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After Larai had excused herself, Yusuf's mental focus was still on the path she followed. Something seemed to be bothering her. He did not know what it was, but he took it upon himself to find out as soon as he can. He didn't like it when she was sad, for it tended to rub off on him.

"Is she alright?" Adam's voice rang in his ear, snapping him out of trance.

"I don't know." Yusuf curtly shook his head.

"Seems she's homesick already," Adam remarked.

Yusuf wasn't convinced by that. He had a hunch she acted that way because she overheard his conversation with Raihana. "Yeah." He waved the topic aside. "Seems so."

"Where's Yumnah?" Adam asked, looking around. "I haven't seen her around."

"She's probably in their room."

"It's been a long time I saw her—about a year or two. I bet she is still as annoying as she used to be."

"You can say that again." Yusuf sighed.

"She's never going to change. It's inbuilt."

"Despite how annoying she is, she is still your favorite sister." Adam pointed out.

"Favorite?" Yusuf shook his head. "I don't have a favorite and if I were to have, then I'd go for Yusrah. The girl is so sensible. She's been like that ever since she was still little."

"Yumnah is also sensible." He defended. "Anyways, when is she going back to school?"

Two folds of wrinkles appeared on Yusuf's forehead. "Why are you asking so many questions about Yumnah? Are you in any way interested in her?"

"What if I am?" He chuckled.

"Don't even think about it." Yusuf hurled a throw-pillow at his friend. "I'm serious." 

"Larai." Yusuf knocked on the door. "Can I come in? We need to talk."

Larai was seated on the edge of the bed. She wiped her tear-stained face and put on her hijab. "Yes." 

Yusuf pushed open the door and advanced in. He halted in front of her spent a minute observing her. "Are you okay?" He started.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She forced a smile. "Of course I am."

"You're not." He stated his voice void of all uncertainty. "If you were, you wouldn't have replied to my question in the manner you just did."

Larai huffed and suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. The fact that he said that to her, didn't come as a surprise to her. After all, she was just someone he helped.  "I'm sorry for speaking to you impolitely."

Yusuf heaved a sigh. "You know I didn't mean it in that way. You've misunderstood my words."

"What do you want to talk to me about? If it's about going back to the village, I'm ready. When are we going? I have already packed my things." Larai gestured towards the pile of clothes sitting beside the left sidewall. She was serious when she uttered those words. She was tired of Yusuf treating her like a stranger anyway.

"Can you please stop?" Yusuf shut his eyes and reopened them in an instant. "I'm not used to seeing you so angry." He crouched in front of her and lifted his head to stare into her eyes. "What's wrong? Is it me? Please talk to me."

Larai's heart plummeted and she looked away from him. He was the one that wronged her. She wasn't supposed to be the guilty one, but the feeling couldn't be helped. The pain in his eyes was glaring. It sent a dagger, piercing into her heart and ripping the organ apart. "Why are you doing this?"

"What?" He swallowed. "What am I doing?"

"One minute you're distant and in the next minute you act as if you truly care about me. Why do you keep giving me mixed signals?" A lone tear rolled down her cheek. It was exhausting, pretending to be alright when deep within her, she was falling apart.

"As if I truly care about you?" He placed a finger on his chest. "Do you think I don't care about you and I'm just pretending to? Is that what you think?"

"That's the picture your actions have been painting. What do you expect me to think? I don't think I can stay here any longer, please take me back to where I truly belong." At least back in her village, her parents may not respect her decision, but she was sure they loved her. She didn't want her thoughts to drift to the possibility of Yusuf having just pity for her, but she couldn't control it.

"Okay." He breathed. "Calm down and speak to me; what makes you think I don't truly care about you?"

"You should know better." With the back of her hand, Larai wiped her tears. "I want to go back home, please."

"Look at me." He goaded. "Do you honestly think I don't care about you, Larai? After everything we've been through?"

