 

Ozpin was standing in front of a control console as a girl was standing behind him in front of two pods. 

???: What do we do now? 
She asked as a pod open. 

Ozpin: Ms Nikos get in the pod. 
He tells her. 

Pyrrha slowly gets into the pod as Jaune stands guard. 

Ozpin stood there as powers slowly flowed from another into her. Pyrrha suddenly started screaming drawing the attention of Jaune as rushed to her. 

Ozpin: I' sorry. 
He said as he looked at her. 

Ozpin: Watch out! 
He yells as he jumps in front of the girl in another pod, taking an arrow into his chest. 

Jaune: Headmaster Ozpin! 
He yells as her looks to see Cinder in the entrance of the hall while Pyrrha continued to scream. 

Jaune: How could you! 
He yelled as he looked at her. 

Cinder does nothing as Ozpin falls to his knee, panting heavily. 

Ozpin: Mr Arc! NO! 
He tells him but fell on deaf ears as Jaune charged at her. 

Cinder smirks as she raises her hands and used her powers to push Jaune onto the ground. Cinder slowly forms an arrow and aims at Jaune but sees Amber in the pod and slowly aims at her. Ozpin tries to get up as Cinder slowly released her arrow. 


Cinder slowly looks down and saw a dagger going through her chest before turning around to see him. 

Ozpin: Y-Y-Y/N? 

Y/N doesn't answer but knee the dagger deeper into Cinder as she gasps. Cinder tries to shove an arrow into his chest but Y/N grabs her arm before breaking it, earning a scream from her. Y/N grabs the arrow out of her hand before stabbing it into her neck and snapping her neck. Jaune and Ozpin watched him as Y/N slowly walks out of the room while Cinder slowly fell onto the ground as the pod slowly opens. 

Jaune: Pyrrha! 
He yells as he rushes to her. 

Suddenly a red aura went into Pyrrha as she laid unconscious in his arms. 

Ozpin: W-Where are you going. 
He said as he looked at Y/N. 

To Blake 

Blake was panting heavily as she looked at Adam with fear in her eyes. 

Adam: What a coincidence to see you here Blake. 
He said as he held his sword in his robotic arm. 

Blake: H-H-How are you still alive? 
She asked as she looks at him. 

Adam: How does it feel knowing that your best friend is gone? And knowing that you did this all on your own. 
He said as he looked at her. 

Blake: You did this! 
She yelled as she charged at him. 


Adam and Blake clashed against each other as they stared into each other's eyes. 

Blake: You've lied to me! ABOUT EVERYTHING! 
She yelled. 

Adam: No. All I did was tell you something and you killed them. 

She yelled as swung her sword at him. 

Adam: I did no such thing. You killed him. You've made him this way Blake. 
He said as he blocks all of her attacks. 

She yelled as she continued to clash with him. 

Adam: No. You've helped with that. I didn't ask you to. He's only like this because of you Blake. 

Blake: SHUT UP! 
She yells as tears started stream down her cheeks before charging at him. 

Adam dodges her attack and knees Blake in the stomach, causing her tom gasp from the attack. Blake fell onto her knees as she held her stomach in pain. Blake is kicked onto her back as Adam knelt in front of her. 

Adam: All I wanted was to prove that mankind deserves the justice that it deserves and I will destroy everything you love. 
He said as he looked at her. 

???: Blake! Where are you!
They hear her. 

Adam: Staring with her. 
He said before stabbing Blake. 

Blake: AHH! 
She screams in pain. 

She yells as she faces Adam. 

Blake: Y-Yang. Run. 
She pleads. 

Yang doesn't listen as she lunges at Adam with her fist reeled back. 


Before Yang could react, her arm was slashed off completely and crashed into the ground as Adam turned to face Blake. 

Adam: Your turn. 
He said before raising his sword at Blake. 



Adam: What. 
He said as he looked at the one in front of him, blocking his attack. 

Blake: Y-Y-Y/N? 

Adam: Look at who it is. 
He said with a smirk. 

Y/N doesn't say anything as he kicked Adam in the stomach, knocking him back as he healed Blake. 

Y/N: Get her out of here. 
He told her before walking to Adam. 

Adam: Let's settle this once and for all Y/N! 
He yells as he gets into his stance. 

Y/N holds his sword in hand as he looks at him, in his old armor. 

Adam charges at Y/N and slashes at him only for Y/N to block it. Adam continues to slash at him as Y/N continues to back up from the continuous slashes while Adam smirks. 

Adam: You're so weak! You should have stayed dead! 
He yells at him as Y/N continues to block each attack.

Y/N blocks another attack from Adam as he stares at him. 

Adam: After you, I'm going to kill Ilia. Then Blake. Then her family. Then your sister. S/N. 
He said as he looked at her while Y/N said nothing. 

Adam: Actually no. I'm going to break her just like I did with human bitch! 
He yells at him but he was suddenly grabbed and head butted. 

Adam slowly staggers back as Y/N looks at him with anger. 

Y/N: Don't ever talk about her. 
He said as he held his sword tightly. 

Adam: Or what. 
He said with a grin. 

Without saying anything, Y/N clashed with Adam as Adam blocked each of his attack. 

Adam: Just like old days uh Y/N. 
He said as he looks at him. 

Y/N doesn't answer as he continues to clash with him. Adam continues to block until he blocks another slash from Y/N. Adam grabs his arm and elbows Y/N, causing him to stagger. 


Y/N: AH! 
He yells in pain as he holds his side in pain. 

Adam: Clumsy Y/N. 
He said as he charges at him. 

Y/N blocks Adam's slash as he holds his bleeding side. 

Adam: Come on Y/N. Is this the great killer of the white fang? The one that slaughtered thousands of his own kind! 
He yells as he slashes harder at Y/N, causing Y/N's sword to fall out of his hand. 

He yelled as he charges at him with his sword. 


However the result was not what he expected. 

Adam coughs out blood as Y/N stabbed him in the chest with a small but Adam was able to pierce his side. 

Adam: N-No. 
He said as he pushed himself off of Y/N. 

Adam: I-I-I'm going to kill you and lead the white fang. 
He said as he held his sword high while Y/N knelt on the ground, smirking. 

Y/N: I don't think so. 
He said as he reached for his sword. 


Before Adam could slash at Y/N, he was slashed across the chest as he looks at him with shock. Adam slowly falls to his knees as Y/N stood behind him, holding his sword in hand. 

Adam: D-Damn you. 
He said before collapsing onto the ground in the burning building. 

Y/N: Burn in hell damn bull. 
He said before walking out of the burning cafeteria as he heard her voice. 

Y/N's POV 

I felt my body weak as I felt my blood slowly dripping down my wound. I felt the cold air running against my skin as the scent of ash filled the air. My vision slowly going blurry as I heard her voice. 

???: Y/N! 
I heard her voice as I felt her arms around me. 

I said as I fell onto my side.

Blake: H-Hey. Y-You're going to be okay. 
She said as I saw her tears. 

Blake: P-P-Please stay with me. 
She said as she started applying pressure to my wound. 

Blake: P-P-Please d-don't. 
I heard her sobs as I looked at her. 

I felt my eyes losing the strength to stay open as I looked at her tearful amber eyes. 

Blake: Stay with Y/N. 
I felt her hand holding mine as I heard muffled voices coming closer. 

Blake's POV 

"Hey. Hey. Please stay awake Y/N." 
I begged as I held his hand while Death-Gun wrapped his wound up. 

"Please don't leave me again." 
I begged as tears ran down my cheeks. 

"Please Y/N!" 



Here is chapter 33 of Betrayed! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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