Chapter 8: The New and The Old

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Chris: Who are you!

Death-Gun: No one of importance. All I'm doing is delivering something.

Adam: What do you want you pathetic human.

"Your heads."

Next Chapter!

Third Person POV

Death-Gun stood there with his gun in his hand as Chris and Adam got into their stance while Chris's little sister backed up in fear, seeing one of the two killers. The two that wiped out the group she was with.

Death-Gun pulls out his twin pistols(Same model as Amelia's but different color. Which is all black.) He aims at Adam and Chris as they charge at him. Chris pulls out a staff as Adam holds the hilt of his sword. Adam slashes at Death-Gun but he dodges and kicks Adam at the side of the head. The kick knocks Adam on the ground as Chris jumped at him, trying to hit him. Chris kept charging at Death-Gun as his little sister backed up in fear. Death-Gun notices his little sister and thought of a plan. He kicks Chris in the stomach and grabs his throat. As Death-Gun holds Chris by the throat Adam charges at him with his sword ready. However Death-Gun sees this and lets Adam get ready to impale him. But not before he turned around and lets Chris take the hit. Adam stabs Chris through the stomach. Chris coughs up blood as Death-Gun drops him and kicks Adam at the side of head, causing him to stagger back. As Adam recovered Death-Gun ran at him and delivered a punch to his gut. Adam gasped as he felt the punch knock the wind out of him. Death-Gun jumps up and knees Adam's head, causing Adam to fall onto the ground. Death-Gun looks around and he sees the two white fang members on the ground in pain.

Death-Gun: So these two were responsible for F/N's parents. Pathetic.
He said as he turned to Chris's little sister. She notices him and starts to bawl her eyes out of fear. He walks to her as she backs up until she couldn't back up anymore. Chris sees his little sister crying and tries to get to her but couldn't. Adam is knocked out on the floor due to being kneed in the head. Death-Gun grabs Chris's little sister by the throat as she tried to get out of his hold.

Death-Gun: So you killed his family because you were told to do so. Pathetic. Just like that fool's family.
He said as he points to Adam.

Chris: Leave. Her. Out. Of. This! She has nothing to do with this!

Death-Gun: Oh she has everything to do with this.
He said as he held Chris's little sister in his hand as she cried while trying to get out his hold. Chris slowly gets up as he holds his gut.

Chris: P-Please L-Leave H-Her o-out of this.
He said as he is one knee, trying to get up.

Death-Gun looks at him and his little sister, deciding what to do. Then an idea come to his head.

Death-Gun: 3 days.

Chris: What?

Death-Gun: 3 days.

Chris: For what?

Death-Gun: To face my student.

Chris: Why.

Death-Gun: IF you value your sister's life then you would do it. If not. *Aims pistol at Chris's little sister's head.*
Then she dies. Right in front of you.

Chris: OKAY! OKAY! I'll do it. Just don't hurt her.
He begs.

Death-Gun: Good choice.
He said as he puts the hand-gun down. He then knocks Chris's little sister out.

Chris: You said you weren't going to do anything to do her!
He yelled.

Death-Gun: Watch your tongue.
He said with seriousness in his voice.

Death-Gun: You and my student fight. Then we'll decide.

Chris: Decide what!

Death-Gun: If you ever see your sister again.

Chris: I never agreed to that!

Death-Gun: What's the fun in that.
He said with a mocking tone.

He yells as he charges at Death-Gun. Death-Gun smirks and kicks him at the stomach, causing more blood to stream down from his wound. Chris falls onto the ground as he holds his stomach.

Death-Gun: 3 days. There will be a signal at midnight. Don't be late.
He said as he walks away as he drags Chris's little sister.

Chris: I'll get you back no matter what.
He said as he watches his little sister get dragged off.

Death-Gun gets into his car and puts Chris's little sister in the back. After doing so he drives off, heading back to the hideout as one thing went through his mind.

Death-Gun: F/N is definitely going to enjoy killing those two.

At Beacon F/N's POV

I was on my bed as Amelia slept on my chest. I felt her warm body cling onto me like she was a baby. I felt my heart warm up. Something that has never happened ever since I joined Laughing Coffin. Now looking at Amelia, I'm grateful that I've found her when I did. Sure she was a pain in the ass in the beginning but now she is worthy of being around us now.


I yelled at Amelia as she started reloading her gun. I walked around her as she finished reloading her sniper.

Amelia: How many times do we have to do this?
She asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"You need to know how to arm yourself in a gunfight."
I told her.

Amelia: But I do.
She said as she raised her sniper rifle at me.


Amelia: Yes.
She answered.


"What about now?"
I said as I had my rifle out now, missing her purposely.

Amelia: What just happened?
She said in confusion.

"Exactly. That's why Death-Gun left me in charge of you. Now do it again and then we'll grab something to eat."

Amelia: Fine.
She said with annoyance in her voice.

Flashback Ends

I looked back at Amelia as I remembered the times we trained. 3 weeks ago she was a little girl I found in a warehouse and now she's a mercenary and my partner. I kissed her on the forehead as she nuzzles her head on my chest.

"Sleep well Amelia."

To Blake

Blake was laying on her bed as she held a photo. A photo of 3 three people. These were no other than Ilia. Y/N. And herself.

A/N: Imagine Y/N in the middle instead of Sun! I don't own this!

I felt tears run down my face as I looked at the photo. Y/N is right. It is my fault. If I just listened to Ilia and him, she would be still alive but now she's dead. Y/N hates me. His family is long dead. All because of me. Every time I see him now, all I see is Ilia and him together when we were apart of the white fang. All because of my blind love for Adam. For not seeing him for the monster he has become. Tears streamed down my face as I held onto the photo of them.

"Y-Y-Y/N. Y-You a-are r-right. I-It was m-m-my f-fault. P-Please f-forgive me."

BOOM! Here is chapter 8 of Betrayed(Faunas Male Reader X Blake Belladonna). I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

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