More tears streamed down Larai's face. She couldn't bear the hurt in Yusuf's voice. All she wanted at that moment, was to apologize to him for being overly sensitive and set everything right again, but by so doing, she knew she would be giving him the license to treat her the way he deems fit.

"Didn't you see the sincerity in my eyes when I professed my love for you? Why do you think I went out of my way to save you from an unwanted marriage? I did all that because I love you and I can bear the thought of you belonging to someone else, especially someone as awful as he is. From the very first time I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. Sure, I have been distant, but that only because I have to be careful, otherwise my family will find out about—"

"And you don't want them to find out." She completed his sentence. "Right?" His words had confirmed her hunch—he was indeed embarrassed by her.

Yusuf groaned. "Will you just keep quiet for a few minutes and listen to what I have to say? I have a reason for not wanting my family to find out right now. Abba and Ammi might not accept you if I were to go tell them I want to get married to you because they'd want me to get married to you, only with your parents' permission and as it is, your parents would never give us their blessings at the moment. Do you think I like the way things are between us currently? If it was up to me, I'd marry you tomorrow or even today. I can't believe you're doubting the love I have for you. I thought you trusted me. I thought we trusted each other."

At his explanation, tears welled up in Larai's eyes. His words served as the explanation she yearned for. She couldn't bring herself to look into his eyes, knowing she mistrusted him, after all the sacrifices he had made for her. How could she have mistaken his love for pity? She lowered her head in shame. "I'm sorry." She mumbled. "I thought..."

"Has your trust for me completely disappeared?"

With tear-filled eyes, she shook her head. "I overheard you talking with someone over the phone and then Yumnah mentioned she's your ex." She deliberately omitted the part where Yumnah spoke about how much he really loved her, for a part of her was still afraid—afraid of having her heartbroken.

Yusuf sat on the floor and caught his lower lip between his teeth. "She must have told you the whole story. She did right?"

Larai nodded.

"Well, everything she told you is true."

An involuntary gasp escaped Larai's mouth. Surely, it didn't mean still had a soft spot for her, did it?

"Raihana and I were about to get married, until..." His voice trailed and he swallowed.

From the looks of it, he was still very much affected by her betrayal and that didn't sit well with Larai—not even in the slightest way.

"We got separated and since then, we haven't been in contact, until today of course. She called to explain why she left and all that, but I made it clear to her that it is irrelevant, because I have already moved on and that I have already forgotten her."

But have you really?

Larai wanted to voice out her thought. She wanted more clarification, but for some reason, her mouth was sealed, resulting in her not being able to push out a single word.

"She's my past." He continued. "You're my present and In Sha Allah, my future. Believe me when I say the love I have for you is genuine. When the time is right, we will be able to be together in a halal way. Your trust is all I ask for. You will give that to me, won't you?"

A warm feeling surged into Larai's whole body and her stomach flipped pleasantly. Yusuf had always had his way with words. He had told her the words she needed to hear to feel at ease. "Uhm."

"Are we okay now?" Yusuf hummed.

Larai gave a small smile in response.

"You're no longer angry with me?"

Again, her lips stretched a little.

"You know, angry Larai is cute." Yusuf chortled. "Today is actually the first day I have seen you this angry. You got snappy and transformed into someone different. The last time we disagreed back in your village, you weren't even this angry. You're that possessive of me, huh?" He wiggled a brow.

Larai repressed the urge to laugh. She looked away instead. Possessive was indeed the right word to use to summarize the attitude she had just displayed.

"Ammi and I discussed you." He informed.

"Regarding me?" Larai's eyes dilated in incomprehension.

"Yes." He paused for a while. "I spoke to her regarding your studies and she has agreed to allow you further it. I know I should have asked you beforehand, but I connoted you'd wan—"

"Really?" Larai breath quickened. She could not believe her ears. One by one, Yusuf was fulfilling all of her dreams. She had always wished to study in a university and acquire a degree. She didn't think it would ever come through, but God sent Yusuf her way.  "You really want to help me further my education?"

