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The ceremony ended with Larai going home with three awards—the best graduating student in law, the third overall graduating student in the whole school, and lastly, the most well-behaved lady of her set. When her name was announced as the third best graduating student in the whole school, her happiness increased in folds. She could not express the feeling in words. It felt surreal. She finally got the recognition she deserved.

Even back in her secondary school, her principal had always encouraged her not to give up her studies, for she knew a brighter future awaits her. Larai wished she could meet her principal just once again and thank her for all of the encouragement she had bestowed on her. Because of her bits of advice, she had the zeal to soar higher. 

Yusuf, Yusrah, and Yumnah took a lot of photos with her. The gleam in Larai's eyes never wavered even for a split second. She was glad a phase of her life had been closed and was eagerly anticipating the next to begin.

Yusrah and Yumnah had gone to buy some snacks, while Yusuf was nowhere to be seen, probably roaming about the school.

Larai was seated in the backseat of the car, physically and mentally drained from the day's event, when Yusuf appeared beside her. Larai looked up at him and smiled.

"You've become a celebrity. You don't even have my time anymore." Yusuf's forehead wrinkled.

"What celebrity?" Larai chuckled.

"Everyone is talking about you and wants to take a selfie with you. My presence has been forgotten."

Larai knew what was cooking in his mind, so she shrugged, deciding to play along. "I'm sorry. I thought you'd left." She finished her statement and burst into fits of laughter. "I was just kidding. There is no way I could ever forget your presence. Whenever you're out of sight, my eyes keep searching for you."

"Congratulations on your graduation, Larai." His lips spread into a tight-lipped smile. "Due to how busy you were interacting with your colleagues and lecturers, I haven't been able to congratulate you in person, until now. I hope you're not angry with me."

"Angry?" Larai scoffed. On the contrary, she was grateful to him. He was the first person to congratulate her and even if he wasn't, she would still understand because she knew he had her best interest in heart. "Of course not. What made you think I would?"

"I'm so proud of you. Very."

Larai grinned. There was nothing more she wanted than for him to utter the words to her and he did. She couldn't be happier.

"My future wife is a genius. I'm a proud man."

His words made Larai happy, yet sad. She knew the next phase of their lives would be difficult and filled with hurdles. "Now that I have graduated, what next?" She felt bad for having to bring up the topic at the moment, but it was something she badly wanted to know.

"When we get home, I'll speak to my parents and seek their blessings."

Larai hummed and fidgeted with her fingers. "Do you...think they are going to accept me?"

"I don't think so."

Larai's heart plummeted.

"I know that for a fact. Ammi loves you a lot, Abba doesn't have a problem with you, Yusrah loves you a lot, and Yumnah respects you. What could possibly go wrong? Stop over-thinking and relax. Everything will happen in our favor. I trust my family completely."

Shortly later, Yumnah and Yusrah returned with snacks—shawarma, for everyone.

Yusuf ignited the car engine and drove to the hostel to pick Larai's luggage, before driving back home.

When they got home, Larai was surprised to find the arrangements made for her return: the dining table was decorated with a variety of dishes. Mrs. Hadiza had ordered the maids to do it. "Wow! Thanks a lot, ma."

"You're welcome, dear. You deserve all these. Once more, congratulations. We are all proud of you."

"Congratulations." Mr. Kasim walked into the dining room and took his seat.

"Thank you." Larai's appreciation was genuine. Since Mr. Kasim didn't even spare her a look, she connoted he had changed his ways and that the first time was a mistake. She decided to give him the benefit of doubt.

"Wow! So much food. There's pounded yam too!" Yumnah squealed and took her seat.

"Thank you, Ammi." Yusuf smiled at his mother and sat down, followed by Yusrah.

"Sit." Mr. Hadiza gestured at the empty seat beside her and Larai gladly took it.

The atmosphere at the table was serene. Everyone ate in silence, but after few minutes, Yusrah brought Larai's topic up and they began to talk about her awards and the scholarship she was given.

Larai smiled but didn't contribute to their discussion.

"Ammi, Abba, I want to tell you both something, but that should be tomorrow. We are all tired today and Abba has just gotten back from London."

Larai didn't know how she was supposed to feel about the postponement. She had been waiting for him to announce the dining table, but on second thought, she realized Yusuf was right. The best time to break the news to them would be when they are in good moods. Being tired is equivalent to a foul mood. 

Larai retired to her room—the room she had stayed in when she first arrived in the city. Everything was still in place. Not a thing had been changed. She was about to unzip her suitcase, but stopped abruptly and zipped it up. "There's no need for this. If Yusuf tells his parent about us tomorrow, we will leave for the village right away."  She walked up to the bed and picked the bag she had kept on the mattress. She unzipped it and brought out the first award she was given—best graduating student in law. She planted a gentle kiss and hugged the glass award close to her heart. "This is for you, Azumi."
She put the award back in its place and took it to the top of the wardrobe, placing it carefully there.

She then went to the bathroom and performed ablution for prayers.
She spent the next two hours, praying and thanking God for the favors He had bestowed on her. She prayed to Him to fulfill all of her remaining dreams and to forgive her for all her wrongdoings in life—knowingly and unknowingly. 

Larai was still seated on the prayer mat when she heard the sound of the door opening. At first, she thought it was one of the girls or Mrs. Hadiza because Yusuf rarely went into her room. Her eyes broadened in bemusement when Mr. Kasim, who was donned in blue pajamas came into view.

Larai sprung up and looked at him askance. "What are you doing here, Sir? Please leave, everyone is already asleep."

"Calm down, will you?" His voice held hostility. "I am not here to do anything to you. I came here, only with not only the aim to congratulate you on your success but to set things right again."
Larai wanted to tell him off but decided against it.  He had already congratulated her in front of his family and that was more than enough. It was wrong —very inappropriate for him to come into her room at 11 a.m with such claims. If he were to be caught, no one would believe that was what was brought there. She blamed herself for forgetting to lock the door from the inside. "Thank you, Sir. Please leave before—"

"Please forgive me for what I did in the past. I really don't know what came over me. I'm sorry." He apologized.

Larai searched his eyes for sincerity, but she couldn't decipher the emotion in them. Though he didn't look apologetic to her, she decided to let bygones be bygones. "Alright, Sir. Please leave."

"I don't want you to say a word regarding this to any of my family members, otherwise you're going to break my family apart. And that would be unfair, given the favors we have offered you over the years. Surely, you're not an ingrate."

"I haven't said a word to anyone and I won't, but the next time you come into this room without my permission, I'm definitely going to expose you in front of your family, even though you allowed me in your house. I won't sit still and allow you to take advantage of me. For every crime you commit, you will be brought to justice. I will make sure of that." Larai finished and pointed to the door. "Please go back to your room."

Mr. Kasim gulped. He was obviously surprised at her outburst. "Alright, I will go, but before that, I want you to come with me to my room, I have a gift for you—for your graduation."

Larai inwardly chuckled. What exactly did he take her for? She was no longer the naive girl he used to know. She was much wiser now. She knew exactly what his antics were and she would make sure things wouldn't go his way. "You can give it to me tomorrow. In front of your wife and children."  She emphasized her last sentence.

"Alright then. Goodnight." He turned around and began to walk away.

Larai trailed on his footsteps and slam the door, the moment he stepped out.

As fast as she could, she locked the door and heaved a deep sigh of relief.


What do you think?

Do you think Yusuf's father has really changed?

And for the last time, do you think Larai made the wrong decision by not telling Yusuf?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share ❤️


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