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Larai had just finished having a breakfast of tea, bread, and scrambled eggs, when she heard the front door open, followed by Yumnah's high-pitched voice. "We're home!"

"They are home?" Larai hurried to the parlor and her lips stretched at the sight of Yusrah and Yumnah standing in the middle of the room, with their suitcases beside behind them.

"Larai!" Yusrah ran towards her and engulfed her in a hug.

Larai wrapped her arms around Yusrah and pulled back after some seconds. "Welcome back. Yusuf told me you will be back soon, but I didn't expect it to be this soon."
Thanks, Larai. How have you been? I have missed you a lot." Yusrah pouted.

"I missed you too." Larai smiled. "I kept on reminiscing the times we would sit and discuss books late at night. I'm so glad you're back."

"Me too." Yusrah returned the smile.

Larai moved towards Yumnah and engulfed her in a hug as well.

Yumnah rolled her eyes but returned the hug nonetheless.

"Welcome back, Yumnah." Larai pulled back and took a step backward. "How was your flight?"

"Stressful." Yumnah groaned. "I'm jet-lagged. Where is everybody?"

"Yusuf is in his—" Larai had not finished her statement when Yusuf walked into the room. "Oh! Here he comes."

"Yusuf!" Yumnah squealed and ran into his open arms. "I thought you'd be the one to pick us from the airport. I was so disappointed, you know."

Yusuf disentangled his arms from around her and pulled her cheek. "Don't be silly. You know I'd have personally waited at the airport to pick you both up, but I couldn't, because I had a splitting headache."

"He just returned from Niger state yesterday," Larai added.
Why? What did you go there to do?"

"Business." Yusuf's response was curt.

I wondered why he lied to them.

"It seems I'm invisible to someone." Yusrah huffed and turned her back on Yusuf.

"It seems so." Larai feigned seriousness.

Yusuf chuckled and walked up to his sister and lifted her. "You know that's impossible. How can someone as beautiful as you be invisible? That's impossible."
It's possible since you've been busy catching up with your favorite sister." Yusrah quirked her lips.

"I'm glad you've finally accepted the reality." Yumnah stuck out her tongue at her sister.

"You two hooligans have returned to continue troubling me," Yusuf grunted.

"See, Yusie, he didn't even deny it." Yumnah instigated.

Yusuf shook his head and flung an arm over Yusrah's shoulder. "That's because I know Yusrah is sensible enough to know what's right and wrong, unlike someone we all know."

Yumnah's jaw dropped. "Are you insinuating I'm the insensible one?"

"I didn't mention names." Yusuf raised both hands in surrender.

Larai looked on in amusement as the siblings bickered. The bond they shared was worth emulating. It reminded her of her sister. Sadly, they weren't as close as the three siblings were, but deep within Larai, she loved her younger sibling a lot. She was closer to her—much more than her other three siblings.

Larai couldn't wait to complete her studies and return home to her family.

Despite everything her parents had put her through, she still missed them—a lot. She missed how Nna would scold her for every little mistake and threaten to take her report to Baaba. A melancholic smile curled up her lips as she recalled Baaba: he was always so reserved and liked to appear tough, but just like coconut, he was hard on the outside but soft on the inside. She missed everything about them—the good times and even the bad times. They were still her parents after all and no matter what happened, the fact would never change.

With glistening eyes, Larai stared at the long, green gown hung in her room. The reality was right in front of her, but she was having a difficult time coming to terms with it. She couldn't believe the day most anticipated by her had finally arrived—her graduation ceremony.

A lone tear slipped out of her eye, but she was quick to wipe it away. It was a happy occasion and crying should not be a part of the day. One of her biggest dreams had been accomplished and she had absolutely no one to thank, but Yusuf and his family.

Four years—for four long years, Yusuf had offered her nothing, but his unconditional support and love. He was always at her beck and call. He had done so much for her, but not once had he used that as a medium to disrespect her. He had never crossed his boundaries with her. And all of the financial support she needed, he took care of them, without asking for anything in return, except for her love of course.

Larai never knew she would be able to stay away from her family for a whole year, but she ended up staying away for four years. Whenever she missed home, Azumi's words were all she needed to reminisce to keep going. Her sister's words gave her all of the encouragement she needed. She wanted her not to return home until her dream of becoming a lawyer comes true and that was exactly what was going to happen.

Tears streamed down her eyes—tears of joy. She might not have uttered the words to anyone, but she terribly missed her family. Yusuf's family have tried to fill all voids in her heart—they really did.