"Of course, but that's only if you want.  While you were telling me about how you used to travel several villages to get to your school, I realized how passionate you were about schooling and I took it upon myself to see to it that your dreams come true and besides, you will become independent and your parents will be proud of the woman you will become."

A smile of gratification graced Larai's lips, but in an instant, it morphed into a frown. "If I am to school here, that means I'd automatically have to stay here for a very long time, right?"

"Not necessarily. We can always visit when you feel like it. So, do you accept?"

Had it been a different circumstance, she would have accepted the offer in a heartbeat, but because it was coming from Yusuf, she was reluctant to accept. She didn't want to depend too much on him, more than she already had. The last thing she wanted was to be termed a moocher. "I don't know."

"Why? Hasn't this been one of your dreams?"

"Yes, it has, but...I don't want to depend too much on you. You've helped me a lot and—"

"Do you hear me complaining?" He quirked a brow. "I'm doing this because I want to fulfill every one of your dreams. I made a promise to you and I'm not about to go back on my words. I know this is what you want. This is what I want as well. Please say yes. It's for your own good. Didn't you say you want to become a lawyer? How is that ever going to be possible if you don't attend a university?"

Larai knew he had a valid point. Going back to the village immediately would mean she threw all of their efforts in the trash bin. The best decision she could take was to accept is the offer of furthering her education. Even without voicing out her thoughts to him, she knew she would be forever indebted for all the love and kindness he had showered her. "Okay, I accept your offer. For every single good thing you've done for me, thank you so much." She smiled. He would always have a place in her heart—she knew.

"Great! I knew you'd make the right decision. JAMB and WAEC registration portals will soon be opened. I will get you registered when that happens. Is that okay?"

Larai nodded. "Thank yo—"

"Hey!" Yusuf abruptly cut her off and quirked his lips to the side. "Thanking me so much is really not necessary. You're my responsibility now and I'm going to take very good care of you. I love you—always remember this please."

Heat rushed to Larai's cheeks and she felt a thousand butterflies erupting in her stomach. She knew he loved her, but hearing him say the words directly to her, was everything—bliss.

The sentence was her favorites from him to her. Like magic, it made her toss all of her insecurities into the background. He loved her. He wasn't faking it. She wanted to be failsafe and now that she had gotten the reassurance she needed, she was contented and glad. "I should speak to your parents and thank them."

"Alright." Yusuf shrugged. "If that's what you want. Abba told me he will be home early tonight. I think that'd be the perfect time to talk to them."

Larai hummed her response. She knew it wasn't going to be very uncomfortable for her, as she wasn't used to them yet, but she had to do it—to express her gratitude.

"Yusuf?" Yusrah's voice resounded in the room.

Larai's breath skipped at the sight of Yusrah standing in front of the open door. She had no idea how long Yusrah had been standing over there. She could only wish she didn't eavesdrop on their conversation.

Yusuf stood and spun around to his confused sister. "Yusrah." The name emerged from his mouth a little too rushed.

"What are you doing in Larai's room?"  She made sure to emphasize her last word. Her gaze then averted from him to Larai.

Larai swallowed, lost of words to utter.

"I spoke to Ammi and she has permitted me to help Larai further her education. I came to give her the good news myself. It has always been her dream to go to a university."

A grin appeared on Yusrah's face. "Really? That's a good decision. I'm happy for you, Larai. Congratulations to you."

"Uhm...thank you." Larai forced a smile and wiped the beads of sweat that had formed on her forehead. She had no idea why she got so nervous. It wasn't even as if they were doing something wrong.

"Since my work here is done, I should leave." He turned his head and winked at Larai before ambling out of the room.

Larai blushed.



What do you think about Yusuf's family furthering Larai's studies? Is it advisable for her to accept?

Is she depending too much on them?

Will it make them disrespect her? 🤔

Do you believe in Yusuf's words?

Yusrah almost found them out 😅

Don't forget to vote, comment and share 🙏

Follow me on Instagram and wattpad for updates 😘


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