Yusrah has been like a sister to her. She wasn't as close as Yumnah, but still, she didn't have any complaints about the relationship they shared. Larai respected her and Yumnah reciprocated the respect.

Mrs. Hadiza proved to be the warmest person she had met in all of her twenty-two years of life, for she treated her not less than a daughter.

And Mr. Kasim, ever since his last attempt to force himself on her four years ago, he hadn't made another advance. Though she was living in the hostel, she visited the house occasionally and whenever she did, the highest Mr. Kasim did, was shoot her a look she couldn't decipher. She had no idea if she was supposed to consider it a perverted look or a remorseful one. In any case, she was glad everything ended well. She wanted to let everything go. The last thing she wanted to do was break their family apart. Yusuf might understand, but Yumnah would definitely not. Yusrah included.

"Hey! What are you waiting for, Larai?" Her roommate and coursemate, Safiya hollered. "You aren't even dressed yet. We are going to be late." The tall, dark-skinned, skinny lady appeared in front of Larai; her hands akimbo. The blue dress she was donned in complimented her beauty.

Larai facepalmed. Engrossed in her own little world, she had lost track of time. "I was just thinking. It seems just like yesterday. I can't believe we are graduating already."

"Me too." Safiya enthused. "It has been a tough journey, but thank God, it's over. What is left is job hunting."

Larai nodded in concurrence. "I hope we find a job soon."

"I hope so, but It is really saddening how a student will graduate from the university with good grades and end up hunting for a job, like some hunter," Larai whined. "The situation in this country has gone overboard. If you don't have a long leg, your name is sorry. You will search and search for a job and the result will be fruitless. Acquiring jobs these days is not based on merit, but on whom you know."

"Exactly. Corruption is at its peak and it's really eating up this country. I wonder when the country will be corruption-free."

Safiya huffed. "Maybe in a million years to come."

"Don't say that, Safiya. Be positive."

"Positivity on this matter will take you nowhere. The politicians who are supposed to work hard in curbing these problems are the masterminds. I don't see Nigeria moving forward in decades to come."

"But I do." Larai smiled. "I know it might sound silly to you, but I have hopes for this country. One day, surely, we will be developed. I will ensure it happens. I will work hard to bring criminals to justice and make Nigeria a better place to live in. I will also work hard to protect people from injustice, even if it costs me my life."

Bemused, Safiya showed her palm. "I can see you have high hopes for this country, but how exactly do you think you'd be able to do all those things you mentioned? People have tried and failed."

"Change starts with a single person. It starts with me and you." Larai remarked. It was a vision of hers to be able to make an impact in the lives of helpless people. With God as her strength, she was positive her dreams would come true someday. "Soon, I see this country going to greater heights."

"Wow!" Safiya placed both her hands on Larai's shoulder. "I must say, I'm impressed. I wish I am as selfless as you are. You're willing to put your life at stake to protect strangers, while I'm not.  If we had more people like you in this country, then I'm sure your vision will come to pass. I will pray for you."
Thanks, Safiya." Larai's lips curved into a small smile. Over the years, Safiya had been a loyal friend to her. Larai was grateful to her for all of the times they spent talking about things people tended to ignore.

Larai recalled a time Safiya played truant and took care of her because she had cramps and couldn't attend lectures.  Safiya did say she was not selfless, but in Larai's opinion, she was—in her own special way. What she did for her on that day, was the definition of selflessness. "I can see you're already dressed. You look beautiful."

"I know I do." She wiped imaginary dust from her shoulders. "Anyways, thank you. Aren't you going to put on your outfit? We should be at the ground early."


"I will be in the next room applying make-up. When you're done, call me."

Larai nodded and watched as Safiya walked out of the room.

She walked to the wardrobe to take out the outfit that Yusuf had specially brought for her to put on, on her big day. The sight of Azumi's hijab brought a sad smile to her face. She picked the hijab and brought the soft cloth to her lips. "I'm coming home, Azumi. Wait for me." She caressed the yellow piece for a while, before refolding it and putting it in its place.

She then took out her neatly folded, silver-colored dress from the box and zipped it back up.


Larai is finally a graduate 😁🔥

Larai's reason of wanting to be a lawyer is because she believes she will be a positive pillar, and help make Nigeria a better place to live in ☺️

Do you think the book is moving too fast? 🤔 Honest opinions, please.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share❤️ the number of comments on the last two chapters isn't encouraging 😣



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